Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 284 Xiao Xun'er: I'm anxious

When she fully understood the meaning of Xiao Yan's words, a trace of trance flashed across Xiao Xun'er's face, followed by sluggishness, and finally, unprecedented anger.

"Brother Xiao Yan, I want to be alone for a while, okay?"

Xiao Xun'er said, and then looked at Xiao Yan.

"Xun'er, I..."

"Brother Xiao Yan, please let me go out for a while, okay?"

Xiao Xun'er repeated her current thoughts again, so it was naturally difficult for Xiao Yan to stop her.

"Well, it doesn't matter. I'll explain it to you slowly after you calm down."


Xiao Xun'er's face showed a smile that was entirely based on the movement of facial muscles, and then left Panmen.

Seeing Xun'er's reaction, Xiao Yan probably guessed that he must have acted too hastily. Logically speaking, such a matter should be discussed in the long term.

It's just that Xiao Yan still doesn't understand Xiao Xun'er well enough after all.

Taking a long-term view, it is probably useless to put it on Xiao Xun'er.

After leaving Panmen, Xiao Xun'er was not so weak that she cried. On the contrary, she became extremely calm because of her anger.

She was not thinking about how to accept such an unfortunate fact, but thinking about her next actions.


All abnormalities and irrationality are all caused by her, even if brother Xiao Yan becomes like this, it is all her fault!

Xiao Xun'er has probably never been so angry in her life, nor has she ever wanted to make someone disappear in front of her.

Driven by unspeakable impulse, she broke into Yaowan's residence.

"Yaowan, get out of here!"

Xiao Xun'er scolded.

This sound broke the previous tranquility here, and also attracted the attention of the Little Medical Fairy and Qinglin.

But a voice appeared directly in their minds, indicating that they should be calm for the time being and leave all this to her.

"Why is the eldest lady of the ancient tribe so angry? Who provoked you?"

An invisible soul power blocked the inside and outside of the courtyard, blocking the sound from spreading out, causing unnecessary trouble.

At the same time, Yao Wan slowly opened the door, looked at Xiao Xun'er standing in the yard, and immediately realized what the other person wanted to do.

"What do I want to do? I'm obviously asking you, what do you want to do?!"

Yao Wan's words completely angered Xiao Xun'er: "Why? Even if I argue with you about Xiao Yan, I will admit it. Why - why should you give him away to others? Do you think this method is interesting?!"

There was no surprise on Yaowan's face, but instead she was indifferent: "Give it to someone else? Xiao Xun'er, I have never thought about it this way. I just gave Xian'er a choice that she can bravely try."

"Or do you think you can monopolize Xiao Yan? Don't be stupid."

"Even without me, there will still be people who will compete with you for Xiao Yan. This is the fact, and the fact is what you have to accept."

"Even if you continue to make trouble, what will end up ruining is Xiao Yan's goodwill towards you. Of course, if you make trouble once, Xiao Yan will certainly feel guilty towards you, but you can also try to make trouble a few more times. .”

Yaowan said: "Slowly, his guilt towards you will turn into boredom. Do you want to give it a try?"

"Just try it!"

However, nothing Yao Wan said could calm down Xiao Xun'er at this moment. A golden flame exploded in front of Yao Wan, but was blocked by a wisp of green flame.

"Golden Emperor Burning Heaven Flame?"

Yaowan sighed: "Fire is good, but it needs a suitable master to use it. You can't beat me, so give up."

"The Flame of Life is nothing more than that. If you have the courage, come and give it a try!"

Xiao Xun'er naturally knows that whether it is her own cultivation or the power of her soul, she is at the level of being crushed by Yao Wan, but only the strange fire she possesses is different. Her strange fire is innate and brings with it What comes is unparalleled strength.

If it's just a fire fight, then she may not be worse than the Yan of the living being.


Yao Wan also understood that Xiao Xun'er was completely angry at this moment. If he didn't subdue her, he wouldn't listen to her at all. In this case, there was only one choice.

The golden flames gathered into a golden fire phoenix, standing directly on the medicine plant. Amidst the terrifying high temperature and rumors, even the fighting spirit could burn into a void of flames, which was enough to frighten the Dou Ling, and even the Dou Wang had to stand in it. Stay away from the sharp edge.

Yao Wan simply used the flames of life as a weapon, turned it into a cage, and captured the Fire Phoenix alive.

The Flame of Life itself is not aggressive, so it is not easy to defeat Xiao Xun'er with one move. However, this does not prevent her from using the Flame of Life as a weapon, although it cannot harm the eyes. It's a golden flame, but it's not a problem to withstand the opponent's destructive power and terrifying heat.

The golden fire separated the gap in the cage. With a flick of Yaowan's finger, the original green flame changed from the cage in front of him to a match rope, binding the golden flame.

"Fighting with the alchemist, Xiao Xun'er, you are still a little short of the fire."

There was a stalemate between the two sides for a long time. As soon as Yao Wan's hand was released, the match rope transformed from the flame of life in his hand was freed. Xiao Xun'er's face was uncertain, and her mood was extremely bad.

Xiao Xun'er was naturally unconvinced, but just when he was about to fight again, a series of footsteps came in a hurry.

Yao Wan was silent, and after thinking for a while, she decided to remove the soul power that blocked the outside world.

Outside the yard, Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran hurried over.

No matter how reluctant Xiao Xun'er was, she had to put away her flame.

"Xun'er, is Xun'er okay?"

The first thing Xiao Yan saw when he entered the door was Xiao Xun'er's back and the medicine wand standing in front of Xiao Xun'er.

And Yao Wan gave him a look, telling him to solve the trouble he caused himself.

Xiao Yan naturally knew it very well.

"I...I'm fine, let's...go back."

Xiao Xun'er only felt a dull pain in her throat, which was very uncomfortable. She turned around and was about to leave, but found Nalan Yanran waiting for her.

There was inevitably some wariness on her face, like a frightened bird.

"Let's go."

Nalan Yanran crossed her arms, and there was no trace of sadness or joy on her face, and naturally she couldn't be said to be gloating about her misfortune.

Xiao Xun'er was a little strange, hadn't Nalan Yanran always been on the side of Yaowan?

"If you don't want to make things worse in front of Xiao Yan, then come back with me."

Nalan Yanran just gave a warning, Xiao Xun'er thought about it again and again, and then went back with Nalan Yanran.

Xiao Yan turned his head and watched Nalan Yanran leave with Xiao Xun'er, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't worry, I didn't do anything to her."

Yao Wan recalled Xiao Yan's spirit and said, "Are you feeling distressed?"

Xiao Yan was startled, as if nodding or shaking his head was inappropriate.

"But if you want her to coexist peacefully with your other Yingying Yanyans in the future, she must be vaccinated sooner or later."

Yao Wan said in a neutral tone.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but look at her, a little confused as to why she even thought of such a thing.

Yao Wan saw his doubts and couldn't help but said: "Because I was the one who instigated Xian'er and you to get to this point. I can't just let it go."

"Or, which one of them would you be willing to give up?"

Xiao Yan shook his head. No matter what the reason and purpose was, he had no choice to let go.

"Since you don't want to give up, then at least show some responsibility and courage. Don't let Nalan say you are a scumbag and you will really become a scumbag."

This sentence has been brewing in Yaowan's heart for a long time, and she took advantage of this time to say it outright.


Xiao Yan nodded, indicating that he had indeed listened.

"If you really listen to it, that would be the best."

After all, if he just turned a deaf ear and nodded, there would be nothing Yaowan could do.


On the way back to Panmen, Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Xun'er beside her, who seemed to have never been in such a bad mood, and couldn't help but said, "Fortunately, I came in time."


"Don't look at me like that. It was me who brought Xiao Yan here just now. Otherwise, do you think you can beat her?"

Nalan Yanran threw the facts directly in front of Xiao Xun'er, and Xiao Xun'er fell silent.

"Do you think I'm mocking you?"

To be honest, Nalan Yanran hated Xiao Xun'er's current expression, mood, and every move.


"If so, I should be clapping at the door."

Nalan Yanran's words once again made Xiao Xun'er fall into silence. It seemed that this was indeed the case.

"It doesn't matter about her, but about Xiao Yan, I can give you some advice."

Nalan Yanran saw that Xiao Xun'er had stopped talking, and continued.


"Let yourself feel a little wronged, and Xiao Yan will care more about you. He is already ashamed of you. If something like this happens, at least within a month, his heart will be full of you. The person opposite is not a jealous person. He is simply It's just that between you and her, she will be the one who is better at making compromises, and you can't suffer the loss."

"It's normal for a crying child to be held by its mother. Of course, if you are arrogant, just pretend I didn't say anything."

Nalan Yanran gave her own opinion.

Xiao Xun'er frowned slightly, and the doubts in her heart almost exceeded the bad mood in her heart: "Why? Why do you want to help me?"

"help you?"

Nalan Yanran sneered: "I just see you as pitiful. Who made you fall in love with that bastard? Who can you blame for your own choice?"


This word made Xiao Xun'er subconsciously clench her teeth. She never felt pitiful.


In the end, Xiao Xun'er shook her head. This was ridiculous. She didn't know what she thought was ridiculous. Maybe it was the advice given by Nalan Yanran, or maybe she just broke her defense this time.

But what couldn't be otherwise was that she was indeed anxious.

In her original concept, it was limited to the fight between the two of them, but now she found that it was more than that.

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