Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 306 The Little Medical Fairy: The snipe and the clam fight, but the fisherman wins

After confirming that there was indeed no problem with the Five Wheels Lifting Fire Technique, Xiao Yan agreed to Venerable Skyfire's request and then took him out of the magma world.

After adapting to the high temperature, blazing heat, and lifelessness of the magma world, Xiao Yan would inevitably feel a little uncomfortable when he was bathed in the cool spring breeze and bright sunshine again.

And as he broke out of the tower, the statue that was built by Canaan College in memory of him was also smashed to pieces.

Even though he didn't care so much about fame and fortune, seeing his statue disappear in the blink of an eye, he couldn't help feeling that it seemed like he came out at the wrong time.

But he didn't care about that. After causing a commotion, Xiao Yan went to Su Qian to explain the situation. Naturally, he also accidentally swallowed the Fallen Heart Flame, but he also found a young body of the Fallen Heart for the inner courtyard. inflammatory things.

Su Qian looked at Xiao Yan, who had become a one-star fighting emperor after not seeing him for two years, and couldn't help but be slightly startled, and couldn't help but sigh that it was a blessing in disguise.

In addition, regarding the matter of the Fallen Heart Flame, there was no such thing as the larvae of the Fallen Heart Flame. Su Qian didn’t have the nerve to ask Xiao Yan for it. After all, the strange fire in Canaan College was wiped out by Xiao Yan. What kind of compensation do you need?

It's just that Xiao Yan has been trapped in the magma world underground for two years, so he naturally misses many people. Su Qian naturally guessed that Xiao Yan would ask this question, so he informed Xiao Yan about those women. .

Except for Yao Wan and Xiao Xun'er who left early in the morning, Nalan Yanran, who could not accept Xiao Yan's death from the strange fire, left Canaan College after breaking through the Dou Wang. She only secretly came back once a year to pay homage to him, and firmly believed that Xiao Yan must The little medical fairy who was not dead and would definitely come back stayed in the inner courtyard.

The elders couldn't do anything about a strong Douzong expert who was good at using poison, and the little medical fairy had never done anything detrimental to the academy. It would be too ruthless to keep her away from Xiao Yan, not to mention the possibility of causing trouble. It was natural that he would turn a blind eye to her existence.

Regarding the reaction of the two girls, Xiao Yan was within his expectations. For Nalan, he was dispensable, but for Xian'er, perhaps believing that she was still alive in the past two years was probably the reason. The only motivation to survive.

In addition, the Little Medical Fairy seemed to have spread all the anger of his murder on all the forces in the Black Corner Territory. Although Han Feng died, all the leaders of the Black Corner Territory forces who showed their faces on the day when the Fallen Heart Flame was broken Basically, they all suffered a heavy blow from her anger that poured down like a torrential rain. Now there are only a few forces from the Black Corner Domain that did not participate in the battle in the inner courtyard and the strongest gold and silver elders who have not been cleared away. The others Almost all the leaders of the Black Angle Territory were killed by the Little Medical Fairy, and those forces either directly fell apart and were swallowed up by the new forces, or they were not as good as before and were completely reduced to the second-rate forces in the Black Angle Territory.

It can be said that the little medical fairy's anger alone caused a complete reshuffle of power in the entire Black Corner Territory, and many players were sent off the card table by her personally.

Xiao Yan, who had just experienced how difficult it was to deal with a strong Douzong man, couldn't help but have mixed feelings in his heart. The better Xian'er treated him, that's why he was at a loss now.

"Where is she now? I'm going to see her right now."

"Naturally, she is still in her old place. Since Yao Xianzi left, it has become her residence alone. She lives in seclusion on weekdays and may only see her occasionally when she leaves and comes back."

Su Qian said, looking at Xiao Yan, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, the word love is really wonderful.

"Well, I'm going to see her right now—"

Xiao Yan turned around and wanted to leave, but he couldn't help but recall the beautiful purple figure who helped him stop Han Feng just a month or two ago in his memory.

"By the way, Great Elder, where is Ziyan? I don't see her very often either."

"Her? Since she was promoted to Dou Huang and defeated the forces of the Black Angle Domain, she will naturally still be the Demon King of the Inner Court."

Speaking of the girl she adopted, Su Qian couldn't help but laugh and said: "Since you were gone, she has been very angry, saying that no one can make medicine for her anymore. The other alchemists in the inner courtyard are like her." She dismissed it, but fortunately she has been promoted to Dou Huang, otherwise she would have had to take medicinal materials for another two years."

"Besides, Han Feng's soul is still in her custody now. I have never asked about it, and she probably has never given it to anyone else."

"That's it."

Su Qian's words made Xiao Yan feel relieved a lot.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, there's one last thing."

Xiao Yan shook his head and then asked: "Has the Great Elder sensed a strange Douzong aura coming and going around the inner courtyard in recent days?"

"Unfamiliar Douzong aura?"

Su Qian frowned slightly when he heard this. The unfamiliar Douzong was not an easy existence to deal with. If there was any hostility towards the inner court, it would definitely be a big trouble that would affect the entire inner court. He has been tense in the past two years. , not even letting go of a fly that slipped into the inner courtyard, but I really didn't feel any strange Douzong atmosphere.

After thinking about it, he still shook his head: "What's wrong? Is it possible that there are some unknown enemies hiding in secret?"

Su Qian's words made Xiao Yan shake his head: "No, it's not that big of a deal, but since the Great Elder doesn't know, forget it."

"Well, it's not easy to deal with an enemy of Douzong. Even if you have that little girl from Douzong to help you, it won't be easy. Be careful."

Su Qian gave Xiao Yan instructions before leaving.

"Well, thank you Great Elder for the reminder. Xiao Yan will leave now."

I have learned enough about the current situation from Su Qian. Although Xiao Yan still feels a little out of touch with time, in any case, at least he has something to do, so he doesn't have to worry too much.

After leaving the Presbyterian Church, Xiao Yan flew back to the residence that he could walk to with his eyes closed in his memory without even thinking about it.

It's just that the beauty is no longer here, leaving her alone.

"I didn't expect that this place has become a college now."

Lord Tianhuo was full of curiosity about everything he saw. After all, his era was too long ago, and it was normal for things to change and people to change.

And this Canaan Academy dared to restrain the alien fire and make it the cornerstone for the students to accelerate their cultivation. The original owner of the Fallen Heart Flame did not know whether to say that they were seeking death or full of imagination.

Naturally, he did not intend to interfere too much with Xiao Yan's own affairs. After all, it was personal privacy. Even he, a begging old guy, could not tolerate the shame of meddling in matters between young people.

Let's wait for Xiao Yan's teacher to wake up and let the two old guys talk slowly.


As he approached the familiar residence, Xiao Yan strode into the courtyard without questioning it.

Nothing in the yard had changed, it was almost as if he had just returned from practicing in the Tianfen Qi Refining Tower for a month.

At the same time, the poisonous fire in Xiao Yan's body could not help but tremble slightly. It was obvious that there was something here that made him want to stop, establishing a special connection between the two.

There was the familiar sound of the door being opened with a creak from upstairs, and then a series of hurried footsteps gradually approaching, making Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly.

"I knew you would be fine!"

Then, there was a burst of fragrant wind, and the white-haired beauty wearing a lavender dress had a tear in her beautiful eyes, and she stepped forward and threw herself into Xiao Yan's arms, feeling surprised and happy.

"Well, I'm just sorry that I came back a little late, so Xian'er could wait."

"It's okay - it's not too late, not too late."

Seeing the smile on Xiao Yan's face, the little medical fairy quickly wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye and smiled through his tears.

"Okay, there are some things, let's go in and talk about it."

Xiao Yan comforted the little medical fairy and took the little medical fairy upstairs together.

It was a rare reunion, so naturally there was a lot to talk about, such as the current situation, what happened in the past two years, and cultivation.

It’s not that surprising that the Little Medical Fairy went from seclusion in Douzong two years ago to become the two-star Douzong Xiao Yan. After all, Xiao Yan has been away in the past two years, and no one can control the toxins in the body when the Little Doctor Fairy breaks through the realm. , in order to prevent the disaster poisonous body from erupting, the little medical fairy naturally needs to suppress the rapid growth of his cultivation as much as possible.

But Xiao Yan's current one-star Dou Huang shocked the little medical fairy. Two years ago, he was just a seven-star Dou Ling, and he turned into a Dou Huang in the blink of an eye?

Now that Xiao Yan's cultivation level is not even that of the Gama Empire, the entire Northwest Continent is at his disposal. It can be said that he has soared into the sky in a true sense.

As for other things, they are pretty much the same as what they learned from Su Qian, Nalan's departure, Zi Yan's current situation, nothing about Queen Medusa - and so on.

Only when talking about the Black Corner Territory, the little medical fairy's pretty face showed a hint of chill.

"If I hadn't broken through Douzong in the first place, how would they have had the chance to cause trouble? I must avenge this!"

The little doctor fairy said in a cold voice, but it made Xiao Yan's heart feel indescribably warm.

"Thank you, Xian'er."

"Thank you for what? I just don't like this..."

The little medical fairy was not happy because of Xiao Yan's thanks. Instead, she reluctantly buried her head in his arms and said, "I just don't want to be separated from you and left behind by you."

Feeling her soft breath on his chest and neck, Xiao Yan rarely relaxed a little.

"I will not abandon you, nor any of you."

Xiao Yan murmured softly, but in his heart, the image of Queen Medusa, who was hateful and angry, but left after struggling.

He shook his head and threw away those random thoughts.

Now that he has a beautiful woman in his arms, and he has just tasted the forbidden fruit for the first time, it is inevitable that he will have some inexplicable random thoughts. The soul power discovered that Lord Tianhuo swallowed silently in order to ensure that his soul power would not be meaninglessly lost. .

"That, Xian'er."

"What's wrong?"

"It's been a long time since I replenished Poison Fire... Do you want to do it again?"

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