Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 207 Give you some compensation?

After dismissing the guests in front of him, Nalan Jie couldn't help but frown slightly and said, "Where is Yanran?"

Nalan Su glanced around, then raised his hand and pointed.

Nalan Jie followed Nalan Su's hand and saw two young people sitting there in the corner where no one else noticed. He didn't know what they were talking about.

When Nalan Jie saw the two young men sitting together, the corners of his mouth could not help but raise slightly. It was naturally good for young people to cultivate more affection.

It's just a pity...

It's in the past.

As for the young people, there is no need to disturb them.

Nalan Jie withdrew his gaze from the two people in the corner, and then once again immersed himself in the joyful atmosphere of the banquet.


"So, what you were talking about back then was actually...?"

In a quiet corner, Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran in front of him and exhaled a filthy breath. For the first time, he was at a loss as to how to face this woman.

After all, many of what he is now can be regarded as starting from Nalan Yanran in a sense. He cannot have any normal mentality towards Nalan Yanran.

Whether it's disgust or resentment.

It's just that these are gradually put aside as Xiao Yan grows up. Nalan Yanran is destined not to be Xiao Yan's lifelong goal, but more like a break from the youthful period.

Only by crossing the realm with her can he completely transcend the silence he once had.

But no matter what, in Xiao Yan's mind, Nalan Yanran, who contains this meaning, will be a more special existence than those ordinary women.

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran and waited quietly for her answer. Ever since he realized that Miss Qingran might be Nalan Yanran, the previous conversation between Xiao Yan and Qingran had been put into question.


Nalan Yanran did not deny it. She slowly put down the wine glass in her hand and said, "Needless to say, I even met her because of you."

"because I?"

Xiao Yan raised his eyebrows, but he didn't quite understand what Nalan Yanran meant. It was just that Nalan Yanran seemed unwilling to say more on this topic, so he couldn't continue to ask further.

Nalan Yanran was naturally indignant because the reason she met Yaowan in the first place was to be Xiao Yan's whetstone. Even though her self-cultivation in the past two years had allowed her to let go of many of her obsessions, it didn't mean that she was willing to do it. I have been busy for three years just for the three-year appointment with Xiao Yan.

She has understood that Xiao Yan will not be the end of her life. No matter whether she wins or loses, wins or loses, she will not die after completing the three-year contract.

Life is very long, and these three years have been fulfilling enough for Nalan Yanran, and they are not wasted.

As for Xiao Yan, after completing the three-year contract, he thought he would have nothing to do with her in the future. Let him love her as much as he wants.

"It's all over anyway - it's best if you take what Qingran said to you seriously. You can just think of it as something I used to tease you."

Nalan Yanran looked at the bright starry sky above her head and said.


Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran's profile and asked, "What about the conversation between you and my father?"

"You know? - But it doesn't seem to be a surprise if you know. After all, you are father and son."

Nalan Yanran said subconsciously: "Well, seriously, I am truly sorry for my behavior three years ago. If I could go back in time, I would probably choose to discuss it with you and my son in private."

"I know you may not be willing to accept it, so of course this is just talk. I'm afraid the grudge between us will still have to be resolved within a three-year agreement."

"How do you know I can't accept it?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said, Yao Wan just smiled and shook his head.

"Because I haven't completely let go of this knot myself, and I don't have the habit of being generous to others."

"——So, it doesn't matter even if you hate me, just come here with your hatred for me."

Nalan Yanran was very open-minded when she said this. After saying this, she took a sip of the somewhat strong wine.

The alcohol caused a blush to appear on the pretty face of the beauty in front of him in the night. Xiao Yan looked at the touching scene and couldn't help but drink up the wine in the glass in his hand.

"Perhaps you have really changed a lot in the past three years - but there is one thing you are wrong about."

Xiao Yan said.

Nalan Yanran blushed slightly, turned her head, her graceful eyebrows like the sword in her hand wrinkled slightly, she couldn't help but said: "Wrong? Then you can tell me, where did I go wrong?"

"I have never had any hatred for you from beginning to end."

Xiao Yan's words made Nalan Yanran's eyes widen immediately. She couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan, especially the eyes under his mask.

Of course she didn't believe it - a person who had been hurt like this would say that he didn't actually hate her? How can this be?

Nalan Yanran looked into Xiao Yan's eyes, trying to see the twinkle in his eyes, the way the lie was revealed in his eyes.

But no.

Nalan Yanran did not see a look that avoided her in Xiao Yan's eyes, nor did she see anything that could be called hatred.

She couldn't help but be a little confused.


Nalan Yanran asked this question naturally.

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment and said, "Maybe you didn't hurt me in the first place. After all, when you wanted to break off the engagement, you didn't get it completely, right?"

Of course, what Xiao Yan was referring to was that three years ago in the reception hall of the Xiao family, Nalan Yanran wanted to forcefully break off the engagement in front of everyone, but Yao Wan intervened in the end and gave her a lesson before she became disheartened. The ground is gone.

Although breaking off the engagement is indeed called breaking off the engagement, it is indeed not a particularly glorious thing.

"Until not long ago, I was just disgusted with you at most, and I couldn't say I was resentful at all."

Xiao Yan shrugged his shoulders openly and said.

And now Nalan Yanran can only accept this fact, which seems a bit outrageous at first glance.

"Well, I don't know whether this is the shamelessness you said at the beginning, or whether you are broad-minded."

"A broad-minded person? Needless to say, I'm a very vindictive person."

Xiao Yan shook his head. To be honest, he didn't really want to talk too much with Nalan Yanran.

It's not that she's disgusted to this point, but no matter what, the position between the two will not change.

Nalan Yanran also maintained such a tacit understanding with Xiao Yan. After chatting for a while, the two began to drink.

No matter who the two of them were, they were not the kind of people who would drink alcohol on a daily basis. They just relied on their strong bodies and the use of fighting spirit to just pour alcohol into their mouths.

It wasn't until the end that the drunken two parted ways.

After leaving Nalan's house, Xiao Yan dispelled the alcohol smell in his body with a flick of his finger.

There were still competitions at the Alchemist Conference to be completed in the next few days, so there was not much time left for Xiao Yan. He returned to his residence as soon as possible. The night was already deep, but no one was sleeping.

In the small courtyard, Yao Wan, who had basically not been together for too long in this period, was sitting on the edge of the stone table. He just raised his lotus arm to support his chin and waited boredly.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, he couldn't ignore her so openly, so he had to say: "It's so late, isn't Miss Wan still asleep?"

"Didn't you just come back? Why should I sleep?"

Yaowan held her lotus root arm and suddenly asked: "By the way, how are you getting along with Nalan Yanran?"

"That's it...that's it."

Xiao Yan recalled the atmosphere between the two that could be described as non-congenial, and said.

It just happened that Yao Wan mentioned this topic, and Nalan Yanran had the opportunity to ask her.

"By the way, Miss Wan, about you and Nalan Yanran..."

"Don't you know everything you should know? Then why do you turn around and ask me?"

Yaowan waved his hand.

"No - I mean, the relationship between you and Nalan Yanran."

"Oh, this..."

Yaowan's eyes flickered slightly and she said, "That little girl Nalan is quite pitiful, so I just helped her out, just on a whim...are you not happy?"

"Not really... I'm not a child anymore. I can still lose my temper if I'm unhappy..."

Xiao Yan shook his head, but even so, if he really said that there were no emotions or ripples in his heart, he was just deceiving himself.

Of course he was not very happy. This seemed to prove that he was not the only one special to Miss Wan.

It's just that Xiao Yan is not the kind of child who has to behave and wallow if he loses the love of adults, so even though he is inevitably a little unhappy in his heart, he still controls his emotions.

"Okay, I know what I did in this matter was somewhat unreasonable."

Yao Wan sighed softly. In fact, even if Xiao Yan was angry with her because of this matter, Yao Wan felt that it was understandable. Now that Xiao Yan is so open-minded, she is not used to it.

"So, how about I give you some compensation?"

Yao Wan thought about it and couldn't help but say.

When Xiao Yan heard Yao Wan say these two words, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

His rationality reminded him that he no longer lacked anything. Whether it was skills, secret techniques, weapons, fighting skills, or elixirs, he lacked nothing.

And his sensibility was activated and touched by Yaowan's fluttering words.

"Compensation? Anything?"

"Well... of course, the kind that goes too far won't work."

Yao Wan naturally realized what Xiao Yan was thinking, and couldn't help but regretted opening the mouthful.

"Act quickly, otherwise it will expire and become invalid."

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