Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 234 Yaowan: I just let him

In the room, a few candles were lit by medicinal herbs.

A trace of jumping green flames danced on her fingertips, wrapped in a wisp of colorless flames.

"That...Miss Wan?"

Xiao Yan, who was forced to take off his shirt, stared blankly at Yao Wan. After the initial shock, Xiao Yan naturally realized that since Yao Wan would stay, there must be other things to do.

"——You went to the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower during the day. You know very well what is there, right?"

"Fallen Heart Flame?"


Yao Wan turned around. It was a fragment of the Fallen Heart Flame that she deliberately extracted after she entered the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. It was just a fragment of the Fallen Heart Flame. Naturally, it was allowed to be rounded and flattened by her. .

As she said that, she glanced at Xiao Yan who had taken off his upper body. Xiao Yan, except for that thing, basically let her see everything. Between him and Yao Wan, there really wasn't anything that a woman should have. of reserve.

She was not the kind of girl who would scream in fear when she saw a man's body. It would be better to say that Yao Wan thought that kind of woman was too exaggerated.

"How do you feel now that the Fallen Heart Flame has entered your body?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.

"Although the burning heart fire is unbearable, the speed of cultivation can indeed be said to have improved by leaps and bounds. If the body of the fallen heart flame can be refined, I can't even imagine how fast the cultivation speed can be."

Xiao Yan watched Yao Wan slowly walking towards him. It was natural for him, a grown man, to be embarrassed.

"Humph, eat from the bowl and look at the pot."

Yao Wan snorted lightly, and then gently tapped the split heart fire of Fallen Heart Flame, piercing Xiao Yan's chest like a needle, and introduced it into Xiao Yan's body.

The discomfort that was burning in his heart came again, and Xiao Yan subconsciously frowned slightly, but he thought that Miss Wan must have a reason for doing this, so he did not resist.

"The burning fire in your heart may be life-threatening for ordinary people, but for you who possess a variety of strange fires, it is not a threat at all. Therefore, you only have to practice in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. It will take several times longer than ordinary people.”

"However, this is just a fragment of Fallen Heart Flame."

Yao Wan frowned lightly and said: "The Xinyan body is at least as powerful as Dou Zong, and it has even developed spiritual wisdom. It is even worse than the fire spirit of Netherworld Poison Fire. You are the one. The tolerance for heart inflammation is different from ordinary people, and the fire spirit can burn you to ashes just by resisting."

"What does Miss Wan mean?"

Facing Yao Wan's words, Xiao Yan just nodded lightly without any objection.

"I am now trying to figure out how to suppress the Fallen Heart Flame to the greatest extent, from the inside to the outside, in every aspect."

With that said, Yao Wan lowered her head and took out an elixir from her Najie and said.

"Open your mouth."


Yao Wan took advantage of the situation and threw the elixir into Xiao Yan's mouth. After Xiao Yan took the elixir, he was surprised to find that the fire in his body that he had not suppressed with the strange fire was gradually divided into pure essence. The fighting spirit and the weaker remnants of the inner fire.

This made him raise his eyebrows. Although the inner fire in his body was extremely weak, it was extremely miraculous that the elixir could have such an effect.

"I just used the elixir to speed up the process of tempering your fighting spirit with the heart fire. Rather, the effect itself is just a by-product. What I want is the method and power to suppress the heart fire."

But unlike the surprise in Xiao Yan's eyes, Yao Wan is still not satisfied with the current research. After all, the pills she has refined now can only be used as supplements for Xiao Yan's practice, but for him in the future Trying to refine the Fallen Heart Flame is of little use.

Xiao Yan stared blankly at Yao Wan, who was somewhat worried about this matter. For some reason, his heart was beating a little fiercely.

Under the flickering lights, her own shadow was reflected on her side face, but her pale golden autumn eyes were not clouded by the night.

"I may need to try more...fortunately I still have a lot of time - huh? Why are you looking at me?"

Yao Wan raised her head while talking to herself, but when she saw Xiao Yan's eyes looking at her infatuatedly, she couldn't help curling her lips.

Xiao Yan realized that his eyes seemed a bit too straightforward, and quickly changed the subject: "I was just thinking, in fact, Miss Wan doesn't need to do so much..."

"You're here again, am I asking you what kind of reward you want?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Am I helping you just because I want to help, or are there any benefits you can give me?"


"Hmph - you can't say it, can you? Since you can't say it, then just shut up and do it."

Probably she would be like this only in front of Xiao Yan. While Yao Wan was thinking about the many trivial things that needed to be done next, she turned her head away, her black hair slightly raised behind her head, causing her to feel a little distant. , seems to be a dreamlike fragrance.

Looking at the impatient person in front of him, Xiao Yan remained silent, but he didn't know where the courage suddenly surged into his heart, or it could be said to be impulse. Xiao Yan, who was naked, suddenly opened his hands. , hugging the person in front of him.


While being hugged coldly by Xiao Yan, Yao Wan took a gentle breath. Her smart eyes were filled with an unbelievable dullness. Her gentle gasp sounded like a fish running out of water on the shore. .

Yao Wan subconsciously wanted to struggle, but just hugging her body was extremely hot, silently reminding her that the guy in front of her who was so bold as to suddenly hug her was just a fighting spirit, but at the same time, it also made Yao Wan a little worried that she would not He would react to stress by exerting too much force and slapping Xiao Yan away, making him timid.

Now how to do?

For the first time since childhood, Yao Wan, who was different because of her birth and outstanding because of her talent, felt at a loss what to do.

Even, a little scared.

Different from the mixed flavors and mixed feelings of Wanwan at this moment, Xiao Yan felt that his heart was beating very fast, and the rising blood rushed straight to his brain, igniting his soul like coal in a train boiler, burning fiercely.

It was like he was burning a life that might be forced to end at any time, and he did something on impulse that he might not even dare to think about at ordinary times.

He felt...a lot, a lot.

He felt that Miss Wan's height was no shorter than his own, so even if he held her in his arms, he couldn't hold her in his arms like what was mentioned in ordinary storybooks.

I felt the delicate and slightly cool touch from the fine white elder's robe.

Threads of lingering body fragrance floated out from the collar, sleeves, and every gap of the robe, and penetrated into his nasal cavity, stimulating Xiao Yan's nerves, like a reward, but also like a harsh criticism for daring to be so bold. warn.

The soft hair filled his fingertips and leaked through his fingers like water. Xiao Yan did not smell the fragrance of his hair coming from his fingertips, which made him inexplicably regretful.

And most importantly, Xiao Yan could feel her heartbeat and breathing at this moment.

Miss Wan's heart was beating so fast, which showed that she was far from as calm and calm as she seemed on the surface.

And breathing, from a sluggish holding of breath, to a quick and almost imperceptible gasp.

All of this naturally proves to Xiao Yan that it is not just him who feels Miss Wan, but Miss Wan is also feeling everything that comes to him.

The naked but hot body temperature, the refreshing lotus-like breath, and the most powerful arms hugged her body at this moment.

The silence between the two lasted for about ten seconds. Finally, Yao Wan broke the silence between the two.

"...How much longer do you plan to hold me?"

"Ahem - isn't this a 'hug back'?"

Xiao Yan immediately let go of the medicine in front of him. Although he was defending, he was already prepared to be slapped away.

Being able to take advantage of this short moment to hold her in his arms was simply the luckiest thing that had happened to him since he met Miss Wan.

"You call this reward?"

Yao Wan suddenly laughed out of anger, but she still didn't take action.

"—Go to sleep."

Forget it - just think it's time to leave and let him have it.

After comforting herself in her heart, Yao Wan then slapped Xiao Yan out of the door with one palm, and then immediately closed the door.

Feeling the cool temperature of the floor tiles in the courtyard, Xiao Yan, who was lying on the ground in a big posture, felt a lot more balanced. Although it did sound a bit suspicious of a special hobby, if Miss Wan really didn't do anything, then he On the contrary, I felt a little uneasy.

But now, he just feels that just lying in this yard and sleeping is extremely comfortable.

But soon, Yao Wan opened her mouth to cut off this possibility.

"If you insist on being embarrassed tomorrow, I won't stop you, but if things get serious, I will throw you into the law enforcement hall and lock you up for a year."

With a sigh, Xiao Yan had no choice but to push himself up from the ground in the yard, casually found a room in the yard, and went in to spend the night.

"...Good boy, I really belong to you!"

In the room, even Yao Lao couldn't help but admire Xiao Yan - how dare he?

"Cough cough cough... I said this is all caused by the Fallen Heart Flame. Teacher, do you believe it?"

"Whether I believe it or not doesn't matter at all now. You'd better let the girl believe it. But no one blames you, so what are you afraid of?"

Yao Lao Lao Shen is here.


At the same time, in the sky above the inner courtyard, Ling Ying was messy in the wind.

It's over, it's all over.

When he saw Xiao Yan being kicked out of the room with his upper body naked, Ling Ying couldn't help but twist his thigh hard.

Hiss, it hurts.

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