Xiao Yan stared blankly at the colorful snake wrapped around his wrist. He couldn't help exhaling a breath, then sighed softly and said.

It would be a lie to say that he is not scary, but he is a Douzong strongman, and he is also a Douzong strongman who is obviously hostile to him! Xiao Yan said he was not afraid and even he didn't believe it.

But just being afraid is useless. Being afraid will not make the enemy pity you.

So turn fear into strength.

Xiao Yan's pretending to sigh did make him relax. For him, he was almost used to such a tense and exciting life.

Fortunately, I have a big heart, otherwise it would be hard to say. I would be scared to death every day.

Just as Xiao Yan was gradually relaxing his nerves in the room and preparing to go to bed to practice, Yao Lao said, "Are you really going to do this Queen Medusa's request?"

"Then the Spirit Fusion Pill, do you really plan to give it to her?"

There was a bit of solemnity in Yao Lao's tone. Queen Medusa was different from Xiao Yan's other previous troubles. Not only was she the first Dou Zong strongman that Xiao Yan had encountered, but she had also been with Xiao Yan. Staying next to you is like a poisonous snake that might bite you from time to time.

However, Xiao Yan really doesn't know if the colorful sky-swallowing python is just a venomous snake. Thinking about it, it is so powerful that it flies away, so it probably isn't it, right?

Xiao Yan quietly sat on the bed, crossed his legs, and began to prepare for practice.

The energy of Burning Jue circulates around the sky from his body, breathing in the fighting spirit here.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Yan said, "Why don't you give it to me? Queen Medusa can't threaten me anyway."

"According to my guess, Queen Medusa most likely wants to completely complete the fusion of her soul with the colorful sky-swallowing python through the Spirit Fusion Pill, and use this as a basis to break the restriction that the girl has placed on her and cannot take action against you. ...Although I am not completely sure whether her method is feasible, if nothing happens, she will be able to transform freely by then, and her body will be completely back under her control."

"Even if the restriction is still in place at that time, a Dou Zong who doesn't have the same heart as you after all... This is too dangerous."

The assumptions given by Yao Lao also indicate his views and positions.

Xiao Yan thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Let's take it one step at a time. To be honest, I'm a little unsure about how to treat Queen Medusa now. It's definitely not okay to do whatever you want to her just because she has a restriction. Yes, even my death will not be enough in the future."

"But it's not a problem to just leave her alone all the time. Miss Wan can't protect me all the time. I will probably have to solve this problem myself."

Xiao Yan's words made Yao Lao nod slightly. It seemed that his apprentice was not spoiled by the girl's constant care. This was a good thing.

"In my opinion, it is better to give her the Spirit Fusion Pill. As for the next step, maybe I will inevitably need to have some contact with her. Teacher, you also said that a Queen Medusa who is not of the same mind as me is really too dangerous. , but what if she is willing to help me? It is not out of the threat of the ban, but out of her own will, so that I can get the help of a strong Douzong person."

Yao Lao nodded. He admitted that what Xiao Yan said was reasonable, but he still couldn't agree with it.

"Are you serious? Queen Medusa is the queen of the Snake Tribe. What kind of deep hatred do the Snake Tribe and humans have? You will know just by looking at the little girl named Qinglin in the yard - do you think she is such an arrogant person? Will people choose to help us?”

"No matter how arrogant you are, you still have to eat the fireworks of the world."

Xiao Yan smiled and shook his head and explained: "Teacher, you said at the beginning that snake people are feminine, and there are already very few snake people with fire attributes. How about fire and wood snake people?"

As soon as Xiao Yan said this, Yao Lao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "You mean, there are no alchemists in the snake tribe?"

"For a person who can become a sixth-grade alchemist or even a seventh-grade alchemist in the future, I think Queen Medusa will not be in a hurry to kill people as soon as she gets the first pill."

As he spoke, Xiao Yan reached out with a smile and pulled out the colorful snake that was about to fall asleep from his sleeve, and rolled it into a round snake cake in the palm of his hand.

The colorful little snake's dim and full sleepy eyes gradually regained their vitality, and then looked up at Xiao Yan in confusion. It was not angry because Xiao Yan disturbed its rest, but took the initiative to rub Xiao Yan's fingertips from its head.

Seeing that the colorful little snake was so well-behaved, Xiao Yan, who had gradually realized the joy of raising Pokémon, naturally could not be stingy, so he took out a small jade bottle from the ring, dropped two drops of the accompanying amethyst source, and poured it into the The palm of his hand made the excited little snake very happy.

"You can tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal, right? Little one?"

Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"You mean that Queen Medusa may not want to kill you in the future, but will want you to be used by her?"

Yao Lao understood what Xiao Yan meant and couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it's just a guess in the end. I just think it's not easy for the Snake Tribe to produce an alchemist. The birth of a high-level alchemist is even more difficult than the birth of the next generation of Medusa in the Snake Tribe. The Queen is still in trouble, now that there is an opportunity in front of her, she may not really come when she says she will."

Xiao Yan explained: "After all, in the harsh mountains and rivers of the Tagor Desert, the snake people have not integrated with other forces and races, so they have been content for this period of time. This... is really not necessarily the case."

The companion amethyst source in his hand was almost eaten, and the colorful little snake in Xiao Yan's hand burped with purple fire. He was full of wine and food, and felt sleepy. He didn't choose any place, and just burped in Xiao Yan's hand. Yanshou lowered his head and fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao Yan gently touched the head of the colorful little snake and said at the same time: "So, the next Fusion of Spirit Pill may not be just a simple transaction between me and Queen Medusa, but it may also be my certificate of submission to the She proved my worth.”

"At that time, there will be no need to use so-called prohibitions to forcibly restrain her in the transaction between us."

Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan at this moment. For some reason, he just felt a little inexplicable and suddenly laughed.

Xiao Yan heard Yao Lao's laughter and couldn't help but raise his head: "What's wrong, teacher, do you think what I said is wrong?"


Hearing this, Yao Lao temporarily suppressed his laughter, but said: "Although the hypothesis you mentioned seems a bit risky to me, it may be worth a try."

"As for why I'm laughing...do you know who you looked like just now?"

"Huh? Who?"

This time it was Xiao Yan's turn to look stunned.

"Of course it's the girl."

Yao Lao laughed, and Xiao Yan blinked. He looks like Miss Wan...can't he?

In the Imperial City, a dark shadow had been silent for a long time. It seemed that the time had come, and it hid in the shadows of the surrounding things and moved closer to the courtyard where Xiao Yan and the others were.

Just when he was about to approach the courtyard, the infiltrator thought that maybe her practice in recent days had reached the next bottleneck, and her soul perception had been restrained. However, just when he was about to take a step further, the voice he had been wary of Suddenly there was a sound behind him.

"I'm really not feeling well these past two days, but I'm not dead—!"

The sweet voice inevitably contained a bit of touched anger. When the voice came, the body of the person hiding in the shadow shook violently, trying his best to resist the sudden fluctuation of his soul.

"How many times have I told you, if you want it, just grab it yourself. What's the point of putting an informant here? Control? Does she treat me as a dead person?!"

Yaowan's voice was rarely filled with anger, and as her soul fluctuated, the figure hiding in the shadow could no longer hold it back and had to groan.


Yaowan's voice came from all directions, and the infiltrator who had always remained silent had no choice but to finally speak: "Ling Ying has no choice but to complete the young lady's order."

"——Oh, he's not dead yet."

Yao Wan's tone gradually returned to the calmness of the past, but the gaze that came from nowhere looked at Ling Ying, who in her eyes was no different from an upright person standing on the street, and said: "I haven't seen you showing up some time ago. Originally, I thought it was about time for her to give up...but...hum."

"Miss is worried about Master Xiao Yan... Miss Wan, don't blame me."

Ling Ying had no choice but to explain, but before he could say the word "medicine" in his mouth, he felt that the space around him seemed to be shrinking, so he could only change his words temporarily.

"Worried? What are you worried about me for?"

Yao Wan was amused by Ling Ying's words: "She had the nerve to say what she was worried about? Why didn't she worry when Xiao Yan narrowly escaped death? Why didn't she worry when I found the strange fire for him? Huh?"

Ling Ying had no choice but to deal with it by pretending to be deaf and mute. After all, this was originally the fault of the young lady. It was not convenient for him to speak, and everyone was wrong.

"——That's all, it's all in vain to talk to you, a doormat."

Soon, Yao Wan gradually controlled her emotions.

"By the way, doesn't she like to know how Xiao Yan is doing lately?"

Ling Ying looked up, he was shocked, and another healing potion fell on his head.

"Then just say—Xiao Yan has almost forgotten about her—how about that?"

Yao Wan's words made Ling Ying's mouth twitch slightly. Even with the young lady's temper, she would probably be furious after hearing such a provocation.

Having said that, the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan has been at odds with the young lady from the beginning. If she were to say this, the young lady would probably be...

Ling Ying couldn't help but shook his head. This was not something he could solve. He had better retreat first and inform the lady of the situation here——

Ling Ying knew that Yao Wan had no intention of keeping him at all, so she took the healing medicine and left immediately.

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