Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 210 Xiao Yan Nalan Yanran


Hai Bodong smiled inexplicably, not caring about the vigilance in Jia Xingtian's eyes towards him.

He just sighed thoughtfully and said: "After all, she is someone related to her. It doesn't matter if she is such a genius."

Haibodong shook his head. In his opinion, it seemed that Xiao Yan who was so stunning was more just what he should be like, rather than being stunningly talented.


Jia Xingtian frowned slightly, that mysterious nobleman Hai Bodong mentioned?

Feeling the look in Jia Xingtian's eyes, Hai Bodong didn't care and just said mysteriously, "It doesn't matter, you will probably know it in a few days anyway."


When Xiao Yan returned to his residence, Yaowan and Qinglin were gone. There was only a letter left on the table, telling him that they had taken their father to Yunlan Mountain. What should happen next? Yan himself understands.

After reading this letter, Xiao Yan couldn't help but let out a breath.

Three years of waiting has finally arrived.

Nalan Yanran...

I, Xiao Yan, am here!


Yunlan Mountain is only a few dozen miles away from the imperial capital, and the two are so close to each other that they are like two giants that rely on each other.

So much so that when the sky is clear on weekdays, the Imperial Capital and Yunlan Mountain can see each other.

Xiao Yan was not in a hurry. He had spent most of the past three years hoping that he could reach a faster speed, but today, he slowed down.

He walked through the spacious driveway built between the Imperial Capital and Yunlan Mountain, and also walked through the steps paved with huge rocks, gradually approaching the top of Yunlan Mountain.

Yunlan Mountain is very high, towering into the clouds, but it has never been higher than Xiao Yan's heart of breaking through the clouds.

He saw birds flying through the clouds, and the warm sunshine fell under the broken clouds and also fell on his shoulders.

As always, he was dressed in powerful clothes and carrying a giant ruler on his back.

The ground was still a little damp, and there was a slightly damp smell of earth in the air. It seemed that there had been a rain near Yunlan Mountain a few days ago, which washed away all the deletions.

On the way, he saw the legions of the Jiama Empire stationed here, practicing as usual. Xiao Yan said hello to them when he passed by, and these soldiers of the Jiama Empire had all heard about Yun Lan. The three-year agreement between the young master of the sect and the young master of a small family. When they stopped to practice, they took a rest and also gave their blessings to Xiao Yan's journey.


At the end of the long stone steps, there are clouds and mist. Behind the clouds, there is a huge square. The square is completely paved with huge stones, which looks simple and grand. In the center of the square, a huge stone tablet stands majestically. On the stone tablet, there are records The names of the previous sect leaders of the Yunlan Sect and those who have made great contributions to the sect.

Both sides were already filled with representatives and guests from various forces in the Jiama Empire who had come at the invitation of Yunlan Sect.

Everyone knows exactly what day today is.

At the guest table on one side are Nalan Jie and Nalan Su of the Nalan family, the head of the Mu family, the honorary elder Dan Wang Guhe, and the Mittel family patriarch Mittel Tengshan. It can be said that they are the strongest in the entire Gama Empire. Several families have already arrived.

It's just that the people on the other side can't help but be a little puzzling.

There were only three people at the VIP table opposite, but people couldn't help but frown slightly, and it was inevitable that they were a little confused.

On the left is a young girl sitting solemnly in her seat. She looks like she is only fifteen or sixteen years old. She is cute and cute, but her cultivation is just gathering the spirit of fighting. She is not even a fighter.

On the right is a middle-aged man, who is quite unfamiliar. Although he is a fighting spirit, it is inevitable that he is a little unsatisfied in front of the current scene where all the top forces in the Jiaji Empire are gathered together.

It's just that some people don't recognize it, but some people do.

"Su'er, look."

Nalan Jie didn't pay much attention at first, but the more he looked at the person opposite, the more familiar he felt. Finally, he couldn't help but pulled Nalan Su and asked, "Is the person opposite him Xiao Zhan from the Xiao family?"

Nalan Su was stunned for a moment, but after taking a closer look, he found that his father was not wrong. He knew that Xiao Zhan was just a great fighting master, so how could he come to this Yunlan Sect?

"It's Xiao Zhan, but why is he here? Could it be Xiao Yan... No."

Nalan Su frowned slightly. Xiao Zhan's appearance really caught him off guard. After all, regardless of the disputes between the descendants, they, as elders, were at fault in this matter and were not justified in the first place.

He shook his head and eliminated from his mind the ridiculous idea that Xiao Yan might have sent him. Xiao Yan himself hadn't come yet, so how could he bring Xiao Zhan here, and how could the Yunlan Sect let Xiao Zhan go? At the guest table?

The father and son were secretly frightened. They felt that today's three-year agreement might not develop as they imagined, which made them uneasy.

The figure sitting in the center opposite was wearing a large cloak and a bamboo hat, covering his whole body tightly without leaking any space. Just by sitting there, the figure involuntarily attracted many people across from him. gaze.

Cloaks and hats, which are used to conceal others in crowds and travels, are naturally very dazzling when placed on the VIP seats that attract everyone's attention. Even if the other party does not reveal any aura, the eyes of other powerful people are uncontrollable. The earth gathered on that person.

Who is this?

Furukawa, who was sitting opposite, frowned slightly. He felt that the figure wrapped in a cloak in front of him looked familiar, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

However, Furukawa is not so reckless as to dare to use the power of his soul to blatantly test others. This kind of behavior is tantamount to the most serious provocation among alchemists, and will often directly arouse the anger of the other party.

Liu Ling, who was standing next to Furukawa, naturally didn't notice the teacher's abnormality. At this moment, he was still a little reluctant to lose at the Alchemist Conference.

And outside the mountain top of Yunlan Sect, under the vast sea of ​​clouds, the three Douhuang warriors also arrived belatedly. But they were late, but in fact, the three of them had already arrived, but they were always on the sidelines. Just wait and see.

When he was sitting at the table, Jia Xingtian couldn't help but glance at the figure sitting quietly across from him. With his cultivation at the peak of Douhuang, he couldn't see any details or flaws in the opponent, and it was useless to talk about his cultivation.

I guess that was the noble person Hai Bodong mentioned in his mouth. He really kept it secret.

Jia Xingtian had a solemn expression on his face, while Fa Ma looked at the familiar outfit of the person in front of him and couldn't help but slightly widen his old and turbid eyes, as if he was remembering someone.

However, due to the occasion, Fa Ma did not choose to speak at this time.

Hai Bodong was the calmest one. He didn't even look at the person opposite him. He just found a seat and sat down, not intending to raise his head.


On the top of Yunlan Mountain, outside the gate of Yunlan Sect, a thin and determined figure walked slowly.

After he crossed countless bluestone bricks, Xiao Yan slowly closed his eyes. There seemed to be a faint sound of sword clanging, coming down clearly from the end of the stone steps and echoing quietly in the mountains and forests, like the sound of a bell. , fascinating.

A smile unconsciously appeared on his lips, although he couldn't explain why he hadn't been so nervous until now.

He just felt his heart beating, and what was flowing in his veins was no longer his own blood, but fire and magma, which made him excited.

Finally, Xiao Yan walked up the last few steps and finally came to this place that he would never forget.

In the huge square, there are nearly a thousand people sitting cross-legged in it. These people sit in a semicircle. Without exception, they are all wearing moon-white robes. On the sleeves, there are long clouds. The sword floats in the wind, like a living creature, faintly containing some weak sword intent.

One person's sword power may be insignificant, but the sword power of nearly a thousand people gathered together cannot be underestimated even by Dou Huang.

At the top of the square, there are some towering stone pedestals. The steps gradually go up, and the older you go, the older you go. The stone pedestal on the highest floor is empty at this time, and no one is sitting on it. Below, there are more than a dozen old men in white robes sitting cross-legged, eyes closed and meditating. Most of them are Dou Ling, and the leading ones are all Dou Kings.

Xiao Yan didn't pay much attention, but looked straight across the huge square. Under these white-robed old men, there was a separate stone step. Standing was a beautiful woman wearing a moon robe. She closed her eyes slightly, The breeze blew, her green silk hair danced, and a strand of broken hair blew away, revealing her smooth forehead. The robe clung to her delicate body, slightly revealing her perfect curvy figure and her calm and beautiful face.

That is the other protagonist in this three-year appointment.

Accompanied by Xiao Yan's footsteps mixed with the wind, some of the nearly a thousand Yunlan Sect disciples gradually opened their eyes in unison.

They looked at the figure who came here as agreed, and still remained silent.

But Nalan Yanran was aware of Xiao Yan's existence earlier than them.

But she still had her eyes closed, and the past three years were replaying in her mind like a revolving lantern.

In the end, unforgettable scenes overlapped one another like film rolled in reverse, and overlapped in front of Nalan Yanran's eyes.

She didn't have much dignity as if facing a powerful enemy. When this moment came, she was a little surprised that she was calmer than she expected.

Finally, she opened her eyes, and a ray of light shot out from those clear and beautiful eyes, like a sharp sword drawn from its scabbard, unstoppable.

Just like Xiao Yan in front of him, the two people were obviously destined to be in opposition, but their mood and state of mind at this moment were surprisingly the same.

No hate, no resentment, no regrets, no resentment.

Only what is in front of you.

"——Xiao family, Xiao Yan."

"——Nalan family, Nalan Yanran."

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