Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 193 Entering the Dou Ling

While Yao Wan was practicing, Xiao Yan slowly opened his eyes, and then gently exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"...Can you let me sit here for a while?"

The calm voice spread by itself. Xiao Yan raised his head in confusion and saw Nalan Yanran walking slowly.

"Miss Qingran?"

"My seat has been taken by her, and I won't be able to practice for a while."

Nalan Yanran crossed her arms, looked at the masked boy in front of her, and said.

"Miss Wan?"

Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, and then thought about how she could take the initiative to steal someone else's seat to practice.

I guess it's another of those little problems that come out of geniuses like hers, right?

Xiao Yan was somewhat worried about this.

After all, this was the first time that Miss Wan looked like this. Xiao Yan was lying to himself if he said he wasn't worried.

But he couldn't help. His talents, which were already impressive in the eyes of others, were just insignificant in front of Miss Wan.

Even Miss Wan didn't feel there was anything wrong with her, so how could he help?

"...It's not like you don't know what her temper is like, yet you're still saying it's okay."

Nalan Yanran said a little irritably.

Xiao Yan shook his head helplessly, he had guessed this.

"In that case, Miss Qingran, please take a rest at my place for now."

Xiao Yan looked at her. Although Yao Wan admitted that she and the beauty in front of him were not sisters, but had some connections, he still couldn't help but wonder who the Miss Qingran in front of him was.

But now that Qingran is here, he has no intention of continuing to practice quietly.

"By the way, last time I mentioned to Miss Qingran my experience of meeting Miss Wan. Where is Miss Qingran?"

"Don't you think of me as your sister-in-law now?"

Qingran smiled inexplicably, and that look and smile made Xiao Yan particularly embarrassed.

"Cough, cough, cough, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding..."

Xiao Yan said with some embarrassment.


Nalan Yanran snorted coldly, but she didn't take Xiao Yan's apology to heart.

"...You really want to know?"

"Shouldn't this be said to be a courtesy exchange?"

Xiao Yan asked back, Nalan Yanran thought about it and found that it was indeed the case.

"Oh well."

Nalan Yanran exhaled a breath of turbid air, and couldn't help but think about how to say something that would prevent Xiao Yan from reacting.

"The relationship between me and her is quite simple. That was something I did in a fit of rage. At first I thought she was here to seek revenge."


Xiao Yan blinked.

"So, when I first saw her, she used a name I had never heard of to treat my family members. I was scared at first..."

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan and said, "Then she came to find me."

"Although I experienced some twists and turns, she taught me when my teacher was away and taught me a lot."

"The teacher is not here...?"

Xiao Yan was stunned: "I thought Miss Wan was Miss Qingran's master."

"She did teach me a lot, and she even instilled a lot of principles on how to be a human being. But I became a teacher early, and the teacher accompanied me a lot. Even if the teacher is not as good as her, I can't change because of her." My own court."

Nalan Yanran shook her head.

"That's a long way off... All in all, after I did that thing, because of some personal factors of my own, I thought that what I did was clear and I just made the right choice."

"And she told me that there is no intrinsic conflict between right choices and wrong actions."

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan with complicated eyes, then sighed and said.

She didn't think about expressing her difficulties in front of Xiao Yan, or what the reasons were for doing this. What was right was right, and what was wrong was wrong.

She doesn't intend to confuse right and wrong. People always have to make up for the stupid things they have done blindly.

"She taught me a lot of things, including martial arts, fighting skills, fighting techniques, ways to deal with enemies... She would even tell me stories when I was exhausted."

Nalan Yanran said: "To be honest, sometimes I don't know what my life would have been like if I hadn't met her."

"Perhaps I should just stay in my own little world like myself before and immerse myself in the dream of soaring into the sky in the future."

"The promise of the sect and the flattery of the family, I have nothing to say about these things for a long time. Even if I had not been chosen by the teacher to become her disciple, I am afraid that I would not be able to decide my own marriage in the future. , can only be forced to marry a stranger whom she has never known or met."


Xiao Yan murmured something, whether he should say it or not. At this point, the words of the beauty in front of him actually entered Xiao Yan's heart.

He had already seen through the ingratiation he had received when he was a genius in the family, the loneliness he felt when he found out that he could no longer practice fighting spirit, the gossip, ridicule and ridicule from other people in the family, and the harshness of the world.

"Speaking of which, Miss Qingran's experience is similar to mine."

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath, and immediately revealed his past silence, saying: "They are just puppets bound by the so-called family. If my father and two brothers hadn't been supporting me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to do anything." It was difficult to survive those two years.”

"The family's puppet...this is an appropriate term."

Nalan Yanran rarely showed a hint of recognition, then nodded slightly, and immediately said: "Okay, no more words... I have said everything that needs to be said, are you satisfied now?"

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, shrugged and said, "I didn't expect that."

"did not think of?"

Nalan Yanran snorted, as if she was disdainful: "Do you think you are the only and special one to her?"

"...That's not necessarily the case."

Xiao Yan subconsciously denied this speculation without thinking about it, but both Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran knew very well that he was just being tough.

Xiao Yan just felt that he might be the most special one in the eyes of Miss Wan, and it was because of Xiao Yan that he met Yao Wan. Not to mention Nalan Yanran, Xiao Yan must be different from ordinary people in Yao Wan's eyes.

It's just that Nalan Yanran didn't want to admit it, while Xiao Yan was just being tough in front of others.

"...Sometimes I really don't understand."

After the awkward silence between the two lasted for a moment, Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan's clean chin and cheeks exposed under the mask he was now wearing.

"She chose to help you because she took a fancy to you."

"How do I know this?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head: "I guess we can only find out by asking her, right?"

Nalan Yanran looked at him quietly, and then nodded faintly.

It is impossible to just ask her, and even if she does ask, she may not be willing to tell the truth.

It's no use asking.

The conversation during the break came to an abrupt end. For this Miss Qingran, Xiao Yan felt that she was more like a companion than a friend. It was only because of this time that his colleagues came into contact with him.

For Nalan Yanran, all relationships with him will come to an end after the three-year contract.

Winning or losing with him was no longer important. If she had to find a reason to care about winning or losing, it would only be the promise Yaowan had given her.

Regardless of right or wrong, in the end all disputes between them will end with the three-year agreement.

For her, this was actually a relief.

In the following time, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran devoted most of their time to cultivation.

In nearly a year, the two made rapid progress.

Xiao Yan's cultivation level was unstoppable. Supported by the almost inexhaustible and huge energy of the surrounding living being crystals, he became a nine-star master in nearly a year without any bottlenecks.

Nalan Yanran was faster. She had a small realm advantage over Xiao Yan and was promoted to Dou Ling before Xiao Yan.

This also spurred Xiao Yan invisibly, making him involuntarily step up his practice.

"I think the time is almost here."

“There are still two months until the three-year appointment, so it’s almost there.”

Yao Lao said: "When you break through to Dou Ling, you can almost go to the imperial capital."

Xiao Yan nodded and then began to turn around the energy in his body.

The huge number of living crystals in the ruins of the Xiao family can be said to have given Xiao Yan a huge help.

Xiao Yan does not have any bottlenecks in his realm, so as long as he has enough energy, his cultivation speed can naturally be as fast as riding a rocket.

But now, he still needs to take advantage of the huge energy stored in the Crystal of Life, so that he can work hard to move to a higher level of fighting spirit.

It is not complicated to break through to Dou Ling. For ordinary people to reach this point, it only takes a long time to accumulate. This accumulation time can even reach several years.

The process of accumulation itself is a process of transformation. When the energy in the body breaks through the limit of what the Great Dou Master can do, the Dou Ling will naturally come naturally.

But this also proves how huge the energy required to break through this barrier is.

It's just that Xiao Yan now has countless life crystals, so the energy problem has been easily solved.

The blazing wind gradually blew in the cave, and then turned into a huge whirlpool.

Xiao Yan's eyes were closed, and he was sitting in the center of the whirlpool. Countless pure energy in the cave began to approach him at the center of the Dou Qi vortex, and then poured into his body.

The power of Xiao Yan's soul guides the energy to flow along the circumferential route of the Burning Technique. The continuous energy is like two cars running on the highway, whizzing past, and finally rushes straight into Dou Jing.

Eventually, everything fell into place.

As Xiao Yan stepped into the fighting spirit, the vortex of fighting energy was broken by Xiao Yan and turned into a violent shock wave, sweeping across the entire cave and shattering countless dimmed living crystals.

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