Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 253 When the snake man knocks on the door

Listening to Yaowan's explanation, the little fairy doctor was slightly startled, but did not understand what she was.

"I'm not afraid anyway. The fire won't burn us anyway."

Yaowan took a sip of tea and said.

Hearing what Yao Wan said, the little medical fairy was not too worried, but still looked out the window, a little lost.

"Okay, stop watching. If you really want to watch, I'll let you watch enough when you come back to join in the fun."

"join in the fun?"

Not knowing why, the little medical fairy turned her head, only to see Yao Wan playing with a wooden sculpture in her hands out of boredom.

The wood carving with an unusual material has a matte dark color. The wood carving seems to have been polished with great care. The main body of the wood carving itself seems to be a figure wearing a cloak, covering the whole body, which makes it look very vivid.

This inevitably made the little medical fairy a little curious, would Sister Wan still like this kind of thing?

Yao Wan seemed to have noticed the gaze from the little medical fairy, and coughed slightly, as if she was a little embarrassed to find out that she actually liked such things.

Then he put down the exquisite wood carving in his hand, then turned around and placed it on the cabinet beside him.

Although it seems to be well-maintained, it also looks a bit old due to its age. In addition to some vases that look like they have been placed here for a long time, next to the wooden carvings that the herbs put back in their original positions, there is a The lush-looking branches were cut into a jade vase, full of vitality.

The little medical fairy also recognized the medicinal materials.

Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva, a rare treasure of heaven and earth that can repair the soul.

It's just that the little medical fairy is inevitably a little strange. Why is this Seven Illusion Green Spirit Saliva placed here?

After all, for Sister Wan, although the Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva is rare, it cannot be said to be hard to find in the world.

"What's wrong?"

Turning around and noticing the gaze of the little medical fairy, Yao Wan turned her head sideways and said.

"It's nothing, I just saw this cutting of medicinal materials and it looked a bit familiar."

The little medical fairy explained.

"Medicine...? Is this the Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva?"

Yao Wan reacted and explained: "I just thought that the Seven Fantasy Green Spirit Saliva looked pretty good at first glance, so I just took it out and cut it as a bonsai. Anyway, there is a living creature, so there is no need to worry about raising it to death." .”

"Quite good looking……"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but feel ashamed when she heard Yao Wan say this. Is it just because she looks good?

There are many magical things about heaven, materials and earthly treasures, so basically most of them look quite different, and some of them are particularly beautiful.

Even some poisons are like this, beautiful and deadly, but they are just used as bonsai cuttings. Even the little medical fairy is not so interested.


The three days of training in the tower not only allowed Xiao Yan to recover his lost fighting spirit and soul power, but also allowed him to improve upon his original skills and become a two-star fighting spirit.

After that, Xiao Yan left the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

After all, with Zi Yan's crystal card in his hand, Xiao Yan was embarrassed to use it too much.

After temporarily stabilizing his current cultivation level, Xiao Yan hurriedly left here.

Zi Yan was short-handed and soft-spoken. Zi Yan treated him badly, and Xiao Yan naturally couldn't treat him badly.

As soon as he left the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, Xiao Yan noticed the particularly eye-catching and pretty figure.

"Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan!"

Seeing Xiao Yan come out, Zi Yan seemed particularly happy. Seeing Xiao Yan, she was about to pounce on him in full view of the public. Xiao Yan was so frightened that he quickly backed away. The two of them seemed to be singing in a play, singing and harmonizing, inexplicably. funny.

"Well, I'm out."

Xiao Yan nodded, and then threw the purple crystal card in his hand to Zi Yan.

"Then since you have cultivated yourself now, what about us...?"

"Let's make some medicine."

Xiao Yan waved his hand and said.


Zi Yan walked briskly with Xiao Yan.

Afterwards, Xiao Yan naturally used the medicinal materials Zi Yan gave him to refine it according to the previous method, and refined it into crude pills.

"Here, thank you for the crystal card and the training room."

Xiao Yan put the pills refined in one breath into the jade bottle one by one and said.

"It's okay, as long as you continue to refine medicine for me, the benefits of my place will be indispensable to you!"

Zi Yan took an elixir, and the taste, which was far from the bitterness of medicinal herbs, made Zi Yan smile. Naturally, she was in a happy mood, and then she patted her chest, which was even poorer than that of the Little Medical Fairy.

Seeing Zi Yan so happy, Xiao Yan couldn't help but smile and nodded.

"Oh, right."

With the pill in her mouth, Zi Yan suddenly remembered something and said, "You are an alchemist, right? Do you want that rare medicinal material?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but rolled his eyes and said, "Would the alchemist not want rare medicinal materials? Aren't you talking nonsense?"

"Yeah - that's right."

Zi Yan nodded slightly. I don't know why, but every time Xiao Yan saw Zi Yan nodding and thinking, she felt inexplicably frightened.

Of course, it is very likely that these elders infected him.

After all, three people become tigers, and Xiao Yan has already seen more than one elder complaining in front of him about how terrible Zi Yan is.

And the Zi Yan they fear most is not the angry Zi Yan, but the Zi Yan who is about to start preparing a little surprise.


Xiao Yan paused, and then said: "Do you mean to rob the medicinal material warehouse again?"

"No, what good things can that old man have in his medicinal material library? The rest are basically things I don't like and things he can't stand."

Zi Yan snorted lightly, quite dissatisfied with Xiao Yan's guess.

The corner of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched. Elder Hao must not hear these words, otherwise he will be so angry that he will lose his breath.

But now he has no intention of seeking justice for Elder Hao and his poor inventory.

"Since you are not doing it for Elder Hao's inventory, where did you get the other medicinal materials?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said.

"I found it myself in the back mountain."

Zi Yan replied of course: "It sounds like I only get something for nothing. It's just that the real scarce medicinal materials and treasures in the back mountains are guarded by powerful monsters. If you find them, you may not be able to defeat them."


"Yes, I react to some rare treasures of heaven and earth."

Zi Yan nodded.

Xiao Yan suddenly thought of something, and quickly took out the charred branch from his Najie, and said, "Then do you recognize this medicinal material?"


Zi Yan blinked when she saw the finger-length dark branch that Xiao Yan took out.

"How about it, do you recognize this thing?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it before. I just think it looks very similar to a branch I had eaten in the old man's medicine library... Do you want me to try it? Ah——"

Zi Yan shook her head, but she also felt that the branch was indeed something extraordinary, and then she opened her mouth without thinking and wanted to take a bite.

But seeing Zi Yan open her mouth, Xiao Yan was immediately frightened.

"No, no, don't eat everything."

Xiao Yan quickly raised his hand, and Zi Yan's delicate lips fell into place.

"Hey, Xiao Yan, what are you doing?"

Zi Yan was disappointed, her beautiful embroidered eyebrows wrinkled slightly, she couldn't help but pouted her cute pink lips, and said dissatisfiedly.

"This is not something that can be eaten casually. I burned it with three different fires for several hours before I could only force out some resin. If you take a bite of this, aren't you afraid that your teeth will collapse?"

Xiao Yan explained, and he was also vaguely aware that there were still many secrets in this thing. What would he do if Zi Yan ruined it in one bite.


Zi Yan smacked her lips and glanced at the medicinal material longingly: "Then I have no way of knowing what this is."

"Would you like to show me?"

"As long as you don't put it in your mouth, everything will be fine."

Xiao Yan thought for a while, but believed Zi Yan and handed the branch to her.

Zi Yan was silent for a moment after taking the branch, and then her little hand suddenly burst out with terrifying force, as if she wanted to break off a section of the branch, which shocked Xiao Yan.

However, the scene where the two of them expected the branch to snap into two pieces under Zi Yan's terrifying force did not happen. Instead, Zi Yan blushed and failed to break the branch in the end.

"Ah - it's really weird. What's going on with this thing?"

After a while, Zi Yan had to put down the branch in her hand and wondered.

"If I knew what was going on, I wouldn't be asking you now."

Xiao Yan took over the branch from Zi Yan that had become charred black under the strange fire, but did not seem to be affected too much, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"What exactly is this thing? Is it important?"

"I don't know very well, it's just my intuition..."

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment: "Maybe I should find someone who knows more about various medicinal materials to inquire."

"So do you know this kind of person?"

"Well, she's my friend."

"In other words, is it another alchemist?"

When it came to refining medicine, Zi Yan became interested.

"Well, she is much more powerful than me."

Xiao Yan smiled and nodded.

"Really? Then you will take me to see it?"

"Let's wait for a moment... By coincidence, I have to go back to my place first. Do you want to come with me?"

"I happen to be fine. How about going for a walk with you?"

"Yes, yes...but..."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but recall Xun'er's reaction when he saw other women around him during this period, and couldn't help but subconsciously feel a headache. But thinking about it, a little girl like Zi Yan shouldn't have much of a problem, right?

Xiao Yan was secretly guessing, and Zi Yan couldn't help asking a strange question, and then shook her head: "It's okay."

"let's go."

Xiao Yan and Zi Yan went to Panmen, but before they even entered, Xiao Yan subconsciously felt that something was not right.

It was similar to the feeling Xiao Yan had when he suddenly realized that Queen Medusa had taken the Spirit Fusion Pill when he was practicing three days ago.

Xiao Yan suddenly felt that something was wrong... couldn't he?

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