Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 262 Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Xiao Yan was somewhat surprised by Qing Lin's volunteering. After all, this quiet and timid little girl always stayed quietly next to Yao Wan, remaining silent, and he didn't know if it was because of her. Because she has half of the snake blood, it is not easy to even notice her.

After all, Miss Wan is too eye-catching.

However, Xiao Yan has never looked down upon Qing Lin because of this. This little girl's experience was quite similar to his, so Xiao Yan always had a feeling of sympathy for her.

The elixir that Miss Wan gave to her was very important, but the refined elixir was something else. After all, as long as Xiao Yan sold it, it would definitely be a huge profit.

The management itself does not require much ability. Anyway, the relevant people, Xiao Yan, will only be selected from the trustworthy freshmen in Panmen, and they can ensure obedience.

And according to Xiao Yan's idea, if Qing Lin was in charge, he could still pull the skin of a tiger. In the drug store that an inner dean elder was paying attention to, there were not many guys who were full and had nothing to do. They dared to come and cause trouble.

Therefore, after Xiao Yan was stunned for a moment, he nodded slightly and said: "Well, that's fine. Everyone in Panmen is already busy with something, so it's okay to drag them to do new work at this time. It’s not appropriate, Qinglin, I’ll be more in touch with you when it comes to Panmen Pharmacy in the future.”

Seeing that Xiao Yan agreed, Qing Lin was naturally overjoyed. He nodded quickly and cheered: "Well! Thank you, Master Xiao Yan, for your trust. I will definitely not let Master Xiao Yan and Miss Xiao down!"

"Miss Wan will probably not be disappointed."

Xiao Yan smiled and said softly: "My requirements are not high, as long as you don't lose money."

However, Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little strange when Qing Lin said this. After all, Miss Wan always had an attitude of not caring about her own affairs. What else could Miss Wan expect Qing Lin to do?

Qing Lin just smiled sweetly. Xiao Yan only thought Qing Lin was joking and didn't take it to heart.

Three days later, after three days of intense preparations by Panmen and Xiao Yan, Panmen's pharmacy opened in the inner courtyard.

It is strange to say that this drug shop does not sell healing medicines and elixirs that can restore fighting spirit like the Yaobang, but only sells a weird elixir whose name the inner courtyard students have never heard of.

Its name is anti-inflammatory.

Many students couldn't help laughing when they saw the sign hung up by Panmen Pharmacy, and those who knew a lot about the new students in the inner courtyard even laughed out loud.

After all, isn't the dark horse rookie who is currently in the limelight in the inner court and the founder of Panmen called Xiao Yan? I can't even think of a good name, or am I simply asking Grandma Wang to sell melons and brag about herself?

Many students, most of them, naturally came to join in the fun. Seeing such a funny name, the joke naturally disappeared after a while, and no one cared about it later. However, after noticing the effect of the elixir announced on the sign, everyone But they were all stunned, and then burst out with a strong desire to find out.

For no other reason than the fact that the brand happened to say that the efficacy of the elixir can actually improve the user's cultivation efficiency in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, and greatly prolong the user's cultivation time in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower. practice time.

There is such a magical elixir?

Ignoring the strange name of the elixir, the disciples in the inner courtyard were naturally particularly enthusiastic about such a magical elixir in this description, but many people immediately reacted, "No, how can there be such a elixir in the world?" Could it be that he was deceiving someone who had taken advantage of him?

But it seems that the people of Panmen have already anticipated this situation. The third line under the brand is attached with a line of clearly visible large characters: "This prescription of anti-inflammatory medicine was developed by Elder Wan of the inner courtyard. Pan." Sect Master Xiao Yan has refined it. If someone feels unwell after taking it, or if it has no such effect, he can report it to the Council of Elders and they will punish him severely! He is willing to accept any punishment!"

After reading the third line, the people who were just watching the fun finally had no objections. The elixir that was laughing at this funny name a few minutes ago became a hot favorite in the blink of an eye, and was criticized by the inner court. Due to the looting by many disciples, the two hundred anti-inflammatory pills prepared within three days were all swept away in a short time.

What's even more surprising is that in the small shop, apart from the other two Panmen members, the person in charge of the shop is actually a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl with a particularly distinctive appearance.

Some students who have a wide network of connections in the inner courtyard and have met many people will naturally recognize at a glance that this is Elder Wan's maid who seldom goes out. The guarantee in the notice posted on the door is natural. It also appears more credible.

There have long been rumors that there seems to be something strange between the inner court elder Wan and the new student Xiao Yan, a relationship that young men and women can understand at a glance. But now that even the jointly produced elixir has been released, the relationship between the two is very... It's hard not to be suspicious.

Oh, no, this is no longer a suspicion, this is clearly a confirmation!


After today's great success, Qinglin returned to Panmen with the two Panmen members, his face full of joy of the harvest.

When they just walked into the door, it was already very lively inside. It was obvious that they had heard some of the news, and they might be celebrating now.

As soon as I walked in the door, it was obvious.

Qing Lin was not very familiar with the other members of Panmen, so she was naturally embarrassed to blend into this atmosphere. Nalan Yanran was still practicing in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, so she could only go straight to Xiao Yan to share what she had gained today. The fire can be given to him.

"Master Xiao Yan, all the fire energy is here."

"Well, thank you for your hard work Qinglin."

Xiao Yan said, and was about to say something, but suddenly realized that Qing Lin didn't seem to have a crystal card, otherwise he wouldn't have borrowed his crystal card today.

When Qing Lin looked at Xiao Yan, it was clear what he meant.

She couldn't help but shake her head gently: "No need, Master Xiao Yan. Originally, this was not a heavy job. Besides, I don't have any use for fire energy. Why don't you share the fire energy with those who helped me today?" Those two will be fine.”

Xiao Yan had no choice but to temporarily agree to Qing Lin's request.

However, compared to thanking Qinglin, what Xiao Yan wanted to thank most now was naturally Xun'er and Miss Wan who had helped her without repayment.

One of them provided medicinal materials and the other provided elixirs. Without them, I'm afraid this would not be so easy in retrospect.

But compared to Xiao Yan's good mood at the moment, Xiao Xun'er's mood was not that good.

When she heard the word anti-inflammatories from Hu Jia for the first time, her head was already buzzing.

Of course she knew that a name couldn't determine anything, but even if it was just disgusting, it was enough to disgust her.

Are you still haunted by this time? Wan? Damn it...if that's the case...

But before she could make any move, she saw Xiao Yan going upstairs with a smile of joyful harvest.

Xun'er sighed softly, feeling anxious but secretly looking forward to it. Why did Brother Xiao Yan find her so quickly?

In a hurry, she could only collect her emotions for the time being, and then said: "Just looking at brother Xiao Yan's expression, I know that today will definitely be a bumper harvest."

"Yeah, now we don't have to worry about Panmen not having enough fire energy to turn over."

The current harvest is certainly worthy of Xiao Yan's busyness and preparation over the past three days, and even this profit far exceeds Xiao Yan's imagination. Naturally, he is grinning crookedly.

"However, the one I am most grateful for this time is Xun'er."

Xiao Yan raised the cyan crystal card in his hand and said, "I estimate that the medicinal materials you gave me can be used for a long time."

After receiving Xiao Yan's affirmation, Xiao Xun'er, who was originally gloomy, couldn't help but feel particularly happy.

"...As long as brother Xiao Yan likes it, that's fine."

Xiao Xun'er said softly, looking particularly gentle.

At the same time, the anxiety in her heart calmed down for the time being. Although she could not drive the woman away quickly, as long as brother Xiao Yan liked her more, then all this would naturally be harmless.

"But I can't be the only one who likes it, right?"

As Xiao Yan said that, he asked Xiao Xun'er to take out his crystal card, and then gave Xiao Xun'er a considerable part of the fire energy in his crystal card.

Xiao Xun'er was not polite to Xiao Yan. She knew what kind of temper Xiao Yan was, and she also knew that he would never accept the fact that she would not take any money from him.


Xiao Xun'er didn't even look at how much fire energy was in her crystal card. She just put it into the ring and couldn't help but put her hands behind her back. She leaned forward slightly and approached Xiao Yan, half joking and half serious. Said: "However, if brother Xiao Yan really wants to thank me, why not take me out to play next time?"

"After all, this inner courtyard is still a suitable place for cultivation. Brother Xiao Yan will take me to Canaan City for a walk next time, okay?"

Seeing that Xun'er said so, how could Xiao Yan not agree?

"Well, since Xun'er said so, next time, we will go to Canaan City to have some fun."

Xun'er's face was so close that Xiao Yan couldn't help but want to tease her, so he couldn't help but raise his hand and gently pinch Xun'er's cheek that could be broken by a bullet.

"Brother Xiao Yan~~"

"Haha, okay, I won't tease you anymore. I have other things to do. If Xun'er has nothing to do these days, just seize the time to practice. I still have the anti-inflammatory medicine I refined. Well, these fires can be matched These pills are enough for Xun'er to be promoted to Dou Ling."

But when Xun'er, who was still as gentle as water, heard Xiao Yan mention the words "anti-inflammatory drugs", her whole face turned cold.

"Brother Xiao Yan, did Miss Wan give you this elixir?"

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