These days, Xiao Xun'er has been looking forward to it.

The three-year appointment has passed, so counting the days, brother Xiao Yan will come to Canaan College soon.

After not seeing each other for more than two years, she didn't know what Xiao Yan's brother had become.

This made her even more hopeful.

News has also come from Ling Ying's side that brother Xiao Yan has left the Jiama Empire after ending his three-year contract with Nalan Yanran. Come to think of it... it's only been a few days, right?

Recalling the carefree life in the Xiao family in the past, bit by bit, thinking about it, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but reveal a faint smile at the corner of her mouth.

The once graceful girl has not only changed into a more attractive appearance, but also her temperament. Her elegant and graceful temperament has also added to the color that every lady should have.

Outside the door, there were several girls playing, which made her look outside the door. Then, Xiao Xun'er opened the door.

"What's wrong, cousin Xiao Yu?"

Xiao Xun'er opened the door, only to find that not only Xiao Yu and the girls they usually played with, but also instructor Ruolin was there.

This made Xiao Xun'er a little surprised. Although they knew that today was the day of the inner court selection competition, looking at the expressions on their faces, it was obvious that they were not so happy for the start of the selection competition. Could it be that there were other good things? ?

It wasn't until Xiao Xun'er opened the door that the crowd of Yingying Yanyans who appeared in front of her stopped laughing, and turned to look at the girl in front of her who was undoubtedly the most eye-catching and moving.

"Xun'er finally came out. The trials are about to begin. Let's go quickly."

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but smile: "Of course I know the trials are about to begin."

"But this trial is a trial. I think cousin Xiao Yu will not be so happy about the trial, right? Did something good happen again?"

Xiao Yu couldn't help but smile: "Xun'er is still smart. You have already guessed it before we even had time to tell you."


Xun'er was slightly startled, but couldn't help but chuckled and shook her head: "But I am very familiar with everyone, and today seems to be different from usual times, so I have such a guess."

Seeing Xun'er's appearance, Xiao Yu couldn't help but look at each other and her little sisters, and couldn't help but laugh.

Ruolin couldn't stand it any longer, she coughed lightly with a smile on her face, and couldn't help but said: "Okay, you guys should stop hiding this from Xun'er."

Obviously, although Tutor Ruolin was not as happy as the few little girls around her, there was indeed a bit of a smile in her beautiful eyebrows.

Xun'er saw that even Tutor Ruolin was like this, and her lively Qiqiao Exquisite Heart naturally vaguely realized that this happy event probably had a lot to do with her.

But these days he is just practicing hard, and his life in Canaan City is mostly about two-point and one-line practice, so why should she be happy about it?

Is that difficult?

Xun'er naturally thought of the sweetheart she had been waiting for, and couldn't help but look at the smiling faces of the girls in front of her, and shook her head.

"I really can't think of anything good that could happen to me - but if Xun'er guessed correctly, could it be that brother Xiao Yan is here?"

As soon as Xun'er said this, the girls in front of her could no longer hold back and couldn't help laughing together.

Even Xun'er was a little impatient, and a hint of bright red slowly appeared on the roots of her ears.

"Hehe, Xun'er guessed it right...Early this morning, news came from Heping Town, saying that a student who had taken two years' leave finally came to report. Guess...what's that person's name?"

With a joking smile on her face, Xiao Yu leaned in front of Xiao Xun'er and asked softly.

Xiao Xun'er's blush that originally reached her ears suddenly climbed onto her cheeks. She raised her head and saw Xiao Yu's expression that was clearly teasing her. She couldn't help but said in embarrassment: "Cousin Xiao Yu, you know that everyone except Xiao Yan There is no one else but my brother!"

"Hehe, aren't you afraid that if we haven't seen each other for too long, Xun'er might not be able to remember it all at once if we tell her about it?"

Xiao Yu said with a smile: "Besides, you have been waiting for that bastard for two years. It's time to teach this guy a lesson. If you want to tell me, you should keep him entertained for a few days to see if he knows." I don’t know what’s wrong.”

Xiao Yu naturally knew how Xiao Xun'er was willing to treat Xiao Yan like this. As expected, Xiao Xun'er just shook his head and said: "Brother Xiao Yan has not been idle in the past two years. Regarding what happened to him, Xiao Yu It’s not like you don’t know, cousin.”

"Well, of course I know this. It's Yun Lanzong and Nalan Yanran... I'm afraid the grievances between them are not so easy to resolve, right?"

Xiao Xun'er pursed her lips slightly, calming down her mood temporarily, and then she couldn't help but nodded slightly.

"But since brother Xiao Yan is already here, I guess it is already a matter of Yunlan Sect. Cousin Xiao Yu doesn't need to worry too much."

Xiao Yu couldn't help but raise her eyebrows after hearing Xiao Xun'er's words, and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Ah? I'm worried about him? That's no need. It's better to worry about that bastard than to worry about Xiao What about the current cultivation situation of that brat Ning? His talent, which was just okay for the time being in the Xiao family, is no longer enough in this Canaan Academy where there are so many talented people. If he doesn't work harder now, he will really have to stay in this outer courtyard. For a lifetime?”

Xun'er was slightly startled. Having said that, it seemed that this was really the case.

However, when she mentioned Xiao Yu and Xiao Yan, it was just a joke, so she didn't take it too seriously.

"Alright, girls."

Seeing Xiao Xun'er also coming out, Ruolin said: "It's already late by then. The inner court selection competition is coming soon. It's too late to go to Heping Town now. Let's wait until we meet again at the selection competition."

"Yes, I understand, Teacher Ruolin."

Xiao Xun'er naturally knew very well who Ruolin was speaking to, and she also knew that what Ruolin said was of course the truth. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Since brother Xiao Yan is already here, why should he care about a short moment?

Xiao Xun'er suppressed her expectations in her heart, and then followed the girls from the outer courtyard class to the venue where the selection competition was held. Canaan City was filled with people.

She was not in a hurry. Although she was a little happy when she first got the news, she had calmed down now. Instead, she walked to the trial arena with only a little expectation.

After a while, how should I say hello to brother Xiao Yan?

When the students who went to the ring with Xiao Xun'er for the assessment saw the smile hidden in Xiao Xun'er's eyebrows, they all lost their fighting spirit and ended up in an extremely humiliating end.

"Everyone agrees."

Xiao Xun'er bowed slightly gracefully, and her elegant and yet polite movements naturally captured the hearts of many young people in the audience.

But all this did not cause any disturbance in Xiao Xun'er's eyes. It was just those beautiful and smart eyes that subconsciously caught a glimpse of the slender figure carrying a black ruler on his back while the heads were moving. .

The visitor was dressed in a smart outfit that outlined his extraordinarily slender figure, but on his back was a large black ruler that matched his slender figure and looked extremely unusual.

His long black hair was simply tied back by a red hairband, revealing his calm but energetic side face under the sun. His dark red eyes showed a calmness that was not expected at this age, passing through the hustle and bustle. The crowd came slowly.

"Well, I'm sorry to borrow it."

The young man who was losing his youthfulness smiled.

Seeing that the borrower was so polite, the student who was accidentally bumped turned around and glanced at the unfamiliar face, but he didn't care too much: "It's okay."

Then he walked in the direction of Xiao Xun'er.

Naturally, he saw Xun'er walking down the ring not long after he arrived. A smile appeared on his lips involuntarily, and he walked into her sight little by little.

His appearance also caused a smile to appear on Xun'er's face unconsciously.

Xiao Xun'er walked down the steps, but his footsteps did not stop. Instead, he walked faster and faster. At this moment, he just walked out of the crowd in the front row, threw himself at the familiar figure in front of him, and embraced her.

"Sorry, sorry, am I late?"

Xiao Yan didn't care about Xiao Xun'er's actions at the moment, he just gently rubbed her hair, leaving a faint fragrance on his fingertips.

"Brother Xiao Yan really kept me waiting for a long time."

Xiao Xun'er breathed in the familiar scent from Xiao Yan that she hadn't seen for a long time, and couldn't help but whisper.

"Well, I miss you too, Nizi."

Xiao Xun'er was completely relieved. Being able to hear these words from brother Xiao Yan, the wait for the past two years was not in vain.

Looking at the girl in green who threw herself into Xiao Yan's arms, the entire square fell into silence. Countless Canaan students who witnessed this moment subconsciously covered their hearts. Although they knew that this was definitely just an illusion, They all seemed to hear countless heartbreaking clicks in their chests and from many people around them, one after another.

Tutor Ruolin, Xiao Yu and others beside Xun'er never expected that the usually reserved and indifferent girl would actually make such a bold move in public. They all looked shocked at the moment. Only after they reacted , couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Some people were heartbroken, some smiled helplessly, and of course some were angry about it.

Xun'er's soul was really taken away by that Xiao Yan, and she didn't know what was wrong with this guy.

Xiao Yan, who was passively feeling Xun'er's embrace, suddenly said in silence: "By the way, it happened suddenly, Nizi, but I have something to tell you -"

Xun'er was confused by Xiao Yan's question and couldn't help but said: "Brother Xiao Yan, tell me."

"Have you seen Miss Wan?"


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