Putting aside everything else, the three kinds of flames displayed by Xiao Yan now have already stunned everyone present, not to mention that he is still fusing these three completely different flames together at this moment.

And as the heat wave swept over, when everyone felt the three destructive energies forcibly fused together, everyone at the guest table gradually realized who Xiao Yan was in front of them.

Isn't it the same Yan Xiao who won the championship in the Alchemist Conference a few days ago in the extra round of the Imperial City?

These two people are actually the same person?

Everyone on the stage couldn't help but fell into silence, and the shock in their hearts could no longer be expressed in words.

They just watched as the three flames of cyan, purple, and yellow were compressed little by little in Xiao Yan's palm, and finally a lotus petal bloomed.


Compared to the noisy opposite side, the guest seats on this side seemed much quieter from beginning to end.

Until this moment, Xiao Zhan looked at the center of the square, where Xiao Yan, standing above the debris and ravines, merged with the alien fire and gathered into a lotus.

He was a little dazed, Yan'er was already so powerful.

In this way, he was really relieved.

Yan'er is much stronger than him, and that's enough.

He was a little relieved. As for the final victory or defeat, although he no longer cared about it, it had reached this moment. He couldn't help but silently cheer for his son along the way.

In the end, the heat wave and the thunderous roar disappeared, and everything became calm. Only in the palm of Xiao Yan's hand, a three-color lotus with the texture of glass flowed slowly, peacefully and quietly.

A faint smile couldn't help but appear on Xiao Yan's face, which was the joy of a successful experiment.

"Teacher, look."


Yao Lao was speechless, but he knew exactly what would happen next, so he was ready to protect Xiao Yan at any time.

Seeing the unknown fire lotus emerging from Xiao Yan's hand, Nalan Yanran subconsciously felt that something was not right.

But there was no room for her to think too much at this moment.

His sword intent poured into the broken long sword in his hand almost crazily. The huge storm subsided in front of his eyes, and the long sword let out an overwhelmed wail and trembled violently.

She took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and clenched the trembling sword in her hand.

Overhead, the sky clouds stirred.

"Absolute Sword——"

Nalan Yanran murmured softly, and Liu Ling, who was standing next to Gu He, immediately recognized that it was Nalan Yanran's most powerful move.

"Shadow chasing!"

Everything around him dimmed, except for the sword energy in front of Xiao Yan that split the whirlpool clouds on the top of Yunlan Mountain into two.

Xiao Yan's expression remained unchanged. Looking at the sword energy that almost split the world into two, he had no fear or timidity.

He just gently pushed the fire lotus out of his hand.

"...Go, Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus."

Xiao Yan gently pushed out the three-color fire lotus with glass texture that he named Buddha's Wrath Fire Lotus. The fire lotus looked like an insignificant drop of water in the ocean facing the sword energy wielded by Nalan Yanran.

However, after Xiao Yan released it, the Buddha's Angry Fire Lotus gradually gained incredible speed, from its original slowness to suddenly colliding head-on with the sword energy in front of it that eclipsed all things.

The two collided like a meteor falling.


Then, a huge roar resounded throughout the entire Yunlan Mountain at this moment.

An unexaggerated earthquake occurred in front of everyone, and Yun Leng immediately ordered his disciples to form a formation and open a protective shield to protect the mountain gate.

A thunderous roar resounded over the huge square, like the wrath of the God of Thunder, which made people tremble with fear.

In the center of the square, a huge fire lotus swallowed up the majestic energy of the sword energy, and slowly opened its petals in the center of the square, ushering in its full bloom.

The collision between the sword energy and the fire lotus did not last too long, because the energy gap between the two was really too big. Even though Nalan Yanran was amazingly talented, she could not compete with the one who was born as a wonder of heaven and earth. They competed with the extremely violent alien fire.

After the loud noise, there was a collision of energy that bloomed like a volcanic eruption. The two fierce and unparalleled energies, as soon as they touched each other in mid-air, madly released each other's terrifying energy. Suddenly, A gust of wind appeared out of thin air over the square and roared past. Where the two came into contact, the air distorted the light due to the collision of high temperature and energy, making everything look even more bizarre.

The strong wind roared past, and the energy shock wave that exploded in the sky was like a fire coming from heaven, sweeping away in the direction of the square and Nalan Yanran.

The disciples of the Yunlan Sect had just managed to withstand the first wave of impact, but they were helpless in the face of the destructive energy released by the Fire Lotus at this moment.

If nothing goes wrong, the entire Yunlan Sect's mountain gate will be razed to the ground, and Yunlan Mountain will be forcibly cut off from the top of the mountain under the blooming fire lotus.

Now, not to mention protecting the disciples of Yunlan Sect, even the Douwang and Douhuang experts, if they do not resist with all their strength, will be burned by the fire lotus before they can retreat, leaving no ashes behind.

Not to mention Nalan Yanran and Xiao Yan who were currently within the center of the explosion.

After watching for a long time, Yao Wan finally sighed: "Using three-color fire lotus from the beginning... This would be too messy."

Following Yao Wan's fluttering words, everything around him seemed to freeze, and even the destructive fire lotus stopped abruptly at this moment.

A golden pattern began to spread along the Yunlan Sect square that was on the verge of being broken, and covered the entire Yunlan Sect square at an extremely fast speed under the fire lotus.

"What's this?!"

Everyone who had expected that they would also be blown away by the fire lotus couldn't help but widen their eyes. Could this also be the work of the Yun Lan Sect?

Unlike everyone at the guest table, Yun Ling and a group of Yunlan Sect elders all looked like they had seen a ghost.

When did Yunlan Sect have such a formation?

Many disciples were injured within the explosion range of the fire lotus. Even the use of the sect's formation was greatly reduced. Moreover, their sect-protecting formation itself was not a defensive formation. How could they stop such a terrifying fire? lotus?

Yun Ling was frightened and couldn't help but look at the square covered by golden light. They were fine now, but Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were still inside.

He naturally doesn't care whether the Xiao family boy lives or lives, but Nalan Yanran is the hope of the next generation of the Yunlan Sect, so how can she allow anything to happen?

The terrifying energy erupted by the fire lotus gradually dissipated, and the golden light in front of his eyes also gradually disappeared. Before Yun Leng could make any move, a black robe flashed past in front of everyone's eyes, making everyone unable to help but feel one of them. Stunned.

Even the terrifying energy released by the powerful and destructive alien fire had not hurt the person or the unconscious Nalan Yanran in her arms.

Yun Ling suddenly opened his eyes wide, that person was...

He suddenly recalled that this person seemed to have been sitting on the guest table from the beginning, but for some reason, he didn't realize her existence until now.

Everyone couldn't help but cast their eyes on the black robe and bamboo hat flying in the wind, and after taking off this disguise, Yaowan also appeared in front of everyone.

When they saw the medicine, some people breathed a sigh of relief, some people frowned, as if facing a formidable enemy, and some people's pupils shrank, as if they recognized the identity of the person who was now involved in this three-year appointment. .

Hai Bodong sat in his seat, his expression gradually calmed down. The old god was here. He had already guessed that Yao Wan would definitely choose to take action from the moment he saw Yao Wan sitting here watching the battle together.

With her controlling the battle, nothing will go wrong in the end.

Furukawa couldn't help but open his eyes wide. Sure enough... is this really true? ! This mysterious strong man who defeated Queen Medusa before actually appeared here. It is not difficult to explain the Qinglian Earth Core Fire on Xiao Yan - I am afraid that this mysterious strong man is Xiao Yan. Yan’s master, right? Even if he is not the master, the relationship between the two is definitely extraordinary.

As for the appearance of a mysterious and strange strong man, the only troublesome one now is naturally Jia Xingtian, a mysterious strong man who appeared in the Jia Ma Empire. This is not good news.

Fa Ma looked at Yao Wan's figure, but for no apparent reason, the title of a mysterious and powerful man that he had heard of by chance came to mind.

While their accident was still hidden in their hearts, Nalan Jie and Nalan Su couldn't help but exclaimed: "Medicine Fairy?! Why did she appear here?!"

The exclamations of father and son Nalan Jie and Nalan Su were like huge rocks breaking open the calm water, causing a burst of violent waves, causing everyone around them to look at each other and clearly see the astonishment in each other's eyes.

Medicine Fairy? Isn't that the mysterious powerful man who is famous throughout the northwest continent? Although she only appeared for four or five years and made very few appearances, it did not affect her reputation in the northwest continent at all, which spread like the wind among the many empires in the northwest continent.

A mysterious strong man, an enigmatic alchemist, and a beauty who can be said to be the most beautiful woman in the world. All three are gathered in one person. It is no wonder that people in the northwest continent are always interested in the rumors of the Medicine Fairy.

But Furukawa quickly regained his inner peace after the initial shock. After all, if Yao Xianzi took away Qinglian's inner fire, it would naturally not be his turn to say anything. Since there was nothing he could do, there was no need to worry about it. On.

Haibodong couldn't help but glance at Nalan Jie... How did the Nalan family recognize that it was the Medicine Fairy... Could it be that they had been in contact with this girl before?

Thinking of this, Haibodong couldn't help but look at the unconscious Nalan Yanran in Yao Wan's arms again, feeling that the relationship between them was not that simple.

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