Facing the dog-skin plaster-like Xiao Yan, Yao Wan was naturally helpless. After all, it was impossible for her to really drive Xiao Yan out.

However, she naturally would not give this guy a good look anymore. Seeing that there was nothing she could do with the hob, she simply shut her mouth and said nothing more.

Xiao Yan saw that no matter how much he spoke, he couldn't force her out, so he was not in a hurry, so he went up to the second floor to have a casual chat with the little medical fairy.

The next day, Xiao Yan got up early, adjusted his breathing, and then went downstairs to start cleaning.

It is said to be cleaning, but in fact it is no different from wandering around in the yard. After all, there is no garbage to clean up here. Several old trees in the yard are now in their prime, and they seem to have been affected by the heat of the medicinal herbs. , still very strong, even the fallen leaves are rare.

In addition, Yaowan Qinglin and the Little Medical Fairy basically do not produce any garbage. They say they are cleaning, but in fact they are just scaring Xiao Yan.

After all, most geniuses are arrogant. How many people are willing to let them do the work of others?

However, Yao Wan did not expect that Xiao Yan did not have any psychological pressure at all, and even enjoyed it a little.

Since practicing, he has become accustomed to fighting and killing, but in Miss Wan's yard, Xiao Yan feels like he has returned to those days before. Although he cannot practice, he can work and rest every day, day after day, year after year. It’s also reassuring.

It's just that since Xiao Yan came, he hasn't seen Miss Wan again. Her door is always closed. Xiao Yan sometimes watches from a distance at the door, but it is inconvenient to take the initiative to knock on the door.

As for the excuse of serving tea and water, naturally it doesn't apply either.

Qing Lin explained to Xiao Yan that the young lady did not drink tea every day, and there was no dirt on her body, so there was no need to fetch water.

"That's it."

Xiao Yan sat in front of the stone table, raised his hand, propped up his chin, and couldn't help but murmured, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

This was the first time he had seen such a situation where no water was allowed to enter.

In this case, why not take the initiative to knock on the door?

Now that he had an idea in his mind, Xiao Yan had to give it a try, so he strode forward directly to Yao Wan's door.

As a result, there was a loud bang, and Xiao Yan seemed to have hit an invisible wall. A huge force acted on him, and he was ejected directly, almost hitting the stone table behind him.

"Hiss—what's going on?"

Xiao Yan couldn't help but said as he helped himself to the waist that hit Shi Zhui.

"Maybe it's because Sister Wan doesn't want you to get close to her, right?"

Looking at Xiao Yan's appearance, the little medical fairy couldn't help but feel a little funny and said.

"Tsk, aren't you just joking? Why are you being so serious?"

Xiao Yan curled his lips and said, but obviously, this did not dampen Xiao Yan's determination to challenge.

If it doesn’t work once, then try it again!

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and rushed towards Yao Wan's door again. This time, he did not stop, but used his fighting energy at full fire, and then slammed in front of Yao Wan's door.

However, neither he nor his fighting spirit could touch the door at all, and was bounced away again.

"Hey, I don't believe it anymore, come on!"

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

"Come on..."

It's just that some things in the world are not destined to be passed on impulse.

Xiao Yan was tired, so he sat on the edge of the stone table to catch his breath and continue.

"You're tired, can't you just take a break for a while?"

The little medical fairy came over with a plate of tea, and then placed one cup in front of Xiao Yan.

When a beauty with frosty silver hair slowly walks towards you, and her intention is undoubtedly to treat you, no matter who you are, you will be more or less stunned.

And Xiao Yan is naturally no exception. After all, he and the Little Medical Fairy have been separated for so long. The black-haired girl with a sweet smile in his memory has turned into a silver-haired beauty now, and everything that belongs to her is in his mind. Being replaced bit by bit, Xiao Yan himself was actually somewhat uncomfortable with it.

The little medical fairy looked at Xiao Yan's eyes that were looking at him with a dull look, and felt a little secretly happy for no reason. He could be stunned for him, which at least proved that in his eyes, he was not an ugly person.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid that I poisoned the tea you drank?"

Just seeing Xiao Yan like this, the little medical fairy naturally felt a little fluttering in his heart, and he couldn't help but take the initiative to speak.

"how come?!"

Xiao Yan came back to his senses, drank all the tea in his hand, and then breathed out softly: "Look, isn't there nothing wrong with this?"

"Then do you dare to stay with me because of the poisonous fire protection?"

Of course the little medical fairy knew what Xiao Yan was thinking, but she just wanted to hear Xiao Yan's own answer.

"Is this who I am in your eyes?"

Xiao Yan asked back, but did not wait for the little medical fairy to answer, and said: "You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must have the intention to guard against others. Some people, even if I protect my body with poisonous fire, I will not be invaded by any poison. I feel safe touching his things, and some people, even if others say she is dangerous, even if there is no poisonous fire, I will still be happy with the things she gives."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but have a faint blush mixed with emotion and shame on her face. She was originally observing Xiao Yan secretly, but now she avoided Xiao Yan's gaze as if flying, but she felt indescribably happy in her heart.

To say that I am not moved would be a lie.

"...I just thought you were talking about someone else."

The little medical fairy said.

"Why do I have to talk about someone else?"

However, the Little Medical Fairy gave up the attack, but Xiao Yan followed the snake on the stick, took the initiative to look at the Little Medical Fairy in front of him, and said, "I'm talking about the Little Medical Fairy, can't I?"

"Well... of course... this is your freedom..."

The little medical fairy was shy and unbearable, but he couldn't ignore it and hurt his heart, so he had to hold it in for a long time and murmured in a low voice.

But when she looked at Xiao Yan again, Xiao Yan looked away again, as if he wanted to end the topic and said: "By the way, where is Qing Lin? She is not the fastest on weekdays. ?"

"Qing Lin dare not not listen to what Sister Wan said. She is still practicing in her room. Seeing that you have had enough trouble, I will bring you some tea on her behalf."

The little fairy doctor said softly.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it, but it's true that Qing Lin is not small anymore, and it's more important to be a fighter, so don't waste your time on me."

Xiao Yan murmured, but suddenly remembered something, and couldn't help but said: "By the way, I can refine some medicinal liquid here to help her stabilize her promotion to a fighter, does she want it?"

"Have you forgotten who she is following?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but shook her head and said.

"Oh, that's true."

Xiao Yan suddenly realized that he had almost forgotten that Qing Lin was following Miss Wan. In front of Miss Wan, only Yao Lao could speak. He had better not do anything to avoid making another joke later.

"In addition, the restriction set by Sister Wan seems to be based on the power of the soul. You will definitely not be able to defeat it with Dou Ling level fighting spirit."

The little medical fairy turned her head and glanced at Yaowan's closed door. A faint tangle flashed in her heart, but she quickly covered it up and said.

"Soul power?"

Xiao Yan's expression suddenly fell when he heard this. He had no choice but to do it. Miss Wan's soul power didn't feel much different from fighting spirit. Xiao Yan also noticed that there was no hostility between the barriers, otherwise it wouldn't have been when he bounced away. He let himself fly up instead of falling apart like tofu.

"However, Sister Wan said that she once gave you the Soul Cultivation Technique. As long as you continue to work hard, you may be able to break through the restrictions set by Sister Wan later."

The little medical fairy explained, deliberately not looking at Xiao Yan's face, but even though he kept talking, the little medical fairy's heart was always like a mess, confused and uncomfortable.

The words and advice Sister Wan had told her some time ago still echoed in her ears, but she was still struggling in her heart whether to get involved between them or not.

"Well, I understand, let's go and get ready - eh?"

Xiao Yan nodded, but when he saw the tangled expression on the little medical fairy's face and the lightly furrowed eyebrows, he couldn't help but said: "Little medical fairy? What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? Or is it because of a poisonous body attack?"

"No, no, no..."

His gaze was unavoidable, and in the end he had no choice but to look at Xiao Yan helplessly. The little medical fairy's confusion suddenly reached its peak.

"You don't look like you're fine? Do you want to hide it from me? At least tell me what goes wrong from time to time?"

Xiao Yan had already mentioned this, so naturally it would be inappropriate for the little medical fairy to say that there was no such thing.

"If you have to say there is something wrong, it is."

The little medical fairy hesitated for a long time, and finally made a decision, saying: "Actually, it's not a big deal. Some time ago, Sister Wan used many poisons to refine some highly toxic elixirs for me that only I can eat. Then The effect of the elixir combined with the Poison Body Young Elixir in my body is particularly good."

"Just because the effect is so good, the poisonous fighting energy I transformed is enough for me to be promoted to Douzong soon."

The little medical fairy's face was full of tangle and embarrassment, and he said almost word by word: "So, maybe I will need you to help me later... um, make up, add a little bit... poisonous fire."

Just saying these words took a lot of energy from the little medical fairy, and until the end, the little medical fairy's face was almost burning.

The silver-haired beauty in front of him had a pretty face that was red, and she was ready to refuse, but she was afraid that no one would refuse her. Xiao Yan nodded. No matter what the little medical fairy might be hiding, he still agreed readily. .

After all, he is a little medical fairy.

As far as Xiao Yan is concerned, there are not many people who can make him agree without even thinking about it.

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