Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 271 Xiao Xun’er is practicing

Qing Lin practiced, Yao Wan stayed behind closed doors, and the only two people left in the yard went upstairs.

The room opposite the Little Medical Fairy was not big, with only a bed and a small table just big enough for two people to sit across from each other.

However, Xiao Yan's own things are basically placed in his Najie, so there is no need to worry.

Xiao Yan sat by the bed and couldn't help but glance at this extraordinarily simple but still very clean room.

"What's wrong? Are you still not used to sleeping?"

The little medical fairy did not enter the door, but stood at the door, looking at Xiao Yan quietly, and couldn't help but ask.

"No, I quite like it here."

Xiao Yan shook his head, "The cabinets are indeed missing, but I don't have anything that I need to take out in the room."

"It's quite suitable, I like it."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but smile on her face. Whether she liked this small dwelling or whether she liked to be by Sister Wan's side, it was obvious what Xiao Yan was thinking in his heart.

However, Xiao Yan didn't waste too much time, he raised his head and said: "Okay, let's not talk nonsense."

"By the way, since the Little Medical Fairy needs me to replenish the poisonous fire, I don't have to wait until you break through the Douzong to replenish it, right?"

Xiao Yan's words revived the little medical fairy's nerves. She was slightly dazed, and then nodded slightly.

"Of course there is no need to hold back the time when I can break through the Douzong."

The little medical fairy said: "After all, by then, it will be somewhat late. If you have enough time, it is naturally better to prepare early."

"Oh, that's how it is."

Xiao Yan nodded, but said surprisingly: "In that case, why not do it now?"

" No!"

The little medical fairy was slightly startled when he heard this, then shook his head vigorously like a rattle and said.

"No? Why?"

Xiao Yan looked puzzled and looked into the beautiful eyes of the little medical fairy who were about to dodge.

"I...may need to prepare."

Xiao Yan waited for her for a long time, and then he received the little doctor's reply which was almost inaudible as a mosquito's moan.


Xiao Yan tilted his head, but he couldn't allow him to think too much, so the little medical fairy said: "Then you wait for me for half an hour, and I will go and get ready."

Xiao Yan didn't understand what the little medical fairy was preparing for, but since she had said so, Xiao Yan naturally came here because of the little medical fairy.

"Well, just tell me when you're ready."

The little medical fairy looked at Xiao Yan with tangled and complicated eyes, but turned around and left Xiao Yan's room as if running away.

"Xiao Yan."

After the little medical fairy left, Yao Lao broke the silence in the room.


Xiao Yan asked subconsciously, not knowing what Yao Lao wanted to do when he called him at this moment.

"...Forget it, it's nothing."

When Yao Lao saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head. Thinking back to the little girl's reaction, he seemed to have thought of something, so he didn't speak.


The little medical fairy hurriedly went downstairs, wandering in the yard in confusion. Looking at Yaowan's door, she suddenly had the urge to go to her and explain everything clearly.

But when she took that step towards the door, she inevitably fell into hesitation.

The conversation with Sister Wan in the past was still vivid in her mind. She naturally knew who Sister Wan was, and she also knew that she would not make such a joke about such a big matter.

Of course she meant it.

I sincerely think about myself and Xiao Yan, and sincerely hope that they can finally get married.

But during this, she never considered herself from beginning to end.

The little medical fairy couldn't help but take a deep breath. Should he accept Sister Wan's kindness and obey his obsession, or should he retreat and make way for the two of them? Even if the poisonous body attacks, there will be no more concessions.


But in the end, the little medical fairy gently exhaled a breath of turbidity, and the tangled heart gradually calmed down and turned into a calm.

When Xiao Yan walked out of the room and went downstairs, he could no longer see the frail and slightly frightened figure of the little medical fairy.

Xiao Yan only thought that she really needed to prepare something that he didn't know about. He was not in a hurry anyway, and it would be great if he could ensure that the poisonous body of the little medical fairy was safe and sound.

After waiting for almost half an hour, water droplets condensed on Yinshuang's hair, slowly sliding down and dripping in the yard. Xiao Yan heard the familiar footsteps and couldn't help but raise his head.

But he saw the silver-haired beauty standing in front of him like a hibiscus out of water. For some reason, there was a faint trace of moisture on the familiar attire.

Xiao Yan was slightly startled, and then looked at the little medical fairy's face, only to see that the moisture on her pretty face was not dry, but revealed a hint of rosy color.

A gust of breeze blew, and the fragrance belonging to the Little Medical Fairy lingering on the tip of Xiao Yan's nose was also mixed with a bit of moisture. Xiao Yan immediately realized what the Little Medical Fairy had been doing.

He couldn't help but slightly widen his dark red eyes and stared blankly at her, who could not help but show a hint of shyness in front of him.

Even though Xiao Yan has gotten used to the little medical fairy's appearance being different from the past, he was still a little dazed when the beauty came out of the bath.

"...I'm sorry, I'm late. I haven't washed like this for a long took a long time."

The little medical fairy silently avoided Xiao Yan's unexpected gaze, coughed with a blushing face, and said.

Of course, she didn't delay it for so long intentionally. She was just in a hurry. She, who had been accustomed to the grudges in the past two years, suddenly forgot how to wash up, so it took so long.

She didn't mean to be perfunctory, and naturally she didn't want to accept the choice she made so hastily.

"...Well, it doesn't matter."

Xiao Yan vaguely noticed something, and then nodded slightly.

But even if he noticed it, it was too late to stop now.

"Then...shall we get started?"

The little medical fairy took the initiative.

"let's go."

While walking up the stairs, the little medical fairy couldn't help but turn her bright gray eyes to look at the door.

She will never go back on her word or back down.

After going upstairs, Xiao Yan took the initiative to open her door at the little medical fairy's signal.

The little doctor fairy's room is much larger than Xiao Yan's room. Because of the sunshine, it is more bright when the window next to the bed is wide open.

It’s just that it was getting late today. When the two walked into the little medical fairy’s room, what Xiao Yan saw was the darkening sky outside the window, and the dim yellow color reflecting the outline of the back mountain range. The sun gradually faded away. The mountains were submerged, and the originally clear sky slowly turned into a deep indigo.

When Xiao Yan entered the door, he flicked his finger, and a wisp of vindictive flame lit up the lights in the room. Behind him, there was the creaking sound of the little medical fairy gently closing the door.

The little medical fairy leaned against the door, her eyes calm. Now that things have happened, she can no longer panic.

"I need you to use Poison Fire to transfer the excess Poison Fighting Qi for me. After I refine all the excess Poison Fighting Qi in my body, I can use Poison Fire to turn it into a pill again."

After confirming that the door was indeed closed, the little medical fairy slowly came to Xiao Yan's side and sat down on his knees.

Xiao Yan naturally has no objection to this. This is not the first time he has been exposed to this step.

Seeing the little medical fairy with his back facing Xiao Yan without any defense, and seeing the slightly warm orange light reflected under the candlelight, Xiao Yan seemed to smell the little fairy again unconsciously. The fragrance of the Medical Immortal's hair, the smell of water vapor that had not completely dissipated, penetrated into his nasal cavity, teasing Xiao Yan's distracted mind.

Wait, what's wrong with me?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but let out a sigh in his heart, quickly regained his mind that was drifting further and further away, and then immediately became serious.

"I'm ready, little medical fairy, I can start at any time."


The little medical fairy swallowed a sip of saliva. Although she was no longer entangled in her heart, she was still nervous. Then Xiao Yan, who was sitting behind her, saw the lavender dress on the little medical fairy being removed from the willow waist. After the belt was put on, it slipped quietly from her fair and smooth skin, which was like gelatin, bringing with it a faint fragrance.

Under the lavender long skirt, the snow-white undergarment slipped down together with the long skirt. For a moment, on top of the ice-cold skin and jade bones, only the waterfall-like silver-frost white hair was scattered on the shoulders, and then the candlelight in the room, The starlight outside the window seemed hazy and dreamlike.

"——Little Medical Fairy?"

No matter how calm Xiao Yan had acted before, he could no longer calm down at this moment. His startled shouts were like a heavy hammer, hitting the heart of the little medical fairy. At the same time, he was naturally urging her. Now that she has come this far. Once you take one step, there will be no turning back.

"Don't be nervous...this is just to make it easier for you to extradite Poisonous Fire..."

The little medical fairy felt that not only her cheeks, but also her brain, her heart, her blood and her nerves were being burned by flames at this moment.

Fortunately, Xiao Yan could not see the nervous and embarrassed look on her face at this moment.

But at this moment, both the Little Medical Fairy himself and Xiao Yan knew that excuses like this were too pale and weak.

Because even if it was the first time, when Yao Wan managed to condense the initial Poison Body Young Pill for the Little Medical Fairy, she didn't have to be so particular.

The little medical fairy was naturally gambling.

She was betting that even if Xiao Yan didn't have much feelings for her, he wouldn't be tempted by her at all.

His heart may not be as pure as when he first met him, as his attitude towards Xiao Xun'er already proved.

And she was taking advantage of this at the moment, as Xiao Yan's lifeless silence and vague breathing had proved.

She won the bet.

"...Okay, then I will bear the fire for you."

Deep purple flames danced on Xiao Yan's fingertips, and this flame burned with poison that frightened the world.

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