Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 282 Nalan Yanran: Will I overturn?

Xiao Yan shrugged when he saw Nalan Yanran smiling and mouthing the word scum.

Putting aside the scolding from others, he was used to Nalan's words anyway.

Besides, what's the use of being anxious? If you get angry, will you not be a scumbag?

At this point, Xiao Yan has thought very thoroughly. If he wants to be a leader, he should be thorough, and don't be a fool at the same time. Most people would not be able to be a leader if they want to be him.

"In this case, why don't we go back to Panmen?"

After leaving the back mountain, Xiao Yan couldn't help but say.

"Not going back to Panmen? Where are you going to take me to be your thug?"

Nalan Yanran didn't think much and said casually, but as soon as she finished speaking, she reacted on her own: "You mean, go see her?"


"Probably only you can do this kind of thing..."

Nalan Yanran sighed and took other women to see the person she liked... Let's put it this way, Nalan Yanran couldn't help but wonder how Xiao Yan would be kicked out later.

However, out of curiosity about the little medical fairy, Nalan Yanran did not refuse.

"Okay, lead the way, and I'll accompany you to see it."

With that said, Xiao Yan took Nalan Yanran to Yaowan's residence.

The huge courtyard had not changed from beginning to end, so that Nalan Yanran, who had just entered, did not notice anything unusual.

"Where's Qinglin?"

I just walked around the yard, but I didn't find the pretty girl who always stayed around Yaowan, so I couldn't help but ask.

"Miss Wan ordered anyone not to come out and run around unless they were fighting."

Xiao Yan explained.

"Can Qinglin still mess with her?"

Nalan Yanran raised her eyebrows. Isn't Qinglin the most well-behaved one under Yaowan's nose?

"Because Qinglin came to help me last time."

Xiao Yan took out an anti-inflammatory pill and said, "Because of this, she named this pill an anti-inflammatory pill. When Miss Wan learned about it, she became angry as expected."

"Anti-inflammatories? No wonder."

Nalan Yanran sniffed it carefully, but found that this elixir was not the same elixir that Xiao Xun'er had given her before. No wonder she felt more uncomfortable after seeing this elixir than after eating a fly.

"No wonder? No wonder for what?"

"Of course your Xiao Xun'er is jealous. The sour smell can be smelled throughout the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower."

Nalan Yanran said calmly.

While Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran were talking, the people upstairs naturally heard the conversation coming from downstairs, and then went downstairs.

Xiao Yan's ears twitched and he heard the familiar footsteps, and he couldn't help but say: "She's here."

Nalan Yanran looked over after hearing this, and saw a silver-haired beauty wearing a lavender dress slowly walking down the steps, which made her raise her eyebrows.

She is really a beauty, even compared to Xiao Xun'er, she is no less generous.

If I had to say there was any shortcoming, it would probably be that the other party's really flat chest looked a little sad.

Not to mention compared with Yao Wan, even Xiao Xun'er is older than her.

For some reason, Nalan Yanran subconsciously made a simple comparison between her and the other two.

As for herself... although Yaowan can't compare, it's still more than enough compared to Xiao Xun'er.

The surprise on Nalan Yanran's face and eyes flashed across her face, and she watched the little medical fairy Xiao Yan talked about slowly walking towards her.

The little medical fairy nodded politely towards Nalan Yanran. This made Nalan Yanran not used to it, so she had to respond to her politeness. Only then did she see her turn her eyes to Xiao Yan.

"You are hurt?"

She could see Xiao Yan's current state at a glance and couldn't help but say.

"Well, somewhat."

Xiao Yan nodded. After all, the Snow Demon Tianyuan was not that easy to bully. Even he and Nalan Yanran would be embarrassed to fight each other.

"Then take a good rest and stop carrying it."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but feel a little distressed, but she was also a little embarrassed in front of Nalan Yanran. At most, she only paid lip service to her concern.

As soon as he finished speaking, the little medical fairy couldn't help but look at Nalan Yanran and said, "Who is this girl?"

"Nalan Yanran, are you the Little Medical Fairy? I've heard of you from Xiao Yan."

Nalan Yanran nodded. Her first impression of the little medical fairy was pretty good, at least better than Xiao Xun'er who showed hostility when they first met.

"heard about it……?"

The little medical fairy was startled when he heard this, and couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan smiled with a hint of embarrassment, and then said: "Well, when I went out with Nalan today, I accidentally mentioned It’s reached Xian’er.”

"Yes, in Xiao Yan's mouth, you are better than anything else."

Nalan Yanran praised, although she didn't know what was going on, the little medical fairy's aloof temperament was indeed very comfortable, and it was inevitable that people would like her.

The little medical fairy smiled implicitly, and then couldn't help but glance at Xiao Yan shyly, and said: "Actually, it's just average. It's just Xiao Yan's opinion, so don't pay too much attention."

Nalan Yanran was completely aroused, and then said: "Xiao Yan, you don't have anything to do here. Why don't you go back to the refining pharmacy and refine some anti-inflammatory medicine? Recently, there are still many customers. We have come to Panmen. Without your elixir, going to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower feels like it is a waste of fire energy. Although Panmen has no shortage of fire energy now, don’t you still want the fire energy that was sent to me? ?”


Xiao Yan was slightly startled, his eyes filled with helplessness. Why did the person who left here end up being him?

But there was nothing he could do. Who made him work so hard? Xiao Yan gave the little doctor a look, indicating that she could trust Nalan Yanran even if she didn't worry, and then turned and left the yard.

After Xiao Yan left, the atmosphere between the two women became a little awkward.

Until the little medical fairy took the initiative to break the silence between the two.

"Nalan Yanran...I vaguely remember this name."

The little fairy doctor said: "Maybe Sister Wan mentioned you once."

"So, do you really know her?"

Nalan Yanran couldn't help but lean on the table and support her chin, and couldn't help but say.

"Sister Wan is one of my rare friends."

The little medical fairy said, causing Nalan Yanran's eyes to look a bit strange...Friends?

"Since you know her, I'm inevitably a little curious. You already know her, why do you still want to get in between the two of them?"

Nalan Yanran's question was inevitably a bit sharp.

And for this, the little medical fairy was not mentally prepared at all.

"Because this is my only chance to have him in my life. If it were you, how would you choose?"

The little medical fairy looked directly at Nalan Yanran and said seriously.

However, Nalan Yanran was somewhat resistant to the little medical fairy's hypothesis: "Don't ask me, I don't like Xiao Yan. If it were me, I might not choose like you."


The little medical fairy looked directly at Nalan Yanran and had no intention of entangled with her on such an issue. She just said: "I just accepted Sister Wan's generous charity. From now on, I will serve them tea and water. I I am also willing to do so.”

Nalan Yanran looked at the little medical fairy, with a hint of hesitation and wonder in her clear eyes.

After all, she herself really couldn't understand this kind of behavior that she would rather wrong herself and be with Xiao Yan, but since it was her own choice, Nalan Yanran was certainly blameless.

"Nalan Yanran, what do you think of Xiao Yan?"

"A scumbag, nothing else."

Nalan Yanran replied without thinking: "But as long as it doesn't get mixed up with his feelings, there's no need to worry."

"That's it..."

The little medical fairy looked at Nalan Yanran, her eyes made Nalan Yanran feel a little uncomfortable, and finally she couldn't help but look away to avoid the little medical fairy's eyes that seemed to have deep meaning.

The little medical fairy seemed to see something, but after thinking about it, she still didn't speak.

Xiao Yan went back to refine the medicine. He originally wanted to continue to refine an elixir for Queen Medusa, but time was running out, and his condition today was not very good, so he had no choice but to do it. give up.

When he returned to Panmen, he couldn't help but think in his heart, what are Nalan and Xian'er talking about now? They shouldn't quarrel, right?

Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't feel like it.

After all, Xian'er has a pretty good personality, but as for Nalan... even if he wants to quarrel alone, he probably won't be able to quarrel.

Xiao Yan turned around and prepared to sell the anti-inflammatory medicine he had just refined. He also planned to sell the anti-inflammatory medicine once a month. Otherwise, Xiao Yan would refining the anti-inflammatory medicine every day, not to mention whether the medicinal materials were enough. All the time was spent refining the medicine.

I don’t know what Miss Wan did...

Deep in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, on the sixth floor, the invisible fire in Yao Wan's eyes dissipated, returning to the peace of the past.

Sure enough, the closer you get to the core of the Fallen Heart Flame, the deeper you will understand it.

Today's research results are good, she may be able to refine a new experimental elixir.

But just when she was about to turn around and leave, she noticed the unusual-looking training room with the rune of "One" carved on it.

Yao Wan's eyes passed through the looming light curtain and saw the purple-haired girl sitting inside, taking pills and practicing at the same time.


Yao Wan immediately knew who the other party was. Thinking about it, she had already met Xiao Yan, right?

Yao Wan had no intention of interfering with this girl who had unlimited potential. She got along well with Xiao Yan, so naturally she didn't need to do anything more.

But having said that.

Yao Wan remained silent, then flicked her finger, and a wisp of green flame began to burn violently around the No. 1 training room, wrapping Zi Yan in it.

The cultivation level promotion of Warcraft is different from that of humans. Although it is essentially a process of continuing energy in the body to achieve qualitative transformation, Warcraft can also absorb pure life force. Although humans can also use this power, the utilization rate is obviously not as good as Those monsters with ancient bloodline.

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