Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 261 Qinglin: It is our duty to rebuild the glory of Yanyao

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Xiao Yan had lost even this little strength after pinching his back, Yao Wan couldn't help but said: "Did I really hit too hard?"

"No - that's not the case."

Xiao Yan would naturally not admit his true thoughts no matter what.

"Really? Let me see your hand?"

Yao Wan turned her head to the side suspiciously, glanced at him, and then asked.

Xiao Yan's face was full of embarrassment, but at this moment, he was more worried that Miss Wan would find something strange about him than being embarrassed.

But he still put his hand in front of Yaowan.

The fair and slender Rou Yi in front of him gently pinched Xiao Yan's fingertips, and then injected a trace of life's heat into it.

The turquoise flames poured into the meridians, and the breath of life that fit life and the fit between the Yan of Creatures and the Burning Art made Xiao Yan suddenly excited.

"How are you? Feeling better?"

Seeing Xiao Yan's trance after a moment of excitement, Yao Wan broke the silence between the two and asked.

"Yeah, much better."

The rough fingertips felt the warmth and unusual touch from the beauty's fingertips, and Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little reluctant to leave Yaowan's hand.

"That's better."

"Lest I accidentally break your hand, wouldn't it mean that I have to support you for the rest of my life?"

Her delicate body was leaning against the stone table, her white fingertips supporting her slightly tilted head, and she couldn't help but say.

Xiao Yan looked at Yao Wan's extraordinarily out of tune look at the moment. While being touched, an impulse emerged in his heart and he said, "If you say so, Miss Wan can support me for the rest of my life."

"You have a pretty good idea."

Yao Wan couldn't help laughing and scolding, raised her lotus foot and lightly kicked Xiao Yan's calf. However, due to the subconscious action just now, she didn't dare to use too much force. At most, it was just to scare him.

As a result, Xiao Yan learned to be smart this time and spread his legs just in time to avoid her kick.

Yao Wan raised her eyebrows, her reaction was quite quick.

Xiao Yan was so frightened when he noticed Yao Wan's slightly raised eyebrows that he quickly closed his legs, but Yao Wan caught the flaw and kicked Xiao Yan's toes with his heel.


Xiao Yan gasped in pain, but Yao Wan really didn't use much force this time, so naturally he couldn't deceive her.

"What's wrong? Why did you suddenly close your legs just now?"

Yao Wan did not expect that Xiao Yan would close his legs so nervously, otherwise she would not be able to kick Xiao Yan.

"Uh... instinctive reaction."

Xiao Yan was silent for a moment, and then he couldn't help but say with shame.

After all, it's hard to explain this. It can't be said that he was afraid of being shot by Miss Wan.

"You also react instinctively?"

Yaowan tilted her head, then her pale golden eyes moved up slightly, and then she seemed to understand something.

"Tsk - you think I would do this?"

Yaowan coughed lightly, then silently looked away and asked.

"After all, very important."

Xiao Yan's face was full of embarrassment.

Yao Wan's face became a little impatient when Xiao Yan said it, and her pretty face turned a bright red as she said, "I didn't say anything."

As soon as Xiao Yan brought up this topic, Yao Wan naturally lost the slightest interest in chatting with him.

"Go! Go! Go."

Yao Wan waved her hand and was no longer willing to say anything more to Xiao Yan.

"Don't press it again?"

Xiao Yan asked boldly, but Yao Wan grabbed the spiritual fruit in the fruit plate on the table and threw it towards Xiao Yan.

"Push? I'll press your head!"

Yao Wan said, and then she couldn't help but look down at her attire, and suddenly she was worried that she had suddenly lost her clothes.

But after a quick glance, it seemed that there was no such thing.

Not to mention Medusa, compared to Xiao Xun'er's girlish attire, Yaowan's attire can be considered particularly strict.

But even so, she couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan suspiciously.

Xiao Yan's face was full of innocence, which did not make Yao Wan angry.

She just thought she was being too preoccupied, but she had no interest in continuing to chat with him.

"We've almost finished chatting with you, shouldn't it be time for you to prepare yourself?"

Xiao Yan rubbed the spirit fruit in his hand, and then subconsciously took a bite: "Well... of course I know this, but I am too busy during this period. I want to spend more time with Miss Wan, can't I? "

Yao Wan almost blurted out the words "no".

"...You don't want to coax your good sister to come to my place to rest?"

Yao Wan said slowly, and compared to the usual yin and yang in his tone, there was a bit more helplessness that he couldn't even drive away.

Xiao Yan nodded, but didn't say a word.

A rare trace of confusion appeared on Yaowan's face.

Come on, she felt it was somewhat okay.

Just stay, she's really afraid that the two of them will be sharing a room.

At the same time, a door in the yard was pushed open. Qing Lin woke up slightly and took a breath of fresh air outside. She happened to see Xiao Yan and Yao Wan together, which made her happy.

"Miss! Master Xiao Yan!"

Qing Lin was still a child who had not grown up after all, especially when he saw the two people he particularly liked together, he couldn't control his emotions, so he happily waved to the two people in the yard.


Looking at the green scale not far away, Xiao Yan bit off a piece of fruit pulp with a somewhat stiff jaw, but felt that the originally sweet and sour spirit fruit suddenly became tasteless and tasteless.

Then he couldn't help but subconsciously glanced at the medicine wand beside him, and as expected, when the medicine Wan followed the sound and went away, he felt as if he had found a savior.

"Qing Lin came just in time."

Yao Wan's voice rose slightly, while Qing Lin looked strange, why was the young lady so happy to see her today?

Could it be related to Master Xiao Yan?

As a result, when she turned to look at Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan looked like he was about to cry.

"Master Xiao Yan? What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, this fruit is too sour."

Xiao Yan said against his will.

"Qing Lin came just in time. Come, give me a gift for you, Master Xiao Yan."

It was a perfect time for Qing Lin to come out. Yao Wan left the matter of seeing off guests to Qing Lin without even thinking about it, which made Qing Lin's little face full of excitement.


Qing Lin was stunned. He originally planned to make tea for the two of them, but it ended now?

"Ah what? Go quickly, Master Xiao Yan is busy, go quickly, go quickly."

Yao Wan urged.

Qinglin had no choice. Although she was not very willing, the young lady always had to listen to her words, so she turned around, looked at Xiao Yan, and said with a bitter look on her face: "Then Master Xiao Yan, shall we go?"

Xiao Yan silently ate the spiritual fruit in his hand, and then nodded.

After Qing Lin sent Xiao Yan away, Yao Wan couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.


On the road, neither Qing Lin nor Xiao Yan had very good-looking expressions on their faces.

The reasons for the two unhappiness are mostly the same.

"Master Xiao Yan, what on earth did you say to the young lady?"

Qing Lin couldn't help but said that she was naturally surprised that since coming to Canaan College, the relationship between the two has been like a roller coaster, very exciting.

She didn't know whether this was a good thing or not.


Xiao Yan didn't know if this was considered verbal harassment. After pondering for a moment, he finally shook his head silently: "It's just something serious, right...?"

"Serious stuff?"

Qing Lin blinked, but didn't believe it immediately. After all, how could there be any serious matter but in the end it was the lady's turn to give it away? According to Qinglin's intuition, Master Xiao Yan must have offended the young lady unknowingly.

But if I really want to offend the lady, will the lady let me see the guests off? It would be good if he didn't just slap him out.

So Qing Lin still doesn't understand what happened between the young lady and Master Xiao Yan.

Alas, I don’t understand. Things between the young master and the young lady are too complicated.

Qing Lin sighed quietly.

Xiao Yan secretly looked at the pretty girl next to him, suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but said: "Speaking of which, Qinglin, do you think Miss Wan was angry just now or something?"


Qing Lin pondered for a moment, then couldn't help but shook his head and said: "I think the young lady is angry but not angry, but...since the young lady doesn't want to see anyone for a while, it would be better for Master Xiao Yan to wait for now."

"That's it."

Xiao Yan was silent, then nodded slightly and said, "Well, I understand for the time being."

Seeing that Xiao Yan's expression seemed to have changed, Qing Lin couldn't help but said: "But Master Xiao Yan, there is no need to be depressed. It's not that you don't know the lady's temperament. No matter how bad your mood is, it will be fine in two days."

Xiao Yan nodded.

"But what is the serious matter that Master Xiao Yan is talking about?"

Qing Lin asked curiously.

"Well, it's not a particularly important matter..."

Xiao Yan then explained the ins and outs of Panmen's lack of fire energy.

"Oh, so that's it."

Qing Lin nodded lightly, and her beautiful emerald eyes couldn't help but sparkle with a hint of interest, and then said: "In that case, has Master Xiao Yan thought of a candidate to run this part in the future?"


Xiao Yan was stunned. He had never thought about this, but if he thought about it carefully, whether it was Wu Hao, Hu Jia, or Xun'er, he really couldn't continue to leave it to Nalan...

I hope Nalan doesn’t kill himself.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I'll wait until I refine the first batch of elixirs."

Xiao Yan thought for a while, then shook his head and said, and this is naturally what Qing Lin wants.

Seeing what Xiao Yan said, Qing Lin couldn't help but smile, and then volunteered: "How about this, Master Xiao Yan, why don't you sell this batch of elixirs and give them to me? Miss, my current cultivation is almost over. We’ve reached a bottleneck, and we probably won’t be able to break through it in a while. There’s no point in practicing all day long. How about I help Master Xiao Yan and Miss Xiao Yan?”

"Green scales...?"

Qing Lin's words surprised Xiao Yan.

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