Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 212 Secret Technique and Sword Intent


After a deafening roar, Nalan Yanran was hit by the Xuan Zhong ruler without any bias.

The disciples of the Yunlan Sect couldn't help but whisper among themselves, and everyone on the stage and the elders of the Yunlan Sect sitting quietly at the front desk couldn't help but frown slightly.

When the smoke and dust dispersed, no one saw the figure of Nalan Yanran being knocked away by the door as thick as a door panel.

Xiao Yan clenched the Xuan Zhong Ruler in his hand and slashed hard at Nalan Yanran, but was stopped abruptly by the long sword in her hand.

Amidst the explosions of weapons colliding with each other, sparks flew everywhere. The long sword in Nalan Yanran's hand was forcefully smashed by the Xuan Zhong Ruler, making a bend that was almost about to break. A trace of solemnity flashed across her eyebrows. .

And Xiao Yan's face was not relaxed either. The Xuanzhong Ruler in his hand felt extremely stiff, causing pain in the tiger's mouth. It was obvious that Nalan Yanran's sword was almost bent due to the impact, but It still felt like pig iron to Xiao Yan. Even if he hit it, it would still feel stiff.

Nalan Yanran let out a breath of turbid air, lightly stamped her lotus feet on the ground, and with the help of a reaction force and wind attribute fighting spirit, she stood up, and the long sword in her hand bounced back from the bend just now. The sword was straight and pierced Xiao Yan's face.

Xiao Yan's rapid attack suddenly stopped, and the huge black ruler was slightly raised. Xiao Yan's Xuanzhong Ruler and the long sword collided again. However, this time in a head-on confrontation, Xiao Yan did not take any advantage in terms of strength. This surprised him.

The long sword in Nalan Yanran's hand actually exploded with power that was no less powerful than when he wielded the Xuan Zhong Ruler.

Nalan Yanran had no unusual expressions. She had already replayed it countless times in her mind on how to deal with Xiao Yan at this moment.

Yao Wan had told him more than once that Xiao Yan's strength was very strong, and even those who specialized in strength might not be willing to challenge him head-on with the Xuan Zhong Ruler.

Xiao Yan's speed is also much faster than those of the same realm. When the two are superimposed together, even if he does not use fighting skills, just injecting fighting energy will already have extraordinary destructive power.

But for Nalan Yanran, all this was expected. Whether it was Xiao Yan's speed that could keep up with her or the sudden burst of power, she was well prepared.

Compared with the stone hammer wielded by Yaowan, Xiao Yan's Xuan Zhong Ruler is naturally easier to deal with.

Xiao Yan, on the other hand, was secretly frightened. Nalan Yanran clearly looked like someone who relied on speed to win, but she still managed to keep up with each other's tough fight at this moment.

With the explosions and sparks erupting between the weapons, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran both took a few steps back in unison.

The first wave of testing allowed them to get to know each other a bit. After retreating, the two people did not rush forward to get close to each other again. Instead, they walked slowly, looking for each other's flaws.

Finally, when Nalan Yanran rushed towards Xiao Yan again, Xiao Yan broke the stone bricks under his feet and accelerated from a slow pace to the front of Nalan Yanran like a cannonball.

Nalan Yanran swung her sword, and the long sword in her hand was filled with fighting spirit and sword intent, and launched a series of wind blades. The Xuanzhong Ruler in Xiao Yan's hand drew a large arc and intercepted all the wind blades.

He raised his eyes slightly and glanced sideways at the graceful figure passing by him. He waved his arms and Xuan Zhongchi brought a fierce force and smashed it behind him. The pressure of the force crushed Nalan Yanran. The dress on her body pressed tightly against her skin, outlining her slender waist.

Facing Xuan Zhongzhi who was very close at hand, Nalan Yanran passed by without any fear on her face.

He just raised his hand and danced his sword, and the sudden burst of power forced Xiao Yan back again.

It's just that when Xiao Yan retreated, he vaguely noticed through the Xuan Zhong Ruler that some power in Nalan Yanran was gradually awakening.

It was not fighting spirit or fighting skills, but something Xiao Yan had never been exposed to before.

He only vaguely realized what it was through Miss Wan's occasional words.

Power different from fighting spirit wrapped around the long sword that Nalan Yanran held tightly, like the wind that could not be seen directly.

On the contrary, Xiao Yan could "see" the power in Nalan Yanran's hands through his keen soul perception.

Sword intent.

Although he had heard about it before, in terms of actual combat, this was the first time Xiao Yan had encountered it.

Compared with other Yunlan Sect disciples who could barely detect the weak and almost negligible sword intent above the Yunlan Sect uniforms, Nalan Yanran's sword intent was like the bright moon above the fireflies. .

Nalan Yanran breathed out a blue breath, then mobilized her fighting spirit, and while flying high into the sky, five light blue sword-shaped afterimages separated from the long sword.

The test has entered the second stage. Nalan Yanran gestured to Xiao Yan with her eyes. No matter who they were, they would not be naive enough to defeat each other. Nalan Yanran was also telling Xiao Yan that she was going to start. Get real.

"Huh - do you want me to fight with you in a battle?"

Xiao Yan, who was standing on the ground, exhaled turbid air and looked at Nalan Yanran in the air without any fear.

"Unfortunately, I don't have any such tricks."

Xiao Yan thought about it in his mind and realized that if Baji Beng wanted to knock Nalan Yanran down, it would be no different from knocking a bird out of the sky with a fishing rod.

Nalan Yanran didn't wait for him anymore. With a shake of the long sword in her hand, five rays of sword energy that almost condensed into substance immediately swooped down towards Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank, and a burst of energy suddenly emerged from his hand to push him into the air. He retracted the Xuan Zhong Ruler, and five sword energy flying down in a spiral shape flew past Xiao Yan's body.

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan and couldn't help but frown, but she didn't stop him from taking action. How come he didn't even show any fighting skills? It's impossible that she didn't teach him any useful fighting skills, right?

But she didn't think too much about it. Since Xiao Yan gave her such an opportunity, she didn't have to be polite. When the five sword qi flew down, she followed closely, but kept a little gap to ensure that even if Xiao Yan Yan could block her Wind Spirit Fractal Sword, but he couldn't block her following closely behind.

The dark red eyes of Xiao Yan, who had just landed, reflected Nalan Yanran's flying figure, and then, a flash of fire suddenly exploded in Xiao Yan's eyes.

Nalan Yanran suddenly recognized what it was, and immediately stopped her advancing figure, and immediately differentiated seven fractal sword energy, filled it with sword intent, and stabbed Xiao Yan from all directions.

However, even so, Nalan Yanran's movements were slightly slower.

With Xiao Yan's body as the center, a gorgeous blue flame suddenly exploded, blooming into a magnificent and dazzling green lotus in the square. The spitting flames instantly drowned Nalan Yanran's sword energy.


Everyone who had been nervously observing the fighting situation couldn't help but widen their eyes. What kind of fighting skill is this?

"No, no, this is not a fighting skill, it is a secret method that can improve one's strength in all aspects in a short period of time!"

Yun Leng suddenly spoke, making everyone in the VIP table even more stunned after being stunned.

Secret method?

Xiao Yan actually has such a rare thing?

When Furukawa saw the green flames blooming like green lotus, his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

Qinglian Earth Heart Fire?

When he caught a glimpse of the lotus-like flame, this idea came to Kohe's mind, but not long after, he shook his head slightly.

The Qinglian Earth Core Fire had already been taken away by that mysterious strong man, so how could it appear in Xiao Yan's body?

What's more, this is a secret method... There are many mysteries in the secret method, maybe it's just like the inner fire of Qinglian.

Furukawa could only comfort himself in this way.

But the two protagonists on the scene didn't think so much.

A trace of solemnity flashed in Nalan Yanran's beautiful eyes. This was during the time when she was practicing with Xiao Yan. She accidentally caught a glimpse and saw the secret method Xiao Yan cultivated, and she knew very well that this secret method would give Xiao Yan What kind of improvement will it bring?

——The first of the three profound transformations of Heavenly Fire is the Green Lotus Transformation.

Even if it was only the moment when she released the secret technique, the rising blue flames alone had intercepted all the sword energy she released.

When the fire light dissipated, Xiao Yan's face was filled with strange flame-like patterns, and the aura on his body surged.

" turns out this is the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire."

Feeling the fiery feeling as if the blood in his body was boiling, and an unprecedented sense of strength filling his whole body, Xiao Yan exhaled softly and subconsciously raised his fingertips. A wisp of green flames flickered under his fingers. The tip is moving.

Although he has been practicing the Three Mysterious Transformations of Heavenly Fire for a year, this is the first time he has actually put it into actual combat.

Then, Xiao Yan's deep blue eyes, burned by the green flames, couldn't help but look at Nalan Yanran.

"This Xiao Yan actually has a secret method... He is young, and his cultivation has reached the level of Dou Ling. He even has a secret method that can be encountered but cannot be obtained. I am really more and more curious about this Xiao family boy's revered master. Who is it?"

Jia Xingtian commented from the guest seat nearby.


Hai Bodong remained silent, but remained unmoved when he saw Yao Wan opposite him.

"Haha, but that Nalan Yanran is not an ordinary person."

Fa Ma narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "What a sharp sword intent. I'm afraid the Yunlan Sect has never had such a sword intent for many years, right?"

Jia Xingtian nodded silently when he heard the words. He had come into contact with the last two generations of Yunlan Sect's sect masters. Yun Yun was ignored for the moment. The old guy from Yunshan was good at cultivation, but his attainments in swordsmanship were not that outstanding.

This may not make any difference to other sects, but for the Yunlan Sect, a sword sect that is unique in the entire northwest continent, even the sect leader is strong because of his cultivation, but for the Yunlan Sect, it is a bit of a sorrow.

Since the founder of the Yunlan Sect, Yun Potian, the Yunlan Sect has gone from bad to worse, and finally became what it is today. This is because their cultivation methods are often different from those of the outside world, which has laid the foundation for the disaster.

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