Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 254 I wanted to refuse

It's over.

After guessing who might have visited before them, Xiao Yan suddenly became anxious and hurriedly walked into the gate regardless of Zi Yan calling him behind him.

After all, there was no room for him to be in a hurry. If she really came, someone might be killed!

Xiao Yan's heart was in turmoil, especially worried about Xun'er. Xun'er was stronger. If she met Medusa, then she...

Hurrying into the yard, sure enough, a beautiful woman in red clothes was sitting quietly at the stone table. Only Xiao Xun'er and Nalan Yanran were left in the yard, looking at the beauty who was sitting in front of the stone table and playing with it carelessly. The atmosphere is particularly heavy for the enchanting woman with her fingernails hanging.

"Okay, step back."

Queen Medusa didn't even raise her head, and her words were naturally referring to the two girls in front of her who had been wary of her for a long time.

"The rightful owner I'm waiting for has arrived, so there's no need for you to wait for me."

As soon as she finished speaking, Queen Medusa finally raised her head, stared at Xiao Yan with her strange red eyes, and slowly said: "Human... come with me."

"...I know, but can you wait first?"

Xiao Yan exhaled softly, and then said, to be honest, even he couldn't help being surprised when he said this. He dared to let Queen Medusa wait, and now he has taken the Spirit Fusion Pill. A crazy woman who has broken her inhibitions?

But for some reason, he just blurted out these words, as if he had already predicted how Queen Medusa would react.

"...I only give you one stick of incense, human being."

Queen Medusa glanced at Xiao Yan, undoubtedly a little angry that Xiao Yan actually made her wait for this matter, but she did not have an attack.

Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly found out what was going on with Nalan Yanran and Xun'er.

The result was pretty much what Xiao Yan had expected.

"She just came here suddenly and said she wanted to find you by name."

Nalan Yanran sighed with lingering fear and continued: "So Xiao Xun'er and I let them all go out first."

"Speaking of which, why did Queen Medusa appear here? And she actually said she wanted to see you by name."

Nalan Yanran crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"Well... the time is too short now, let's talk about it later later."

Looking at Nalan Yanran's expression, Xiao Yan knew that such a complicated situation could not be explained clearly in a few words, so he simply said.

Then, he looked at Xiao Xun'er, with worry on his face: "Xun'er, are you okay?"

Xiao Xun'er was somewhat unhappy at first. After all, regardless of Queen Medusa's position, this was another woman who came to look for brother Xiao Yan. No matter from what aspect or angle, Xiao Xun'er was not happy either. Maybe you can feel relieved.

However, all the doubts and doubts in his heart turned into spring water after seeing Xiao Yan's worried eyes for him.

Xiao Xun'er shook her head lightly and said softly: "Brother Xiao Yan, I'm fine."

"It'll be fine."

It's strange to say that before Yao Lao made it clear to Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan always pretended to be stubborn and turned a blind eye to Xiao Xun'er's tenderness. But now he has some confidence and dares to face Xun'er's affection directly. alright.

He gently stroked Xiao Xun'er's hair, but subconsciously raised his head and looked at Queen Medusa. In the dazed moment just now, he seemed to sense some resentment from Queen Medusa, maybe it was because of I'm angry that he still has such leisurely time with his good sister.

Xiao Yan was helpless, and his gentle stroking of Xun'er's hair changed to putting his hand on her shoulder, patting her gently, and said: "Okay, I'll talk to her alone. If nothing else, it will be very good." It’s almost over.”

A trace of worry flashed in Xiao Xun'er's eyes, but Xiao Yan blocked her words before she said them.

"Nalan, I'll leave Xun'er to you. You go out first and I'll take care of it right away."

Xiao Yan said softly.

Nalan Yanran nodded and took Xiao Xun'er out of the yard.

The two women left, but there were still more than just the two of them in the yard at this moment.

Queen Medusa's red eyes swept over and finally locked on Zi Yan beside Xiao Yan. Her original indifference turned into a hint of surprise.


And it's still a transformed monster?

The appearance of Zi Yan can't help but surprise Queen Medusa, and for Queen Medusa, Zi Yan is also more or less the same.

She couldn't help but tilt her head and looked at Queen Medusa in front of her with curiosity on her face.

After all, for Zi Yan, this seems to be the first magical beast that can transform in front of her, and it is truly the same kind.

"Zi Yan, please go down first, we'll talk later."

Xiao Yan said, although Zi Yan was full of curiosity about Queen Medusa, she still listened to Xiao Yan's words, took another look at the woman in front of her who was also full of curiosity about her, and left the yard.

"Okay, if the Queen wants to say anything, just say it."

Xiao Yan breathed a long sigh of relief. As expected, he was more accustomed to this one-on-one conversation with Queen Medusa.

"You make it easier for me to wait."

Queen Medusa looked straight at Xiao Yan with her red eyes, and her tone sounded a little more serious than before.

"Sorry, I just finished my training. Besides, the Queen didn't say you would come to me later, so I wasn't even mentally prepared."

"Then you should be glad that I left you some thin noodles for the time being... For your sake, although the humans here are noisy and troublesome, I haven't touched any of them."

"Well, that's true."

Xiao Yan nodded in agreement. After all, growing up in the Gama Empire, he had heard countless rumors about Queen Medusa murdering people. It was a rare blessing that she did not leave any murder behind her. .

There is no way, the force is stronger than the person. The teacher can protect him alone, but he may not be able to protect the others here.

"Who is that little girl just now?"

Queen Medusa was too lazy to change her posture and sit on the edge of the stone table. The smooth and bright wrists exposed under the sleeves of her red skirt were supporting her chin. Under the hem of the skirt, a pair of untied snow-capped feet crossed her legs. , a pair of jade legs that leaked out of the skirt dangled in front of Xiao Yan, which was particularly eye-catching.

"I'm not sure, but I've been helped a lot. Why don't you go back and ask the queen yourself?"

Xiao Yan said at the same time while trying not to let his eyes look where they shouldn't.

"Hmph, even if you didn't tell me, I would have gone to look for her later... It's really rare to find a transformed monster among a group of humans."

Xiao Yan was slightly stunned by Medusa's words. He frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "The queen is so leisurely and relaxed? Is she not going back to Tagore Desert?"

"Hey, then you really want me to leave?"

Queen Medusa sneered, and then suddenly stood up and walked towards Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan naturally wanted to retreat subconsciously, but the snake queen in front of him pressed forward step by step, and quickly blocked Xiao Yan in the corner.

There was a trace of vermilion left on the white green fingers, and they gently touched Xiao Yan's fragile and soft throat, then slowly moved up and pinched his chin.

But from beginning to end, she never felt any emotions such as fear and fear in Xiao Yan.

Queen Medusa couldn't help but feel a little dissatisfied. What she felt in Xiao Yan's heart was only peace, but not the slightest fear. This made Queen Medusa, who was used to using fear to deal with humans, a little uncomfortable.

Being banged by a woman doesn't seem to be a shameful thing, let alone the queen of the snake people. It's a pity that Xiao Yan's heart is throbbing but he can't talk about too much cold.

Of course, if it were Miss Wan, anything would be fine.

"...Aren't you afraid?"

The cold and glamorous queen was pouring out her orchid breath in front of her. The scent of the colorful sky-swallowing python itself blended with her naturally charming and natural body fragrance, making people intoxicated.

"Afraid? Of course I was afraid at first. But I'm not afraid now."

Xiao Yan said: "If the Queen wants to kill me, there is no need to be so polite. Dou Zong crushing a Dou Ling is no different from crushing an ant."

"Well, you're right."

Queen Medusa let go of Xiao Yan and said, "But you guessed it right, I'm really not in a hurry to go back now."

Looking at the woman with her back turned, Xiao Yan couldn't help but rub his neck and asked, "Why?"

"You are a sixth-grade alchemist. In that case, you are refining medicine for anyone you make. How about you make medicine for me?"

Queen Medusa turned around and looked at Xiao Yan.


In silence, Xiao Yan tilted his head. He really didn't expect Queen Medusa to say this.

"What kind of look are you looking at? Do you think this king is just threatening you?"

Xiao Yan's doubtful eyes made Queen Medusa quite unhappy, but she couldn't help but shook her head when she realized that she seemed a little dissatisfied.

"What, you still think that this king cannot afford your reward?"

Queen Medusa narrowed her eyes slightly.

"I don't mean that, but even if I promised to refine medicine for the queen, naturally I can't refine any medicine. After all, you have seen that even the ingredients for the Spirit Fusion Pill this time were paid for by myself. "

"...Well, starting from the next time I ask you to make medicine, I will prepare the medicinal materials you need. In addition, when I return to Tagore Desert, there will be another reward, how about it?"

Xiao Yan was silent, she had already said so, it was hard for him to annoy her by refusing to do so casually.

"Then what is the Queen's next plan?"

"I will continue to stay with you for almost a year. During this period, as long as your request is not particularly excessive, I can agree to it."

She added another sentence and said, "This is outside of the agreement between the two of us. Can it be considered sincerity?"

"...Okay, then I wish us a happy cooperation, right? Queen."


After negotiating with Queen Medusa, Xiao Yan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know what happened to the queen. Xiao Yan felt that she seemed to be talking a lot easier, which saved a lot of effort.

"Yeah - we didn't make any noise together, tsk, the excitement was in vain."

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