Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 223 Spirit Fusion Pill and Bloodline

Naturally, it is impossible for Xiao Yan to hear any useful information from Xiao Xun'er.

What he needs to do now naturally becomes boring and anxious waiting.

Whether it was the selection of the inner court or the arrival of Miss Wan, he still needed to wait for the time being.

However, Xiao Yan is already used to waiting. Anyway, practicing is always one of the best ways to spend his time. Sometimes a whole day passes just by closing and opening his eyes.

After chatting with Xun'er for a while, Xiao Yan went to find the accommodation that was distributed to him, but no one had come to live in it for two years.

Fortunately, there are probably people from Canaan College who come to clean these rooms that are currently unoccupied, so the rooms are not filled with dust.

Xiao Yan is not particular about it. It is enough to have a space with no one to disturb him. Anything else is of little use to him.

After sitting down cross-legged, he calmed down.

Everything is fine on Xun'er's side, so there is no need to worry. What she needs to deal with now is the selection of the inner courtyard of Canaan College and waiting for Miss Wan to come.

Xiao Yan closed his eyes and practiced for a long time, then opened his eyes and exhaled a breath of turbid air.

"is the teacher here?"

Xiao Yan gently raised his hand, and the simple ring between his fingers revealed a wisp of gray light, then turned into misty mist, and gradually solidified into a figure that was getting closer and closer to the entity.

"What's wrong?"

In recent days, Yao Lao has not shown his face much. After all, Yao Wan has taken care of most of the troubles that Xiao Yan cannot solve, so there is no need for him to keep an eye on Xiao Yan.

He can naturally use the extra time to restore his soul power.

During this period, his soul power was recovering well, and at least for a period of time, he no longer had to worry about anything.

And Xiao Yan also saw the teacher's body that was obviously becoming more solid, and couldn't help but said: "The teacher's body seems to be getting more solid. Is this because the power of the soul is getting stronger and stronger?"

"That's natural."

Yao Lao nodded: "You have a girl taking care of you these days, and I am happy to be free. Although the living crystal in the Xiao family's secret realm was not as effective as yours on my soul, after all, But it’s been of great benefit to me.”

"With the strength I have recovered now, with the power of my soul alone, it is no problem to contend with Douzong."

"Really? That would be great."

Xiao Yan was happy from the bottom of his heart. The teacher's improvement in strength was a good thing for him. After all, although there was a Dou Zong hidden beside him, Xiao Yan would be more convinced that Queen Medusa was still the Yao Lao. , then if Xiao Yan's brain was not caught by the door, he would definitely choose medicine with his eyes closed.

But speaking of it this way, Xiao Yan recalled the agreement between himself and Queen Medusa.

Maybe it’s time to find a time to honor the previous agreement with Queen Medusa.

After all, this woman is too difficult to deal with. Even if Miss Wan left a restriction on her body that prevents her from attacking him, this is not a foolproof method after all.

After all, it was impossible for Xiao Yan to safely hand over his back to the murderous Queen Medusa just because of this flimsy restriction.

It would be best to send such a dangerous woman away as soon as possible.

Doesn’t she want the Spirit Fusion Pill?

Since she wants it, give it to her.

"What's wrong? What are you thinking about?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's wandering eyes, Yao Lao couldn't help but say that he must be thinking about something.

"I'm thinking that maybe it's time to refine the Spirit Fusion Pill."

Xiao Yan thought for a moment and said.

"Refining the Spirit Fusion Pill?"

When Yao Lao heard Xiao Yan say this, he couldn't help but frown subconsciously.

"Why do you suddenly think of the Soul Fusion Pill again? You don't know that the girl's problem comes from the unknown fire, not the soul. What are you doing now by refining the Soul Fusion Pill?"

Yao Lao wondered.

"Well, of course I know, but this time I'm not refining the Spirit Fusion Pill for Miss Wan."

Xiao Yan said calmly, but Yao Lao raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

"It's not for the girl to refine the spirit-melting elixir? Who else can I give it to?"

He murmured subconsciously and said, "Wait a minute, are you trying to refine the spirit-melting elixir for Queen Medusa?"

He looked at his apprentice tentatively and said subconsciously, but he saw Xiao Yan and nodded with peace of mind.

"You brat, have you forgotten who Queen Medusa is? Do you still want to refine the spirit elixir for her?... Even the brain of a sperm can't do this."

Yao Lao's words made Xiao Yan couldn't help but roll his eyes, and then he sighed and said: "Teacher, do you think I am that kind of person? I am really smart... Ahem, at that time, I also It will definitely not be directed at her."

Xiao Yan's righteous words will prove in the near future. Don't plant flags on yourself casually, otherwise the boomerang will hit you in the face and you will be in pain.

However, Xiao Yan naturally had no problem with what he said at the moment. Yao Lao lowered his head slightly and thought carefully that his apprentice was indeed not such a person, so he continued: "Okay, then why do you think of giving beauty to me again?" Has Queen Dusha refined the Spirit Fusion Pill?"

Xiao Yan then told Yao Lao his thoughts. After all, using a spirit-melting pill in exchange for his own safety, Xiao Yan himself didn't think it was a loss-making deal. The only regret was that he didn't catch him some time ago. Queen Medusa used it.

"To be honest, I think it's too early to deal with that Medusa."

Yao Lao shook his head: "There is no need to confront this woman head-on."

"But what you said actually makes sense. It's better to stay away from a woman like Queen Medusa."

Yao Lao subconsciously stroked his beard and said, "The Fusion Pill is just a sixth-grade pill. I'll just refine one and give it to her to send her away."

"After all, if two different Douzongs come together, nothing good will happen in the future."

Just as Yao Lao was talking, he saw Xiao Yan waving his hand in front of him.

"what happened again?"

"Um, teacher, do you think I can refine the Spirit Fusion Pill now?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said, but Yao Lao suddenly lost his voice. Xiao Yan thought that Yao Lao was about to start attacking him again, and sighed: "Okay, I also know that it is a bit too early."

"No, I haven't said anything yet. How do you know that I will definitely say that you can't do it?"

Yao Lao was happy, walked closer to Xiao Yan with a smile, and couldn't help but say.

"Of course I don't blame the teacher, I just think I should give it a try."

Xiao Yan smiled and shook his head. Yao Lao understood and immediately said: "According to what you said, it doesn't matter. It's not impossible for you to refine the spirit-melting elixir. It just requires you to make more preparations. After all, this is not a problem." This is your first time refining a sixth-grade elixir. Although the strength of your soul power is enough to support the need for refining the spirit-melting elixir, everything cannot be done on paper, especially when it comes to the control of flames."

"I know all this, teacher."

"But you haven't had it easy recently, right? You just came to Canaan College. Although the selection for the inner college is not difficult for you, it always takes some effort. Although it is not impossible to refine the spirit-melting pill, it is not impossible either. You can make it successfully by just dealing with it casually."

Yao Lao naturally understood that Xiao Yan regarded refining the spirit-melting elixir for Queen Medusa as a training for himself, and he was quite pleased with this.

Xiao Yan is growing rapidly now. Although it is inseparable from Yatou's training and his own teachings from beginning to end, Xiao Yan's own progress is the basis for all these investments to bear fruit.

After all, if they don't work hard, they won't be able to do it even if they want to.

However, being motivated and aggressive are two different things.

Xiao Yan is growing too fast now, and Yao Lao is actually a little worried that it will make Xiao Yan become eager for success.

"It's okay, I will keep your teachings in mind, teacher."

Of course, Xiao Yan also saw Yao Lao's hesitation, and then said with a smile.

"This is naturally the best."

Yao Lao nodded slightly. After all, he was definitely relieved about Xiao Yan.

But looking at Xiao Yan who now showed a carefree expression, Yao Lao couldn't help but think about whether to tell him about the girl.

Just tell me, I'm afraid this kid did something stupid on impulse.

But if I don't say it, I'm afraid this guy won't be able to accept it when the time comes.

"Teacher, what's wrong with you? Do you have anything else to say to me?"

While Yao Lao was thinking, Xiao Yan saw that Yao Lao seemed to have something on his mind and couldn't help but say.

Yao Lao saw that since he had already seen it, there was no need to hide it anymore, so he said: "Do you know why, some time ago, the girl suddenly told you that she would leave and what to do after she leaves?"

Xiao Yan immediately became interested. If Yao Lao talked about other things, Xiao Yan might still be a little uninterested, but if the teacher was talking about Miss Wan, he would naturally be very interested.

"what? What?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's very interested eyes, Yao Lao couldn't help but roll his eyes at this guy. He was really a rollicking wolf.

However, Yao Lao coughed slightly and then said: "Xiao Yan, I think you should know more or less that the Dou Qi Continent is vast and has many races. Just like the Jia Ma Empire, it is not only home to humans, but also to For a race similar to the snake people, the differences and advantages and disadvantages between races are the so-called bloodlines."

"And girl...that girl also has a completely different bloodline than yours flowing in her body...this bloodline is naturally not the species difference between humans and snake people."

"Rather, people like her, for some special reasons, possess power that far exceeds that of other ethnic groups. This is the power of blood."

Xiao Yan nodded. He had indeed heard this statement more than once, but what did Yao Lao tell him have to do with Miss Wan?

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