Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 292 Is it time for Wan'er to come back?

Queen Medusa decided to leave Canaan College, which should have been a great thing for Xiao Yan, but for some reason, Xiao Yan was not as relaxed as he imagined.

On the contrary, she felt a bit inexplicably melancholy. Was it because her departure more or less heralded that her days at Canaan College were about to come to an end?

To his own surprise, Xiao Yan didn't seem to hate her that much, but was somewhat used to her being by his side.

Xiao Yan shook his head, but he still didn't think about these things anymore. The Tianfen Qi Refining Tower probably couldn't suppress Fallen Heart Flame for too long.

And with the riots of the Fallen Heart Flame, all the preparations he had started since entering Canaan Academy came into use.

Next, Xiao Yan will have to prepare for the battle of the top rankings in the near future. Except for the fact that Zi Yan, who is number one on the rankings, can't cope with it on her own and probably has no choice but to go to sleep, Xiao Yan feels that he will not be inferior to anyone else. people.

And this is indeed the case.

Not long after, the Inner Court's Strong Ranking Competition was held, and it was once again the most lively event in the Inner Court of the year.

Xiao Yan passed all the tests and successfully secured the second spot on the inner court's strongest list.

It was not a surprise to him. After all, among the same level, except for Lin Xiuya and Liu Qing, no one else in the inner courtyard was probably qualified to fight against Xiao Yan.

Oh, and Nalan Yanran.

The unsmiling acting sect leader of Pan Sect, the coolie grudge selected by Xiao Yan himself, after he was able to abandon Pan Sect, he also threw himself into training. With his unique sword intention, he overcame the crowd, which was quite annoying. De Lin Xiuya was very interested in her sword.

Less than a year after entering the freshman class, two geniuses appeared. It was really surprising and shocking, not to mention that these two people were actually in the same gang, which suddenly made Banmen's status rise. .

Although some people had also looked forward to the confrontation between Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran, Nalan Yanran clearly refused because she did not want to be bombed.

This made the students in the inner courtyard confused, but I heard that there was quite a lot of news and gossip between the two people, which was enough to make people speculate about the relationship between the two people.


Just a few days after the battle of Qiangbang, after a row with Lin Xiuya and others, Xiao Yan was once again preparing to go to Tianfen Qi Refining Tower to practice.

At the same time, in Xiao Xun'er's room, a dark shadow broke away from the shadows of various appliances in the room, revealing its figure.

"Mr. Ling is back?"

There was a hint of joy in Xiao Xun'er's tone.

"Yes, I have already informed the people of the Medicine Clan about the location of the Medicine Wan."

And Ling Ying did not disappoint Xiao Xun'er's expectations and brought back the news she wanted to know most.

"When will the people from the Medicine Clan come?"

"It should be, it could be a few days as quickly as possible, or half a month as slowly as possible."

Ling Ying said: "If the Yao Clan values ​​Yao Wan, it wouldn't be a surprise to invite a clan elder to come."

"very good."

Xiao Xun'er exhaled a breath of thick air and couldn't help but smile. As expected, only when Yao Wan is gone can everything be at ease.

As a result, as soon as the two of them finished speaking, violent vibrations came from the earth, and invisible energy tides spurted out under the influence of heaven and earth.

"What's going on? People from the Yao Clan are here so soon?"

Xiao Xun'er couldn't help but hesitate for a moment, and frowned slightly at the same time. If it was true that Cao Cao had arrived, then this person from the Yao Clan would have arrived too quickly.

"No, this is the energy tide coming from the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower. Could it be that there is something wrong with the Fallen Heart Flame?"

Ling Ying's words immediately brought Xiao Xun'er back to her mind.

"It's weird, let's go out and have a look."

Xiao Xun'er pushed open the door and went out. As she was going out, she happened to see several elders dragging streams of fighting energy colors with different attributes across the sky toward the north of the inner courtyard.

This even includes medicinal herbs.

A strange color flashed in Xiao Xun'er's eyes.

Moving forward a little, the original northern part of the inner courtyard, where the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower was located, except for the giant black tower that existed as the main body of the Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower, was turned into a sea of ​​fire.

High in the sky, more than twenty elders had solemn expressions, and several elders headed by Su Qian had already taken over the control of the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

From the top of the tower, Su Qian could feel what kind of danger the entire Sky Burning Qi Refining Tower was on at the moment. An explosion could occur at any time, which was considered the most common and trivial matter. However, these were nothing but irrelevant. The same thing, something even more terrifying is brewing at the bottom of the tower.

The lowest level of Tianfen Qi Refining Tower is almost a completely different scene from the upper floors. The blazing temperature rises in the huge space, and even the vision is a bit blurry and illusory. Take a gentle breath and enter the body. Suddenly there was a feeling like taking a breath of fire.

The fiery red light seeped out from nowhere, illuminating the entire space quite brightly. In the center of this space, there was also an extremely spacious deep hole. The entrance to this deep hole was larger than any of the previous floors. It should be wide, and it is not bottomless black, but filled with a faint dark red, like solidified blood.

That is magma, and it is also the deposition of strange fire energy produced by strange fire that humans cannot use.

Outside the deep cave, an energy shield visible to the naked eye formed a cylindrical shape and sealed it tightly. The surface of the energy shield was filled with various mysterious patterns, like the winding traces left behind by a snake. It was like a dent, and the energy shield here was also extremely violent, with powerful ripples of energy spreading out continuously, and there was even a faint sound of extremely low air explosions.

However, this situation, which is considered a normal situation on weekdays, has experienced irreversible changes today.

Xiao Yan and his party, who were still undergoing heart flame refining at the bottom of the tower, were forcibly awakened and then all kicked out of the increasingly overwhelmed Tianfen Qi Refining Tower.

When Xiao Yan left the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, what he saw was a translucent invisible flame wrapped around the semi-solidified magma, turning into a huge fire python, rushing straight to the top of the tower, and was stopped until the end.

The huge head protruding from the magma column, which is composed of semi-solidified magma and gravel, has a trace of wisdom and agility that only living creatures can have. It seems to have sensed a few ants not far away. Like a little guy, it turned its huge head and glanced at the latter with its all-white triangular pupils. Under the gaze of the all-white triangular pupils, even Xiao Yan felt his heart beat extraordinarily. It was amazing, not to mention some other people who were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

The invisible fire python didn't care about Xiao Yan, a group of people who were like ants in its eyes, so after just a casual glance, it withdrew its gaze, raised its head, and stared at the pitch-black top of the tower. There, there was a The circle of black energy like a curtain is slowly rotating. It seems to be a weak defense, but it actually has an extremely terrifying defense.

Although it seemed that there was no danger, it was already the last obstacle for the invisible fire python to break through the seal.

However, the layers of seals in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower cannot suppress the fire python. Although the current barrier can stop the invisible fire python for a while, it will not be able to support it for long.

The fire python with intelligence is also very clear about this, so it doesn't seem so anxious. Anyway, it is sitting in the endless sea of ​​​​fire under the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, and its power is inexhaustible. This is the perfect time to break through the ban.

The invisible fire python opened its bloody mouth. Xiao Yan and the others could clearly see that the body of the fire python was made of gravel mixed with semi-solidified magma. The magma was already filled with terrifyingly high temperatures. It became brighter and brighter, and a strange feeling emerged, as if the light source was intensifying.

"What is it doing?"

Xiao Yan murmured subconsciously in his heart, and then observed that the brightness of the translucent magma had reached its limit. Then, a lava flow carrying Xin Yan was spit out directly from the mouth of the fire python, and hit the person in front of him. The final barrier.


Xiao Yan hurriedly grabbed Nalan Yanran, whose perception of fire-attribute energy was far less strong than his. The magnificent blue flames formed a wall of fire in front of the two of them, blocking the fire that day for the two of them and the people behind them. The terrifying fire energy leaked from the Qi Refining Tower.

This strange fire energy had always been in a free state without an owner in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, but when the fire python used it like humans and monsters using fighting energy, the terrifying high temperature alone was no less than that of a human being. Even if it is just the aftermath of the Dou Zong master's attack, it is still fatal to people below the Dou King level.

Xiao Yan's wall of fire barely blocked the aftermath of the fire python's impact on the prison, but it was not easy for him.

The gap between the Fallen Heart Flame and the strongest alien fire he had obtained now, Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, was really too big.

Nalan Yanran came to her senses, immediately grabbed Xiao Yan's hand, and retreated more than a thousand feet with the others.

"Are you OK?"

Nalan Yanran looked at Xiao Yan with lingering fear, but before she could say anything, a stream of green light cut through the sky that was slightly dim under the firelight.

Xiao Yan turned his head, and a look of joy that could not be concealed suddenly appeared on his face.

"Huh, okay, it's finally here."

Xiao Yan was breathing a sigh of relief. Nalan Yanran saw that he was so active, and there was no secret in her heart that she was not hurt at all.

And just when Yao Wan was about to forcefully catch the fire python in the tower, she suddenly felt a thump in her heart.

At the same time, the fire python seemed to be aware of it, just like animals in nature sensing some unavoidable disaster. It immediately curled up back into the tower and stared at everyone present in a daze.

"What's going on here?"

Not to mention Xiao Yan and the others who were far away from the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower, even the elders high up in the sky couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Is this Fallen Heart Flame suddenly afraid?

Or is there something here that makes it instinctively afraid?

However, before they had time to think about anything, high in the sky, everyone was holding their heads upward, and a thousand-foot hole was torn in the sky.

An old but still tall and majestic figure emerged from the crack in space, his eyes swept across Canaan College, and finally spoke.

A serious and heavy voice sounded like a loud bell, shaking into the mind and spreading throughout the entire Canaan Academy.

"——Wan'er, you have been traveling for several years, is it time to come back?"

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