Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 258 Xiao Xun'er: The advantage is mine!

At the same time, Xiao Yan temporarily ended his daily habitual breath adjustment in his room and slowly opened his eyes.

Afterwards, he simply washed up, and then he couldn't help but feel a headache due to Panmen's increasing consumption of fire energy every day.

After all, today's Panmen can be considered to be growing day by day, but it is not only the scale that expands, but also the increasing expenditure on fire energy as the number of people increases.

Although it is true that wool comes from sheep, Xiao Yan does not want Panmen to become a simple organization like the old local snake Bai Gang in the inner courtyard, which only collects protection fees from the gang's internal members.

And even if the disciples of Panmen go out to take on various tasks issued by the inner courtyard, they are still unable to make ends meet. To put it bluntly, it is natural that Panmen still needs to open up a new track to avoid the local snakes of the old gang. After all, only A person who spends a thousand days being a thief will never be able to spend a thousand days guarding against a thief.

If there is a conflict between gangs, it will not end with Xiao Yan or Nalan Yanran just going to someone else's place and causing trouble.

Therefore, Xiao Yan now couldn't help but start to think about the medicine gang he had glimpsed when he and Xun'er first arrived. It had to be said that refining medicine was indeed a great idea.

Moreover, the only large-scale alchemy-related gang in the inner courtyard is the Yao Gang. Xiao Yan is confident that with his strength as a sixth-grade alchemist, not to mention snatching up all the orders belonging to the Yao Gang in one go, he can still do it. It is not possible to win half of the country.

After all, he couldn't be like the people in the Medicine Gang who only focused on refining medicine. Xiao Yan had to practice again, and he also had to refine medicine for Queen Medusa who might come to him again. Just these two things Added together it is enough to torment people.

Therefore, Xiao Yan now only wants to take a share of the medicine refining market that is currently the largest in the inner courtyard to support the family.

Just when Xiao Yan was thinking this, at the same time, there was a knock on the door.

"Dong dong dong."

The knock on the door with a familiar rhythm immediately made Xiao Yan realize who was behind the door, and then he couldn't help but say: "Xun'er?"

"Well, it's me."

There was a hint of expectation in Xiao Xun'er's tone, and she said, "Is it convenient for me to come in now? Brother Xiao Yan?"

"Xun'er, come in, it's okay."

Xiao Yan said then, and there was a squeaking sound of the door being pushed open in his ears.

Xiao Xun'er had a sweet smile hidden in her eyes when she walked in. However, when she saw Xiao Yan sitting at the table with a meditative expression, the smile in her eyes unconsciously faded a bit.

"Brother Xiao Yan, what's going on?"

How does Xun'er understand Xiao Yan? Just looking at Xiao Yan's expression now, I already had some idea in my mind, and I couldn't help but whisper.

She has never been a petite and willful girl, and she naturally knows what is most appropriate to say in what situation. For example, if she speaks directly now, it will not only ruin the fun, but even brother Xiao Yan himself will not blame her. , the atmosphere between the two people unconsciously changed.

Xiao Yan shook his head and then said with a smile: "It's not a serious matter. This is not something Nalan told me about the lack of Panmenhuo when she took over with me some time ago."

"I thought about it, and naturally it's my old profession, and refining medicine is the best. After all, in cultivation, elixirs are more or less indispensable."

"Refining medicine?"

When Xiao Yan said this, Xiao Xun'er's spiritual eyes lit up slightly, but she was not in a hurry to show off her cards, but continued to ask: "So is Brother Xiao Yan planning to learn from the Medicine Gang?"

"No, I'm just sharing a piece of the pie to supplement Panmen's fire energy needs. I don't want to drive away the Yao Gang."

Xiao Yan shook his head and continued.

"Oh I got it."

Xiao Xun'er's face showed a bit of Xiao Yan's familiar smile, causing Xiao Yan to look sideways again after a startling glance.

"...Xun'er, do you have any good suggestions?"

Xiao Yan had a thought in his mind and couldn't help but say.

Xiao Yan's question naturally played into Xiao Xun'er's mind. Immediately, Xiao Xun'er slightly arched her body, which could be considered curvy now, and approached Xiao Yan in a plain skirt, followed by a fragrant breeze. It hits your nose.

This wisp of fragrance made Xiao Yan feel a little dazed, but what Xiao Xun'er said next made Xiao Yan energetic again.

"Well, since brother Xiao Yan plans to refine medicine, Xun'er will naturally support it."

"It just so happens that Xun'er still has some medicinal materials here. They are still not very precious, but for the medicinal materials needed for elixirs to assist cultivation, they are considered sufficient."

"Oh, really?"

Xiao Xun'er's words naturally surprised Xiao Yan, but when he took the Na Ring from Xun'er's hand and was surprised by the large amount of medicinal materials in the Na Ring, the joy in his eyes was not the same. A bit lighter.

"No, Xun'er, I can't take your medicinal materials."

Xiao Xun'er nodded gently. She knew exactly what Xiao Yan said, so she gently raised her jade hand, and then pressed a slender white green finger against Xiao Yan's lips.

"Haha, but I have already guessed that Brother Xiao Yan will reject me, so Brother Xiao Yan can accept it with peace of mind."

"If Brother Xiao Yan really feels sorry for himself..."

A beautiful smile like an epiphyllum bloomed on Xiao Xun'er's face, which made Xiao Yan stunned.

"Then why don't you go out for a walk with me, Brother Xiao Yan, and take it as a reward from Brother Xiao Yan... okay?"

On Xiao Xun'er's face was a smile that Xiao Yan couldn't resist, and in her eyes was a fierce desire to win.

A smart woman will naturally hide what she really wants until the end of the bargain, and will not reveal it until the end of the bargain. At this moment, she is already in an invincible position.

And for a man, what kind of woman is a person who is attractive enough and worthy of all his feelings?

Naturally, she is not a beautiful, charming, lovable woman, or a woman who can arouse the desire to conquer, but a more pure and simple woman who will be by his side, think what he thinks, love what he loves, and can use herself to Ability to help his woman.

In Xiao Xun'er's view at this moment, until the next step of going out together, she had already achieved an unprecedented victory.

No one would hate a partner who can face things together by their side, not to mention a character like Xiao Yan's, so he will naturally be more fascinated by her.

"...Well, speaking of it, it's really been a long time since we hung out together."

Xiao Yan knew that he could no longer refuse this great gift, and naturally he could not refuse it any more. At the same time, he imagined that even when they first arrived in the inner courtyard a month and a half ago, the two of them were just getting to know each other better. Just the inner courtyard.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan naturally felt a little indebted to Xun'er today.

Seeing that Xiao Yan had acquiesced to her request, Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but step forward and hug Xiao Yan, and couldn't help but said: "Yeah, I knew brother Xiao Yan was the best to me."

"Best...? So-so."

Feeling the warmth from Xun'er's fragrant nephrite, Xiao Yan's lips showed a smile and a sigh.

The so-called riding on two boats, this is probably what it feels like...

Without further ado, Xiao Xun'er naturally didn't like any agreement that made people think of long nights and many dreams. Xiao Yan put away the ring given by Xun'er and went out with Xun'er.

On the way downstairs and out of the small courtyard, the students from Panmen all said hello to Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er, especially to Xiao Xun'er. The meaning in those words seemed to be no less generous than the wife of the sect master. .

People are in high spirits when happy events happen, and they have taken a particularly determined step on the road to conquer Xiao Yan's brother, which also makes Xiao Xun'er feel particularly good.

Huh, it's just a woman who took advantage of Xiao Yan when he was on guard against everyone. It's nothing special at all.

Xiao Xun'er cursed secretly in her heart unconsciously.

Afterwards, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er went out together. Although most of the inner courtyards are gangs organized by the students themselves, since there are gangs, there will naturally be businessmen, and with medicine gangs, there will naturally be each other. A small market where fire can be used to trade.

Most of the things sold inside are some additional things that students may obtain in addition to fire energy after completing the tasks assigned by the inner courtyard. If they are of no use to themselves, they will naturally be sold and exchanged for fire energy.

Therefore, there are some good things here.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er didn't come here to hunt for treasure. At most, they just enjoyed the moment of accompanying each other into the hustle and bustle.

Later, Xiao Yan used ten points of fire energy to buy Xun'er a fire attribute magic core necklace carved into an exquisite phoenix shape. It is said that it can enhance the power of the holder's fire attribute fighting skills to a certain extent, but thinking about it, it is only better than nothing. , the reason why Xiao Yan would buy it is just because the necklace is very beautiful, nothing more.

"Actually, Xun'er doesn't have to bargain with him."

On the way out of the market, Xiao Yan couldn't help but said, but Xiao Xun'er chuckled unconsciously.

"Of course I don't want brother Xiao Yan to spend too much money. After all, this necklace is just more beautiful to put it bluntly, and it's really not worth the price of fifteen ignitions."

At this moment, Xiao Xun'er seemed to have the air of a diligent and thrifty housewife.

But Xiao Yan didn't really agree with Xiao Xun'er's words.

"As long as Xun'er likes it, no matter how expensive it is, I will buy it for Xun'er."

"Brother Xiao Yan is saying this again..."

Although Xiao Xun'er's words were right, her heart felt as sweet as honey, and even Yao Wan might take action next and let it go for the time being.

Let's wait and see when she comes...

At least at this time, she wanted to continue her relationship with brother Xiao Yan.

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