Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 214 Buddha’s Angry Fire Lotus

Among the shocked people, Nalan Jie was naturally among them.

When he saw that his open fighting spirit barrier was shaking in the aftermath of the full-force collision between the two, his heart felt extremely heavy, and he could only sigh: "Xiao Lin, you really have a good grandson..."

And even if the howling wind in front of him gradually dissipates, in the field of vision that cannot be clearly seen immediately, there is still no winner yet.

The Dou Qi armors on Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were inevitably damaged in large areas, and both of them focused more on fighting. Naturally, there was no extra Dou Qi to replenish the Dou Qi armors. The Dou Qi armor alone had Supplements are not as fast as losses.

At this moment, the two gave up the competition of fighting skills and went back and forth among the torn apart ravines that exploded in the square.

Xiao Yan completely gave up the shackles of the Xuan Zhong Ruler. Facing Nalan Yanran, if he continued to use the Xuan Zhong Ruler, it would only make him more disadvantaged, so he simply chose to use the close combat that he was best at.

But Nalan Yanran still holds the long sword in her hand. The Yunlan Sect's sword intention cultivation method is combined with the skills that Yao Wan once improved for her. Even if the fighting spirit gradually bottoms out, as long as the fighting spirit remains, the sword intention is still the best. Inexhaustible and inexhaustible.

There is no need for any extra nonsense. Two people can tell each other's meaning with just the simplest glance.

Between the shattered stone bricks, the two people turned into afterimages, going back and forth, and the action of the fierce battle could not even be seen clearly.

No fighting skills are required, just your own strange fire and sword intent, which are already the best weapons.

As the battle situation turned into a fierce battle, everyone outside the field was even more shocked, especially the people of the Yunlan Sect. Whether they were disciples or elders, the name of the undisputed winner in their minds also came from Nalan. Yanran became confusing.

After the green flames, there are dim yellow animal spirits, including falcons, tigers and leopards, jackals, and even powerful beasts such as the Amethyst Winged Lion King.

However, none of this could stop the sword in Nalan Yanran's hand.

The sword in her hand became more and more broken the more she swung it, but her sword intention was exactly the opposite. With every swing of her sword, it was solidifying little by little, as if some slow qualitative change was taking place.

The square that had been torn apart by the blast, with ravines like spider webs, was left with fist marks or sword marks, and it finally let out a scream of collapse under the overwhelming weight.

"...This... Great Elder."

Among the elders, they looked at each other. Even though Nalan Yanran never showed any signs of defeat at this moment, Xiao Yan became more and more courageous as he fought, as if the battle with Nalan Yanran had completely aroused his fighting spirit.

The balance of the winner, which had been unquestionable in their minds, began to swing.

"Don't panic, I believe Yanran will not be sorry for the training Yunlan Sect has given her."

But even so, Yun Leng's words in this scene may not even be believed by himself.

After the words fell, Yun Leng couldn't help but look up at the top of his head.


Above the sky, someone had been watching silently, but seeing both parties anxious, she still chose to continue watching.

At the guest table, Furukawa's eyelids were twitching wildly. Although he was still reluctant to admit it, at this moment, the green flame Xiao Yan used as his main attack method seemed to him more and more like Qinglian's inner fire. . is this possible?

That can't be done... As Furukawa was thinking hard, he couldn't help but look to the opposite side, and then slowly opened his eyes.

Yao Wan looked at the current battle situation and silently calculated in her heart that it was almost done.

In the field, the figures that crossed each other retreated once again. With the sound of energy explosion, the two figures each wiped the ground and retreated for more than ten meters.

The retreating figures slowly stopped, and the figures of Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran finally appeared clearly under everyone's gaze. Everyone was stunned when they looked at their appearance.

The fighting spirit armor on Xiao Yan's body has completely disappeared, replaced by criss-crossing sword marks on his armor. Under the deep sword marks, half-dried blood can still be faintly seen. , that was the sign that Xiao Yan's body functions could only rush to stop his bleeding after being stabbed by Nalan Yanran.

Obviously, in the previous almost crazy close combat, he was not completely counterattacked by Nalan Yanran.

Xiao Yan looked a little embarrassed, and Nalan Yanran was not much better. Not to mention her fighting spirit armor had long since disappeared. Her originally neat moon-white dress was messy and wrinkled, and her right wrist, which was used to holding a sword, had now become extremely red and swollen. , it was the sprain caused by Xiao Yan's bold attempt to seize Nalan Yanran's sword. He failed, and was almost stabbed through by Nalan Yanran's sword, but he succeeded in destroying her usual sword-wielding hand. Now Nalan Yanran can only hold the sword with her left hand. Although this has no effect on her high-spirited sword intention, it will inevitably make her subsequent attacks less powerful.

The scattered green hair on her forehead stuck to her smooth forehead full of water, and her breathing was a little quick.

From the looks of the two of them, it seemed that they had both won and lost in the previous fierce battles.

Under the blazing sun, the chill dissipated, and a cool mountain breeze blew across the square. Some dead leaves rolled in the wind and passed between the two of them.

Nalan Yanran closed her eyes slightly, and then let out a long breath.

Her sword-wielding hand was crippled, and if she continued to fight, she would definitely lose before the consequences of Xiao Yan's use of the secret technique came.

In this case...

"...Do you still remember the scroll of fighting skills that you gave me back then?"

Facing Xiao Yan, Nalan Yanran murmured in a voice that only the two of them could hear.


Xiao Yan was silent, he knew very well that the outcome would be decided in one round.

Without waiting for Xiao Yan's reply, Nalan Yanran raised her hand and took off the tie that tied up the three thousand black hair on the back of her head. The black hair slipped off, and combined with Chuchen's agile temperament, the touching scene made countless people fall in love with her. If you have someone you admire, your heart will beat faster.

Xiao Yan was ready to fight.

Xiao Yan somewhat understood the things he gave out with his own hands.

Everyone was wondering why Nalan Yanran was doing this, but soon, Nalan Yanran gave her own answer.

A pair of bloodless jade hands clenched the broken long sword that was almost overwhelmed. Nalan Yanran's breath settled down from the frivolity just now, almost like a flashback.

She gradually closed her eyes. If she wanted to use this move, the strength of her fighting spirit was not the key. The key point was the sword intention and fighting spirit that she could use to replace fighting spirit.

The wind on the top of Yunlan Mountain slowly changed its original direction and began to gather like a whirlpool with Nalan Yanran as the center at this moment.

But what gathered together was not the wind, but just the sword intent.

"Let me see what kind of fighting skills the Shadow Chaser Sword is."

Xiao Yan looked at Nalan Yanran, but did not stop her.

But in fact, what Nalan Yanran has successfully practiced now is not the Shadow Chaser Sword at the beginning.

The Shadow Chaser Sword itself is a set of sword fighting skills. Although I don’t know what will be collected by the former Xiao family, it is a fighting skill from the Dou Qi Continent. Although it is a sword fighting skill, it has its own shape, but there is no other. God, therefore, Nalan Yanran needs all his fighting energy to be released during normal cultivation.

For Nalan Yanran, this is really an act of neglecting the fundamentals.

Therefore, Yaowan has improved it. Even if it does not require such a huge amount of fighting energy, it can still be used to release this fighting skill through sword intent. Not only will the power not be reduced, but it will become more terrifying.

This can be regarded as her biggest cultivation achievement now.

Although Xiao Yan didn't know the reasons why, he also understood that if he didn't do something at this time, he would give up.

He couldn't help but recall the thoughts he had when he was practicing in the Xiao family's secret realm.

Fuse the alien fires with each other and throw them out as bombs.

Now, it happens to be the most suitable time.


"What's wrong?"

"If I fail, I hope you can wipe my ass."

Xiao Yan said in a relaxed tone, making Yao Lao confused.

"What are you wiping your butt? Don't you have the Flame Devouring Wave Ruler? Use it, it's not like we don't have earth-level fighting skills... Wait, Xiao Yan, what are you doing?!"

Before Yao Lao finished speaking, he noticed three types of strange fire emerging in front of Xiao Yan.

Then Xiao Yan held the Ten Thousand Beast Spirit Fire and the Netherworld Poison Fire with his left and right hands respectively, squeezing these two kinds of strange fire towards the Qinglian Earth Core Fire in front of him.

Different fires have different properties and are terrifyingly destructive. Therefore, once they come into contact, extremely violent explosions can easily occur.

"What does he want to do?"

Looking at Xiao Yan's weird behavior, Fa Ma Guhe and others were stunned for a moment, their faces full of confusion.

"Is it possible...this guy actually wants to fuse three kinds of flames together?"

"Is he crazy? Different flames want to merge together? Is he not afraid of being backfired by the flames?"

Fa Ma and Gu He looked at each other in astonishment.

The three flames of cyan, yellow, and purple are getting closer and closer, and ferocious energy ripples are constantly bursting out from between the three. Occasionally, the flames burst out, and when they touch each other, bursts of thunder-like explosions erupt. The loud noise made everyone in the square a little stunned.

Looking at the changes of the two flames with a calm expression, Xiao Yan was slightly silent for a moment, and then suddenly slapped them hard with both hands.

With the power of his soul as a guarantee, Xiao Yan's courage has never been greater. Now that he has this idea, he naturally needs to be brave enough to try.

Among the people who were getting more and more shocked, Yao Wan was the only one who remained calm as before, with just a slight difference.

Buddha's Wrathful Lotus...

She originally thought that without the Mo family, she had already planned to teach him the Buddha's Wrath of Fire Lotus herself, but she didn't expect it.

Although it was a different time and a different place, the three-color fire lotus like glass still bloomed in his palm.

Is this the end of the world line?

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