Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 200 Uncle Xiao Zhan, long time no see

Yao Wan really had no interest in keeping Ling Ying. Xiao Xun'er's eyeliner was of course completely useless to her. Even if it was placed in front of her eyes, it would only be an eyesore.

Feeling that Ling Ying's aura was indeed moving away from the imperial capital, Yao Wan exhaled a breath of turbidity.

She just feels a little tired now.

After all, he was busy taking care of Xiao Yan and Nalan some time ago, and he had just cultivated his strange fire, but then he turned around and fell into this problem again. It is not surprising that Yao Wan is upset now.

As a result, at this moment, Ling Ying still dared to show up. Now that she has gradually regained her usual calmness, she couldn't help but sigh that she had an unexpectedly good temper. She was so angry that she didn't even slap him to death.

But having said that, he seemed to show abnormal anger towards Ling Ying's extravagant behavior, which even surprised him.

She should have behaved more calmly and calmly. Even if she was angry, she might not be as furious as she was just now.

Is it because you didn't get a good rest during this period?

Yao Wan couldn't help but help her forehead.

There was no way around it. There were too many things to consider, not to mention that the three-year appointment was approaching and Xiao Yan was about to join the Yunlan Sect. None of these things could save her for the time being. The snack thing.

Having said that, she originally thought that she could control her emotions, but now it seems that she has no way to avoid it.

Yaowan sighed softly, closed her pale golden eyes again, closed her eyes and adjusted her breathing.

Xiao Yan naturally didn't know the series of trivial things that happened around him.

Now he only focused on participating in the alchemist conference and helping Nalan Jie detoxify.

The next day, Xiao Yan went to the Alchemist Guild to register.

Then he continued to go to Nalan's house to help Nalan Jie detoxify.

With the poisonous fire of the nether world, it was only a matter of time for him to remove the poison from Nalan Jie. In fact, Xiao Yan did not want to have more interactions with the Nalan family. He helped Nalan Jie remove the poison several times. He left in a hurry without even taking a sip of tea.

Nalan Su and Nalan Jie only thought that Xiao Yan, who was born in the sect of a reclusive master, did not want to have any more interactions with them, but he never gave up his goodwill.

After learning the truth, Nalan Yanran was not surprised. Based on her understanding of Xiao Yan, if he was willing to hang around Nalan's house with nothing to do, then he would not be Xiao Yan.

Based on her understanding of Xiao Yan, the interaction between Nalan Yanran and him was relatively normal. However, compared with the ordinary acquaintance of nodding, the relationship between the two seemed to need no words. The tacit understanding made Xiao Yan's doubts deepen.

"Okay, let's stop here today. After tomorrow, we should be almost healed."

Xiao Yan said without changing his expression under the mask.

"Thank you for your hard work, little brother Yan Xiao, why don't you go after eating today?"

"No, I have other things to do, so I won't keep you company."

Xiao Yan shook his head, while Nalan Jie secretly sighed, why is this young man even more slippery than some old guys, yet he refuses to accept any benefits from the Nalan family.

"Then I'd better give Brother Yan Xiao a gift."

Xiao Yan didn't refuse too much, so he walked out of the inner room with Nalan Jie.

"Why don't you see Miss Nalan today?"

The peripheral vision swept around without leaving a trace, but did not see the usual beautiful figure. Xiao Yan could not help but frown slightly under the mask and asked subconsciously.

Could it be that he went back to Yunlan Sect?

After all, the three-year appointment is coming soon, so it doesn't seem to be a particularly surprising thing for her to return to the sect to make more preparations.

After hearing Xiao Yan's question, Nalan Jie was startled, but couldn't help but secretly thought, thinking that although this young man was trained to be so mature by his teacher, it is often said that a hero has a hard time with a beautiful woman. Got some good impressions?

"Yanran went out, but I think she just had something to do and didn't leave home."

Nalan Jie explained, Xiao Yan just nodded slightly, but said nothing more.

As a result, Nalan Jie had just sent Xiao Yan to the small courtyard when he saw Nalan Yanran and another handsome young man walking in.

Xiao Yan saw her, and he was also caught in Nalan Yanran's eyes. Their eyes met at this moment, and then moved away without leaving a trace.

"Mr. Yan Xiao came so early today? I originally thought you would come in the afternoon."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but say.

"I need to participate in the preliminary round today. Time is tight. It's better to solve it as soon as possible."

Xiao Yan shook his head, but the natural conversation between the two of them, as if they were old friends, could not help but make others look at him.

Nalan raised his eyebrows discreetly. This was really strange. When had he ever seen his granddaughter talking to others with such a tone and attitude?

The handsome man standing next to Nalan Yanran's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he smiled and said: "Yanran, who is this?"

"This is Mr. Yan Xiao, he was the one who cured my grandfather of the brand poison."

Nalan Yanran glanced at Xiao Yan, and now it became more and more comfortable for her to call him Yan Xiao in front of others.

"Mr. Yan Xiao, this is Liu Ling, my friend."

"Nice to meet you."

Xiao Yan caught a glimpse of Nalan Yanran's eyes looking at him, and suddenly understood something, and nodded slightly.

The handsome man named Liu Ling looked at Xiao Yan who was wearing a mask and said, "Mr. Yan Xiao is also here to participate in this alchemist conference?"

"I was passing by the Imperial Capital on business, and I just happened to catch up, so I came to join in the fun and see the outside world."

Xiao Yan said calmly that he didn't want to engage in useless nonsense with Liu Ling, so he just said a few more polite words and left in a hurry.

"It's better that I see Mr. Yan Xiao off."

When Xiao Yan came, Nalan Yanran went out with Xiao Yan. Naturally, Nalan Jie would not stop her, but Liu Ling looked behind and felt something was not right.

When walking towards the door of Nalan's house, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but sigh.

Xiao Yan wanted to ignore it, but the inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart caused him to say involuntarily: "What's wrong? Is Miss Nalan also having troubles?"

"It's not really an annoyance, just some entangled trivial matters."

Xiao Yan raised his eyes: "Will the young master of Yunlan Sect also have troubles?"

"Mr. Yan Xiao is just joking, so what about the young master of Yunlan Sect? Isn't he still a human being?"

Nalan Yanran shook her head, but thought that the relationship between her and Xiao Yan was not enough to talk about these things, so she stopped in time.


Xiao Yan was silent until Nalan Yanran sent him to the gate and said: "Okay, there is no need to send Miss Nalan away. I have something else to do, so I won't keep you company."

Immediately, without waiting for Nalan Yanran to say anything, Xiao Yan left Nalan's house.

Nalan Yanran also knew that Xiao Yan had a grudge against the Nalan family, which was normal. Rather, Nalan Yanran was quite surprised that he was still willing to talk to her.

At the same time, a burst of footsteps came from behind.


"What's wrong?"

Nalan Yanran sighed secretly in her heart and immediately turned to look at Liu Ling.

"Does this rock owl really have strange fire?"

"That's natural."

Nalan Yanran said that no matter how complicated her feelings towards Xiao Yan were, she was a person who was trained by Yao Wan and could not be criticized by others.

"Okay, I still have some things to do, so I won't keep you company."

Nalan Yanran shook her head and left immediately before Liu Ling could speak.

"Wait, Yanran——"

Seeing Nalan Yanran's hurried away figure, Liu Ling opened her mouth, feeling bitter in her heart.

At the same time, Nalan Jie walked out of the small courtyard.

His gray eyebrows couldn't help but raise.


Outside the imperial capital, a team of chariots and horses came from the west gate.

"Master, we have arrived at the imperial capital."

The attendant walking in front turned to look at the middle-aged man behind him and said.

"Well, I haven't been here for more than ten years."

A trace of trance flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man. The last time he came to the imperial capital was an old friend who brought his family to visit the imperial capital more than ten years ago.

I just didn't expect that this visit to the imperial capital would be because of the three-year agreement between Yan'er and Nalan Yanran.

The relationship between the original in-laws has turned into this relationship, which is really sad.

Xiao Zhan shook his head and drove these thoughts out of his mind.

"Let's go into town."

After being invited by the Miter family to come to the imperial capital, Xiao Zhan naturally only came to see his son and future daughter-in-law. As for the three-year agreement, Xiao Zhan didn't care much.

Anyway, that girl from the Nalan family didn't cause any actual harm or loss to the Xiao family. The original breakup of the engagement didn't cause any waves because of Miss Wan'er's presence.

Naturally, he was too lazy to pursue these issues left over from the previous generation.

It was just that they entered the city and just went to find an inn to stay when Xiao Zhan looked up and saw the grand Nalan Mansion on Ximen Avenue in the imperial capital.

He was about to stop the attendant from changing to an inn on the street, but before he could say anything, he heard a sweet whisper coming from the hustle and bustle of the street.

"Uncle Xiao Zhan?"

Xiao Zhan followed the sound with some surprise, and happened to see a beautiful woman in a moon-white dress walking not far away.

Looking at this strange beauty, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but wonder. He didn't remember knowing such a girl.

"Girl, do you know me?"

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but said, his words also made the beauty in front of him slightly stunned. He must have not seen her for three years. He has changed a lot, and others can't recognize him, right?

"Nalan Yanran has met Uncle Xiao Zhan - we haven't seen him for three years, but Uncle Xiao Zhan is in high spirits."

As a result, Nalan Yanran's words made Xiao Zhan's expression stiffen. He was so shocked that he looked at a girl who was completely different from three years ago.

"Miss Nalan... I haven't seen her for three years. She has really changed a lot."

Xiao Zhan looked at Nalan Yanran in front of him with complicated eyes, knowing that he could not escape this situation, he sighed softly and said.

When he saw Nalan Mansion just now, he subconsciously felt that it shouldn't be here, but before he could finish speaking, the real owner came to the door.

He shook his head slightly.

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