Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 259 Yaowan: I’m dreaming again

Leaving the busy streets of the inner courtyard, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er came to the place where the inner courtyard borders the back mountain.

Compared to the inner courtyard, which is full of students, this place naturally seems much quieter.

As the sun sets, the dazzling sun gradually turns into a visible red sun, and the clear sky turns into a dark night.

After the sun set, Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er lay together on the soft grass. Xiao Yan couldn't help but recall that when he was in the back of the Xiao family, he looked up at the night sky just like he did now.

It's just that the moon and stars are sparse tonight, so there's no such scenery.

"Brother Xiao Yan, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing."

Xiao Yan put his hands behind his head and said, "I just suddenly remembered what happened when I was in the Xiao family."

"Brother Xiao Yan is talking about the back mountain?"

Xiao Xun'er recalled the places where Xiao Yan often went and couldn't help but say.

"Well, yes, this place is somewhat similar to the back hill of the Xiao family."

Xiao Yan said.

“But the back mountains may not have this.”

After saying that, Xiao Xun'er raised her hand and pointed, "Brother Xiao Yan, look, what is that?"


Xiao Yan let out a sigh, but saw a ray of brilliant light soaring into the sky with a scream, and then suddenly exploded as it rose into the sky, turning into fireworks that lit up the entire night.

"Fireworks...? I haven't seen them for a long time."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but sigh subconsciously, and then turned his head to look at the girl beside him.

"How did Xun'er know there would be fireworks?"


Naturally, it was impossible for Xiao Xun'er to tell the truth at this time. Faced with Xiao Yan's doubts, she just put her onion finger to her lips.

"Is it a secret..."

Xiao Yan pondered for a moment, then propped himself up and looked at the place where the fireworks were flying, which happened to be where Panmen was.

"Actually, this little trick is probably used more often by men chasing girls."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head.

"Then, brother Xiao Yan doesn't like it?"

"No way? As long as Xun'er likes it, then I will also like it."


In the inner courtyard, Yao Wan, who had just returned from Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, naturally noticed the gorgeous fireworks flying into the night sky.

"What day is it today? Is it so busy?"

Yao Wan said nonchalantly.

"I don't know, but the fireworks seem to be coming from Xiao Yan's residence."

The little medical fairy also raised his head and looked at everything in front of him, and couldn't help but say.

"Xiao Yan's residence."

When Yao Wan heard what the little medical fairy said, she couldn't help but murmured, and the original curiosity in her eyes gradually dissipated.

After all, it had nothing to do with her, so it was probably Xiao Yan's method to coax Xiao Xun'er.

Young girls probably like this kind of thing. Even if Xiao Xun'er doesn't like it herself, she will be happy just because Xiao Yan is willing to do these things for her.

The little medical fairy also seemed to notice it, and couldn't help but said: "Sister Wan, Xiao Yan..."

"Well, it's okay, it's just attracting bees and butterflies."

Yaowan's face was calm, but her heart was not as calm as it appeared on her face.

Yao Wan knew this, but there was nothing she could do about it. She was too lazy to take care of Xiao Yan... That's it.

But for some reason, when she realized what the gorgeous fireworks meant, her mood seemed to be clouded.

The little medical fairy looked at Yaowan and said it was okay, but the expression on her face was not as relaxed as before. At the same time, she couldn't help but secretly clenched her pink fists under the lavender dress.

Naturally, she was a little angry, but she was not so angry about the medicine in front of her.

"Okay, let's continue practicing. They will live up to theirs, and we will live up to ours. It's not bad at all."

As if she could tell that the little medical fairy felt a little uncomfortable, Yao Wan comforted her and said, "It's okay. To put it bluntly, Xiao Xun'er is just like that. She is definitely not as good as Xian'er."

"That's not what I meant, Sister Wan..."

Hearing Yaowan's comforting voice, the little medical fairy couldn't help but sigh quietly, but after thinking about it carefully, she couldn't open her mouth and stopped talking.

Although she felt frustrated for some reason, Yaowan was indeed not very angry.

The elm head can open up the mind, which is actually not a bad thing for her.

Anyway, Xiao Xun'er couldn't beat her, so the rest didn't matter.

The next day, as expected, Xiao Yan came to see her.

Naturally, Yao Wan wouldn't avoid it when he was full, so naturally everything went as usual.

"How did you get along with Xiao Xun'er last night?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but ask.


Even Xiao Yan knew how desperate he had to be to do such a thing by vividly mentioning other women in front of Yao Wan.

"Why are you so nervous? From beginning to end, do you think I got angry once because you were getting along with Xiao Xun'er?"

"I don't have as much control as my spare time."

Xiao Yan was slightly startled by Yao Wan's words, but after a moment of silence he couldn't help but say: "Then I would rather be a little more lenient."

Yao Wan couldn't help but laugh at Xiao Yan's words, and subconsciously said: "Have you not been tortured enough?"

"Then it depends on who is tormenting you."

Seeing that Yao Wan didn't seem to take it seriously, Xiao Yan was not eager to prove anything, but instead joked about it.

"What's wrong? Are you so free lately? The master seems quite comfortable in front of you."

"Who said that? I've been very busy recently. I have to worry about many things in Panmen alone. I finally understand why Nalan looked so disgusting when he saw me occasionally showing up like a normal person. ”

Xiao Yan smiled and shook his head.

"You're not free, so why don't you take Xiao Xun'er out with you?"

"Miss Wan knows?"

"Nonsense, the fireworks set off by Panmen yesterday were visible to the entire inner courtyard. If the inner courtyard had not been under more jurisdiction than the outer courtyard, what happened last night would have deprived you of your energy for a few days."

Yao Wan crossed her arms to her chest, then subconsciously raised her hands to pull back the broken hair at her temples. A trace of suspicion flashed in her pale golden eyes.

"But it wasn't me who took Xun'er out, it was Xun'er who took me out. When you receive favors from others, you can't even fail to satisfy their little wishes, right?"

When Xiao Yan answered, he couldn't help but sigh. He said that his cultivation had improved rapidly, but now his ability to quibble was getting better and better.

"Wish? To be favored by others?"

Yaowan let out a light sigh, and then couldn't help but said: "What's going on?"

Then they naturally talked about Xiao Yan's lack of fire power under Panmen's administration. Xiao Yan wanted to use this to supplement Panmen, refine elixirs, and also give him the ring that Xiao Xun'er gave him last night. Yaowan looked at it.

Yao Wan took the ring that originally belonged to Xiao Xun'er. After sweeping away her mind, Yao Wan couldn't help but reveal a rather disdainful smile on her lips.

"Hmph, you have the nerve to say this after bringing out such a small amount of things."

Yaowan's words were naturally full of confidence. After all, although Xiao Xun'er's medicinal materials were a huge wealth that could not be ignored in the Black Corner Territory, compared with the mountains of medicinal materials and elixirs piled up in Yaowan's own ring, It is really a drop in the ocean, a drop in the bucket.

So much so that Yaowan couldn't help but laugh when she heard Xiao Yan say this. Did she really want to compete with her on her medicinal material reserves?

"There is no way, let alone Xun'er's inventory, even the inventory of the entire Canaan College, I'm afraid there is no way to compare with Miss Wan, right?"

Xiao Yan said helplessly, causing Yao Wan to chuckle and said: "That's indeed the case. How can Canaan College's medicinal material reserves be as good as mine?"

Seeing Yao Wan's inexplicably proud expression made Xiao Yan laugh.

Just seeing Xiao Yan smiling, Yao Wan suddenly turned serious: "Laughing? Why are you laughing? Is it funny?"

"No no."

How dare Xiao Yan admit it at this time? He naturally shook his head like a rattle.

Seeing Xiao Yan obediently shaking his head, Yao Wan couldn't help but hold her chin up and look at him in front of her, a thought flashed through her mind unconsciously.

In this case, why not give Xiao Xun'er a little surprise?

That evil thought suddenly came to mind, which naturally made Yao Wan a little interested.

It didn't matter whether he helped Xiao Yan or not. After all, he wouldn't be able to walk without him, but Xiao Xun'er was different. There were not many opportunities to make the ancient lady become so angry that she jumped.

If Xiao Xun'er hadn't offended him at the beginning, then that would be a big deal, but now that she had offended him, don't blame her for using any means necessary.

It's fun to think about her expression of gritting her teeth but having to hold back and force a smile.

Ah, no.

Yao Wan temporarily suppressed her restless heart. Although she had a little bit of bad taste in her, it didn't mean that she would take pleasure in tormenting.

However, even if the asparagus was well hidden, Xiao Yan still could not help but see some clues.

"What's wrong? Miss Wan?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask.

"What's wrong? It's nothing. Have you ever seen a gentle and kind person like me have any bad intentions? Xiao Yan?"

Yao Wan's rhetorical question immediately made Xiao Yan dumbfounded.

As for Miss Wan, gentleness is true and kindness is true, but when these two words are combined and used on her, it will inevitably give people an unspeakable feeling.

"But, I do have something to give you, Xiao Yan."

As Yao Wan said, she touched the ring with her bare hand, and a scroll appeared in her hand, and she threw it to Xiao Yan.

"No, this is it, open it and take a look."

Xiao Yan was silent and just raised his hand to gently open the scroll. The moment he opened it, a strong spiritual energy poured into Xiao Yan's mind. Xiao Yan was caught off guard and fell into a trance.

It was obvious that this scroll was an elixir made by Yao Wan himself, and it was naturally mixed with a trace of powerful soul power belonging to Yao Wan.

There is no signature on the elixir prescription, but a very simple list of the required medicinal materials and steps for refining the elixir.

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