Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 283 Xiao Yan: I may have fallen in love with someone else

For a monster with a strong bloodline like Zi Yan, a long life itself is a manifestation of strong cultivation.

Zi Yan, who was sitting in the training room No. 1 and was concentrating on practicing, felt the vigorous breath of life, and her slightly wrinkled brows gradually relaxed.

This power of life made her practice at this moment particularly comfortable, and the speed of breathing in and out of fighting energy accelerated again, and this time, Zi Yan was no longer simply absorbing the pure energy of the No. 1 practice room, as well as what she had just taken The terrifying medicinal properties of the pills, as well as the flame of life that almost covered the entire No. 1 training room.

"Hey, he is really a greedy guy."

Feeling Zi Yan's movements, Yao Wan couldn't help but laugh, and then simply differentiated into a ray of living beings, absorbed the vigorous alien fire energy from the Fallen Heart Flame, and in turn provided Zi Yan with a steady stream of life force.

As a kind of alien fire that is not lethal in nature, it is not without reason that it is qualified to be in the top five of the alien fire list.

There are often rumors in the world that those who refine the flames of living beings are immortal and have a lifespan comparable to that of Warcraft.

Although the idea of ​​immortality is obviously a rumor made by people, there is no doubt that it has a long lifespan.

In fact, increasing the longevity of the refiner is just the most obvious usage and expression of the flame of life.

As for Zi Yan, she will return to Zhongzhou in the future. She will probably have interactions and contacts with Xiao Yan and herself. In this case, it is better to give her this good fate.

After leaving behind the creature's flame that could convert the strange fire energy that ordinary people around him couldn't use into the power of life, Yao Wan turned around and left the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

She is not worried that this ray of life's flame will be swallowed up by the gradually violent Fallen Heart Flame. She mixed a trace of her own spiritual thoughts into it. If the Fallen Heart Flame dares to eat it, how can it be concocted by Yaowan? On the contrary, it became more relaxed.

As Yao Wan left, more and more life force enveloped Zi Yan's petite body under the action of the creature's flame, gradually turning into a huge green and purple egg.

At the moment before Zi Yan's practice completely subsided, the confused girl caught a glimpse of a moon-white figure between the hazy cyan and purple. It was hazy and disappeared before she could see it clearly. .

There was no time to think about anything at the moment, Zi Yan's consciousness completely sank into her body.


The next month passed relatively peacefully.

In this month, Xiao Yan refined two more Spirit-fighting Pills, and at the same time helped Lin Yan, a top expert in the inner court, get rid of the fire poison on his body, and he also began to make some friends in the inner court. He is considered a very important figure among them.

After Nalan Yanran further improved Panmen's rules, Xiao Yan or she was no longer needed to guard Panmen, which also lightened the burden on the two of them.

Yaowan once again refined an experimental elixir. Because he was worried about eating Xiao Yan to death, he simply tried the elixir himself.

As a result, Xiao Yan didn't see her again for three days.

Still not working, a few more medicinal materials were removed from the medicinal herbs. The general direction was correct, but the required medicinal materials still needed to be replaced with others.

In addition, the relationship between Xiao Yan and the Little Medical Fairy became increasingly close, and they were warned by Nalan Yanran that the two of them were not allowed to hang out in Panmen together.

Xiao Xun'er practices in Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.


A month passed, and Xiao Xun'er was released from seclusion.

In fact, she was unavoidably worried from the beginning to the end. During the more than a month of her absence, the woman was afraid that she would abduct brother Xiao Yan again.

But then again, due to the limitations of her physique and bloodline, Xiao Xun'er is actually not particularly worried that something beyond her expectations will happen.

After all, there are restrictions on the bloodline of the ancient clan. Before and after the bloodline is awakened, and before Dou Sheng, one cannot have sex.

And that woman doesn't look like an ordinary bloodline.

Otherwise, let alone her, the Yao Clan would definitely be more anxious than her.

After leaving the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, Xiao Xun'er calmed down her mentality. Although she knew that the world would change after more than a month without her, Xiao Xun'er could probably guess that the woman would definitely give it to her. Prepare some little surprise for yourself that will piss people off to death.

Naturally, she had to be mentally prepared. No matter what, she could not break her guard in front of that woman Yaowan.

That's right, you must have a correct attitude. To put it bluntly, that woman Yaowan is nothing special.

Xiao Xun'er took a deep breath and kept comforting herself in her heart.

When she returned to Panmen, everything seemed calm.

She subconsciously felt that something was not right, everything was like the calm before the storm.

Then she went upstairs and knocked on Xiao Yan's door.

"Brother Xiao Yan is here? Brother Xiao Yan?"

There was no expected answer from the door, but Xiao Xun'er breathed a sigh of relief.

What she fears most is that Xiao Yan knows that she has returned recently, so he will wait at Panmen obediently and wait for her to come as usual. Compared with Yao Wan's malice, what she is more worried about is that Xiao Yan has also changed his mind.

But she knew that brother Xiao Yan would definitely not change his mind.

When Xiao Xun'er heard that there was no one at the door, she breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved for the time being.

But soon, a woman's voice sounded from inside the door, throwing Xiao Xun'er into ice water, and her heart felt cold.

"Who is it? No matter who it is, please don't disturb this king's rest."

A lazy voice sounded inside the door, and Xiao Xun'er was so shocked that she immediately opened the door regardless of anything. Nothing in Xiao Yan's room that was familiar to her had changed. The only thing that had changed was the person who appeared in front of her.

No, the woman in front of me is not a human being at all.

"Queen Medusa? Why are you still here? Where did brother Xiao Yan go? Shouldn't you have gotten the elixir and left?"

There was a hint of urgency in Xiao Xun'er's tone.

However, Queen Medusa did not mention the nature of Xiao Xun'er's question, but said lazily: "I have another deal with him, can't I?"

After saying that, Queen Medusa raised her enchanting eyes, with a traceless smile on her face, and said: "It's you, I haven't seen you in the more than a month since I've been here, huh? Go out? Already?"

Hearing the mockery and teasing deep in Queen Medusa's tone, the ominous premonition in Xiao Xun'er's heart became heavier and heavier.

"You have been here for more than a month?"

"That's natural."

"Then where does brother Xiao Yan live during this period?"

Xiao Xun'er already knew the most likely answer without even thinking about it.

"I lived next door a few days ago, but since the woman from Yunlan Sect came back, she seemed to have some disputes with him, and he left."

Perhaps simply wanting to see how Xiao Xun'er would react after learning all this, Queen Medusa, who rarely answered other people's questions, showed an obscure smile.

Xiao Xun'er immediately understood what all this was about, couldn't help but cursed Yaoyuan secretly in her heart, and immediately went out.

"Hmph, everyone is surrounding Xiao Yan, what's the point?"

Seeing Xiao Xun'er's anxious look, Queen Medusa showed a smile of gloating on her face. It seems that among human beings, whether beauty is a disaster for women, men are also the same, and they compete with each other. Come and grab it, is it interesting?

Didn't it still become a joy in her eyes in the end?


As a result, not long after Xiao Xun'er rushed downstairs, Xiao Yan and Lin Yan were talking and laughing back to Panmen, and they happened to bump into Xiao Xun'er who was about to go out.

Lin Yan's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he looked at Xiao Yan, and Xiao Yan suddenly felt much more complicated.

Xiao Yan didn't even need to say anything, Lin Yan said: "Well, it seems that I came at the wrong time. Let's go back with Lin Xiuya and the others."

With that said, Lin Yan patted Xiao Yan on the shoulder, looked at him meaningfully, and then turned and left Panmen.

Xiao Yan also knew that this was not a big deal, so he watched Lin Yan leave without saying anything.

After Lin Yan left, Xiao Yan exhaled a breath of turbid air and said, "Xun'er is back?"

"Well, Xun'er is back."

Xiao Xun'er looked at Xiao Yan with complicated eyes and couldn't help but say.

"Brother Xiao Yan...have you been okay in the past month or so since Xun'er has been away?"

"Everything is fine."

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but take a deep breath. She found that she couldn't find a suitable angle or time to speak.

Seeing Xun'er fall into rare silence, Xiao Yan naturally understood that paper could not cover up the fire after all, and what should be said must be said.

"Xun'er, over the past month... I have something I want to tell you."

"Well, Brother Xiao Yan, tell me."

Xiao Xun'er vaguely guessed something. Just as she initially guessed, brother Xiao Yan did not lie to her, but...

It’s just that it’s not necessarily true whether the reality will be what you expected.

"——I may have fallen in love with another person."

Xiao Yan hesitated for a long time and finally decided to make everything clear.

Xiao Xun'er's body swayed slightly, and she obviously lost her balance. She felt as if the sky had fallen, and even her eyes were dimming a lot.

But she still controlled her emotions and just looked at Xiao Yan. To be honest, although all this made her sleepless and sleepless, it was also what she had expected early in the morning.

"It's...that girl Wan, right?"

Xiao Xun'er's face showed a kind of tangle with pain. She even forgot how to force a smile. There was just a feeling of numbness on her face, although she couldn't see what the expression was on her face. , but definitely not laughing.

It doesn't matter - it doesn't matter, of course there is still a chance for all this -

"...No, it's a girl you don't know."

Until the end, Xiao Yan's words hit his heart like a heavy hammer.

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