When Xiao Yan heard the name of the mysterious powerful man from Nalan Jie, he was inevitably stunned for a moment.

"The Medicine Fairy who is famous in the northwest continent is said to be not only a mysterious and powerful person, but also an alchemist who can make the flesh and bones of the living dead."

Nalan Jie and Nalan Su looked at Xiao Yan's stunned expression and couldn't help but look at each other and said, "Brother Yan Xiao, what's wrong?"

"-No, it's nothing."

Xiao Yan came to his senses immediately after hearing the two voices, and then quickly returned to his usual calm state.

"It turns out to be the rumored Medicine Fairy. If so, it's not a surprise."

Xiao Yan shook his head slightly and then said.

"Is it possible that little brother Yan Xiao knows that Medicine Fairy?"

Xiao Yan did act a little abnormal when he heard Yaoxianzi's name, and Nalan Jie couldn't help but ask.


Xiao Yan shook his head and said: "He is a powerful man who is famous throughout the northwest continent. How can I, a man from the mountains, know such a big shot?"

"I see."

Nalan Jie thought about it and nodded lightly.

After chatting, Xiao Yan clasped his fists and said, "Okay, I still need to attend the Alchemist Conference today, so I won't bother you here."

"Is that natural, or is the Alchemist Conference more important?"

Nalan Jie smiled and said, "By the way, little brother Yan Xiao, I'll give you a million dollars for your dinner at my Nalan family tomorrow night."

"My master, you're welcome."

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Then it's better to be respectful than to obey."

After saying that, Xiao Yan left Nalan Mansion.

But now that Qihuan Qingling Saliva has been obtained, Xiao Yan does not feel how happy he is, but more confused.

Medicine Fairy - Will there be a second Medicine Fairy in this world?

I don't think so.

Miss Wan has been to Nalan Mansion and even treated Nalan Jie two years ago.

Of course, this is nothing, even Xiao Yan will not have any resentment towards Miss Wan because of this kind of thing.

But that's not the point at all.

But the relationship between Miss Wan and Nalan Yanran.

In these days of getting along, he always felt that Nalan Yanran was inexplicably familiar, but why he was familiar with her, he couldn't explain.

But now, he probably knows what this is all about.

If Miss Wan came into contact with Nalan Yanran a long time ago, then all this would be explained.

But now he still needs to find himself to verify it.

It's too late today - let's wait for the Nalan family banquet tomorrow night.

Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbidity. Although all these things were explained at once, he could not help but feel that his mind was like a mess after suddenly understanding so many things. He didn't know how to sort it out for a while, so he just shook his head and then looked at Walk towards the Alchemist Guild.

When Yao Lao saw this, he knew that there was no need for him to enlighten Xiao Yan.


At Miter Auction House Headquarters, Yao Wan did not do anything to Hai Bodong in the end.

But even so Yao Wan was still very angry.

Hai Bodong silently took a sip of the already cold tea to calm down his shock.

To be honest, when he saw Yao Wan walking in with a murderous look on his face, he grabbed his collar with two hands and lifted him up from his seat, showing no sign of a weak woman, he really thought that he was I'm afraid I'm going to die here.

But in the end, Yao Wan quickly calmed down and let Hai Bodong go before he could make any excuse.

After all, she actually knew what Haibodong was thinking - but she was just making the earliest investment before others could react. For a business family, it was not something particularly difficult to understand.

For Xiao Yan, there is no harm in accepting such overtures and investments. After all, he will always establish his own power in the future, and just relying on the Xiao family is naturally not enough.

There are not enough cronies around him, and most of the forces surrounding him have ulterior motives. In comparison, the Haibodong and Miter families are trustworthy.

Therefore, Yao Wan does not have much objection to the fact that the Xiao family will stand on the same front as the Miter family, and there is no opinion at all——

What made her angry was that Hai Bodong actually used her name to act, that's all.

He was blatantly showing favor to the Xiao family directly, so she could just follow the trend and push Hai Bodong to Xiao Yan. They would definitely get along anyway.

Unexpectedly, Haibodong actually gave her a big surprise.


Yao Wan snorted coldly, today she had to remind what should be reminded, and what should be warned was also warned. She was too lazy to pursue anything further, so she hurried back.

Now she is most worried about one thing, Xiao Zhan.

She is really afraid of this old man. She is afraid that if Xiao Zhan touches Xiao Yan's ears because of this matter, then she will be completely ruined. She will not be able to live in peace in the next period of time. .

There are so many good women in this world, why do you have to worry about her...


In today's alchemist conference, Xiao Yan was still the alchemist who produced the elixir the fastest, and the quality of the elixir was still the best.

These glorious achievements attracted the attention and attention of everyone present.

Xiao Yan didn't pay any attention to these people's admiration or stunning looks from beginning to end. He had a very simple idea in his mind. Becoming the champion and then getting the recipe for the Spirit Fusion Pill was enough.

As for other things, he doesn't care.

And looking at the figure who just left silently after the game, the corners of Liu Ling's eyes twitched slightly unconsciously.

Naturally, he felt unconvinced. The other party just had a strange fire. If he didn't have a strange fire, then he would definitely not be any worse than him. It was still unknown who would win.

However, no matter how unwilling he was, Xiao Yan was now ranked first with a score far ahead of second place. It was an indisputable fact that he had transformed from an unknown unknown person into the favorite to win the first place in this alchemist conference.

The noise from the outside world has nothing to do with Xiao Yan. After returning to his current residence, Miss Wan's door is still closed. Xiao Yan thought for a while, subconsciously rubbing the simple and delicate patterns on the ring with his thumb, and fell into a moment of confusion. Hesitation in between.

But in the end, he thought about it and decided not to knock on the door——

Let's wait until tomorrow night to confirm the authenticity of this matter with Nalan Yanran.

Xiao Yan was secretly planning in his heart and was about to enter his room when he heard crisp footsteps echoing on the bluestone tiles behind him.

He followed the sound and happened to see the beauty in red robe wearing fox fur standing at the door, looking at Xiao Yan with a smile, who could it be if she wasn't Ya Fei?

"...Sister Yafei?"

Xiao Yan murmured, and Yafei crossed her arms with her flawless arms, squeezing the snow fat under the red cheongsam and changing the corresponding shape. Just looking at it made people feel like their blood was gushing.

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes and tried hard to control his eyes from looking where they shouldn't. As he walked forward, he said, "Why does Sister Yafei run here every day?"

Hearing this, Yafei couldn't help but raise her bare hand and hit Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan quickly took a step back and hid behind the stone table in the yard.

"Smelly brother, when you have a girl, you forget about your sister, right?"

Ya Fei was amused by Xiao Yan's heartless words and couldn't help but say.

"Hey, no, no, don't you think that Sister Yafei is busy with official duties and is always busy..."

Xiao Yan hurriedly stepped forward and apologized with a smile, looking glib.

Ya Fei smiled and shook her head and said: "Okay, I can't say anything about you, you are such a harmful person. I am here this time. In fact, I am here to invite you on the order of the great elder of our Miter family. ...To be precise, Yan Xiao? Anyway, at the Nalan family’s banquet tomorrow night, the First Elder wants to meet you.”

"The Nalan family banquet tomorrow night..."

The smile on Xiao Yan's face gradually dissipated, and he couldn't help but ponder for a moment. One by one, they all hit each other.

"...What's wrong? You don't want to go?"

A trace of worry flashed through Yafei's beautiful eyes. After all, she had known about the dispute between him and the Nalan family for a long time. It was not something particularly difficult to understand that Xiao Yan would become conflicted because of it.

"No, on the contrary, I have actually made an agreement with the Nalan family. I will definitely be present at the Nalan family's dinner tomorrow."

Xiao Yan shook his head, while Ya Fei couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, and couldn't help but said: "It's really rare. I thought I was going to pry you to the Nalan family's dinner, but I would have to spend more time talking... You Haven't you always hated the Nalan family? Why did it suddenly...change?"

Yafei tried to think of a word that better suited Xiao Yan's current behavior, but after much thought, she couldn't think of a good description.

"Just to verify something very important to me."

Xiao Yan shook his head: "If this were not the case, I would not have gone to Nalan's house. Now that I have obtained the Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva, I have no reason to continue going to Nalan's house."

"That's it-"

Yafei nodded lightly, but then heard Xiao Yan say: "By the way, I didn't see Nalan Yanran at Nalan's house today... Where did she go? Did Sister Yafei see her?"

"Nalan Yanran? I haven't seen her today."

"Speaking of which, what are you doing with Nalan Yanran? Does the matter you want to ask for testimony have to do with Nalan Yanran?"

Nowadays, Yafei is becoming more and more curious and confused. These two people are really entangled. Even apart from the three-year agreement, they are always at odds with each other.

No, did you see Nalan Yanran and Xiao Zhan staying together yesterday?


Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said, "Maybe the relationship and entanglement between me and Nalan Yanran is not just a three-year agreement..."

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