Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 245 The bird is tired of flying and returns

Before leaving, Xiao Yan inspected Fan Qian's Najie in front of the little medical fairy.

The little medical fairy naturally knew what Xiao Yan was thinking, so he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "You don't have to care about me. This person's fighting skills and techniques are of no use to me. If there is any poison, you can Give it to me."

"That's not okay. After all, this is your trophy. I can't compete with you for this kind of thing."

Xiao Yan also knew that the little medical fairy had just thrown the Najie to him with the intention of throwing the spoils to him, and then she left. Xiao Yan naturally did not want to keep it all to himself.

The little medical fairy couldn't persuade Xiao Yan, so she had to watch him take out the items from the ring.

As the leader of the Blood Sect and a veteran fighting emperor, Fan Qi naturally comes from a well-off family. Apart from those disgusting Blood Sect Zhiyin Zhihan skills and fighting skills, there are also some that are quite hard to find in the Najie. of elixirs and medicinal materials.

But compared to the unexpected joy, these things are nothing.

"Earth-level physical fighting skills, three thousand thunder moves!"

A dark blue scroll appeared in Xiao Yan's hand. Looking at the simple words on it, his voice could not help but rise slightly.

"Oh, three thousand thunders?"

Yao Lao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly became interested.

"What's wrong, teacher? Do you recognize this fighting skill?"

"I recognize it, why don't I recognize it?"

Yao Lao secretly laughed and said: "These Three Thousand Thunder Movements are the secret of Fenglei Pavilion, a powerful force in Zhongzhou. As a body fighting skill, it is extremely powerful, but it has never been passed down to others. I don't know why this Three Thousand Thunderbolt If Lei Dong is spread here, I'm afraid if the people from Fenglei Pavilion find out, they will really become furious."

"You will be lucky if you get these three thousand thunderbolts."


Xiao Yan raised the corner of his mouth and turned around to tell the little medical fairy about the Three Thousand Thunderbolts. However, the little medical fairy didn't seem to be interested in the Three Thousand Thunderbolts. Even if it was an earth-level technique, she still didn't show any color.

"I said, these things are all yours. Not to mention a local level skill, even a heaven level skill, that's yours too."

The little medical fairy shook her head lightly, but she was extremely determined.

Xiao Yan had no choice but to say: "Okay, I will give it to you after I finish practicing."

The little medical fairy ignored Xiao Yan and pretended that she didn't hear anything.

Xiao Yan paused for a moment. Seeing the little medical fairy looking like this, he was naturally a little angry and couldn't get enough of it.

And if these three thousand thunders can be regarded as an unexpected surprise, then the remaining thing can be regarded as a shock.

An exquisite cold jade box fell into Xiao Yan's hands. The exquisite jade box, which was almost the size of a fist, was covered with gorgeous dragon patterns in relief, like a flying dragon dancing. Together with the rising cold air of the jade box itself, it was like It looks like it has come to life, with great charm.

Xiao Yan seemed to have sensed something in advance, and subconsciously raised his head and looked at the little medical fairy.

Although there was inevitably a bit of curiosity on the face of the little medical fairy, when Xiao Yan raised his head to look at her, she still gently shook her head to express that she didn't want anything.

Xiao Yan was silent, then opened the cold jade box, and suddenly, a burst of golden light suddenly shot out.

Inside the jade box, a golden elixir the size of a dragon's eye was lying quietly in it. The surface of the elixir was extremely round, and two golden air currents circulated erratically inside the elixir. Occasionally, it suddenly pounced on it. If you look carefully, the golden air currents actually gathered together. They formed two tiny golden divine dragons, intertwined with each other, and the subtle dragon roar slowly spread out through the vibration of the air, making the souls of those who heard it involuntarily tremble under the power of the dragon.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but hold his breath and slightly opened his dark red eyes. The pill energy was condensed?

"Yin Yang Black Dragon Pill?"

Yao Lao couldn't help but murmur in a deep voice, with a hint of gloom and anger in his tone.

"——Xiao Yan, eat it now."

However, after realizing what this elixir was, Yao Lao immediately reacted and said in a deep voice.

"Huh? Are you going to eat it now?"

"Yes, let's eat it now, hurry up!"

Yao Lao was not in a good mood, so he naturally spoke less patiently than usual and urged impatiently.

Xiao Yan had no choice but to listen to Yao Lao for the time being.

Under the slightly surprised gaze of the little medical fairy, Xiao Yan looked at the strange elixir, hesitated for a moment, and then stuffed it into his mouth.

After this seventh-grade elixir entered the body, it did not give Xiao Yan any special feeling. The expected evaporation of the medicine did not occur. The heat flow like a flood slowly flowed like water into a sponge. Precipitate until the last one completely disappears.

"Don't worry, the function of this elixir is not to make you have a breakthrough now, but to stand up after breaking through."

Seeing Xiao Yan's confusion, Yao Lao explained: "Whenever your life hangs on a thread, the Yin Yang Black Dragon Pill you took today will come in handy."

"In addition, there is a trace of dragon energy in this elixir, which may be useful to you."

With that said, Yao Lao taught Xiao Yan how to use the dragon energy of the Yin Yang Black Dragon Pill. After some twists and turns, he was lucky enough to successfully peel off the dragon energy.

After all this was dealt with, Xiao Yan once again embarked on the journey back to Canaan College with the Little Medical Fairy.

On the way, Xiao Yan and the Little Fairy Doctor chatted all the way, talking about everything from the current situation these days to what they had seen and heard along the way.

The Little Fairy Doctor learned about Xiao Yan's entanglement about the three-year agreement, and Xiao Yan also learned from the Little Fairy Doctor what she had experienced in the Izumo Empire in the past two years.

Because of the awakening of the evil poison body, even if the little medical fairy is willing to live in peace with the world, the troubles that cannot be escaped will still come to her door in the end.

The little medical fairy tried to escape, but failed. In exchange, only those who still had good thoughts towards her died in the end.

Xiao Yan looked at the silver-haired woman beside him and was speechless for a moment, but it seemed that people would always have some difficulties of their own in this life.

"You don't have to look at me like this."

The little medical fairy noticed the expression on Xiao Yan's face and couldn't help but say.

"I don't feel that my life is meaningless. Even if I am born with such a constitution, I still need to live well."

The little medical fairy said.

The two passed through the black storm of the Black Horn Territory and finally arrived at the Peace Town in the center of the only Black Corner Territory.

Because Xiao Yan is a disciple of the inner court, there is no need for so many cumbersome things to restrain the people in the Black Angle Region. The only problem may be how to deal with a living person like the Little Medical Fairy who has little to do with Canaan College. Take him into the inner courtyard.

"Since everyone has been delivered, and since they are unwilling to let me in, let's just say goodbye, right?"

The little medical fairy's words stung Xiao Yan's nerves again.

"——Don't say it so early."

Xiao Yan looked absolutely determined not to let her go, and said, "What's the matter? I'll just send an application to the vice-dean. You're not allowed to go anywhere anyway."

The little medical fairy was speechless and just shrugged lightly. She understood Xiao Yan. In this case, she might as well stay with him.


When he heard that Xiao Yan was back, Hu Qian's first reaction was to breathe a sigh of relief.

This guy is finally back.

After all, even among the disciples in the inner courtyard, he was probably the only one who wanted to run to the Black Corner Territory just a few days after entering the inner courtyard. The elders couldn't persuade him, and they didn't want anything. The elders escorted him and had no choice but to let him out for seven days.

To say he was worried, of course he was really worried, but Hu Qian was relieved to be back in these five days, at least he no longer had to worry anymore.

As a result, Xiao Yan's next application made Hu Qian feel like the world was spinning.

Xiao Yanren is back, but he also brought someone with him.

He doesn't have any special background, he is just a fighting emperor.


When Hu Qian saw this word, he couldn't help but rub his eyes, and he couldn't help but suspect that he had seen it wrong.


Xiao Yan brought back a Dou Huang?

Hu Qian's first reaction was that he must have not woken up. His second reaction was that Xiao Yan might have been deceived by the Dou Huang of the Black Corner Region, and he was afraid that there was another conspiracy.

At the end, Xiao Yan also mentioned that this Dou Huang had an old relationship with Elder Wan and came to Canaan Academy to treat his illness. He had no other intentions.

have to.

Hu Qian sighed.

The world is declining and people's hearts are not as old as they used to be. What is this? Really.

Have Douhuang become a cabbage these days? Come as soon as you say?

But since it was related to the eldest lady, he didn't need to worry too much.

Recalling what the great elder had taught him, Hu Qian felt quite at ease.

In the end, Hu Qian decided to be a good man and sent the two of them to the inner courtyard.

But on the way to the inner courtyard, Hu Qian couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he saw that the Dou Huang warrior was actually a young girl who looked young.

"Vice Dean, let's go."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said, but noticed that Hu Qian couldn't help but give Xiao Yan an inexplicable look, which seemed to be admiration after seeing the little medical fairy come back to his senses.

Not only was Xiao Yan's talent astonishing, his ability to attract bees and butterflies was also extraordinary.

But of course Hu Qian wouldn't say it in front of others. Hu Qian just shook his head and said, "It's okay, let's go."

The little medical fairy noticed Hu Qian's eyes, and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable on her pretty face under the veil, and even felt a little uncomfortable.

But this feeling soon ended.

The inner courtyard has arrived.

Looking at the city hidden among the mountains, the little medical fairy will inevitably be a little curious. Is this where Xiao Yan is practicing now?

"I will leave first. If there is any time, please come back to Elder Wan to inform me."

After Hu Qian finished speaking, he left here.

"Little Medical Fairy, I want to go back to my residence first. Miss Wan lives there. You go find her first. I'll be back later."


He probably guessed in his heart that Xiao Yan would not have much free time now, so he stopped wasting his time any more.

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