
To say how angry I was, I wasn't really angry at all.

After venting her anger in front of Qing Lin, Yao Wan quickly calmed down and even secretly regretted that she had said such a thing impulsively.

After all, even she is still a human being. She has emotions, anger, sorrows, and natural impulses, but there is nothing to say.

Yao Wan comforted herself, and then she couldn't help but raise her arms, propped up her chin, and fell into a state of emptying her mind.

"Oh well."

Qinglin let out a sigh of relief. It was naturally not convenient for her to say anything about the young lady's sudden attack at this time. However, she could probably guess that something must have happened between the young lady and Master Xiao Yan outside today. That's right, otherwise it would be like losing your soul when you come back.

No, she couldn't sit still and wait for death at this time.

The pretty girl who was thinking secretly made up her mind. It seemed that she really had to do something for the young lady at this time.

"Miss, I'm going out for a while."

After taking care of the herbs in front of him, Qinglin hurriedly walked into his room to prepare for a while, then walked out of the door again and said.

"Well, remember to come back before dark, and you are not allowed to go looking for--"

Before Yao Wan could finish her words, the figure of the young girl had already disappeared in front of her.

Her expression turned bitter unconsciously.

Well, she had more or less guessed who Qing Lin was going to find.

never mind.

After all, the little girl Qinglin didn't mention Xiao Yan's name, but went directly to find his people - just treat everything she said as bullshit.


It has been more than half a month since I followed the young lady to the inner courtyard of Canaan College, but Qing Lin has not been out much, and I don't know much about the current situation of Xiao Yan and other freshmen who just arrived in the inner courtyard yesterday.

But now that the young lady has been tortured like this by Master Xiao Yan, how can she bear to watch it?

Therefore, even though Qing Lin always instinctively resists going out, for the sake of the young lady, she naturally has no hesitation.

In her eyes, the only person in the world who is worthy of such a proud girl like the young lady is Master Xiao Yan. But now that Master Xiao Yan has made the young lady so sad, then she has to ask her questions clearly. Just fine.

After a lot of twists and turns, Qinglin finally found out where the new students were. He heard that they had established a force called Panmen, which had absorbed seventy-eight out of ten of the freshmen. Other inner court forces were very unhappy with him.

When Qing Lin found Xiao Yan and the others' residence, a figure flew out from the small courtyard door, startling Qing Lin.

She slightly opened her emerald eyes, and then couldn't help but look around the entrance of the small courtyard, only to notice that several inner courtyard disciples wearing white uniforms had all been knocked to the ground, and they were just moaning in pain. He was lying on the ground in such a miserable state.

The person who had just been knocked out was even more miserable. After flying out, he just hit the opposite wall, and then rolled down like a dead dog that had no response.

That handsome face became extremely embarrassed and funny because he unfortunately landed on his face.

"you you--"

He looked at the few people walking out of the small courtyard with fear and resentment. The heroic young woman leading the way twisted the feather duster in her hand into a beautiful sword flower, and then threw it to the people around her.

"I'm warning you, Baishan, if you guys want to be a soft persimmon, then your Bai gang has found the wrong person. Our Panmen is not easy to bully, let alone a soft persimmon."

"I used a feather duster to greet you today, but I don't know what I will use to greet you next time. Get out!"

Nalan Yanran said in a cold voice.

Although Bai Shan was extremely unwilling to give in, this woman was indeed terrifyingly strong, so he had no choice but to drag the big cat and kitten around him and crawl away.

After driving away the gang of bastards who came to cause trouble, the freshmen of Panmen cheered and cheered. Nalan Yanran was naturally treated as the savior who turned the tide. From being not so gregarious at the beginning, she has now become the newly established Panmen. The second most talked-about person in the family.

But for the trust of her companions, although Nalan Yanran showed with practical actions that she was worthy of trust, she was not very happy.

Because there is a bastard who left the shop behind and hasn't come back yet.

Nalan Yanran glanced outside the door subconsciously, but suddenly noticed a familiar and pretty figure standing blankly outside the door.

"Green scales?"

Nalan Yanran said subconsciously.

"Sister Qingran?"

Qing Lin was suddenly stunned and couldn't help but murmured.

"Why are you here? Come in quickly."

Nalan Yanran automatically ignored what Qing Lin called her and quickly pulled her in. This made all the freshmen curious, where did this cute girl come from?

"Where is she? Why didn't she come with you?"

Nalan Yanran didn't care about the eyes or thoughts of others, she just pulled her aside eagerly, poured her a glass of water, and said.

Qing Lin looked troubled, and after hesitating for a moment, he briefly recounted what happened after Yao Wan came back today.

Nalan Yanran, who was originally somewhat happy because of Qing Lin's arrival, was silent for a moment after listening to Qing Lin's story, and then her whole face sank.

Xiao Yan, this bastard!

Yaowan was so kind to him, so this is how he repays her, right? !

Unable to hide her resentment, she naturally wanted to seek justice for her, but Qing Lin held her back.

"The lady's bad mood probably has something to do with Master Xiao Yan, but maybe it's a misunderstanding?"

Qing Lin thought for a moment and realized that Young Master Xiao Yan really didn't look like that kind of person. He shook his head slightly unconsciously and said, "Should we wait until Young Master Xiao Yan comes back to explain things clearly?"

Although Nalan Yanran was displeased, after calming down and thinking about it carefully, she couldn't help but recall the beautiful girl who had been by Xiao Yan's side during this period. The hostile person, Xiao Xun'er.

Could it be that that woman was responsible?

Such speculation emerged in Nalan Yanran's mind, and she couldn't help but murmur to herself, but if she wanted to ask for proof, she still had to wait until they came back.

So she arranged for everyone to go about their business while she and Qing Lin waited for Xiao Yan to return.

A long time passed, until nightfall, when Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er returned.

Nalan Yanran's eyes turned cold, and she waited quietly for the two of them to walk into the courtyard, and slowly said, "Back?"

"Well, I spent some time with Xun'er to check out the general distribution of the inner courtyard. In addition, I also heard that the traitor in Baishan who cheated on others came back to make trouble. Are you okay?"

Xiao Yan glanced around and saw no signs of fighting, which made him sigh in relief.

And he happened to see a charming figure standing quietly aside, which made Xiao Yan let out a light sigh: "Qing Lin is here too?"

Qing Lin nodded slightly, but was not in a hurry to answer Xiao Yan.

The appearance of this strange girl made Xiao Xun'er a little wary. It seemed that this little girl knew brother Xiao Yan?

"...It's okay. If something happens, if you come back now, it will be too late."

On the other hand, Nalan Yanran had a problem with Xiao Yan in her heart, so her tone was naturally not polite.

"Isn't it because you are here to take care of me that I can rest assured?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but say, but Nalan Yanran's frown did not relax.

"You don't need to worry about this side, but what about the other side?"

Nalan Yanran asked. As soon as she finished speaking, Qing Lin said: "Master Xiao Yan, have you finished your work? If you have finished your work, please ask Master Xiao Yan to come with me."

Xiao Xun'er naturally felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to refuse. No matter what happened, she had to follow, but Qing Lin seemed to have expected it, and couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, it won't take long, girl, don't worry."

She was obviously just a timid-looking girl, but she felt inexplicably confident when she spoke. As soon as she said these words, it naturally blocked the possibility of Xiao Xun'er wanting to go with her.

But the more Qing Lin said this, the more Xiao Xun'er naturally felt that something was wrong.

Xiao Yan saw something was wrong in Xiao Xun'er's eyes, so he couldn't help but said beside her: "Don't worry, I trust Qing Lin, she won't harm me."

After hesitating in her heart for a moment, Xiao Xun'er finally nodded and agreed to Xiao Yan to follow Qing Lin. After all, she couldn't look at Xiao Yan for the rest of her life, and she couldn't show too much possessiveness and ambition. She has a desire for control. She finally spent a day alone with brother Xiao Yan today, and even let Yao Wan eat a little bit. As the beginning of life in the inner courtyard, Xiao Xun'er naturally has nothing else to ask for.

Whether one bite will make you fat or not, it is better to think about it in the long run.

Seeing Xiao Yan and Qing Lin turn around and leave, Xiao Xun'er, who stopped at the door, was silent for a moment. For some reason, she just felt more and more uneasy.

A woman's intuition is always very sensitive, even for a young girl who has just grown up.

But she still suppressed the hesitation in her heart for the time being, and was about to turn around and go back to her room to practice, but she happened to see Nalan Yanran putting away the finished tea cups and teapot, preparing to clean them.

She was confused and even more hesitant, and couldn't help but stop her steps temporarily - she always felt that there seemed to be some relationship between the little girl named Qinglin just now and Nalan Yanran.

This is just her intuition, but precisely because it is intuition, no evidence is needed.

At the same time, Nalan Yanran happened to turn around, and when she glanced over, she happened to see Xiao Xun'er beside her.

Looking at Xiao Xun'er now, the corners of Nalan Yanran's mouth subconsciously raised slightly.

And this subtle change in her expression naturally fell into Xiao Xun'er's eyes. She suddenly opened her eyes wide, and the doubts that had already surfaced in her heart were immediately confirmed in her heart.

But it was too late.

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