Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 211 Three-Year Agreement

The wind blew across the huge sect square. The disciples of Yunlan Sect looked at the tall figure who slowly walked in front of Nalan Yanran. She was thin and resolute, like a strong pine tree, standing firm in the harsh mountain wind. fall.

Is that Xiao Yan?

This idea suddenly emerged in the minds of the Yunlan Sect disciples.

A trace of contempt for Xiao Yan flashed in most people's eyes. Regarding the three-year agreement, the Yunlan Sect, which was at the center of the storm, naturally could not prevent the relevant messages from spreading. Therefore, most of the Yunlan Sect's disciples also I have heard about this showdown between Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan.

It's just that most of them have a sarcastic and disdainful attitude towards Xiao Yan. In their opinion, what is the difference between a young master from a small family who wants to marry Senior Sister Nalan and a toad who wants to eat swan meat?

It's just that today, among the nearly a thousand Yunlan Sect disciples who met the real person, there were some who were astute enough to sense something.

The Xiao Yan in front of him was not as unbearable as the rumors said.

On the VIP seats on both sides, the onlookers also saw the arrival of another protagonist today, which naturally meant that the grudge that had been settled three years ago was finally about to reach its climax before the end.

"Yan'er is here."

When Xiao Zhan saw his son on the stage, he was naturally overjoyed. If there is anyone on the field who most believes that Xiao Yan can win, it must be Xiao Zhan.

But he also knew that the three-year appointment was about to begin, and it was not suitable for him to attract Xiao Yan's attention and distract her at this moment.

Nalan Jie, who was sitting opposite Xiao Zhan, had a bitter look on his face. With his battle-experienced fighting skills, he could tell at a glance that Xiao Yan was no ordinary person now.

"Is that Xiao Yan?"

Jia Xingtian let out a light sigh, why did he feel a little familiar.

"He does seem to be a genius."

Fa Ma nodded and said: "I just don't know why, but I think he looks familiar. Could it be that I have seen him somewhere?"

Fa Ma's words caught Jia Xingtian's attention: "Oh, you feel this way too?"

Hai Bodong sat quietly aside and remained silent. He only occasionally glanced at the other side with his peripheral vision, trying to confirm her reaction.

The pretty girl sitting on the right side of the man couldn't help but become worried when she saw that Xiao Yan had appeared.

She couldn't help but turn her head and look at the figure sitting on the seat next to her, tightly covered with a cloak and a hat.

Qing Lin was naturally worried about Xiao Yan, and she felt a little uneasy when she thought of Xiao Yan fighting with that sister who seemed familiar to her for some reason.

In the end, she naturally put all her hopes of resolving the situation on the people around her, but what made her even more uneasy was that the young lady seemed to have no reaction from the beginning to the end.

"...Um, miss?"

Finally, in desperation, Qing Lin could only lower his voice as low as possible and tentatively spoke into Yao Wan's ear.

"...Huh? The three-year appointment has already begun?"

There was a short and slight whimpering in the bamboo hat first, and then the girl's slightly wistful words rang in Qinglin's ears.

"Miss? Miss, are you asleep?"

Qinglin really didn't know what to say now. Although she knew very well that she, a maid, was definitely not qualified to say anything to the young lady, but even if the young lady let it go, what would Master Xiao Yan do?

"Huh? I've been a little tired from practicing recently and didn't notice the time. I'm sorry."

A pleasant voice came from the bamboo hat, with a hint of deep awakening.

Then, Yao Wan quickly noticed everything that was happening in the audience.

Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran confront each other, and are about to usher in a lifelong confrontation and agreement between the two.

Yao Wan did not feel surprised or worried about this. If nothing unexpected happened, the outcome between the two should be 60-40.

She withdrew her gaze and turned to the whirlpool-like clouds gathering behind the Yunlan Sect Square.

The duel between Xiao Yan and Nalan will take a long time even if you want to decide the winner.

Therefore, what she cares about now is naturally the old monster sleeping under this Yunlan Mountain.

The previous temptation can be answered today, and the future direction of Yunlan Sect is naturally destined to depend on this.

"Little Qinglin, you have to watch carefully."

Yao Wan said quietly: "The battle between Xiao Yan and Nalan should be watched carefully. Although you have not yet reached this level of ability and combat effectiveness, you must also understand that you will become like them in the future. people."


Qing Lin was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly.

Under the guest seats, at the end of the square, behind Nalan Yanran, the dozen old men opened their eyes in unison and looked at Xiao Yan.

The leading old man narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Are you Xiao Yan?"

Even with his vision as the great elder of the Yunlan Sect, he couldn't help but marvel at how capable Xiao Yan really was.

"I am the great elder of Yunlan Sect, Yun Ling."

"The sect leader is not here today, so I am in charge. This competition is intended to be a discussion, and the point is——"

Before Yun Ling could finish speaking, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran's eyes made contact, and then they seemed to understand what the other party meant in an instant, and then interrupted Yun Ling's speech in unison, saying: "— —Life and death, everyone has their destiny.”.

Xiao Yan took out the Xuan Zhong ruler from his back, punched it on the flat ground of the square, and made a shallow crack in the hard and thick stone bricks under his feet.

Nalan Yanran made a move with her bare hands, and her fingertips passed through the dark green light of the ring, and then captured an unusual brilliance, which gradually turned from the deepest cyan into a light turquoise, and in A sharp shape quickly formed in Nalan Yanran's hand.

It was a long sword made by the Yunlan Sect itself. It was well-made, solid and durable. It was different from the weapons forged elsewhere. The Yunlan Sect's sword was a container of sword intent. This made the people of the Yunlan Sect even hold it in their hands. The sect's standard weapon is not a magical weapon, but as long as you have unparalleled sword power, it is enough to compete with the strong without falling behind.

This is also one of the potential factors why Yunlan Sect has been able to stand firm in the northwest continent for so many years without falling.

Xiao Yan also vaguely felt the sword intention mixed in the wind emit a sword cry of joy, and he jumped for joy as if he had finally met an opponent worthy of him.

Xiao Yan felt a shiver in his heart. Sure enough, she had done a lot of things during her time with Miss Wan. This sword intent alone made people feel that it should not be underestimated.

However, the expression on Yun Leng's face, who was interrupted by two young people at the same time, could not be said to be very good-looking. In his opinion, this was just a competition, and naturally it was not a life-and-death contest. What's more, Nalan Yanran had even broken through the big... The shackles of the fighting master, step into the fighting spirit, let alone others, Yun Leng knew how the sect master did this, and actually directly trained Nalan Yanran from a fighting spirit to a fighting spirit in just three years. .

With such a terrifying cultivation speed, even if Nalan Yanran would lead the Yunlan Sect to flourish in the future, Yun Ling could not help but feel secretly afraid in his heart.

But since these two young men didn't appreciate it at all, Yun Leng was naturally too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Young man, keep a line in everything, but since you have such a request, then it's up to you, life or death, everyone is determined by their destiny."

"--bring it on."

Xiao Yan raised the Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand. It was obvious from the flow of air and fighting spirit that the weight of this large black ruler must be quite heavy, but it just felt like it was as light as a weight in his hand.

"Well - come on!"

The mountain wind blew through the mountain gate of Yunlan Sect, and Xiao Yan's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle. He saw a wisp of light cyan sword edge showing a fleeting sword light under the reflection of the sun, and he suddenly The ground stepped forward, and a stream of rich green fighting energy exploded directly under his feet. The boiling flame suddenly appeared in mid-air and quickly disappeared at an almost imperceptible speed.

Fighting energy accelerated in Xiao Yan's body like an explosion. Xiao Yan violently waved the Xuan Zhong Ruler in his hand, blocking Nalan Yanran's first blow.

——It must be said that just Nalan Yanran's fast, accurate and sharp thrust made Xiao Yan's hair stand on end, making him feel even more troublesome.

This Nalan Yanran is indeed no ordinary person!

Xiao Yan's thoughts were reflected on his face, but just when he was about to fight back, his keen senses and intuition organized by the power of his soul conveyed to him a tingling sensation like a ray on his back.

This time, Xiao Yan didn't even prepare or react to the next blow. He just immediately turned the Xuan Zhong Ruler sideways and used it as a thick shield to block the second sword edge.

What a speed!

Xiao Yan was secretly frightened. He was confident that his speed would not be inferior to anyone in the same realm. However, Nalan Yanran's use of the wind attribute in front of him could be said to have subverted Xiao Yan's previous understanding.

Ordinary wind attribute cultivators, even if they specialize in speed, are only 20% faster than people in the same realm, but Nalan Yanran's speed is far beyond the simplest and most straightforward visual inspection in front of her. Those of the same realm.

His two sudden thrusts did not achieve any outstanding results, and Xiao Yan immediately adapted to Nalan Yanran's speed - although he still could not be as fast as Nalan Yanran, he would not be beaten by her. That overwhelming speed advantage is overwhelming.

When Nalan Yanran's beautiful figure once again rushed towards Xiao Yan like a swooping falcon, Xiao Yan suddenly turned around and narrowly avoided the long sword in Nalan Yanran's hand. A wisp of sword wind blew by, cutting A strand of broken hair on the side of Xiao Yan's temple was removed.

Naturally, he was not polite at all. At the moment of avoiding it, he held the Xuan Zhong ruler, drew a black arc in the air, and hit Nalan Yanran hard.

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