Yao Wan fiddled with her fingertips for a while, then stood up and couldn't help but glare at Xiao Yan while walking slowly.

“I’ve seen people shirk responsibility from each other, but I’ve never seen people take responsibility from each other.”

"As for me, you two don't have to refuse anymore. As for you, neither of you can run away."

Yao Wan said, I don’t know why, but when they heard Yao Wan say this, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Qing Lin is not allowed to go anywhere in the next period of time. It seems that I have let you go too much during this period. From today on, you will train me wholeheartedly. You are not allowed to go anywhere until I become a fighter." Running around."

Yaowan said, Qinglin didn't have any objection to this. Rather, she would obey the young lady's orders.

It's just that it may sometimes be necessary depending on the situation.

Just like... before.

"As for you."

Yao Wan looked at Xiao Yan, a hint of complexity flashed in her beautiful pale golden eyes. To be honest, she didn't understand how she suddenly got entangled with this guy again.

She obviously didn't have a few days to ask Qing Lin to chase people, right?

"Are you the one who spread the rumors about me and you?"

However, no matter how relaxed Yao Wan was when facing Xiao Yan, she also became unusually serious about this issue. After all, in a sense, this was really not something that could be joked about.

Therefore, Yao Wan actually did not want Xiao Yan to nod by herself, which naturally meant that the two of them were already a little too close, and it would definitely not work if this continued, so they had to keep a distance.

Xiao Yan himself could actually guess what Yao Wan was thinking at this moment.

Therefore, Xiao Yan shook his head without thinking. Besides, he really wasn't responsible for this rumor. How could he be so stupid as to make his intentions so public, hoping that everyone would know the same?

...Besides, if this is a rumor caused by him, it shouldn't be just a clear soup with little water. No matter how you say it, you have to add more oil and vinegar to it.

Of course, regarding this point, Xiao Yan is just limited to fantasy. After all, he knows very well that some things cannot be accomplished by just relying on rumors, and neither Xiao Yan nor Miss Wan can do it. He's the kind of person who doesn't like rumors.

"It's really not you?"

Yao Wan saw Xiao Yan's reaction, and although she subconsciously asked a question, she immediately ruled out this possibility in her heart.

If it wasn't Xiao Yan and Qing Lin's fault, then he would naturally consider himself unlucky.

"Forget it, since this is not your fault, then I have nothing to blame you for. After all, I gave you the elixir in the first place, and there is no reason to take it back. Go back and refine your anti-inflammatory medicine... ...Tsk, what name did you choose? It sounds awful."

Yao Wan complained subconsciously and let Xiao Yan leave with a flick of her sleeves.

"Eh? Isn't there any punishment? No more?"

Xiao Yan asked subconsciously.

"The punishment is that you won't be allowed to see me less. Are you satisfied now?"

Xiao Yan's speech, which sounded like a slap in the face at first, made Yao Wan's teeth itch with anger. Before Xiao Yan could reply, he slapped him out of the yard without using much force.

"It's enough. I don't even know what to say."

Yao Wan paused, speechless and choked for a moment.

"Is Miss Wan serious?"

Although the door was open, Xiao Yan did not step into the courtyard again, he just stood at the door and asked.

"Do you think I'm playing tricks on you? Move quickly, move quickly so that I can't see you."

Yao Wan said impatiently, and then turned her head and stopped looking at him. As long as Xiao Yan was by her side, there would always be countless troubles and situations. She had had enough. No matter what, at least she could accept the situation. It's better to keep a distance from him for a while.

Seeing that Miss Wan no longer looked at his back, Xiao Yan understood that Miss Wan was probably serious this time.

"Teacher, what do you think we should do?"

On the way back, Xiao Yan, who always felt that something was not right about the situation, asked unconsciously.

"What should I do? Just wait."

Yao Lao said quietly, compared to Xiao Yan who was somewhat frightened by Yao Wan's words, he still seemed to be in the presence of the old god, especially calm, and remained unmoved by Yao Wan's words and behavior.

"I guess, the girl herself is vaguely aware that the relationship between you may have started to deteriorate unknowingly, so whether you answer yes or not, it will not affect the current result. Most of them will be Just kicked out."

"No matter how hard you try at this time, the result will be half the result with twice the result, or it may even have the opposite effect."

"Wait for now, give her some time to think about it."

"What if Miss Wan is mistaken? She thinks it would be better to stay away from me?"

Xiao Yan's answer made Yao Lao couldn't help but shake his head: "If feelings are really such a simple thing, then it wouldn't be called feelings, just relax."

After leaving Miss Wan's residence, Xiao Yan returned to Panmen. When he returned to his room, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Xun'er went to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to practice today, otherwise it would have been even more lively today.

Pushing open the door, Xiao Yan was about to take a rest, but he saw a voluptuous red beauty snake lying on his bed, with a jade body lying across the bed. Under the gorgeous red dress, her smooth and shiny jade legs were stacked at the end of the bed, a pair of The jade feet are as white and shiny as jade, with only a few touches of vermilion dotted on the cardamom-like toes, which is even more dazzling.

She raised her arms, pillowed her cheeks, and waited lazily for Xiao Yan's return. It seemed that she had been waiting for a long time, so that a faint hint of confusion and fatigue flashed through her pair of enchanting vermilion eyes. meaning.

But when Xiao Yan opened the door, Queen Medusa immediately returned to her usual sobriety.

"Where have you been? Human? I've been waiting for a long time, but I almost didn't wait for you."

Queen Medusa still did not change her charming sleeping posture in front of Xiao Yan. She just raised her beautiful red eyes that had regained her sharpness and looked directly at Xiao Yan, as if she wanted to give his soul to him. Just hook it up.

"I have something to do today, so I'm basically not in the room."

Xiao Yan tried his best to be less reactive for the time being, and then said in front of Queen Medusa: "But I say queen, not only the snake people have names, humans also have names and surnames, so if possible, the queen should just call me Xiao Yan is better, and I am more used to it."

"Xiao Yan..."

Queen Medusa did have some hesitation in her heart, but thinking about a sixth-grade alchemist, she had to call her a human being, so she naturally remembered Xiao Yan's name for the time being.

"Well, I remember this name for now."

Queen Medusa said, and then waved her hand, and the table in front of the two of them was filled with all kinds of rare medicinal materials. The quantity and variety were so complete that Xiao Yan couldn't help but secretly smack his lips.

"This is the medicinal material I have prepared. I want you to refine at least three Douling Pills and one Emperor's Pill for me. Prepare at least three copies of each pill. Don't let me down."

As a result, not only was the quantity and rarity of the medicinal materials prepared by Queen Medusa staggering, but her request even made Xiao Yan's eyelids twitch.

But this time she had really prepared all the medicinal ingredients, so Xiao Yan naturally couldn't find any faults.

Xiao Yan subconsciously picked up one of the medicinal materials, observed the quality and smell of the medicinal material, and nodded secretly, it was considered to be the top quality.

"There is no problem in refining these elixirs for the queen, but the time required is probably not too short."

But nothing is absolute, so Xiao Yan still needs to get a vaccination with her.

"After all, Queen, you have also seen that although I successfully refined the Spirit Melting Pill, the success rate and the time required are not easy."

"It doesn't matter. I'll give you half a year. Just give me this elixir. I have a lot of time. As long as you work for me sincerely, I won't treat you badly."

Queen Medusa said.

Xiao Yan nodded, and then put all these medicinal materials into his Najie.

"However, I do have a question for the Queen."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "This elixir...is the queen planning to prepare it for the snake people?"


"I am already a Dou Zong, will I still use these pills?"

Queen Medusa looked at Xiao Yan, and a possibility popped up in her mind, and she couldn't help but said: "Are you still obsessed with boring things like ethnic conflicts?"

As the words gradually fell, a glimmer of light flashed in the scarlet demonic eyes. This is the reason why the Snake Tribe clearly lacks alchemists, but it is difficult to find alchemists to cooperate with.

Although the snake people are different from ordinary monsters, they are not considered human beings after all.

Although this saying is not widely circulated in Dou Qi Continent, it is true and cannot be discussed.

"After all, my two brothers are in a city in the Tagore Desert right now. It's hard for me to guarantee whether the elixir I refined today will be the butcher's knife on their heads."

Xiao Yan shook his head. He had no real feelings about racial conflicts, and he would not say anything righteous. For him, the most important thing was that his family and the people he cared about were not harmed.

"Your blood relative?"

Queen Medusa seemed to have thought of something, and her enchanting eyes flickered, revealing a rare trace of compassion.

"If he hadn't been an enemy of our clan, he wouldn't have lost his life."

Queen Medusa shook her head. The conflict between the two clans was an unsolvable problem.

"Then can't we not fight?"

Xiao Yan said subconsciously.

Queen Medusa was slightly startled when she heard this, but she didn't think the question was ridiculous.

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