Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 246: Can I make some medicine for you later?

The first thing when he returned to the inner courtyard, Xiao Yan thought about it and decided to go back and take a look first, and it would not be too late to tell Xun'er that he was safe.

In addition, the materials for refining the elixir are now complete, and refining the spirit elixir for Queen Medusa is almost on the agenda.

Then there is the issue of the little medical fairy's poisonous body, which may require the teacher and Miss Wan to think more about it.

"Well, you go ahead. I'll go first."

The little medical fairy nodded lightly. If she could solve it by herself, she naturally didn't want to wait for Xiao Yan to solve it. After all, the relationship between them was just friends, and Xiao Yan couldn't do anything for himself. Do so much.

As for her... I haven't seen her for a long time.

Xiao Yan nodded, then opened his purple cloud wings and flew down, and the little medical fairy also flew down the cliff a moment later, heading straight to where Xiao Yan had just pointed.

In the small courtyard, Qing Lin completed the time of breathing and practicing that he had set today, slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and then opened his beautiful emerald eyes in the courtyard.

At the same time, she happened to hear strange footsteps coming from outside the door.

Qing Lin couldn't help but feel a little strange. The footsteps clearly didn't sound like Master Xiao Yan, nor did they sound like Sister Nalan. Could it be that girl Xiao Xun'er who usually stayed with Master Xiao Yan?

Qinglin actually didn't have much fondness for that beautiful girl who looked several years older than herself, and even vaguely resisted her. It was obvious that the girl Xiao Xun'er He made it clear that he wanted to steal Master Xiao Yan from the young lady. How could she possibly like him?

At most, she was just doing her duty as a maid out of politeness.

Qinglin's mind was busy, but her movements were not slow at all. While she was thinking secretly in her heart, she walked out of the small courtyard, only to see a silver-haired woman in a lavender dress and a veil walking in curiously. The footsteps were very light. If Qing Lin's senses were not always sharp, her footsteps might not have been noticed.

When he saw her, Qing Lin couldn't help but be slightly startled. Who is this girl? Never seen it.

As the silver-haired woman walked into the courtyard, she naturally noticed Qing Lin.

Feeling the gaze from the silver-haired woman's beautiful gray eyes, Qinglin couldn't help but said, "Young lady, are you looking for someone?"

The silver-haired woman nodded slightly and said, "Well, I'm looking for a friend of mine. Xiao Yan said she lives here, so I came to ask."

When answering Qing Lin's question, she couldn't help but look at Qing Lin, and she couldn't help but be a little surprised. Could this little girl be Sister Wan's maid?

"Friend? Introduced by Master Xiao Yan?"

Ever since she heard Xiao Yan's name, Qing Lin had already believed it. However, she didn't know why. After she heard Young Master Xiao Yan's name, Qing Lin unconsciously became more vigilant. This feeling seemed strange to her.

Forget it, maybe it was because of Miss Xiao Xun'er some time ago that she became a little nervous.

Qing Lin couldn't help but secretly shook his head.

"If you are looking for a lady, please wait a moment."

Qing Lin put aside his distracting thoughts for the time being and said.

"Well, I'm done."

The little medical fairy nodded. She was not in a hurry anyway. This time, instead of listening to Xiao Yan's words to find a solution to the disaster poison body, she simply came to see her long-lost old friend.

However, Qing Lin turned around and was about to leave, but the creak of the door being pushed open came from the small courtyard behind him.

"There's no need for Qing Lin to call me."

Yao Wan walked out of the small courtyard and caught a glimpse of the silver-haired woman who was completely different now from two years ago.

She was slightly surprised. After all, in her memory, it seemed that the intersection between the Little Medical Fairy and Canaan College had not happened so early.

But soon, Yao Wan came back to her senses, and even felt secretly happy in her heart.

It's true that I give you a pillow when I feel sleepy.

"White hair actually looks better than black hair, Xian'er."

When the little medical fairy saw the medicine, she was actually a little nervous.

Nervousness, worry, and pent-up apprehension.

But after she heard Yaowan's words, everything disappeared.

"Do you have to change your hair color just to look better?"

"Sister Wan, please stop making fun of me..."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but smile bitterly. It had been a long time since she heard Yao Wan's teasing, which seemed to make her happy, but it sounded a little bit sad and bitter along the way. She couldn't bear it for a moment, but she was embarrassed to say it. Come out to avoid further embarrassment later.

"Did Xiao Yan bring you back?"

The little medical fairy nodded slightly: "I met him by chance when Black Corner Territory was purchasing poisons, and ended up encountering a Dou Huang who was chasing him, so I just happened to help him out."

When Yaowan heard this, she couldn't help but tilt her head. Those pale golden eyes seemed to go straight into her soul. She said, "Is it really just a coincidence...?"

"...It's a long story."

The little medical fairy knew that she probably couldn't hide it from her, so she could only use the simplest words to briefly summarize many things that happened along the way.

"Then tell it slowly and it's a long story."

Yaowan chuckled, took the little medical fairy's hand and walked into the small courtyard, then sat down at the stone table.

Qing Lin happened to come over with tea at this moment. After putting down two cups of tea, Yao Wan called her into the room to continue practicing.

The little medical fairy and Yao Wan talked for a long time. From when Yao Wan left to meeting Xiao Yan, they experienced all kinds of things between them, and then went to the Izumo Empire, and finally embarked on a journey of becoming strong. It was not until recently that I came to the Black Corner Territory to collect more poisons and met Xiao Yan again.

Yao Wan just thought that she was listening to a story that had nothing to do with her. She gently raised her arm to support her chin, seemingly nonchalantly.

"In the end, aren't you still tricked?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but said: "Actually, when you told Xiao Yan that I could help you cure the disaster poisonous body, you didn't know it, right?"

"Hmm... However, it's not like I was tricked. After all, I really want to see Sister Wan again."

"See me? What do I have to see?"

Yao Wan said casually: "It's just the last time to play with Xiao Yan."

As soon as Yao Wan said this, it was the little medical fairy's turn to be a little dazed, and then a faint smile appeared in her eyes, but she just had to see through it without saying anything.

"I just want to see Sister Wan here. I miss you, can't I?"

" have such a sweet mouth, who are you trying to trap?"

Yaowan didn't think that way about the Little Medical Fairy, but seeing that the Little Medical Fairy's green hair had now turned into white hair, she was silent for a moment and subconsciously raised her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Then, she put her fingertips on the little medical fairy's bright wrist, and then injected a wisp of her own divine will.

The little medical fairy understood and naturally knew what Yao Wan wanted to do, so she allowed her to check her body.

She just looked at Yao Wan's slightly entranced expression. If Sister Wan behaved at this moment, she could more or less guess what state her body was in.

It's just that the expression on Yaowan's face has not changed from the beginning to the end, which makes the little medical fairy feel depressed.

"Am I about to die soon?"

"It's still early, what are you thinking about, silly girl?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but be amused by the little medical fairy's words, but she didn't mean to give her away. Before the little medical fairy could continue to speak, she continued: "I just took a look, it's okay, it's not serious, you The toxins in your body won’t kill you, and even at this stage, your cultivation will skyrocket like a rocket.”

"In my opinion, within five years, no matter what poison you eat, you won't be killed by this poison."

Yaowan gave a conclusion, which temporarily put the little medical fairy's mind at ease.

"That's it, that's enough."

The Little Medical Fairy nodded slightly. There were still five years left, which was enough for her to continue to become stronger and then find a way to solve the disaster poisonous body. If she couldn't solve it in five years, there was nothing she could do. Who said she wouldn't have this life?

Looking at the slightly trance-like eyes of the little medical fairy, Yao Wan laughed dumbly and said, "Why are you on a mission? Come and tell me, too?"

"No... I just think it's still a long time, so there's no need to worry too much."

The little medical fairy shook her head slightly, and her pretty face, which was now becoming more and more stern, remained as well-behaved and lovable as ever in front of Yao Wan.

Yaowan looked at the expression on the little medical fairy's face, and it was clear at a glance what she was thinking about. She exhaled softly. She couldn't help but hold her cheeks with the back of her hands, and said with a hint of resentment: "I said Xian'er, don't you have the slightest idea that your physical problems can be solved here?"

"Are you too unsure of me?"

"That's not what I meant, Sister Wan..."

Hearing the resentment in Yao Wan's mouth, the little medical fairy quickly explained: "It's just that I don't think it's necessary for you and Xiao Yan to worry about me anymore."

"Does Xian'er think you're not asking me to worry now?...Can't you just put your heart into your stomach?"

Yao Wan said dissatisfied. As she spoke, she couldn't help but subconsciously take a look at the figure of the little medical fairy. Naturally, the figure of a beauty like the little medical fairy couldn't be any worse, but if it was the only shortcoming, it was You need a waist with a waist, you need a leg with a leg, you need a chest... you need a waist with a leg.


Yao Wan couldn't help but joked: "It seems that the Enan Poison Body is concerned with cultivation but not development. How come there is no progress at all after we haven't seen him for more than two years?"


When talking about this topic, the little medical fairy was naturally very embarrassed, as if something was stuck under her lips and she couldn't speak.

"How about I refine some elixirs for you later? Don't worry, it will definitely work. For the sake of being sisters, how about I not charge you any reward?"

As he spoke, the little medical fairy glanced awkwardly at Yaowan's rather plump chest under the moon-white elder's robe, and felt that her tongue was sore.

Is this just a matter of physical fitness?

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