Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 293 Xiao Yan goes up hard

The voice of the visitor was naturally heard by everyone.

Yao Wan was slightly startled and couldn't help but sigh softly.


It's one thing to go back on your own initiative, but it's another thing if you are caught by the clan elders.

But now that everyone is here, it is impossible to run away, after all, there is no way to escape.

Yao Wan couldn't help but look up at the rapidly healing space cracks in the sky, and had to give up her previous actions. Then she sent a message to Qing Lin, calling her over, and then gently fluttered the Dou Qi wings on her back. Flying high into the sky.

Most of the others were frightened in their hearts, and the visitors obviously did not intend to do anything too extreme, so they restrained their extremely strong pressure and just waited quietly for the clan girl who had not returned for a long time to come back.

Xiao Yan was stunned. He looked at the beautiful figure flying into the air, and countless anguish and sourness suddenly emerged in his heart. He had obviously expected this, but until this moment happened, he suddenly realized Gotta come over.

Miss Wan is leaving.

I really have to leave.

"Miss Wan...!"

Xiao Yan's breath was stagnant, he broke away from Nalan Yanran's hand, and then desperately followed Yao Wan to fly high into the sky.

"Xiao Yan, don't be impulsive!"

Seeing this, Yao Lao had no choice but to speak out and dissuade him at the risk of being discovered.

Su Qian, who had vaguely realized something, couldn't help shouting when he saw Xiao Yan flying up: "Xiao Yan, come back!"

But no one could persuade him at this moment.

The hot wind blew across his face, making Xiao Yan's eyes dry, but he still flapped his wings vigorously and tried to catch up with Yao Wan.

But no, even if those external factors are put aside, Yao Wan is still a true fighting emperor. Even if Xiao Yan has the ability to turn fighting energy into wings through flying fighting skills, his speed is not as fast as her.

But just when Xiao Yan was about to be unable to keep up, Yao Wan suddenly stopped in the air.

She looked at the old man who was not far away from her and said, "Elder Wanhuo, I haven't seen him for a long time. How have you been these past few years?"

Yao Wanhuo looked at the beauty whose features were more mature and steady, and less childish, and couldn't help but shook his head and said: "Everything in the clan is fine, but the clan leader has been thinking about Wan'er. "

"Wan'er, do you remember how long it has been since you left the clan?"

"Five years...Did Wan'er remember correctly? Although Wan'er is traveling, she has not forgotten her roots."

"'s just that Wan'er has slacked off a lot in the past few years. Why is she fighting against the emperor now?"

Yao Wanhuo couldn't help but ask, and as a response and the most powerful evidence, a green flame that was much stronger than when she left the Yao Clan, like a lush plant, slowly emerged from Yao Wan's palm. grew out.

"Oh? Old Shennong's Flame of Life fire has now become an independent Flame of Life?"

When Yao Wanhuo saw the lush Life Flame in Yaowan's palm, she couldn't help but nodded slightly. Although she had indeed slacked off a lot in her cultivation in the past five years, being able to grow the Life Flame in her body was worthy of her going out. these five years.

I just don't know what kind of adventure she had, which actually allowed the strange fire like the flame of life to grow from a wisp of fire into an independent strange fire.

"Haha, you are indeed Wan'er."

Yao Wanhuo stroked his beard and smiled, quite satisfied.

It's just that satisfaction leads to satisfaction, and one code leads to another code. Today, his purpose is very simple, to take the yarrow home.

But before leaving, he also obviously noticed that Yao Wan's affairs had not been settled yet, and there was still a kind of strange fire sleeping here. Although he was curious, for Yao Wan's sake, Yao Wanhuo had no plans. Take away this strange fire.

Yao Wanhuo gradually shifted his gaze, and then, Yao Wanhuo's gaze fell on Xiao Yan impartially.

Xiao Yan's breath was stagnant, and he felt that the whole world was squeezing towards him in an instant, and the other party didn't even have any malicious intentions, he was just looking at him with a strange look.

Seeing that Xiao Yan seemed a little uncomfortable, Yao Wan calmly took the initiative to use her spiritual thoughts to mention Xiao Yan to share most of the pressure from Yao Wanhuo.

"...A soul? That's a bit interesting."

With Yao Wanhuo's level and soul strength, it was natural to see at a glance that there was something fishy about Xiao Yan.

But what surprised him was that this Douzong-level soul was actually in a peaceful coexistence relationship with Xiao Yan, instead of trying to seize his body. This inevitably made Yao Wanhuo even more curious.

"Seven-star Dou Ling...? Looking at the Northwest Continent, it is amazing, but it is not enough in Zhongzhou, let alone my clan."

Yao Wanhuo gave his own evaluation.

And just when Xiao Yan was shocked that almost all his secrets were seen through by the old man in front of him, Yao Lao took advantage of the short period of time when Yao Wan used her spiritual thoughts to block Yao Wanhuo's exploration and said: "That's the secret of Yatou's family. One of the elders of the two major clans, Yao Wanhuo, his cultivation level must be around the six-star... Fighting Saint."

Yao Lao's light words made Xiao Yan open his eyes wide. Six stars... Fighting Saint? ! That person who is a whole level higher than Dou Zun?

To take Miss Wan back, do we need a strong man of this level to make an extra trip?

Xiao Yan couldn't help but trembled slightly. Originally, he had made some guesses about Miss Wan's identity, but at most he only guessed that she might be a genius from the Douzong family who was at a higher level than Douzong. , but did not expect that everything today would exceed Xiao Yan's expectations.

Xiao Yan has never seen a Dou Zong with more than one palm, but now he saw a Dou Sage.

Only today did he suddenly realize how high the mountains blocking him were.

"Elder Wanhuo, I still have some things that I need to talk to my friend about - I have to go back anyway, so I don't think I'm afraid of wasting this little time, right?"

Yao Wan turned her head and looked at Yao Wanhuo and said.

Yao Wanhuo still doesn't know the temper of the eldest lady raised by the patriarch? If she opens her mouth, it is most likely not to make suggestions or solicit opinions, but simply to inform the results.

But thinking about it, it was true. Anyway, he had already come today, so naturally he would not go back empty-handed. The lady would definitely go back with him sooner or later, and he didn't want to have to go back and be fucked after a hard work. It would be too unfair for my son to make a small report and then be scolded by the clan leader.

"That's natural."

After getting the consent of Elder Wanhuo, Yao Wan couldn't help but glance down. Qing Lin was running desperately towards Yao Wan. He seemed to be shouting something, which probably meant that the lady should not leave her behind. Class words.

Yaowan smiled slightly, silly girl, how could she forget her? Think about it and know that it is impossible.

However, her mind finally returned to Xiao Yan.

"Miss Wan..."

"Well, I'm leaving."

He was obviously saying that there were still things that needed to be explained, but when he saw Xiao Yan, Yao Wan suddenly didn't know what to say.

" it possible that you have nothing to say to me?"

Yao Wan stopped talking and felt lustful, looking at Xiao Yan she couldn't help but say.

Xiao Yan was startled, but listening to Yao Wan's words made him feel a lot more relaxed, and a faint smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

"...Isn't there a lot I want to say to you?"

There was a hint of bitterness in Xiao Yan's tone as he said, "It's just because there are too many... too many things that I want to explain to you clearly, so I can't remember them all at once."


Yaowan nodded slightly, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "It's pretty much the same as what I thought."

At this moment, when Qing Lin was panting on the ground, she raised her head and found a familiar figure not far from her, staring blankly.

Xiao Xun'er?

A trace of surprise and surprise flashed through Qinglin's heart unconsciously. How could she appear here? She also came to see the young lady leave?

However, if there is no young lady, wouldn’t it mean that her wish has been granted?

How are Miss Xian'er and Sister Nalan going to fight her?

It's just that at this moment, Xiao Xun'er didn't care about the blue scales on her body. She just stared at the two people in the sky. It didn't matter. There was only this little time. As long as she could endure it a little longer, she would be confident in the medicine. After Wan left, take back all the things that were taken away.

So, so I just need to be patient a little longer——

"Since you don't want to say it-"

Yaowan paused and said, "Treat them well and don't let anyone down. Everyone is worthy of your love."

"Yeah, I know that."

Xiao Yan looked directly into Yaowan's pale golden eyes and said.


Xiao Yan took a deep breath. These words have been pressing in his heart for a long time, but now, if he doesn't say it, there seems to be no chance.

Therefore, he didn't dwell on it anymore and said, "I've known this about you since we set out to Canaan College together, from that time in the mountains behind the Xiao family."

Xiao Yan pointed to the inside of his arm, Yao Wan was slightly startled. Suddenly he realized what Xiao Yan was referring to.

The power of blood... She realized it. Did he know it all along? Fortunately, she never mentioned a word from beginning to end.

But before she could explain, Xiao Yan said: "So, every day you are by my side, I know that every day you are by my side, I am very entangled and in pain."

"It's just—I really, really don't want you to go—at all."

The emotions that had been stored deep in his heart for too long were released. Xiao Yan took a deep breath, but finally shook his head: "But I can't be so selfish, right?"

"Maybe, only if you leave, you won't hurt yourself. Now - this day has finally arrived."

Xiao Yan smiled from the bottom of his heart, but there was inevitably a hint of helplessness and bitterness in his smile.

"The long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain. It's better now. It's a kind of relief for you and me."

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