Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 225 A belated appearance

Although there was inevitably some doubt in her heart, Nalan Yanran still nodded towards the girl.

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, is this woman Nalan Yanran?

Why is she here?

Listening to the conversation between brother Xiao Yan and her...Did Yaowan bring her here?

Thinking of this, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but feel a little angry in her heart. It's not enough that this woman wants to rob Xiao Yan's brother, does she also want others to rob him?

Seeing that Nalan Yanran didn't seem to have much contact with her, and just stood aside and kept silent, she still managed to endure her temper for the time being, but when she set off again, she couldn't help but gently pull Xiao Yan's arm. Clothes corners.

"Xun'er, what's wrong?"

"Brother Xiao Yan, is that Nalan Yanran?"

Xiao Xun'er lowered her voice in front of Xiao Yan, and at the same time couldn't help but glance at Nalan Yanran, who seemed to have no presence in the freshman team.

She only felt that something was wrong. Nalan Yanran, who was so arrogant that she came to the Xiao family to break off the engagement, now seemed to have changed her temper. If it was said that brother Xiao Yan defeated her during the three-year appointment, then she would also have changed. Too fast.

The more important point is that Xiao Xun'er has some nerve tingling.

This woman is also related to Yaowan.

Xiao Xun'er felt her temples throbbing. She was smart enough to guess that the two of them were basically the least likely to get together, but...

——Yaowan, whenever she thought of this name, she couldn't help but feel a little resistant after being disturbed by her many times before.

In layman's terms, it's PTSD.

Anyway, as long as he has something to do with that woman, nothing good will happen.

Xiao Yan also lowered his voice for the time being and briefly summarized his current relationship with Nalan Yanran.

Simply put, it’s companionship.

Friends may not be considered friends, but they are more trustworthy than strangers.

After all, sometimes it is your opponent who knows you best.

After getting Xiao Yan's answer, Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, but she didn't say anything more, but she was a little more vigilant in her heart.

There was no suspense in this fire hunting competition. It was originally just a unilateral harvest of leeks by the seniors of the inner courtyard of Canaan College.

But they didn't expect that after harvesting leeks for so many years, they would be harvested by leeks today.

"Senior, please."

Xiao Yan looked at the old student in front of him with a smile as ugly as if he had eaten a fly, and said.


As an old man who had been staying in the inner courtyard for some time, he was cut off by a group of freshmen who had just come in today.

NND, when I first entered the inner courtyard, I was robbed by an old student. I finally made it from a freshman to an old student. I wanted to come to fry fish but was robbed by a new student again.

Then didn’t I enter the inner courtyard in vain? !

But just as he was about to speak, Nalan Yanran, who was pointing a long sword at his throat, narrowed her eyes slightly, as if to warn him not to act rashly.

The sharp sword energy was directed at his throat, and Lao Sheng, who was still a little hot just now, suddenly felt a biting chill, making his body tremble involuntarily.

Helpless, he had to hand over his Fire Crystal Card.

Looking at the twinkling lights of the two fire crystal cards crossing each other and the soaring number on the dark crystal cards again, Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

It is true that a horse will not be fat without night grass, and a person will not be rich without windfall.

When he first entered the forest, he was only capable of five points of fire energy. But now after their intensive cultivation in the forest and their enthusiastic exchanges with the old students and seniors, all the seniors were moved by their efforts to improve themselves. , one after another sent out their own fire energy to encourage the new juniors and juniors.

They literally, I cried to death.

The fire energy they now have on hand is enough for him to practice in the so-called "Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower" for more than two months. Such a harvest can be regarded as fruitful.

"Thank you, senior."

Xiao Yan smiled and threw back Lao Sheng's Fire Crystal Card. Nalan Yanran put away her sword, and Lao Sheng quickly put away his own Fire Crystal Card.


Although he is unwilling to do so, he is stronger than others, and the woman in front of him is not easy to mess with.

The old man curled his lips and had no choice but to leave angrily.

After Laosheng left, Xiao Yan said to Nalan Yanran, "Thank you."

"I am not an unpaid labor force. I need to be paid for the help I give you."

Nalan Yanran kept her sword in her hand and said, "Besides, you can deal with these people by yourself, right?"

"This fire energy hunting competition lasts for seven full days. Who knows who is waiting for us? It is also very important to preserve our strength."

Xiao Yan smiled.

Nalan Yanran blinked her clear eyes: "Cunning."

"Shouldn't this be called caution?"

"Two expressions, one meaning."

The conversation between the two people couldn't help but make their companions look at each other strangely.

It's hard to say that the relationship between these two people is as simple as acquaintance, and I don't think they would talk like this until they reached a certain level.

And when they thought of this, everyone couldn't help but focus on Xiao Xun'er.

After all, it was well-known in the outer courtyard that the genius girl had a crush on her childhood sweetheart, and even Xiao Yan, who had not appeared in Canaan Academy for two years, became a celebrity.

The result is now...

Naturally, it was inconvenient for outsiders like them to say anything, so the most they could do was look at Xiao Xun'er. If they didn't take the initiative themselves, then of course there was nothing they could do.

Xiao Xun'er naturally felt the glances from her companions around her, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Then, when everyone continued to advance in the forest, Xiao Xun'er found Nalan Yanran who was walking at the back to prevent anyone from falling behind or an old student from behind.

Nalan Yanran was surprised that this beautiful girl who had been by Xiao Yan's side from beginning to end actually came to find her.

She just remained silent and watched Xiao Xun'er walking slowly.

"Miss Nalan, long time no see."

Xiao Xun'er said.

"……We know each other?"

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Xun'er, a hint of vigilance flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Except for Xiao Yan, she was still wary of others. If Xiao Yan hadn't invited her, she probably wouldn't have taken the initiative to join a strange group.

And she really had no impression of the beautiful girl in front of her.

"When Miss Nalan came to the Xiao family to break off the engagement three years ago, I happened to be there."

Xiao Xun'er said: "Xiao Xun'er, Miss Nalan, you can call me whatever you want."

"A member of the Xiao family?"

Nalan Yanran's wariness towards Xiao Xun'er was somewhat reduced.

"I didn't expect that besides Xiao Yan, people from the Xiao family would also come to Canaan College."

"This is what Miss Nalan doesn't know."

Xiao Xun'er said: "I have something I want to talk to Miss Nalan about."

"I have nothing to talk to you about. It would be better for Miss Xun'er to continue to stay by Xiao Yan's side."

Nalan Yanran shook her head. Of course she could feel the faint hostility coming from Xiao Xun'er, but this also made her a little confused.

Just maintaining the current relationship between her and Xiao Yan was already subtle enough, so how could she like Xiao Yan?

Even if she should look for trouble, she should look for...her trouble, right?

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but recall the scene of Xiao Yan and Yao Wan standing together, and couldn't help but frown slightly. It was really strange. She obviously didn't like these two people being together, but she couldn't help but talk about this topic. Think of them.

"If you want to find someone to discuss the issue of Xiao Yan's ownership, then you shouldn't come to me, you should go to her."

Nalan Yanran shook her head. She really had nothing to say to Xiao Xun'er.

But Nalan Yanran never noticed that Xiao Xun'er's expression changed when she mentioned "her".

Even if she never showed up from beginning to end, it was already enough to give her a headache.


If you wait for me, I won't believe it. I can't beat you this time...!

So what if you are in the inner courtyard? As long as Brother Xiao Yan is still with me, who is afraid of whom...

Seven days later, Xiao Yan led the new students to defeat the old students who were trying to mow the grass for new students in this forest, and won the final victory in this fire energy hunting competition.

Although the old students were still unwilling to do so, they were stopped by Elder Su, who was supervising the fire energy hunting competition.

"I'm willing to admit defeat. A group of people who fought hard in the inner courtyard can't defeat this freshmen. Let's forget it. Don't say that you will step up your practice in the future, so as not to be pulled further and further away by your juniors. In the end, you couldn’t even accept your own failure, so you still think you’re not embarrassed enough?!”

Elder Su's face suddenly darkened as he looked at the disciples in the inner courtyard. He scolded all the old students in front of him who were shouting dissatisfaction, and no one dared to talk back.

"...Alright, Elder Su, let's calm down for now."

Elder Su had almost finished cursing when a soft and pleasant voice sounded at this moment, causing everyone to be stunned.

Xiao Yan paused slightly, and then showed a hint of obvious joy, it was her.

Nalan Yanran let out a sigh of relief, it had nothing to do with her anyway.

Xiao Xun'er's pink fists hidden under the sleeves of her skirt clenched unconsciously - this voice - even if this voice turned into ashes, she would still remember it!

Others looked at each other in confusion as they reacted. Obviously, it was the first time for them to hear her voice. Just by hearing the voice, it was not difficult to guess that the other person must be a beautiful woman. .

Elder Su was silent, but looked back and saw a beauty wearing a Canaan student's moon-white elder robe approaching. Almost everyone couldn't help but fell into a daze at this moment.

Even if they have already guessed that the other person must be a great beauty, when the person in front of them reveals her true appearance, how many people are so sincere?

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