Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 233 I’m not in a hurry!

As the inner courtyard is gradually enveloped by night, the streets are lit with soft candlelight.

Yaowan waited impatiently.

If anyone had to wait for him, it would be Qing Lin.

...You can’t possibly be waiting for that guy, right?

After a while, she heard crisp footsteps coming from outside the door.

When she heard footsteps breaking the silence of the night, she couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"came back?"

Yao Wan turned around, looked at Qing Lin who was leading Xiao Yan back casually, and said.

Those pale golden eyes seemed to have accidentally caught a glimpse of Xiao Yan, who had returned with Qing Lin, and said with half disgust and half indifference: "——Why did you get back a pendant?"

Xiao Yan's heart went cold when he saw Yao Wan opening her mouth in a secretly poking and angry manner.

When Qing Lin heard the young lady's words, she knew that Master Xiao Yan might be feeling sad today, so she could only secretly give him a wish-for-goodness look, and silently stepped aside to bring tea and water.

Hearing Yao Lao's snickering, Xiao Yan felt relieved and thought that his life had never been in vain.

"...Can you give me a chance to explain?"

He took a deep breath and couldn't help but say.


Yaowan laughed angrily.

"I don't dare ask you for an explanation. After all, I'm not as good as your childhood sweetheart."

"I think it's hard for you to be caught in the middle, so I don't want to get to know her... Tsk."

At this point, Yao Wan could not continue talking.

She was simply angry that Xiao Xun'er applied eye drops in front of her.

Seeing Yao Wan's reaction, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

It was obvious that Miss Wan's mood was not as bad as she thought.

After being able to confirm this, Xiao Yan gradually relaxed. Based on his understanding of Miss Wan, since Miss Wan didn't get really angry, there was nothing to worry about.

"...Xun'er hasn't seen me for a while, and she's a bit clingy."

Xiao Yan thought for a moment and then defended.

"Then you asked her to put eye drops on me?"

Yaowan is still a little worried, and her fussy look doesn't look like her usual self at all.

"...There's nothing we can do about it."

Xiao Yan said helplessly: "After all, she doesn't know what kind of relationship we had before. Maybe she associates us with...?"

He shrugged and hinted at Yao Wan with his eyes. Yao Wan immediately understood and understood what Xiao Yan meant.

To put it bluntly, Xiao Xun'er, who has no ability to watch men, is here to attack indiscriminately.

Although she was still unhappy in her heart, Xiao Yan's reasons and motives did convince Yao Wan. Thinking about it, Xiao Xun'er was a hidden yandere. There was no reason why she could still laugh when she was so close to Xiao Yan. of.

Xiao Yan secretly rejoiced in his heart. He didn't expect that this statement that he had resisted subtly could still be used in this way.

"Hehehe, does the method I taught you work?"

Yao Lao's laughter echoed in Xiao Yan's ears. Although he admired the teacher in his heart, Xiao Yan was being stared at by Yao Wan at the moment. If he casually talked to Yao Lao, he might be discovered. He would die. The two said that a scolding was definitely indispensable.

It's not like Xiao Yan has any special hobbies. Even if Miss Wan scolds him, he can still take a breath of fresh air. Naturally, it's better to spend less time in front of her.

Xiao Yan's answer somewhat brought Yao Wan back to her senses, and her resentment towards him naturally disappeared.

"Well, then according to this, can I still blame you wrongly?"

"Of course it won't..."

Xiao Yan just said sincerely: "It's just that people always have impulses, right?"

Xiao Yan's words were naturally meant to be flattering, and he was trying to find a suitable reason for Xun'er's behavior, and he was subtly giving Yao Wan a step forward.

The Tianfen Qi Refining Tower's troubles had something to do with him after all. If it hadn't been for him, Xun'er and Miss Wan wouldn't have been at odds with each other. He couldn't have done anything wrong, right?


Yao Wan snorted lightly and said nothing more, just assuming that Xiao Yan got through.

At the same time, Qing Lin also came to Xiao Yan and Yao Wan with two cups of tea. When he put down the tea in his hand, he couldn't help but cast a hidden smile at Xiao Yan.

"You've had a hard day today, Qinglin. You should go back and rest first. You haven't grown up yet. It's good for your child to go to bed early."

Yaowan said.

"No, I have to clean up the tea from the young lady and Master Xiao Yan later."

Qinglin naturally didn't want to fall asleep before the young lady. How could any maid go to bed earlier than her master?

"Well, isn't there a living person here? Anyway, he will solve it in a while."

Yao Wan took a sip of the slightly hot tea and said while looking at Xiao Yan in front of her.

Xiao Yan smiled, but did not object, so he said: "Okay, Qinglin, go and have a good rest. I am here. You have worked really hard today."

"It's not hard. As long as the young lady and Master Xiao Yan are well, Qinglin will be happy."

Qing Lin smiled sweetly. It was the happiest thing for her to see that the young lady and Master Xiao Yan could resolve their misunderstanding. So why bother talking about the hardship?

But since the young lady and Master Xiao Yan both insisted on going back to rest, Qing Lin naturally had no choice but to go back to his room to rest.

After Qing Lin left, only Xiao Yan and Yao Wan were left sitting at the stone table in the huge courtyard. Under the soft light, their eyes were full of each other.

Xiao Yan and Yao Wan had a tacit understanding and did not break the silence between them at this moment, but just silently enjoyed the peace and tranquility at this moment.

When the teacup at hand was bottomed out, Xiao Yan just put the teacup back on the table and left in no hurry.

When Yao Wan saw that Xiao Yan had not left yet, she couldn't help but said: "What's wrong? Now Xun'er, who is not afraid of you, is jealous?"

...Aren't you afraid that before you go back, the jealousy in front of you will be overturned?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but secretly thought, but he would never say these words even if he died.

Otherwise, Miss Wan would probably either silence her or delete part of her memory with the stone hammer used to kill Douzong.


Xiao Yan shook his head slightly and stopped explaining anything. If he said too much, he would be wrong, so he had better control his mouth.

Seeing Xiao Yan shaking his head, Yao Wan pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: "Since it's okay to stay a little longer, Xiao Yan, you might as well stay with me today."


When Xiao Yan heard Yao Wan say this, his first reaction was surprise, and his second reaction was fright.

Needless to say, surprise, but as for fright - Xiao Yan could completely imagine how dark Xun'er's face would be if he spent the night directly at Miss Wan's place.

I'm afraid I have to come here tomorrow and tear down the roof.

Xiao Yan's reaction was not at all what Yao Wan expected. Instead, she smiled and said, "What's the matter? You're not happy?"

"Of course I would be happy to change the time..."

Xiao Yan showed a smile that was even uglier than crying.

"Haha...then do you think this is possible?"

Yao Wan showed a touching smile, but the underlying color of her pale golden eyes was full of chill.

Xiao Yan's heart froze, my life is at risk!

"Don't worry. The soldiers will stop you, and the water will cover you. Even if Xiao Xun'er comes to your door, it won't be your head. What are you afraid of?"

Yao Wan shrugged her shoulders and said indifferently.

"Didn't Miss Wan say she didn't want to conflict with Xun'er?"

"Well, I did say that, but it was a day ago. I have changed my mind now, can't I?"

Under the soft light, the person's smile was like a flower, eclipsed by all the flowers. However, compared with her previous temperament, which was erratic and indifferent to the world, Yaowan at this moment obviously has a bit of irresistible aggression.

And this is indeed Yao Wan's true thoughts.

Others have bullied her, and they still expect her to be magnanimous? Think of her as a living Bodhisattva.

I haven't settled the debt with her for sending people to spy on me in the imperial capital. I thought that I am too broad-minded to care about you, a girl who has not yet fully developed. I didn't think of quarreling with her. It's good that she came here. Give her eye drops! Who are you doing it for?

Since she didn't want to talk properly, Yao Wan couldn't be more polite to her.

You are the only female passerby who has the backdrop of your home stolen, and you still have the nerve to mess with me? Later, Xiao Yan will ask you to find a big one and make you a small one. From now on, he will serve tea and pour water every day!

After pouring out all the thoughts in her heart, Yao Wan couldn't help but look at Xiao Yan and said, "I don't care about you anymore, but this doesn't mean that Xiao Xun'er can be written off with me."

"Isn't she very bold? Come on, who is afraid of whom?"


As the night gets darker, the inner courtyard also falls into a light sleep at the end of the day.

However, Xiao Xun'er couldn't sleep no matter what.

She just sat quietly by the window, looking at the silent streets and empty doors with the help of the stars in the night and the scattered lights under the streets.

"...Brother Xiao Yan really didn't come back."

Xiao Xun'er murmured subconsciously and said.


A black figure stood quietly in front of the door, seemingly waiting for Xiao Xun'er's order.

"She is trying to intimidate me... The more I hate something, the more she will do it... A nasty woman, a hateful weed."

The corners of Xiao Xun'er's eyes twitched slightly. She didn't have any good impressions of the woman who stole Xiao Yan's brother.

"That lady..."

Ling Ying hesitated to speak. Even so, the young lady didn't seem to be in a hurry to find trouble for the eldest lady of the Medicine Clan.

Seemingly realizing what Ling Ying was thinking, Xiao Xun'er let out a sigh of relief.

"In that case, I'd better trouble Mr. Ling to keep an eye on him... But I'm afraid she won't dare to do anything to brother Xiao Yan this night."

Xiao Xun'er tried her best to calm herself down as much as possible, but her pink fist was completely pale and bloodless after being pinched by herself.


"Xiao Yan, take off your clothes."


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