Yao Lao saw the doubts in Xiao Yan's heart at a glance, then raised his hand to signal him to calm down, and then explained: "And what I want to tell you next is the power of the girl's bloodline There are relationships."

"The power of blood?"

"The power of bloodline may be strong or weak, there may be more or less. The people who inherit the bloodline gather together to form a group. Your girl Wan comes from such a place."

"So that's it, Miss Wan..."

Yao Lao interrupted Xiao Yan's speculation and continued: "Her clan is an extremely powerful clan in Dou Qi Continent. She inherited her surname as the clan name, and gained strength from it that other clans cannot compete with. .”

"That's it. No wonder Miss Wan is so powerful at such a young age."

Xiao Yan nodded subconsciously. There was no jealousy in his heart, just pure surprise.

"That's wrong. The girl's cultivation so far has relied more on her innate talent rather than the power of her bloodline."

"What about Miss Wan's bloodline power?"

"It was temporarily sealed by her."


When Xiao Yan heard what Yao Lao said, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"The power of blood, can this be sealed?"

Yao Lao couldn't help but laugh: "It is precisely because she can do such things that she is called a genius."

"It's just that, but after all, she has no way to fight against the instinct she was born with."

"Although she can seal the power of her bloodline, she cannot suppress it, because it is essentially the power that is engraved into her bloodline from birth, and no one can change it... not even herself. Therefore, She just postponed the awakening time of her bloodline power."

"I don't know exactly how long she postponed it, but based on her current training of you and what she said to you some time ago, I think the time left between you will not be too long."

Yao Lao shook his head, his tone serious.

"What? Isn't that Miss Wan very dangerous?"

"I'm not sure about this. Maybe the girl has her own sense of discretion."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, then came back to his senses and couldn't help but said: "Since sealing the power of one's own bloodline may actually be harmful to the body, why does Miss Wan still do this?"

Yao Lao was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized that a long time had passed since the encounter between Xiao Yan and Yao Wan, and the two of them had almost forgotten what the other person was like when they just met each other.

So he couldn't help but remind him: "Do you still remember what the girl said when she first met you?"

"Miss Wan's first conversation with me?"

Yao Lao's words couldn't help but make Xiao Yan frown. Even if he told him this, he couldn't remember what he said when he first met Miss Wan. He only vaguely remembered that at that time, he was still thinking about himself. He feels sorry for himself because of his inability to gather his fighting spirit.

And Miss Wan revealed her mysterious figure in the gorgeous starry night.

Xiao Yan's brows suddenly trembled, and he remembered.

"What Miss Wan said at first was that she was traveling?"

Although he said it himself, he couldn't help but be stunned. Was Miss Wan traveling?


Now it seems that this excuse is not very good.

How could someone like Miss Wan, who was born into a mysterious and powerful force, not have anyone to protect her when traveling? How could you leave for so many years and yet not care about it?

So traveling or something like that is naturally just an excuse, an excuse... Miss Wan, I'm afraid she ran away from home on her own, right?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth when he thought that the runaway princesses in such stories and storybooks would appear next to him like this without him even realizing it...

Seeing Xiao Yan's expression that clearly knew the answer, Yao Lao also took advantage of the situation and said: "In any large-scale family, the newborns who are extremely talented and who are born to be focused on nurturing will often be born. There is a blood connection with the family lineage.”

"It's just that before the power of blood is awakened, there will only be soul lamps in the family that show that their life souls are strong. And when the blood of newborns is stimulated with the growth of age and cultivation, the power of blood There will be a path between the main body and the clan that only they can identify, which can naturally be used to find those lost clan members."

"...So that's it. So, Miss Wan sealed the power of her bloodline just because she didn't want her family to find out so early and take her back?"

Yao Lao said: "That's it."

"But even so, the girl can only hide it for a while, but not forever."

"The more the power of blood is sealed and suppressed, it will also have some adverse effects on me. But except for the girl herself, probably no one knows where this red line that cannot be crossed exists."

Xiao Yan felt somewhat uneasy and couldn't help but said: "Teacher, is the counterattack of the power of blood... serious?"

"That depends on the situation."

Yao Lao shook his head. Of course, he didn't know the situation. His bloodline was not considered to be outstanding among the clan back then, let alone being treated like Yao Wan.

Therefore, he mostly just heard about this aspect of the situation.

"Because this is essentially limiting the growth process that you should have, and your body will naturally be overwhelmed."

Yao Lao looked at Xiao Yan, but he really didn't dare to go too far.

After all, he really saw the consequences of what he said were affecting Xiao Yan, making his expression increasingly ugly.

"So Miss Wan must go back, right?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but take a deep breath, his expression was even more ugly to the naked eye.

"Yes, only by letting her return to her family can she truly awaken."

Yao Lao was silent, looked at Xiao Yan's expression and said, "Don't you want her to go back?"

"Of course I don't want to. Who would like that the person they care about has to be separated from them?"

Xiao Yan frowned, but soon he calmed down.

"But it will undoubtedly be better for her to leave...are you right, teacher?"


Yao Lao couldn't help but be surprised that Xiao Yan recovered from his irritability and depression so quickly, and even made the most correct choice immediately.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath and said, "Teacher, do you think I am such a selfish person?"

Yao Lao shook his head and said without comment, "Forget it, let's not talk about it anymore. Let's practice hard. We can talk about these things later."

Xiao Yan felt heavy and just nodded silently, then immediately started practicing and closed his eyes.

In the following days, the Inner Court selection competition was in full swing, and Xiao Yan naturally won the championship as expected. The Treasure Pavilion of Canaan College was also opened for them, and they later gained the qualification to enter the Inner Court.

Xiao Yan didn't understand why he had stayed in Canaan College for so many days. He had already been to every place he could go in Canaan City, but he still couldn't find any trace of Miss Wan. This made him just know the truth. , Xiao Yan, who was already depressed enough, made it even worse.

Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder, could Miss Wan have gone back?

Of course he knew that this was impossible. Even if something unexpected happened, Miss Wan would definitely leave some news with him.

I just know that I know, but after all, I can't hide my uneasiness.

Compared to Xiao Yan's gloomy mood, Xiao Xun'er was obviously a little worried and uneasy.

The reason is naturally the same as Xiao Yan. He knew clearly that the woman Yaowan would come, but now he couldn't find her at all.

Even Xiao Xun'er's initial joy and joy turned into vague uneasiness as time went by.

After all, it would be a bit too scary if she didn't show up from beginning to end.

If you can only commit a thief for a thousand days, how can you prevent a thief for a thousand days?

But now that she was about to join the inner court, she could only suppress her uneasiness for the time being and continue walking.

In the forest behind Canaan City, at the same time that the fire energy hunting competition that the elders talked about started, Xiao Yan also unknowingly noticed a beautiful figure who was alone from beginning to end.

Although she also covered her face with a veil, her concealment method was obviously not as good as Yao Wan's, and Xiao Yan recognized her almost at a glance.

When she saw Xiao Yan and his group in the forest, she subconsciously turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Xiao Yan's words.

"Nalan? Why are you here?"

The person in front of him had to stop and then took off his veil.

"...Sure enough, you shouldn't have put this thing on in the first place. You will recognize it whether you wear it or not."

Nalan Yanran couldn't help curling her lips and said.

"Where are Miss Wan and Qinglin?"

"I knew you would definitely ask them... She said she would be waiting for you in the inner courtyard."

Nalan Yanran said, as if she had already anticipated Xiao Yan's problem.

"What about you now?"

"I'm just a freshman in the same class. If you think I'm an eyesore, I'll leave immediately."

With that said, Nalan Yanran turned around and wanted to leave.

"Then why don't you leave? You're already here, why don't you come with us?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but call her out. Of course, he was not worried about what opponents Nalan Yanran would encounter here with his strength. It was just that Nalan Yanran's joining would naturally allow them and the freshmen to spend this fire energy more safely. Hunting game.

Nalan Yanran thought about it and realized that it was not as comfortable to fight alone as a group performing their own duties, so she agreed to Xiao Yan's invitation.

But when she joined the team, she noticed that the beautiful girl next to Xiao Yan, whom she had never met before, was squinting slightly at her, with a hint of hostility.

Nalan Yanran only felt strange, they had never met each other before, right?

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