Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 222 News about Yaowan

The students in the outer courtyard of Canaan College were fortunate enough to see Xiao Yan, who they had never met before but was only a legend among the students for two years, now standing in front of them alive, and they didn't know what he said to Xun'er.

Then they saw that their goddess had the same reaction as them almost instantly.

Sluggish, then stiff and gray as if petrified.

"Hmm? Xun'er, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yan's voice brought back Xiao Xun'er's almost shattered heart. Xiao Xun'er forced a smile and said, "It's nothing, I was just a little dazed just now."

It's just that she had already guessed that brother Xiao Yan would come here, so if nothing else happened, it wouldn't be particularly surprising for that woman to follow him... This should be the case, but even if In this way, she never expected that the first attack from Yaowan would come so quickly, so much so that she was caught off guard.

I really have you, Yaowan, just wait for me!

Xiao Xun'er hugged Xiao Yan, and even the dry breath on Xiao Yan's body seemed to be polluted by the stench of the creature's flame that she had made up in her own mind, making her frown slightly.

However, Xiao Xun'er obviously didn't want to ruin the atmosphere between her and Xiao Yan's brother after a long absence. That woman was just relying on her cultivation and talent to bully Mr. Ling. When she turned around and freed her hands, she would be too slow. Slowly manipulate her.

At the beginning, she was just showing off in front of her because she had two stinky coins in her hand. But now, she has grown up, and it is not certain who will win or who will win.

"However, according to Brother Xiao Yan, Yao... cough, Miss Wan is also here?"

Looking at Xun'er's somewhat troubled expression, Xiao Yan already knew that Xun'er probably hadn't met Miss Wan, otherwise he would have said it directly.

"Well, it's a long story—let's talk about it later—"

Xiao Yan also knew that the inner court selection competition was more important now, so before the two of them had time to chat more, they had to put the topic at hand on hold.

Then, a burst of energetic voice spread throughout the training ground in the outer courtyard.

"Xue Beng, the third class of Xuanjie, versus Xiao Yan, the second class of Huangjie!"

"Okay, Xun'er."


Xiao Xun'er reluctantly left Xiao Yan's arms, and then watched Xiao Yan walk onto the selection stage of Canaan College.

With his level of fighting spirit, subduing a student who was only a nine-star fighting master in Canaan Academy was not an amazing achievement for Xiao Yan. After defeating the opponent, Xiao Yan simply ignored him. Speaking as a dual challenger, he just turned his head and looked at Xun'er behind him, as if asking handsome again?

Xiao Xun'er naturally nodded a hundred times, but even so, the question Xiao Yan asked just now somewhat touched Xiao Xun'er's sensitive nerves again, causing a slight pain.

Seemingly seeing Xiao Xun'er's pretty features with a forced smile, Xiao Yu couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. She couldn't help but leaned into Xiao Xun'er's ear and said, "What's wrong with Xun'er? She has a sad face. Looks like."


Xiao Xun'er followed the sound and couldn't help but be surprised. Her expression could be seen so easily?

Xiao Yu exhaled a breath and said: "Xun'er, you can hide it from others, but can you hide it from me? Didn't you just say that you were so happy when you saw Xiao Yan? Why do you still have such a sad face now? What does it look like?”

"So this is ah."

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but sigh.

"What happened? Didn't Xiao Yan make you angry just after he arrived?"

"How could it be? Brother Xiao Yan will never make me angry. It's too late for me to be happy when I see brother Xiao Yan coming."

Xun'er shook her head. As a result, the more Xiao Xun'er behaved like this, the more confused Xiao Yu became.

Just before she could confirm what was going on from Xun'er's mouth, Xiao Yan had already defeated the enemy with one move, and then returned to the position of Huang Jie's second squad under the shocked eyes of the people in the audience. .

But this time, Xiao Yan did not continue to be with Xun'er, but came to Ruolin and exchanged a few words.

After all, he just took a two-year long leave and didn't come. He was absent last year, so this year can be regarded as waiting for him. If nothing else, an apology is indispensable.

And Ruolin was a little surprised that Xiao Yan hadn't seen him for a long time. The original Nine-Star Fighter has become able to defeat the Nine-Star Fighter with one move. The resentment accumulated in the past two years has also disappeared after seeing Xiao Yan's wonderful performance. Gradually dispersed.

After a brief conversation, Xiao Yan returned to Xiao Xun'er.

"Okay, I won't disturb you two for now."

Xiao Yu glared at Xiao Yan, as if she was warning him, saying that if he did not treat Xun'er well, he would not be spared. Even if Xiao Yan did not hear Xiao Yu say this personally, some things actually did not matter. There is no need to go through so much trouble to explain, maybe just a look can give you the answer.

Xiao Yan seemed a little innocent. Who was he looking for to provoke whom? No, he is a newbie, how can he offend others?

He just didn't change his mind at this moment, otherwise he would have reacted immediately. Sometimes, you don't need to provoke someone to offend him. You never know when trouble will come to you on his own. .

Not to mention that he was surrounded by celebrities from outside the academy like Xiao Xun'er.

But there is no need to worry too much, after all, if there are too many lice, they are not itchy. If one trouble comes to your door, it is trouble, but if a group of troubles comes to your door, that is daily life.

Xiao Yan almost had a vague premonition about the daily life he might face in Canaan College.

"... Let's go back first, brother Xiao Yan. I just happened to take brother Xiao Yan to see where we live now, and Xun'er has a lot to say to brother Xiao Yan."

Xiao Xun'er took the initiative to hold Xiao Yan's hand. Xiao Yan's fingertips were a little stiff and hesitant, but in the end it was Xiao Xun'er who took the initiative to hold Xiao Yan's hand. Xiao Yan had no choice but to let her come. .

And when they saw the lovable little bird in their heart after finding the goddess in their hearts, some students who had not yet passed the trial looked at Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er leaving in public, and their hearts were broken into pieces. It fell all over the floor.

But I believe Xiao Xun'er's mood at the moment won't be much better than theirs.

On the way, Xiao Xun'er told Xiao Yan as concisely and concisely as possible most of the things that had happened in the past two years, such as the joining of their new group of students. Later, Xiao Ning also came here as the next generation of students. Every bit of life here, cultivation, and the topics they girls talk about now.

Naturally, there was also the inner court selection competition a year ago. In fact, Xun'er already had the cultivation and qualifications to be promoted to the inner court at that time. It was just because Xiao Yan was still cultivating a year ago and was always in the future, so she ended up being He gave up the qualification to be promoted to the inner court just to wait for Xiao Yan's arrival and advance and retreat with him.

It's just that Xun'er's decision undoubtedly pushed herself to the forefront.

A genius with both talent and beauty was willing to give up the annual inner court selection and continue to wait because of his sweetheart who had never come. This moved countless students. While they cherished her, they couldn't help but arouse their concern. Xiao Yan's verbal and written criticism also caused Xiao Yan, who had not been here at all in two years, to gain a reputation that was no less than that of Yunlan Sect.

These words naturally moved Xiao Yan very much, and at the same time, he unconsciously felt a little complicated in his heart.

"Actually, you don't have to wait for me in the outer courtyard, Xun'er."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel serious and helpless in his tone: "Where can I wait instead of waiting? The resources of the inner courtyard are much better than those of the outer courtyard."

"Then what if brother Xiao Yan can't wait for me?"

A calm and quiet smile appeared on Xiao Xun'er's face, and she said, "I want to be with brother Xiao Yan - that's all."

"——Oh, silly girl."

Xiao Yan smiled helplessly, and at the same time couldn't help but squeeze Xiao Xun'er's hand subconsciously.

Xiao Xun'er was slightly stunned. She had been taking the initiative to hold brother Xiao Yan's hand, but now she felt her sweetheart's slender but slightly rough fingertips holding her hand slowly but forcefully. She He was a little stunned, and a faint smile couldn't help but emerge from the corner of his mouth.

"...By the way, what happened just now."

Halfway through, Xiao Xun'er thought about it and decided that it would be better to take the initiative by taking the initiative. Even though it was a topic she didn't like very much, she still took the initiative and said: "According to what brother Xiao Yan said...she...Miss Wan also Come to Canaan College?"

It’s not surprising that Yao Wan would follow him to Canaan College. What’s surprising is that since he’s here, why not come in with brother Xiao Yan?

Anyway, since their brief contact at the Xiao family two years ago, Yao Wan, a woman from the same place as her, has brought her a sense of crisis that she has not been able to completely eliminate until now.

So much so that even now, she still has some lingering fears.

"Well... what Miss Wan meant was that it wouldn't be appropriate for a newcomer to break the rules directly, so I tried to find a way to open up the joints."

"Open the joints?"

Xiao Yan's words made Xiao Xun'er frown subconsciously. This man was really extraordinary the moment he came.

But it doesn't matter. Let's not talk about the inner courtyard. She still has some connections in the outer courtyard. If there is any trouble in Yaoyuan, she will know about it before Xiao Yan.

Huh, last time in the Xiao family, it was because of the elders that it was not convenient to deal with you. This time at her home court, there is no way she can continue to succeed.

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