Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 194 That’s because I’m always by your side

Nalan Yanran naturally felt this strong impact, but before she could take any action, a faint light curtain covered her figure.

"It looks like it's almost done."

Yaowan raised her green scales and said.

"It's not too early, so I'll take you back to the capital first."

Nalan Yanran knew what Yaowan meant and nodded lightly.

Yao Wan looked at Qing Lin and said softly: "Qing Lin, I'm going to go out first. When Xiao Yan finishes practicing and comes to find me, you can tell him that I sent Miss Qingran back."


Qinglin nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's go."

From the Black Corner Territory to the Jiama Empire, it is neither far nor close.

However, for Yao Wan, it is still an easily reachable distance.

After wasting a little time, Yao Wan sent Nalan Yanran back to the imperial capital and then rushed back to the Black Corner Domain where the Xiao family's ruins were located.

But as soon as she came back, she found that most of the entire cave had collapsed, and she couldn't help but have a headache. Fortunately, she remembered to protect Qinglin with the power of her soul before leaving.

However, Xiao Yan's movement towards breaking through Dou Ling was a bit too loud.

Yaowan held her forehead, and then landed on the fragments left by the collapse of the crystal of life.

His pale golden eyes swept across his eyes, and finally caught a glimpse of two familiar figures.

"Miss Wan is back?"

When Yao Wan saw them, Xiao Yan also saw that beautiful figure, and immediately came over with Qing Lin.

"The noise of your breakthrough is not small. I didn't even know that there was such a big movement."

Yao Wan glanced around and said calmly.

"Ahem, I couldn't control it all of a sudden."

Xiao Yan scratched his head and coughed slightly.

"Forget it, that's fine. Since we don't need it here anymore, let's see if the living crystal here can grow on its own... although I think it's unlikely."

Yaowan shook his head and didn't care.

"Miss Qingran is gone?"

"Yes, I sent her back first...Why, do you miss her?"

Xiao Yan shook his head, how could he be reluctant to leave her?

"Have you lost your spirit?"


Xiao Yan nodded.

"Okay, this speed can be considered so-so."

Yaowan smiled and said, "But I don't have time to celebrate for you. Let's go to the Imperial Capital."

"Yeah, it's almost time."

Yaowan was about to say something, but suddenly she subconsciously held her head and slightly frowned her beautiful eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

When Xiao Yan saw this, his heart suddenly tightened. This was not the first time he had seen Miss Wan's little problem that occasionally appeared. He and Qingran were particularly worried about it, but they couldn't do much to help.

"...Still okay?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said, Yao Wan smiled reluctantly, and then shook her head.

"Maybe it's just the sequelae of swallowing the strange fire... After all, I'm not like you. I haven't practiced Fen Jue, so it's understandable that I will have some minor problems, right?"

"Stop saying that-"

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, but suddenly wanted to reach out and grab Yao Wan's hand.

Yao Wan didn't hide, and let his slender but rough hands tighten her delicate and fair skin, and said, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Yan remained silent and did not have the intention to savor the softness and delicacy from Yaowan's palm. Instead, he calmed down and transferred his Burning Art energy to Yaowan.

The energy of the Burning Jue entered the body, and Yao Wan's slightly frowning eyebrows slowly unfolded, but the stone in Xiao Yan's heart did not fall to the ground. He only felt that the energy of his Burning Jue was like throwing a stone into the bottomless. Like an abyss, there is no response.

"Okay, I'm fine."

Yao Wan pretended to be relaxed.

"Don't try to lie to me - I don't feel anything at all... Tsk, what on earth is going on?"

Xiao Yan frowned and said, there was no response from the Burning Jue energy, which was too strange.

"Okay - don't be distracted by me."

Yao Wan took her fingertips away from Xiao Yan's hand without leaving a trace and said.

"Look, isn't this quite effective?"

Yaowan seemed to have returned to his usual relaxed state.

"You don't have to comfort me."

Xiao Yan sighed. Even though Miss Wan said so, he was still worried. If it didn't work, he would always have to think of some more solutions.

"No more nonsense, let's go to the Imperial Capital."

With that said, Yaowan took Qinglin's hand and said, "Let's go."

Xiao Yan remained silent, and the joy brought about by his breakthrough was completely washed away.

Xiao Yan sighed softly as he felt the twisted darkness of space wrap around him.


Jia Ma Imperial Capital is now busy arranging many matters for the holding of the Alchemist Competition.

When the darkness in front of him dissipated, the outline of the imperial capital appeared in front of Xiao Yan's eyes.

"That's the capital of the Gama Empire?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but murmur that he actually didn't have much impression of this magnificent city sleeping deep in his memory.

Xiao Yan has been here before, but only once.

"First time here?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

Xiao Yan shook his head and said: "When I was a child, I once came to the Imperial Capital with my father to visit some old friends in the Imperial Capital, including... the Nalan family."

"So you met Nalan Yanran when you were a child?"

Yaowan let out a sigh.

"It's just a casual relationship. Look, I didn't recognize her even when I saw her three years ago."

"It's normal for a woman to change her age."

"Then why haven't I seen Miss Wan change?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but roll her eyes for asking such an idiotic question.

"That's because I'm always by your side, stupid."

Yao Wan's subconscious answer stunned both of them.

Both of them were confused by Yao Wan's sudden words.

...What is this? words?


Yaowan coughed heavily and pulled Xiao Yan to fly down before he could speak.

After arriving in the Imperial Capital, Xiao Yan, Yao Wan and Qing Lin went directly to the headquarters of Miter Auction House.

According to Yaowan, there are acquaintances there, and they can stay there for a while.

After entering the headquarters of Miter Auction House, Yao Wan asked Xiao Yan to wear the alchemist badge that Xiao Yan had previously tested, so as to prevent some people who looked down upon others from spoiling their mood.

However, Yaowan was overly worried. The employees of Miter Auction House were not as unpleasant as expected and received them in a polite manner.

"Please tell Mr. Hai Bodong for us that we are already here."

Xiao Yan took out the VIP card he got after cooperating with Ya Fei in Wutan City, and said in the slightly changed eyes of the employees.

But before the employee could reply, a delicate voice came from his ears: "If you want to see Mr. Hai, you can't just meet him with a VIP card, brother Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan subconsciously turned his head to look, only to see a beautiful woman dressed in red walking towards her, with a pair of charming eyes.

"Sister Yafei?"

Xiao Yan was overjoyed and said, "Why are you here?"

"Isn't that thanks to brother Xiao Yan? The deal you made with your sister when you were in Wutan City made your sister a lot of money. You have successfully completed the task targets assigned by the family, and you can be transferred back to the headquarters. "

Ya Fei couldn't help but smile as she looked at Xiao Yan, who she hadn't seen for a long time, gradually losing his youthfulness and transforming from a boy into a young man.

"Long time no see, brother Xiao Yan is getting more and more handsome."

Xiao Yan smiled, but since the medicine wand was still there, he couldn't say anything more.

Ya Fei's charming eyes caught sight of Yao Wan, who had remained silent beside Xiao Yan, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect Miss Wan to be here."

"Miss Yafei still remember me?"

Yao Wan was a little surprised. In her impression, she seemed to have only met Ya Fei once at Xiao Yan's coming-of-age ceremony, and they just nodded. She thought that Ya Fei had no impression of her at all.

Ya Fei smiled and said: "Miss Wan's appearance is beyond comparison with that of an immortal, and she has the power to overwhelm a country, which is not comparable to that of a little girl..."

As she said that, she couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan again and sighed in her heart.

These two people really look like a couple.

"Okay, let's save the words for later. Hai Lao has already given instructions. When the nobleman and brother Xiao Yan come together, I will take you to see Hai Lao first."

Ya Fei led the three people upstairs. As for who the noble man was, there was no need to guess.

But it's not that surprising that Miss Wan can actually make a powerful warrior like Hai Lao regard her as a noble person.

"Sister Yafei has started to manage the headquarters now?"

"I can't control the headquarters, but thanks to brother Xiao Yan, my sister did a good job in handling a major event some time ago. She has become an elder from the acting elder of the headquarters. I have to thank my brother for this."

"Thank me?"

Xiao Yan was confused. He had been cultivating for more than a year since he left the Tagor Desert, but he never left the house. Thank him?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at Yao Wan, asking with his eyes if he was related to Miss Wan again.

Yaowan also shrugged, how could she know?

During this period of time, she was helping Xiao Yan and Nalan. Fortunately, Qing Lin didn't need to take care of herself. Otherwise, she would have been working for three people by herself, and with this little problem, she would have been exhausted.

When going upstairs, Yafei noticed the blank eye contact between the two of them, and her doubts suddenly became clear.

At the same time, she couldn't help but be curious. If neither of them knew about it, she didn't know what their expressions would be like when they learned about it later.

She suddenly became excited.

After walking into the VIP room, Ya Fei pushed the door in and said to the middle-aged man who was sitting quietly inside the door drinking tea: "Ebi, the noble man has arrived."

"Well, let's go down."

Haibodong slowly put down the tea cup and said.

Ya Fei bowed slightly, and then whispered to Xiao Yan: "We will talk about old times later."

Then, she exited the room.

"I haven't seen you for more than a year. Miss Wan has a very good temperament."

Haibodong turned his head and said, "Sit down."

"I think Ebi is the one. Life in the imperial capital is very pleasant."

There was an inexplicable smile hidden in Yaowan's pale golden eyes.

"Congratulations to Mr. Hai for taking another step forward and becoming the Six-Star Dou Huang."

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