Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 263 Yaowan: What’s going on?


Xiao Yan was silent, then nodded slightly.

After all, he couldn't tell lies with his eyes open. If he could concoct such a weird elixir, no one except Miss Wan could do it.

In fact, Xiao Yan had tried very hard to avoid mentioning the yarrow in front of Xun'er.

After all, the two of them don't know why, but they always feel a little uncomfortable.

In contrast, although Yao Wan was always very unhappy with Xiao Xun'er, it was obvious that she was just talking.

Xun'er is different, she really resists Miss Wan.

Just by looking at Xun'er's sudden change of expression, Xiao Yan knew how bad Xun'er was feeling now.

Seeing Xiao Yan nod slightly, Xiao Xun'er's face became a little gloomier, but she couldn't say anything else.

After all, she couldn't let brother Xiao Yan change her name just because she was angry, right?

Besides, what if it’s changed now?

Can anything be changed?

Things that are already too late, naturally can only be accepted.

The name of this anti-inflammatory drug has already been spread out, so what if the name is changed later? The students in the inner courtyard will only remember this annoying name.

And when she thought that the medicinal materials she gave to brother Xiao Yan were actually refined into the woman's elixir, Xiao Xun'er felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

It always felt like something that belonged to him was taken away and ruined by her.

"...It doesn't matter, I will pay attention next time."

Xun'er nodded, unable to see any sadness or joy.


"Brother Xiao Yan, there is no need to say anything more. After all, I am very happy to be able to help brother Xiao Yan. But you belong to you and she belongs to her. This is not the same thing after all, right?"

Xiao Xun'er's words made Xiao Yan choke back.


Yao Wan only felt a little strange.

In the past two days, since she asked Qing Lin to send Xiao Yan away some time ago, Qing Lin has always gone out and ran away.

Yaowan didn't know what was going on, but the little girl Qinglin suddenly realized that it would be good to go outside and get in touch with new things.

After all, she doesn't always have the time to look after her.

After all, she was considered an elder, and she wanted to do something for the inner court.

Most of the time I am refining medicine, but I occasionally go out, so I am not completely cut off from the outside world.

And those who came and went among them naturally became a lot familiar with some students in the inner courtyard.

For example, Han Yue, a student who was quite famous in the inner courtyard.

The next day, after delivering the next batch of elixirs to the Presbyterian Council, Yao Wan suddenly recalled that it seemed that the snake Xiao Yan raised had woken up some time ago, but there was no movement at all during this period, and she was curious. , will naturally check it out subconsciously.

And if we say where is the best place to hide in the inner courtyard, then naturally it is the back mountain surrounding the outer courtyard. It is said to be the back mountain, but it is actually a primitive forest that stretches for thousands of miles. Canaan City is located on the edge of the back mountain, while the inner courtyard is Deep inside, the forest stretching for thousands of miles, with fifth-level monsters strutting around, has naturally become a natural barrier here.

The people from the Black Corner Region wanted to come to Canaan College to challenge them, and destroying Canaan City would only add fuel to the fire, and they couldn't afford to offend the elders of the inner courtyard.

When Yaowan's spiritual thoughts swept through the dense forest in the back mountain, he did not notice the existence of Medusa at the first time. Instead, he noticed that someone was being hunted by a monster.

She secretly wondered in her heart who could be driven away by the monsters at this time. Yao Wan did not stand idly by and just complained, then took action to help the group of inner courtyard students scare away the chasing monsters.

The fifth-level monster whimpered a few times in fear before turning around and running away. Yao Wan glanced at the disciples in the inner courtyard below, only to find that those who appeared here were all women, uniformly wearing moon-shaped ribbons on their chests. White curved medal.

The leading woman, with her silver hair, happened to be one of the few inner courtyard students whom Yao Wan was familiar with.

"Thank you, Elder Wan, for your help."

The beautiful woman with long silver hair in front of her bowed slightly towards Yao Wan and said, if Yao Wan had not taken action, one or two of them would have been seriously injured today, even if they were not killed.

"If you don't have the ability to deal with a fifth-level monster, then don't provoke it casually. A fifth-level monster hasn't killed any of you so far. You should be lucky."

Yaowan gently shook her head, her pale golden eyes were as cold and distant as the moonlight above the night, she glanced over the group of rather embarrassed women and said.

Han Yue was silent, and then nodded slightly. This could be regarded as their lack of support, and they would naturally have to pay a corresponding price.

Looking at the group of women who were in a state of embarrassment and had basically seen blood, Yao Wan didn't feel much pity in her heart. They overestimated their own capabilities and challenged the fifth-level monster. This was their choice, and they couldn't blame others.

Yaowan would not be so kind as to give them a few healing pills. Just as she did not take the life of the monster, since she was wrong, she had to pay the price. It was obvious.

"We will keep Elder Wan's teachings in mind."

"...Forget it, I'll take you to the inner courtyard first."

Yao Wan saw that they were all more or less injured, so she didn't feel at ease and just walked back to the inner courtyard like this. Maybe she turned around and walked away and ended up in the back mountain again. That would be a lot of fun. That's big.

The original plan to find Medusa was also ruined, and Yao Wan couldn't help but sigh at how lucky she was.

Yao Wan took them back to the inner courtyard and handed them over to the care of Elder Hao, who was in charge of the medicinal material warehouse, causing the other party to raise his eyebrows slightly.

After all, he was able to torment a student like Han Yue, who was not considered weak in the inner courtyard, to this point. If Yao Wan hadn't taken action in time, the consequences would have been disastrous.

In response to this, Yao Wan said that this was probably the so-called blessing among misfortunes.

"Speaking of which, Elder Wan's alchemy skills are even more exquisite."

After taking the healing elixir, Han Yue breathed a long sigh of relief and said.

"Why, are you dissatisfied that although I saved you, I didn't heal your injuries?"

Yao Wan said indifferently, of course she couldn't be stingy. These two healing pills were just a drop in the bucket for her, but this was the so-called price. If you make a mistake, there will naturally be a price, but the price is heavy. It's often the difference between injury and death.

Han Yue was slightly startled, then shook her head slightly and said: "Of course not. This time we were able to escape because of Elder Wan's rescue, so how could we hold a grudge? It's just that Elder Wan has been included in the past few days. The reputation in the hospital has spread widely, so I just sighed."

"My reputation in the inner court?"

Han Yue's words suddenly made Yao Wan interested. At the same time, she felt a faint foreboding feeling in her heart for some reason. She couldn't help but ask, "Please explain carefully."

"What? Elder Wan doesn't know yet?"

Yao Wan's expression naturally surprised Han Yue. Why did Elder Wan look like he had just learned about this...

However, despite some hesitation in her heart, Han Yue quickly told Yao Wan all the news she knew about her current situation in the inner courtyard.

After all, the anti-inflammatory medicine currently sold by Panmen has become the best-selling pill in the inner courtyard. Since the two hundred pills after the first day were sold out, the limited number of pills sold every day will be one hundred pills. Almost every time the medicine is opened, it is bought up by the crowd who have been waiting early.

Although the Medicine Gang looks jealous, there is nothing they can do about it. The shop is covered by Elder Wan, and even the person who sells pills every day is the maid of Elder Wan. If you dare to destroy this store, you will not be able to do it. Be careful not to hurt the maid inside, I'm afraid no one can eat it and carry it around.

The more Yaowan listened to the rumors relayed by Han Yue, the more strange she felt.

It can even be said to be a bit bizarre.

Qing Lin went to sell pills to Xiao Yan?

What did Xiao Yan name her elixir?

In addition, is there any scandal between Xiao Yan and himself?

What kind of work have these two been doing behind her back recently?

After Han Yue saw Yao Wan listening to her story, she couldn't help but lower her head and raise her hands to rub her temples.

She just felt that she didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Well, you can recuperate here for the time being."

After Yao Wan casually confessed, she turned around and left without looking back to find those two guys who were not at all troublesome.

Panmen, it's another day of good harvest, but today may not be as peaceful as in the past.

"...Qing Lin and Xiao Yan, come out here."

Xiao Yan, who was still immersed in the joy of having so much fire energy that he couldn't even talk about it, immediately heard the familiar voice, and then couldn't help but look at Qing Lin beside him.

Qing Lin didn't seem to be too surprised by the young lady's appearance. Instead, he said in a very calm tone: "It seems that our good days have come to an end, Master Xiao Yan."

Xiao Yan couldn't agree more with Qing Lin's words.


"...Can any of you explain what is going on?"

Back in the courtyard, Yaowan leaned against the stone table habitually, covered by the moon-white elder's robe, but because of the delicate silver belt that tightened Willow's waist, her highlighted buttocks happened to be pressed against her waist. At the edge of the stone table, Yao Wan crossed her arms and looked at Qing Lin and Xiao Yan, who were standing together with their heads slightly bowed, avoiding Yao Wan's gaze. .

But it's really hard to say whether this smile is like that.

"Miss, the name of the elixir was chosen by me and has nothing to do with Xiao Yan."

"Miss Wan doesn't need to listen to what Qinglin says. If I hadn't agreed to let her take care of this matter, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. If you want to blame it, blame me."

"What are you two doing?"

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