Nalan Yanran was undoubtedly going to uncover Xiao Xun'er's scars. As long as she heard about anything related to Yao Wan, she would probably get furious.

Nalan Yanran, who vaguely guessed something in her heart, couldn't help but shook her head. For Xiao Yan, is it like this? She didn't think Xiao Yan was any better.

However, although she was slandering in her heart, Nalan Yanran would never say such stupid things to herself. She just muttered a few words in her heart and then completely calmed down her mind again and concentrated on practicing again.

And the elixir Xiao Xun'er sent was indeed extraordinary. Nalan Yanran felt that the speed at which her fighting spirit had been purified by Heart Fire had increased by several percent, which was really terrifying.

Well, that guy Xiao Yan finally did some personnel work.

Nalan Yanran nodded silently and thanked him for the time being after she went out.


When Xiao Yan opened his eyes again, it was already the second day. There was a noise from the courtyard downstairs, which made him frown slightly as he had just woken up.

"What's going on?"

Xiao Yan just felt strange, why was there something wrong so early in the morning?

He opened the door, and there was a cute little girl in a white dress and purple hair sitting in the small courtyard downstairs. She was sitting alone on the stone table with a stern face, as if she would not let strangers approach her.

"Zi Yan?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh, and then immediately recalled what Queen Medusa said yesterday, and guessed the reason why this little girl came to see him so early in the morning after not seeing him for a long time.

He put on his clothes and hurried downstairs, only to find that there was not only Zi Yan in the small courtyard, but also several Panmen members who didn't know what to do. It was really strange to say that they didn't know what to do. Since when, or has it been like this since the establishment of Panmen - nowadays there are fewer and fewer gangs looking for trouble, but all kinds of weird people, especially women, come to Panmen There have been so many doors that I can’t even tell you.

Miss Wan, her maid Qinglin, the red-haired beauty, and the little girl in front of her. According to rumors, the sect master brought back a white-haired woman last time, but none of the Pan sect members had seen it. , just regard it as a rumor.

But even so, the social circle of the sect owner is too strange.

Even if some strange people came here, they turned out to be women. Even the members of the Panmen did not think of this aspect at the beginning, but now they can't explain it clearly.

The girl with purple hair and white dress immediately showed a bright smile after seeing Xiao Yan and said: "You finally woke up. Come on, I will take you to refine the medicine!"

Even if Xiao Yan was thinking from his knees, he knew what Zi Yan would say, so naturally he would not refuse: "Okay, let's go make the medicine."

With that said, Xiao Yan let Zi Yan hold Xiao Yan's hand and left the Panmen courtyard.

Only a group of Panmen disciples were left in a mess in the wind.

"Hey, tell me, which one of the sect masters is this little girl?"


"No, no, this is too perverted. I think it's my sister."

"You're talking about your lover's sister, right? Return your sister."

"Be careful Sister Xun'er comes back and tears your mouth open."

On the way, Xiao Yan felt the strange looks from others, so he naturally let Zi Yan loosen her hand as soon as possible, and then couldn't help but ask: "What has Zi Yan been doing recently?"

"What can we do? Find medicinal materials, of course."

Zi Yan snorted lightly, and then couldn't help but said: "Hey, Xiao Yan, how do you know Sister Medusa?"

"Huh? Me and Medusa?"

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, then couldn't help but shook his head and asked: "It's hard to say, why do you suddenly ask such a question?"

"It's okay, but I think Sister Medusa seems to be quite interested in you."

Zi Yan said, it is not difficult to see from her eyebrows that not only Medusa likes Zi Yan very much, but Zi Yan also likes Queen Medusa very much. Although the time they have been together is not that long, But the relationship is exceptionally good.

"Are you interested?"

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously. Xiao Yan quite believed Zi Yan's ambiguous statement.

After all, from the performance point of view, if Queen Medusa was not interested in him, she would have just patted her ass and left after taking the Fusion Pill. How could she choose to stay and continue to let him refine the medicine?

Having said that, this is consistent with Xiao Yan's previous guess.

He guessed that Queen Medusa would not turn a blind eye to a sixth-grade alchemist, but this was indeed the case in terms of results.

While chatting, the two came to the familiar alchemy pharmacy.

"Here, I leave all these medicinal materials to you."

Zi Yan smiled and moved out a bunch of medicinal materials, which made Xiao Yan couldn't help but smack his tongue and said: "Where have you and Queen Medusa been in the past two days? Did you get so many medicinal materials?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said, after all, even if the two of them wanted to plow the back mountain, there wouldn't be any movement at all. And if they hadn't turned the back mountain upside down, so many medicinal materials would have come from Where did it come from?

Zi Yan was not surprised by Xiao Yan's surprise.

"Of course it's the Black Corner Domain."

Zi Yan said: "Sister Medusa and I went to the Black Corner Territory to solve some kind of Medicine King's stronghold, and brought all the most valuable medicinal materials inside. Sister Medusa only wanted a part of it, and the rest was naturally It’s mine.”

Xiao Yan couldn't help but feel a little ashamed when he heard this, but he also recalled that the woman he chatted with for a few words yesterday was actually a Douzong strongman who could be regarded as the only one in the entire Black Corner Territory. He ran to Black Corner. It is not a particularly surprising thing to fight against the autumn wind in the domain.

However, Xiao Yan, who knew that time was tight and the task was heavy, did not delay any longer. He took out the Black Devil Cauldron and the three-color strange fire, and began to refine the small mountain of medicinal materials in front of him.

"Great, if I eat all the elixirs made from these medicinal materials, I will definitely become a Dou Huang! I will grow up by then!"

Seeing Xiao Yan refining all the strange medicinal materials into pills, Zi Yan looked particularly happy.

"Have you grown up..."

She couldn't help but recall that when she first met Zi Yan, she was already thinking about growing up.

"Does Zi Yan really want to grow up?"

There was a bit of emotion in Xiao Yan's tone. Facing Zi Yan who couldn't wait to grow up at this moment, Xiao Yan was actually a little bit embarrassed, because once upon a time, his young and fashionable childhood was also eager to look forward to it. Grow up quickly.

When I was young, no matter what I encountered, I always felt that I could solve it if I grew up, so I looked forward to growing up every day. However, when I really grew up, I realized that all this was not like it was at the beginning. As simple as imagined.

The distress is still there, but the annoyances are increasing, and I can never go back to my carefree childhood.

"Nonsense, everyone who saw me just now thinks of me as a child. I am not a child. I am hundreds of years old! I am older than your grandfather's grandfather!"

It's just obvious that the sigh and melancholy in Xiao Yan's heart are not the same as Zi Yan's at this moment.


Xiao Yan couldn't help but ask. Although he was a little surprised, some ancient beasts had hundreds of years to accumulate energy during their infancy, and their growth and development itself was not that strange.

"Of course it's true. I have never lied to you, Xiao Yan."

What Zi Yan said was quite reasonable, and Xiao Yan couldn't help but chuckle inwardly when he heard this. Speaking of which, I'm afraid there are many people who were deceived by her, such as the elders of the Presbyterian Church.

However, Xiao Yan naturally would not tease her at this time, but continued to concentrate on refining the medicine.

"Oh, right."

Zi Yan suddenly remembered something and said, "Is the piece of medicinal material you showed me before still there? Do you know what that thing is now?"

Xiao Yan shook his head after hearing this and said, "I asked a friend who knows medicine, and even she didn't know what kind of medicinal material this is."

"Huh? You don't even know your friends?"

Zi Yan touched her chin, looked like she was thinking, and couldn't help but said, "Is it true that your friends are not that good either?"

"--Will not."

Xiao Yan shook his head, with a hint of displeasure in his tone. Zi Yan shrank her neck. This was the first time she saw Xiao Yan's angry expression. It seemed that he cared about the friend he mentioned.

"Okay, okay, then just think that I said something wrong... I shouldn't have said that to your friend."

Zi Yan apologized very quickly and her attitude was sincere, but she didn't know whether it was out of sincerity or because she was afraid that Xiao Yan would not refine the medicine for her once he became angry.

"As long as you can apologize." Xiao Yan also knew that it was not an easy task to get Zi Yan to apologize honestly. Besides, Zi Yan was simply not as fast-talking as she was quick to talk, so Xiao Yan would not blame her because of her. Hold a grudge if you say the wrong thing.

"But, since you don't know what it is, why don't you give me the medicinal material?"

Zi Yan suddenly said.

"Ah? What use do you have for the residue left over from my refining of the medicine?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head. That thing was indeed useless to him for the time being, but it didn't mean that it wouldn't be used in the future.

"You forgot that last time you tried so hard and couldn't break the thing off. If you eat it, you will definitely get a bad stomach."

Xiao Yan's dissuasion failed to stop Zi Yan's further actions: "Oh~~Can't I wait until Dou Huang eats it? If Dou Emperor can't eat it, then I'll stay with Douzong. If Douzong can't eat it, I'll stay with Douzong. Dou Zun.”

"I have a hunch that this stuff is definitely not an ordinary medicinal material. If I can successfully refine it, maybe I can take off."

Seeing Zi Yan's attitude of not giving up on seeing the Yellow River, Xiao Yan sighed. Although he still had no intention of giving the medicinal material to Zi Yan, Xiao Yan still took it out of the ring.

However, what surprised Xiao Yan was that the short branch that was originally only as long as a finger now sprouted green buds.

"This thing...has grown again?"

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