The next day, there was no schedule for the Alchemist Conference, so Xiao Yan practiced in his room throughout the day. It was not until the window gradually dimmed that he slowly opened his eyes, then got out of bed, washed up, and prepared to go out.

It was already dark, and lights were on in the small courtyard and in the streets outside the door. Qinglin saw Xiao Yan going out and was about to speak, but Xiao Yan just raised a finger to his lips. .


With a smile on his face, Xiao Yan said softly: "It's better not to disturb Miss Wan, Qinglin, I'm going out and I may not come back until very late, so you don't have to worry about me."

"Anyway, the yard here is very clean. You don't need to work around every day. You should focus more on your cultivation."

Seeing this, Qing Lin nodded lightly and watched Xiao Yan put on his mask and go out.

After putting on the mask, Xiao Yan's aura also changed, and he became a genius known to everyone in the imperial capital.

After leaving the quiet streets, Xiao Yan came to the door of Nalan Mansion. The guard in front of the door recognized Xiao Yan and naturally did not stop him when he came. Instead, he respectfully called Mr. Yan Xiao.

It's just that Xiao Yan, who has a lot of doubts in his heart, is naturally not as leisurely and leisurely as before, and he is no longer as leisurely as he used to be.

He hurriedly walked into the courtyard of the Nalan family, passed through the long corridor decorated with lights, and in the inner courtyard, under the blue night sky, people from all the major families in the imperial capital came. laughter.

Things like Nalan Jie's recovery are naturally regarded as a top priority by the Nalan family. Now that the head of the family has recovered from the poison, it is natural to celebrate it. However, it is not enough for the Nalan family to celebrate alone. Naturally, invitations need to be distributed widely to invite representatives of major family forces in the imperial capital.

This is not only for celebration, but also as a warning and demonstration to some extent, telling those who are our current allies, but who may bite them from behind if they are not sure, take a good look, the backbone of the Nalan family is still there. Then this huge family will still stand tall.

And after a few decades, Nalan Yanran officially took over the responsibility of the Yunlan Sect from Yun Yun. Even if the Nalan family lost Nalan Jie as their pillar, they would only climb higher and higher.

At the first glance when he entered the venue, Xiao Yan already roughly understood the stakes involved. He couldn't help but shook his head slightly, feeling bored.

Seeing Xiao Yan's arrival, Yafei, who had already been here for a long time, was naturally positive and immediately brought Miter Tengshan to Xiao Yan.

"Brother Yan Xiao is finally here. It's really easy for my sister to wait."

Yafei looked at Xiao Yan who was wearing a mask and not only asked, but Xiao Yan shook his head: "I was immersed in cultivation for a while... But Sister Yafei came too fast."

"After all, sister is not a big idler like you. Even if you run through several places without touching the ground, you may not be able to finish it."

"Okay, no more joking with you, let me introduce you..."

But before Yafei could finish her words, the old man who came with Yafei couldn't help but smile and wave his hand, saying: "Forget it Yafei, let me speak on my own... Little friend Yanxiao, I have already Hey, I’m glad to meet you, I am the great elder of the Miter family, Miter Tengshan.”

"The nameless boy is not worthy of the great elder Tengshan's concern."

The intersection is like this. It's obvious that each other is just being polite, but they still maintain this false flattery in a tacit understanding.

"There aren't many people in the Jia Ma Empire who can be treated like this by De Hai Lao. Can I still call him a nameless person?" Miter Tengshan asked with a smile.

"Haha, little friend Yanxiao, please take a seat." He smiled and gave up the seat on the side. Miter Tengshan stepped back a little. After seeing Xiao Yan sit down, he smiled and said: "Little friend Yanxiao , the results of this Alchemist Guild test are very good, congratulations."

"Where? It's just luck."

Xiao Yan shook his head helplessly and could only be hypocritically polite again.

"My little friend Yan Xiao is in the Jia Ma Imperial Capital during this period. If you need any help, you can go directly to Ya Fei. You and she are old acquaintances anyway."

Miter Tengshan said with a smile, Hai Lao said before that he has a close relationship with the noble man, but even if the relationship may not be that kind of relationship in the future, it will not prevent him from soaring into the sky in the future.

Therefore, Mittel Tengshando only reminded him verbally, gave some hints and hints, and made insinuations, but did not clarify his purpose.

Otherwise, nine out of the ten clan leaders would be old foxes. He shook his head helplessly, and Xiao Yan could only agree with a smile.

As the head of the clan, Miter Tengshan is naturally quite talkative, and Yafei occasionally interrupted with a smile during the dinner. The atmosphere here seemed to be extremely harmonious.


On the other side of the Nalan family's courtyard were Nalan Jie, his father and his son. Nalan Jie and Nalan Su were busy entertaining guests, while Nalan Yanran was quietly holding a wine glass. Sitting in a quiet corner.

Because no one would specifically talk to her at this time, Nalan Yanran simply ignored the noisy banquet and just sat there boredly staring at the stars above her head.

The night sky is beautiful, but because of the bustling lights in the imperial capital, it makes the starry night above the head a little darker, which makes people feel a little regretful.

Nalan Yanran rarely drinks, but she doesn't know how to drink. She took a sip of the strong wine in the glass. Nalan Yanran inevitably frowned slightly, and then subconsciously looked at the other side of the yard at this moment. The figure who was chatting happily with Yafei and Miter Tengshan.

She sighed softly and couldn't help but shook her head. She had no intention of disturbing Xiao Yan. After all, her identity would make people dislike her, so it was better not to put your warm face on others' cold buttocks.

However, not long after Nalan Yanran was thinking this way, it seemed that the conversation with Mittel Tengshan was almost finished. Xiao Yan slowly raised his head, then subconsciously glanced around quickly, and then faced Nalan Yanran. Lan Yanran's gaze.

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but be slightly startled. There was inevitably some doubt in her clear eyes. What was Xiao Yan doing? You couldn't come here to talk to her on purpose, right?

However, Xiao Yan's next actions confirmed Nalan Yanran's suspicion.

He looked at Nalan Yanran, and then walked towards her slowly and impartially.

Although Nalan Yanran was confused, she was too embarrassed to leave at this time, so she waited for him to come slowly, while she couldn't help but guess what he was planning to do.

"...Miss Nalan, don't you want to take a walk more often?"

Finally, Xiao Yan came to her and said.

Nalan Yanran only felt surprised. After all, when she was getting along with him a few days ago, Xiao Yan always kept a distance from her consciously, and his attitude was always cold. At most, he only answered questions when he asked him questions.

"What's the point of walking here? Aren't there just these people walking around?"

Nalan Yanran shrugged her shoulders and then said: "If you are strong enough, these people will naturally come to cater to you, so you don't need to worry too much."

"Hey, that sounds like something you would say."

"Really? Mr. Yan Xiao."

Nalan Yanran asked rhetorically.

"It doesn't matter, let's put this aside for now..."

Xiao Yan said: "I have some other questions I want to ask you... You acted so familiar when we first met. Why is that? Because we have met before?"

"It's hard to say. I just think that Mr. Yan Xiao has an extraordinary temperament. It is clear at a glance that he is not comparable to those mediocre people."

Nalan Yanran shook her head. She had been studying with Yao Wan for a long time, and she was somewhat familiar with Yao Wan's ability to tell lies with her eyes open.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and Xiao Yan almost laughed angrily at Nalan Yanran's words.

But it doesn't matter, this is not the only thing he can doubt about her: "I know a companion who also wields a sword. I heard that Miss Nalan joined the Yunlan Sect, which is also a rare sword sect. I wonder if you can let me know something about it? "

"...Okay, but there's no rush. After a while, it will be a three-year appointment. Mr. Yan Xiao can watch and observe by then."

Nalan Yanran shook her head and said.

"...Is it interesting for you to use such a shell to deceive others?"

Xiao Yan rubbed his brows irritably and asked straightforwardly.

"Who is wearing a shell to see people now? Do you need me to tell you?"

Hearing this, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but look directly into Xiao Yan's eyes and asked word by word.


Xiao Yan smacked his lips. In the past three years, if nothing else, she had become even more eloquent.

"As for my previous disguise, she made it for me. Her original words to me were that she hoped the two of us could get along well."

Nalan Yanran said: "You have already suspected it anyway, so now I don't have to hide it from you. Are you happy now?"

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran with mixed feelings.

After all, this is the reunion of two people who know each other's identity.

"Are you angry? If you are angry, then go to her, but don't take it out on me."

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan and could guess Xiao Yan's mood at the moment, so she couldn't help but say.

Xiao Yan, who was inevitably a little angry at first, gradually calmed down when he heard Nalan Yanran's words.

Xiao Yan simply sat in front of her and said, "Why should I be angry? It was Yan Xiao who appeared in the Nalan family compound, not Xiao Yan."

Nalan Yanran looked at him and shrugged. She didn't want to have any more conflicts with Xiao Yan. The three-year agreement between them was enough to make people anxious, and there was no need for her to have another conflict with Xiao Yan. What a dispute.

What she said was actually just to scare Xiao Yan. After all, both of them knew that Xiao Yan could not lose his temper at Yao Wan.

The results so far seem to be quite effective.

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