Xiao Yan stared blankly at the broken branch sprouting new sprouts in his palm.

"This thing...has grown again?"

There was inevitably a bit of surprise in his tone.

He immediately recalled that some time ago, when Miss Wan saw the broken branch, she had burned it with the flames of life, burning away the charred surface of the broken branch.

Miss Wan once said that there is still a trace of life in this broken branch. It seems that Miss Wan used the heat of life to activate this life.

"...I really can't give you this thing anyway, Zi Yan."

Xiao Yan said seriously, not only Zi Yan, but Xiao Yan himself also realized that this broken branch must be extraordinary. Not to mention other things, it was burned by three different fires without burning out. It was a medicinal material that neither Yao Lao nor Miss Wan could recognize. How could it be something mundane?

Zi Yan pouted, but after thinking about it, she said: "Well, since you don't want to agree, forget it."

Xiao Yan once again took the sprouted branch back into his Najie, and then continued to concentrate on refining Zi Yan's pills.

After a long time of hard work, Xiao Yan had refined all the medicinal materials that were as large as a small mountain.

Xiao Yan packed the refined pills one by one according to the refined medicinal materials.

Finally, in front of Zi Yan were dozens of jade bottles of various sizes.

Xiao Yan subconsciously raised his hand to wipe away the fine sweat on his forehead, exhaled a breath, and said: "Okay, I have refined all the medicinal materials you asked for..."

As soon as Xiao Yan finished speaking, his steps were a little unsteady. Why did Zi Yan step forward and hold Xiao Yan.

"Xiao Yan? What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

Xiao Yan shook his head, and then asked Zi Yan to let go of his hand.

"It's just that it's a bit hard to refining so many medicinal materials in one go. It's okay. I'll just take some Qi-Reviving Pills and it'll be fine."

As Xiao Yan spoke, he stuffed a Qi-Reviving Pill into his mouth. If he was just refining medicinal materials for Zi Yan in normal times, it wouldn't take Xiao Yan much effort, but this time Zi Yan threw it to him in one breath. The amount of medicinal materials is indeed terrifying. Even if Xiao Yan only needs to refine one side with strange fire, it is still a huge workload.

Moreover, this time Xiao Yan refined it in one go without even taking a single Qi Restoration Pill. It was enough for a fighting spirit to refine so many medicinal materials in one go.

"...Oh, by the way, I remembered something."

After adjusting his breath for a while, Xiao Yan came back to his senses and opened his slightly tired dark red eyes, and couldn't help but said: "As an old customer, let me give you a kickback."

"Kickback? What kickback?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Zi Yan's eyes.

"Didn't you say that the cultivation effect of Tianfen Qi Refining Tower is not very good?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but chuckle to himself when he said this. People deserve to be compared with each other, and goods should be thrown away. In order to grab a better training room in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, they, the inner courtyard disciples, He will be beaten to death.

As a result, Zi Yan has the best training room but still dislikes that her training efficiency is not fast enough. If this word gets out, it will probably piss half of the top experts to death.

"The purpose of this elixir is to improve the efficiency of cultivation in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower."

Xiao Yan said with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, Zi Yan, who was originally just lacking in interest, suddenly opened her smart eyes wide with curiosity on her face: "So magical?"

"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

Xiao Yan smiled and said: "There are three in it, which is enough for you to practice for at least three months at a time."

"Ah? Three? Why only three?"

But the originally curious and excited girl suddenly curled her lips and said, "Three of them are not enough for me to stuff between my teeth."

Seeing Zi Yan's reaction, Xiao Yan couldn't help but slap her on the head.

"As I said, this is not a pill that can be taken casually. You can only take it when you go to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to practice."

Xiao Yan laughed and scolded: "Do you think this is something you can eat casually like these pills?"

"Okay, okay, I get it, I'm just joking~ But thank you~ Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. Follow me and you will have whatever you want. Anyone who bullies you will see if I don't beat him up!"

As she said that, Zi Yan was so excited that she waved her pink fist. The seemingly white pink fist suddenly burst out with terrifying energy, scaring Xiao Yan so much that his eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

"Better say goodbye. I'm afraid if you keep swinging a few more times, you'll have to beat me up."

Xiao Yan shook his head. This little girl Zi Yan is good at everything, but she is a little too childish.

Maybe we have to wait until she grows up.

After Zi Yan sent Xiao Yan back to Panmen, she went back by herself. To be honest, she was quite curious about what would happen if she took all these pills at once.


Yaowan's residence has returned to its current state from the bustle and busyness of the past few days, but Qinglin has become a little uncomfortable with it.

After all, after experiencing the excitement outside and the non-discriminatory and hostile eyes of others, the tranquility that I have long been accustomed to now seems boring.

And the lady...

Qinglin's eyes fell on Yaowan's door.

The young lady has not been out much since she kicked the young master out a few days ago.

Not to mention leaving the yard, he never even left the door.

Naturally, Qing Lin didn't dare to listen to the movement inside the door, but it seemed that the young lady was practicing, otherwise there wouldn't have been no movement at all.

After a while, a woman with frosty silver hair and a lavender dress slowly came downstairs.

But Qing Lin seemed to be looking at Sister Wan's door in a daze.

"Qinglin? What's wrong?"

The little medical fairy's voice caught Qinglin's attention.

"Ah, it's Miss Xian'er."

Qing Lin regained consciousness for a moment and couldn't help but say.

"Well, I have been practicing in seclusion some time ago. I have basically refined all the poison pills that Sister Wan refined for me. I think that in some time, it won't be a problem to break through the Douzong."

The little medical fairy explained: "That's why I came out to take a look, but it seems that I came out at the wrong time? Where is Xiao Yan? Is Sister Wan in retreat?"

"Well...this is more complicated to explain..."

Qing Lin's eyes were complicated and his expression was tangled. He remained silent but still told the little medical fairy what happened in the past few days.

The little medical fairy was slightly startled and didn't know what to say.

Although Qing Lin is a clear observer and knows the most because he has spent a lot of time with Xiao Yan and Sister Wan, he is still young after all and does not know much about the relationship between men and women.

"There's no need to worry about Xiao Yan, his mind has never changed."

The little medical fairy shook her head, then said with relief.

"It's just Sister Wan..."

The little medical fairy couldn't help being silent for a moment. Xiao Yan had confessed her feelings for Yao Wan to her before, but Sister Wan had asked her about it, but she was shocked by her calling her.

In this regard, the little medical fairy really couldn't say anything.

"...It's okay. Sister Wan won't get angry with Xiao Yan after all."

The little fairy doctor said: "I will go and persuade them later."

The little medical fairy's words put Qing Lin's worries to an end: "Well... then thank you, Sister Xian'er."

"It's okay, it's just a little effort."

In the room, Yao Wan didn't pay attention to Qing Lin's somewhat curious but obedient look as he practiced.

However, Xian'er's early release from seclusion surprised her. It seemed that the effect of the Poison Body Pill was better than expected.

Her fingertips brought out a wisp of invisible and colorless flames. These days, she was studying various characteristics of the Fallen Heart Flame through various channels, and hoped to develop a pill that could suppress the Heart Flame.

The invisible and colorless heart fire burned quietly at Yao Wan's fingertips, and Yao Wan did not stop it, letting the heart fire seep into her flesh and blood and reflect in her heart.

If you want to conquer the Fallen Heart Flame, you naturally need to further understand the Fallen Heart Flame.

Yaowan naturally understands this truth.

This was not the first time she took the initiative to woo Xinyan, but every time she took the initiative to woo Xinyan, her understanding of the fallen Xinyan became deeper.

But even so, it is not without cost.

The inflammation of the fallen heart is colorless and formless, formed from the heart.

When dealing with this kind of strange fire that is designed to give you some suggestive effects in your heart, it is natural that you will inevitably fall victim to it sometimes.

Yao Wan narrowed her pale golden eyes slightly. She had already heard about the characteristics of Fallen Heart Flame and had been prepared for it.

After all, Xiao Yan's glorious achievements were precious to her, and Yao Wan couldn't turn a blind eye to them even if he was too arrogant.

But even if you are prepared in advance, you will inevitably be affected by the inner fire.

Nothing more or less.

If it were normal, this little inner fire would naturally not be enough to affect Yao Wan.

But today's situation is a bit special.

Yao Wan quietly pulled away the fire in her heart little by little, until the fire in her body gradually dissipated.

She didn't know why, but a touch of impatience and annoyance surged into her heart, causing her to frown slightly.

She subconsciously wanted to ask Qing Lin to pour tea, but she couldn't help but shut her mouth when she opened her mouth.

Forget it, it's better to be alone and quiet.

Just in case, because he checked his seal on his ethnic bloodline and black-red flame again.

There was an extraordinarily calm feeling between the two, which made Yao Wan breathe a sigh of relief.

At most, you may need to find Xiao Yan later to replenish the energy of the Burning Art that seals the black and red flames.

But even so, Yao Wan could not help but feel a little uneasy in her heart.

This made her feel even more upset. There was nothing to worry about right now, but for some reason she just couldn't regain her composure like before.

Is it because of anger?

A trace of confusion and entanglement inevitably appeared on Yaowan's face.

It can't be because of Xiao Yan, right?

An idea that seemed somewhat absurd to Yao Wan came to her mind for no reason, but it made her shake her head vigorously.

Forget it.

It's better not to think about that guy. The more you think about it, the more annoying it becomes.

After all, during this period of time, he didn't let himself worry at all.

If you like staying with Xiao Xun'er so much, then just stick together. Sooner or later, you will be burned to the point of being burned by the Golden Emperor's Burning Heaven Flame until there is no trace left.

Yao Wan secretly spat in her heart.

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