Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 244 Little Medical Fairy: I just want to accompany him

"Little Medical Fairy!"

Xiao Yan excitedly rushed towards the silver-haired woman in front of him. What the little medical fairy was struggling with just now was naturally what Xiao Yan was worried about.

He was really worried that Xiao Yan would probably have no place to cry after the little medical fairy helped him solve the problem in front of him and then left without looking back.

Fortunately, what he was most worried about did not happen, which made Xiao Yan particularly happy.

"Yeah...I'm here."

Seeing the joy on Xiao Yan's face at a glance, the little medical fairy couldn't help but sigh softly. It was obviously better for him to keep a distance from her, but he always kept coming closer...

Even though he can't stop complaining in his heart, the little medical fairy's heart is still sweet.

As for whether this was touching or some other emotion, the little medical fairy couldn't tell now.

"Here, this is for you."

But when Xiao Yan appeared in front of her again, the little medical fairy felt nervous and embarrassed unconsciously. She really couldn't think of anything to say to Xiao Yan. For example, with his head full of white hair now, could it be that he wanted her? Are you saying that this is a gift from your own misfortune and poisonous body?

Of course it won't work, and Xiao Yan will probably be worried to death.

After thinking about it, the little medical fairy naturally threw Fan Qi's Najie to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan subconsciously took the ring, but he didn't even look at it. He just stared at the little medical fairy.

Naturally, the little medical fairy couldn't bear Xiao Yan's direct gaze, so he had to turn his gaze away and couldn't help but said: "Why are you here?"

Regarding the little medical fairy's question, Xiao Yan did not hide anything, but told the little medical fairy everything that happened in these days.

The little medical fairy couldn't help but feel a little dazed when she heard everything Xiao Yan had experienced since he separated from her. It turned out that he had encountered so many things after leaving her, and even if there were some dangers, they were all saved in the end.

She couldn't help but feel happy, fortunately... fortunately, she didn't stay with Xiao Yan anymore, so that he wouldn't become like her.

"What about the little medical fairy? Why does the little medical fairy appear here?"

Xiao Yan had almost finished talking about his own affairs, so he naturally talked about the little medical fairy.

The little medical fairy was silent for a moment, and just wanted to keep the story short, so he said: "I have almost tried all the poisons in the Izumo Empire. I have traveled thousands of miles to come to the Black Corner Territory just to purchase some precious things that I have not yet come into contact with." Poison, and even inquire about the king of poison."

Xiao Yan didn't know much about the King of Poisons mentioned by the Little Doctor. He only knew that it was an extremely rare poison that could be comparable to the King of Medicines. That kind of thing was no less cherished than any other six. Get the elixir.

"The little medical fairy is looking for poison... So is your current cultivation level..."

"Well, although this physique is just a time bomb for me, it does give me a cultivation talent that is difficult for others to match. As long as more poisons are used, my cultivation level will naturally increase."

Xiao Yan remained silent, just silently reaching out to touch the strand of white hair next to the little fairy doctor's ear.

"Then why you are like this now is because of the poisonous body of disaster...?"

The little medical fairy was a little unable to come back. This was the last thing she wanted Xiao Yan to know, so she simply turned around and left, saying: "I think it's getting late, Xiao Yan, you'd better go back to Canaan College quickly. "

Xiao Yan suddenly frowned and said subconsciously: "I don't want it, and you didn't even tell me. How can I go back with confidence?"

But listening to Xiao Yan's voice, the little medical fairy still kept walking, forcing him to run forward quickly and open his arms to block the little medical fairy's way.

"Little Medical Fairy, Little Medical Fairy!"

"Don't leave in a hurry. You recognized me in Black Cloud City just now. Why did you leave just now?"

Xiao Yan almost stopped her in her tracks as if he was about to pounce on the Little Medical Fairy. The Little Medical Fairy looked helpless. She really believed that as long as she walked forward, Xiao Yan would pounce on her. , she had no objections to this.

"Don't stop me -"

The little medical fairy said helplessly: "After you got the medicinal materials, weren't you anxious to go back to refine the medicine? Aren't you anxious about something important?"

"The most important thing is right in front of me now. How can I rest assured?"

Xiao Yan rolled his eyes, and regardless of the little medical fairy's mood at the moment, he just continued to ask: "Didn't I already suppress your poisonous body with poisonous fire? Why did the poisonous body still attack?"

This is what Xiao Yan is most concerned about now. It is related to the life and death of the little medical fairy. Naturally, he can't stand idly by no matter what.

The little medical fairy looked at Xiao Yan's eyes and couldn't help but sigh. In desperation, she finally said: "The effect of the poisonous fire is indeed very good, and it has indeed successfully suppressed the onset of the poisonous body, but...then... It is only temporary. The poisonous fire and the poisonous body can be said to be two sides of the same entity. The poisonous fire you originally left to suppress the poisonous body eventually became the most powerful nutrient for the poisonous body. I am also refining it passively. Once you get out of that part of the poisonous fire, your cultivation begins to skyrocket."

"So that's it..."

Xiao Yan came back to his senses, couldn't help but sigh, and said: "In the end, was it me who harmed you?"

It's just that Xiao Yan's self-blame didn't make the little medical fairy feel any better, but instead made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Don't talk nonsense. It's not what you think. I never thought it was you who harmed me, Xiao Yan."

The little medical fairy said sternly, she was naturally not willing to accept Xiao Yan's words in any case. In the final analysis, all this was her own fault. If she had not been born unlucky and had such a physique, she would not have ended up like this. step.

"It's just that my physique is like this. Of course I can't blame you."

"What should the little medical fairy do now?"

"Of course I want to go back to the Izumo Empire. Although there is little hope, I won't give up on this life. I will still live well and go there before the toxins in my body backfire. Find a way to cure my troubled body."

The little medical fairy said that she naturally didn't want Xiao Yan to worry about her. After all, this matter had nothing to do with him, and the little medical fairy didn't want to delay others because of her own affairs.

It's just that the little medical fairy thinks this way, but Xiao Yan may not really agree.


Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment, but soon he chose to speak: "How about coming to Canaan College with me, little medical fairy?"

"Going to Canaan College?"

The little medical fairy was slightly startled, but still shook her head and said: "Forget it, as a murderous female devil, it is not convenient for me to go to that kind of place to harm others. I appreciate your kindness, Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan had somewhat guessed at the little medical fairy's answer, but he was not in a hurry about the little medical fairy's rejection.

"What about Miss Wan? The little medical fairy won't go see Miss Wan again?"

Xiao Yan's words once again made the Little Medical Fairy slightly stunned. Naturally, she had not forgotten the woman who had not been with her for a long time, but she was indeed like her sister. What Yao Wan had said to her could now be regarded as a piece of cake. One came true.

"Sister Wan...she is truly a proud daughter of heaven. It would be better for me not to reach out to others. It is a blessing to have known her for only a short time."

"What you said is a bit too negative. Miss Wan and I have never forgotten you, so don't belittle yourself."

Xiao Yan could see the somewhat passive and world-weary attitude of the little medical fairy, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The little medical fairy refused to tell him what had happened in the past two years, which made such a gentle and quiet girl change. Cheng now looks somewhat passive and world-weary, but since she has met her today, Xiao Yan can no longer let the little medical fairy leave. He has to take her back even if he deceives her and drags her away.

"Besides, aren't you still looking for a way to detoxify your body?"

Xiao Yan looked into the little medical fairy's gray eyes and said, "Miss Wan has a way to solve your physical condition."

"Xiao Yan, please don't lie to me."

The Little Medical Fairy shook his head and said, "How can you tell me that there is a way to solve it just after I said it? Even if you want to trick me into going with you, you have to find a better reason, right?"

The little medical fairy's words made Xiao Yan silent.

"That's all, I don't mean anything else. After all, as long as you are safe and sound, everything is enough."

She thought her words had some effect, but before she could say goodbye, Xiao Yan silently raised his hands and gently grabbed the little medical fairy's shoulders.


He didn't say anything, he just stared at the little medical fairy quietly, feeling the particularly firm eyes from Xiao Yan, and the little medical fairy's expression naturally changed from the initial resistance to helplessness.

She actually knew very well what Xiao Yan was thinking, but she knew she knew it, but after knowing it, she might not be able to influence the little medical fairy's final choice.

The Little Medical Fairy knew very well that Xiao Yan was just trying his best to keep him by his side and went to Canaan College with him, and he just found a random reason for this.

But after seeing the look in Xiao Yan's eyes, the little medical fairy couldn't help but let out a breath.

Forget it, in that case, let's take a look around Canaan College for the time being. Anyway, the Poison Sect she established was just a random thing, and she didn't care about it. Even if she went back later and something happened, it wouldn't be a big deal for her. Just re-establish a Poison Sect.

"...Okay, okay, then I'll just follow you for now."

The little medical fairy said: "Anyway, I won't worry if you go back like this, so I just treat it as a way to see you off and relax."

Seeing that his hard work was finally effective, Xiao Yan couldn't help but smile happily, which only made Yao Lao shake his head secretly.

Brat, it's easy to speak now. When we get back to Canaan College, I'll give you a multi-pronged approach, but you can't bear it.

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