Xiao Xun'er's words made Xiao Yan feel his lips twitch. How could this be a casual chat? This posture is clearly tense.

However, he quickly realized what he should do now. He just cupped his hands towards Yao Wan and said, "Thank you, Elder Wan, for your help."

Yao Wan's eyes were dark, but she was not in a hurry to answer Xiao Yan.

What could she say to this guy who only thanked her in front of others?

"Just wake up."

Yao Wan said lightly.

It was obvious that Yao Wan had no intention of competing with Xiao Xun'er here, so she even seemed to lack interest in answering.

Xiao Yan secretly felt something was wrong. He always felt that Miss Wan seemed to be in a bad mood.

Since Yaowan had no intention of dealing with it, she naturally couldn't pinch it in front of her. But even so, Xiao Xun'er found it difficult to define this moment as her victory. Instead, she felt as if she had punched the cotton.

Moreover, Brother Xiao Yan's eyes were obviously not right.

She couldn't help but take the initiative to hold Xiao Yan's hand, silently declaring her sovereignty under the astonished eyes of the surrounding inner courtyard disciples.

The expressions of the disciples in the inner courtyard who were still eating melons and watching the show suddenly changed.

At first they thought it was a fight between the proud girls of heaven, but when they saw Xiao Xun'er taking the initiative to hold Xiao Yan's hand, she even gave Yao Wan a slightly provocative look.

The many inner court disciples who were watching around had complicated expressions, and the atmosphere was now awkward.

The fight between the proud girls is naturally great fun, but it seems that the dispute between the two is all because of the new student. When they saw Xiao Xun'er taking the initiative to hold Xiao Yan's hand, these inner courtyards The disciples' hearts froze.

Now they get the most exciting excitement, but is it all worth it?

The hearts of the disciples in the inner courtyard were shattered.

Then they couldn't help but cast resentful looks at Xiao Yan. It was really a drought, a drought, a flood. There were already too many monks in the inner courtyard, and the female disciples who could enter the inner courtyard were even more outstanding. Such girls Where can I put it if there are not countless suitors? It turned out that it was good for him. He had a beautiful woman as his companion as soon as he arrived. Even the beautiful elder who had just arrived in the inner courtyard also got involved?

It's just that she didn't wait for others to think carefully, and Yao Wan never cared about other people's eyes and thoughts.

She just glanced at Xiao Xun'er subconsciously.

The usually calm and elegant beautiful girl showed a rare hint of pride and provocation, as if she wanted to anger Yao Wan.

Although this is completely useless for yarrow.

To her, Xiao Xun'er's behavior was no different from the output of air. Naturally, she didn't have to deal with Xiao Xun'er's behavior.

...Of course, she has nothing to be angry about...

Yaowan's graceful willow eyebrows trembled slightly, as if she was suppressing the unknown emotions in her heart.

It's just a little bit uncomfortable.

Even if you show off your power, it won't be her turn, right?

Yaowan snorted softly in her heart, thinking that she was the one giving in to this little sister.

She looked directly into Xiao Xun'er's eyes without hesitation. There was neither sadness nor joy in those pale golden eyes, nor could they be said to be irritated.

But it was this look that made Xiao Xun'er particularly unhappy.

It feels like she is performing a one-man show all by herself. What a hateful woman, she has the guts to steal a man behind my back, but now she doesn’t even dare to say a word!

She just doesn't like Yaowan's seemingly indifferent expression. He doesn't dare to admit it when he wants to, but only dares to secretly do things behind her back. He's a despicable villain...

But in the end, the two didn't quarrel yet, but the onlookers noticed that there was an inexplicable and heart-stopping silence and stares between the two women, and they hurriedly ended the farce.

If you want to practice well today, you will definitely fail, so Xiao Xun'er took Xiao Yan and left the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

Without Xiao Xun'er, this farce has come to an end, but everyone present knows that this little episode is just the beginning.

Finish? Are you kidding me? They are not blind. How many people who can come to a place like the inner courtyard are obedient little sheep? It would be weird if this could be considered the end.

The dispute between the newly born proud daughter of heaven and the beautiful elder who has just entered the inner courtyard will probably be a source of conversation in the next few years.

I just really envy the freshman who was pulled away. He is such a lucky guy. How could He De be so favored by two beauties...

It’s really worth comparing people to others, but throwing away goods when comparing goods.

The inner court disciples did not dare to discuss anything in front of an elder from Yaowan, but now that this episode was over, there was no need for them to stay here any longer, and they quickly went to practice in the training rooms in the tower. .

Yao Wan was silent for a moment, feeling the gazes of Elder Liu and Han Yue, she couldn't help but smile and said, "It's a joke to you two."

"Elder Wan is joking."

Elder Liu and Han Yue looked at each other and said.

"I know very well what kind of trouble this has caused today. I'm afraid it's just to trouble Elder Liu. Regarding Xiao Yan...as for them, please help them more. I'm very grateful."

Elder Liu was slightly startled. Although he was not as superficial as the disciples in the inner courtyard, and his mind was filled with boring thoughts all day long, but judging from what Yao Wan said, it seemed that the new student Xiao Yan was very important in the eyes of the new elder. Very.

Regarding Yaowan's identity, even among the elders of the inner courtyard, there are different opinions and a lot of confusion.

One of the only certain pieces of information is that this new elder is at least a seventh-grade alchemist, which is comparable to Han Feng, the Medicine King of the Black Corner Region.

"You're welcome, Elder Wan."

Elder Liu nodded, acquiescing to Yaowan's small request.

Han Yue was a little surprised, and her impression of the new Xiao Yan deepened unconsciously.


After chatting for a few words, Yao Wan left the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

Naturally, this time I went to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to observe the fallen heart fire sealed in the tower, and to study the impact of the heart fire on the human body.

For Yaowan, this little time is naturally enough.

The Fallen Heart Flame is getting stronger and stronger in the seal. If nothing goes wrong, it will definitely attack the seal in the next year. The inner courtyard will definitely be in chaos. That is Xiao Yan's chance.

As for the nature of her inner fire, she has already figured it out, so she can try to control it safely later.

This time she went to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. Naturally, she had achieved both of her goals. Logically speaking, she should be happy now.


Yao Wan couldn't help but frown slightly. For some reason, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not like the headache I had before, but it's like a breath is pressing down in my heart, making it uncomfortable.

Is it because the Burning Art seal in the body has loosened?

its not right.

Yaowan had no choice but to hurried back to her residence. How long had it been since the last time she used Xiao Yan's burning energy to build a seal and suppress the black-red flames in her body?

Yao Wan is confident that she won't pull her hips so much that the seal will loosen after a month.

"Qinglin, I'm back."

After walking into the spacious but exceptionally quiet courtyard, Yao Wan couldn't help but say.

Hearing the sound of medicine outside the door, Qing Lin immediately walked out of the door.

"Miss, I'm here, what's wrong with you?"

As Qing Lin spoke, he walked in front of Yao Wan, whose face unconsciously revealed a trace of discomfort and fatigue. However, after Qing Lin saw Yao Wan's expression clearly, his expression immediately changed.

"Miss, what's wrong with you?! Who bullied you?!"

She hurriedly stepped forward to support Yaowan, but she only accepted Qinglin's attentiveness.

"Okay, do I look that fragile? I'm just not in a good mood."

Yaowan couldn't help but reveal a faint smile, but the unpleasantness in her pale golden eyes was still hard to change.

"In a bad mood? What else can make the lady unhappy?"

Qing Lin had no choice but to pour a cup of tea first, and brought it to Yaoyuan's hand obediently. He looked at Yaoyuan and took a sip, half believing and half doubting.

"It's okay, I'm just in a bad mood, nothing special."

Listening to the dubious tone in Qing Lin's tone, Yao Wan couldn't help but silently turned her gaze away, not daring to look at Qing Lin.

Seeing that the young lady actually moved her gaze away, Qing Lin suddenly had some suspicions in her heart.

Doesn’t she still know the lady’s social circle?

What's more, it's a place like Canaan College where the lady has just arrived?

Qing Lin could guess that the young lady's current discomfort must have something to do with Master Xiao Yan just by thinking on her knees.

It's just that other people want to make the young lady feel bad, but they don't have the qualifications to do so.

"...Miss is in a bad mood, could it be because of Master Xiao Yan?"


The tea that Yao Yuan had just sipped into her mouth suddenly spurted out. If she hadn't reacted quickly enough and turned her head aside in time, the scattered tea would have washed Qing Lin's face.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

Yaowan coughed violently, and her charming face turned red. Qinglin was silent for a moment, but silently stepped forward to help Yaowan calm down.

"Qinglin, what are you talking about——"

After finally regaining her breath, Yao Wan suddenly blushed and said loudly: "Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan! I can't live without Xiao Yan?!"

Seeing that the young lady was a little angry, Qing Lin didn't feel too worried because of this, but secretly sighed that this incident happened because of Master Xiao Yan.

But then again, it was precisely because of this that she felt strange. Normally, the young lady and Master Xiao Yan were such good friends, but why did Master Xiao Yan make her angry today?

It's just that she won't get any answers just by asking the lady.

I'm afraid if I say one more thing, I will make the lady anxious.

"——Qing Lin didn't mean that."

Naturally, Qing Lin felt that it would be better to appease the young lady now. It was really strange. The young lady was usually such a reasonable person, but why did she seem to be a different person today?

"That's not what you meant, then it's best - don't mention him casually in the future."

Yaowan snorted softly. Even though it was true, she still felt unhappy in her heart.

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