"Spirit Fusion Pill—Spirit Fusion Pill..."

When he returned to his residence, Xiao Yan was still a little moved.

As a result, he happened to see a pretty girl in Tsing Yi fetching water in the yard.

When she saw Xiao Yan, her beautiful emerald eyes couldn't help but curve into a pair of beautiful crescent moons.

"Master Xiao Yan is back?"

"Well, where is Miss Wan? Are you still practicing?"

As he said that, Xiao Yan glanced at the peaceful room. He didn't feel any fluctuations in fighting spirit, nor did he feel any mental disturbance. This inexplicable silent atmosphere made Xiao Yan very worried.

"The young lady never came out. When she went in, she told Master Xiao Yan not to look for her specifically."

"That's it - okay then."

"Qing Lin, please rest early. We can just leave these things to ourselves later."


Although she was worried, Yaowan didn't want to disturb her, so she went back to another room by herself.

Although he could not see Miss Wan, Xiao Yan did not take any time off.

"...Spirit Melting Pill, a pill to repair soul wounds..."

Sensitively grasping a few key words, Xiao Yan's heart gradually began to beat violently.

He couldn't help but said: "Teacher, what do you think?"

"Do you want to make a spirit-melting pill for the girl and send it to her?"

Yao Lao is so smart. Just by looking at Xiao Yan's appearance, you can tell what he is thinking.


Xiao Yan doesn't need to explain much. What's more, his relationship with the teacher doesn't need to be explained. Even the doctor knows what he farts.

"This... is good."

Yao Lao naturally knew what Xiao Yan was thinking, and he also knew whether the elixir would be useful for the little problem Yao Wan had now. However, even if he told the truth, he probably wouldn't be able to stop Xiao Yan.

There is no way, Mrs. Yao understands her stupid apprentice. Although she has never had a chance to show it, Xiao Yan's self-esteem has always been quite strong.

This is not just limited to his resoluteness when facing Nalan Yanran, it is the same for Yao Wan.

Yaowan was so kind to him and thought of him in every good thing.

But Xiao Yan couldn't help him in any way.

Even though Yao Wan never said a word from beginning to end, Xiao Yan actually kept it silently in his heart.

He is definitely not a man who is willing to hide behind women all his life.

Even that woman was standing on top of the world.

But this does not mean that he can accept her hand on him with peace of mind. This makes Xiao Yan's conscience uneasy and he cannot accept such feelings.

What needs to be paid unilaterally is never what he expects.

So Yao Lao had no intention of stopping Xiao Yan, so it wouldn't be a bad thing if he could at least do something for the girl.

In addition, true love is often the most touching thing.

It's just that this naturally makes it inconvenient for Yao Lao to talk too much. After all, it will be useless after saying it.

Just when Yao Lao was chatting with Xiao Yan, a scent with a scent spread like a snake along Xiao Yan's body.

Xiao Yan's black eyes reflected a brilliant rainbow color.

Then, a beautiful figure appeared behind him.

"Huh... um..."

Following a burst of breath that made Xiao Yan's bones hit the back of Xiao Yan's neck directly, a wisp of fragrant wind hit him, giving people a sweet illusion.

However, all this strangeness set off alarm bells in Xiao Yan's heart, and his whole body was as cold as if he had been thrown into an ice cave in winter.

"Queen Medusa...!"

Xiao Yan quickly turned around and looked warily at the coquettish beauty who suddenly woke up in front of him.

"Huh? Are you the human who is following that woman?"

Although the tone was questioning, because of the colorful sky-swallowing python, Queen Medusa was actually no stranger to Xiao Yan.

After all, Xiao Yan was taking care of her these days, and thanks to Xiao Yan, the colorful sky-swallowing python had a good time eating the crystal of living things in the Xiao family's secret realm in the past few days.


Xiao Yan's heart was beating rapidly in his chest. Even though Yao Wan had told him before that he didn't have to worry about Queen Medusa, when a murderous Douzong stood in front of him, Xiao Yan said he wasn't nervous because he was Lie to yourself.

Queen Medusa also ignored Xiao Yan. To her, Xiao Yan was just a little ant on the ground, and it would be meaningless to her to trample him to death.

What concerned her even more was that woman——

Queen Medusa raised her head slightly and subconsciously looked out the window of the room. Qinglin's delicate figure in the quiet little courtyard was particularly eye-catching.

"Blue Snake with Three Flowered Eyes?"

Queen Medusa let out a light sigh, a trace of fear flashed in her eyes, but she immediately saw that Qinglin was just a person who had just begun to accumulate fighting energy in her body. Even the fighting spirit was not an ordinary little girl, and he had no regard for her. No threat.

No matter how terrifying the Blue Snake's three-flowered pupils are, it's useless if you don't know how to use them.

"Where's that woman?"

"Miss Wan is resting, you can't see her now."

Xiao Yan said that this seemed to be the first time he had faced a strong Douzong master who was hostile to him.

"Can't you see it? That's not your decision, humans..."

Queen Medusa snorted and was about to take action, but before the Yao Lao standing next to Xiao Yan could move, she felt something abnormal in her body that was not obeying her orders.

"How is this going?"

Queen Medusa opened her beautiful eyes wide. This was the first time she encountered such a situation, and she looked a little unbelievable.

Xiao Yan immediately reacted, that was the countermeasure left by Miss Wan earlier.

Queen Medusa couldn't help but frown. Naturally, she couldn't accept such a ridiculous thing.

"What did you do to me? Human?!"

"...That was Miss Wan's backup plan. She placed a restraint on you and couldn't take action against me."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, but he didn't choose to hide it, but as soon as he finished speaking, Queen Medusa said angrily: "Human - you dare to control me!"

"This is not control, it is just a means of self-protection."

Xiao Yan frowned. He did not force Queen Medusa to do anything because of the existence of this restriction.

"Think about it carefully. You are the queen of the Snake Tribe and you have never dealt with humans. How can we safely keep you by our side without any defense?"

Xiao Yan said: "I don't intend to use this restriction to force you to do anything. How about you and I continuing to live in peace and harmony?"

Queen Medusa sneered and said: "A mere human being fighting spirits dares to negotiate terms with me...that's not right."

She originally wanted to threaten Xiao Yan into submission, but she realized that something was wrong with Xiao Yan.

The last time I saw him, he seemed to be just a low-level fighting master. In just over a year, he has become a fighting spirit?

What magical medicine did this human being take to make him grow so fast?

Queen Medusa subconsciously felt that something was not right.

"What's going on with your cultivation?"

"The queen doesn't need to worry about this."

Xiao Yan only felt that Queen Medusa probably had no good intentions now. He shook his head gently. He and Queen Medusa were getting along well. It was just because of the compulsory restriction set by Yao Wan. If not, I'm afraid, Xiao Yan would die if he said the wrong thing.

"...Hmph, you can do whatever you want with me."

Queen Medusa thought for a moment. The woman didn't know where she was hiding now, maybe she was watching her. Now that she was restrained and controlled by this human being, the top priority was to get rid of the control as soon as possible.

"Promise me, give me a Fusion Spirit Pill, and I can live with you in peace."

Xiao Yan knew exactly what Queen Medusa was thinking, and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Queen, negotiation requires capital."

Xiao Yan's meaning couldn't be more obvious. At this moment, he was a swordsman and she was a fish. Although it was not to the point of being slaughtered by others, it could be regarded as passive.

Queen Medusa was already in a passive situation, but she still said it as if she was giving an order. Xiao Yan was not from the Snake Tribe, and the clay man was still very angry. Naturally, Xiao Yan was not willing to listen to such an order. style tone.

"So what do you want?"

"It's very simple. I'm not unwilling to give you the Spirit Fusion Pill, but this is both a promise and a transaction, and transactions require real things in exchange."

Xiao Yan said: "I will give you the Spirit Fusion Pill, but you need to protect me, how about it?"

"You already have that woman, but you still don't think it's enough?"

Queen Medusa only found it incredible. Although she hated that woman, she had to admit that that woman was indeed ridiculously strong. Even if she transformed into a colorful sky-swallowing python, she would not be her opponent.

"Ahem - for an alchemist, the more helpers and bodyguards, the better."

It's just that Queen Medusa didn't pay much attention to it. The speaker was unintentional and the listener was intentional. Her words sounded particularly strange to Xiao Yan.

Why do you say that he seems to be a greedy scumbag who likes to have trouble but always gives up...

And hearing Xiao Yan's answer, Queen Medusa could only comfort herself in her heart that this was just a temporary measure, and it would be of no benefit to her if he died before the Spirit Fusion Pill was obtained.

However, the bigger factor is that she has no way to take action now, her body does not listen to her own soothing at all, and she may be able to try to resist after being restrained, but for some reason, even the colorful sky-swallowing python in her body The soul is also restless.

Forget it, she didn't help herself resist this damn restriction. Instead, she prevented her from attacking the human in front of her - which side are you from?

Queen Medusa could only curse in her heart for eating everything inside, but she had to make a choice.

"...Then you have to find a decent opponent. If any cat or dog wants to call me out, I will never let you off lightly!"

In this way, the deal was concluded. Queen Medusa's graceful figure turned into a piece of pink particles, which hit him directly and disappeared with the wind.

Only a cold touch came from Xiao Yan's wrist, and a small colorful snake skillfully climbed up Xiao Yan's body.

Looking at Xiao Yan, it couldn't help but rub against Xiao Yan's fingertips.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but exhale.

"Little guy, you really scared me to death..."

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