Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 195 I need your help if I need anything

Yao Wan's words made Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Six-star Dou Huang? Haibodong is now a six-star fighting emperor?

He remembers that Hai Bodong was just a five-star fighting emperor before, right?

He had been sealed for decades, and not long after the seal was broken, he had another breakthrough?

While Xiao Yan sighed secretly in his heart, Hai Bodong shook his head, his expression neither sad nor happy.

"It's just with the help of the Huangji Pill given by Miss Wan. It cannot be regarded as my own credit."

"I still have to thank Miss Wan."

"Ebi is so polite."

Yao Wan shook her head and chuckled: "I said, Huangji Pill is the reward, so why say thank you?"

"Besides, it seems to me that Ebi has not fully refined the medicinal properties of Huangji Pill yet, right?"

Yaowan's pale golden eyes were flashing with turquoise flames, and she said under Hai Bodong's slightly discolored expression.

Haibodong was quite surprised, could she even see this?

"Well, Miss Wan is right."

Although he was surprised, Haibodong nodded and said: "The Huangji Pill refined by Miss Wan is extremely effective. Even if I use the medicinal properties to break through to the Six-Star Dou Huang, there is still a considerable part of the medicinal properties that have not been refined. If given time, I might be able to break through to the Seven Stars by leveraging the power of this part of the medicine."

Yao Wan chuckled: "Isn't that better? Ordinary people can only break through one star with the help of the power of Huangji Dan, but Hai Lao has a chance to break through two stars. This is Hai Lao's opportunity."

Haibodong smiled and shook his head. This was the case when talking to Yaowan. They were all flattering and polite words, but they were different when spoken in different people's mouths.

Haibodong turned his eyes and caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan, who was sitting on the table opposite Yao Wan, and raised his brows involuntarily.

"Little brother Xiao Yan hasn't seen you for a year. Has he already lost his spirit?"

Hai Bodong suddenly asked.

"Well, there are many strange encounters in a year. It's just a lucky break."

Xiao Yan paused slightly with the teacup in his hand and couldn't help but smile.

"He is truly a talented person, and he will be feared by future generations."

Haibodong smiled and sighed secretly in his heart, Xiao Yan really soared into the sky.

If the rumors outside were correct, he remembered that Xiao Yan was only eighteen years old now, right?

The eighteen-year-old Dou Ling had a rare talent in the history of the Jia Ma Empire.

Coupled with that girl Wan's abilities, I'm afraid even a small Jia Ma Empire won't be able to accommodate him in the future.

Fortunately, he moves quickly enough. If a character like this moves a little slower, it will be difficult to tell what kind of relationship you will have with him in the future.

As for Yun Lanzong and Nalan Yanran who are opposing Xiao Yan... I'm afraid they won't be able to sleep well.

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion downstairs. Haibodong raised his eyebrows and subconsciously looked at Yaowan.

Yao Wan drank tea quietly and suddenly said to Xiao Yan: "Go and take a look?"

Xiao Yan didn't have any objections, so he stood up and opened the door of the VIP room.

Because their location was almost at the highest point of the Miter Auction House headquarters, Xiao Yan could easily have a panoramic view of everything downstairs.

As a result, he saw a tall and muscular man standing in front of the two people, confronting each other.

Xiao Yan lowered his gaze and saw Ya Fei standing with a familiar figure.

It was a woman with a graceful figure wearing a moon-white dress.

Even if he was just looking at the back upstairs, Xiao Yan could feel the stinging pain from the sword pointed at him from that beautiful figure, like a light on his back.

Xiao Yan frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized that it was Nalan Yanran.

Xiao Yan's eyes were a little colder, and he just continued to look at what was happening downstairs.

After watching for a while, Xiao Yan finally understood something. It seemed that the man wanted to pester Ya Fei, but he was stopped by Nalan Yanran.

The man had no choice but to retreat angrily. Nalan Yanran and Ya Fei left after saying something downstairs.

Xiao Yan crossed his arms, wondering if Nalan Yanran would ever help others?

"...Hmph, just being pretentious."

Xiao Yan snorted.

"Even if you don't deal with her, you can't directly define the other party as a heinous person, right?"

Yao Wan walked out of the door, stood beside Xiao Yan, and said.

Xiao Yan was noncommittal and just shook his head again.

Yaowan sighed softly and subconsciously raised his hand to rub his temples. Every time he thought about such troublesome things, it would give him a headache.

Xiao Yan caught a glimpse of Yao Wan's movements from the corner of his eye, and his heart tightened for no reason, so he said nothing more.

After waiting for a moment, Ya Fei walked up the stairs.

Seeing Yao Wan and Xiao Yan standing by the railing, Yafei was stunned, showed a slightly embarrassed smile, and said, "Why are you two here?"

"It's nothing important,"

Xiao Yan said indicatively: "Sister Yafei, I saw it upstairs just now. What are you...?"

Yafei sighed and turned around, revealing her exhaustion in dealing with such a period.

"It's nothing, just a small dispute."

As she said that, Yafei couldn't help but glance at the asparagus behind Xiao Yan.

If it weren't for Yao Wan, she actually hoped that Xiao Yan could help her solve this problem, but it was a pity... forget it.

"Is this also called a minor dispute?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said.

"Okay, my silly brother, Sister Yi Yafei is not that fragile. She has experienced so many storms in the auction house, and she won't be in danger if she encounters any trouble."

Yafei smiled bitterly. Even so, she could only comfort herself now.

Xiao Yan was about to speak, but Yao Wan suddenly said: "By the way, Xiao Yan, I still have some things to talk to Hai Lao about. If there is nothing else, why not bother Miss Ya Fei to lead the way and send you to your residence first?"

Ya Fei was slightly startled, and then her eyes when she looked at Yao Wan couldn't help but change.

Is she planning to help herself?

As a person who can inevitably deal with all kinds of people at the Miter Auction House, Yafei naturally saw at a glance that Yaowan was clearly intending to do something for her and Xiao. Leave some space for private communication.

A hint of gratitude for her could not help but appear in her eyes, but Yaowan turned sideways and avoided her grateful gaze.

For Yaowan, this is naturally not something worthy of gratitude. For her, it is nothing more than a simple effort.

What's more, the way Ya Fei thanked her so much felt like she was asking for the palace's permission... which was a bit too strange.

Yao Wan gently pressed her temples and immediately walked back to the VIP room, leaving Xiao Yan and Ya Fei in the aisle to look at each other awkwardly.

"Forget it... Then I'd better trouble Sister Yafei to make one more trip."

Xiao Yan shook his head. He didn't know what Miss Wan was thinking, but he had to say that most of the time, Yao Wan could always fit in with his thoughts no matter what she did, which somewhat flattered him.

But Ya Fei couldn't help but smile and said: "Miss Wan is so considerate, doesn't it make it easy for brother Xiao Yan to come here?"

"Sister Yafei, what are you talking about..."

Xiao Yan was touched in his heart, but he still shook his head.

"Haha, brother Xiao Yan is thin-skinned, so we can wait until we get there and then talk slowly?"

Yafei giggled, Xiao Yan didn't know what to say, so he had to follow her downstairs first. After leaving the Miter Auction House headquarters, he detoured into a quiet alley in the bustling streets of the Imperial Capital. .

Ya Fei stepped forward and opened the door of one of the courtyards. As she walked in, she said, "This is also one of the Miter family's properties. It is specially used to receive distinguished guests who come to the imperial capital."

Xiao Yan glanced at this quiet courtyard. Although it was not magnificent, as a place to stay, it had to be said that it was indeed a good place.

"It's really good."

Xiao Yan nodded slightly, but he did not greet Yafei too much, and quickly got to the point: "Okay, let's not say these polite words. Sister Yafei, just now at Miter Auction House, you and Na What happened to Lan Yanran?"

When Ya Fei heard Xiao Yan's question, her expression suddenly turned bitter and she said, "Don't mention it, it's still because of that Mu Zhan."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he heard this surname: "Mu Zhan? Mu family?"

Xiao Yan was naturally referring to the Mu family, which was juxtaposed with the Nalan and Miter families. The family had a strong family tradition and a strong military force. They were people that no one wanted to mess with.

"Yes, he came back from the northwest some time ago. I originally went to Wutan City just to avoid him."

Yafei crossed her arms and said with a bit of embarrassment: "I am really scared of being pestered by him. I can't beat him away, and I can't even listen to scolding. I originally thought he would be able to stay away for two days no matter what this time." , but I didn’t expect him to come to the door again so soon.”

"If Nalan Yanran hadn't come to help this time, it would have been inevitable for the headquarters to follow suit."

Hearing the happiness in Yafei's mouth, Xiao Yan subconsciously murmured: "Nalan Yanran."

Hearing Xiao Yan's murmur, Yafei naturally understood the entanglement between him and Nalan Yanran in front of her and sighed softly.

Xiao Yan noticed Yafei's reaction and couldn't help but said: "It's okay, Sister Yafei, I won't take such a trivial matter to my heart."

"As for that Mu Zhan, as long as I meet him once, I will deal with him until he no longer bothers Sister Yafei."

After receiving Xiao Yan's promise, Ya Fei was overjoyed and said, "If this is the case, then I really have to thank you, brother Xiao Yan."

"It's okay, there's no need for any thanks between us."

Xiao Yan waved his hand and said immediately.

"But Sister Yafei, there is something I may need your help with."

Naturally, Concubine Ya would not agree to what Xiao Yan said, not to mention that Xiao Yan was willing to help her solve this troublesome matter this time.

"Brother Xiao Yan, no matter what, as long as I can help, I will never refuse."

"Well, it's actually not that important."

Xiao Yan said: "I just don't know if there are any soul-nurturing treasures here? I can be of great use."

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