Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 307 You win, win, win, but in the end you lose everything.

"That, Xian'er."

"What's wrong?"

"It's been a long time since I replenished Poison Fire... Do you want to do it again?"

When Xiao Yan said this, he felt that his throat was itching, and he had the urge to cough to relieve his embarrassment and embarrassment at the moment.

He naturally guessed that the little medical fairy would definitely not refuse, but not refusing is one thing, and how to agree is another.

The little medical fairy didn't think too much and nodded lightly.

"Well, that's not bad. Although it's not a big problem to break through to the third or fourth star Douzong in the current state, it's better to be on the safe side."

The little medical fairy didn't seem to think about that at all, so he just nodded and sat in front of Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan slowly raised his hand, and the dark purple poisonous fire burned quietly. The little medical fairy did not doubt that he was there, so he closed his five fingers together.

Poisonous fire enters the body, and the feeling of poisonous poison entering the body is probably as painful as life worse than death for ordinary people or ordinary Dou Huang, but for the little doctor fairy and Xiao Yan, they are very happy. , but brought a strange feeling as if the meridians were soaked.

The little medical fairy couldn't help exhaling a mouthful of hot and humid turbid air, and the poisonous fire entered her body. Not only was it not painful for her, but it was actually a little comfortable. When she realized this, a faint smile appeared on her quiet and gentle face. Hongxia, however, forced herself to suppress this strange feeling and concentrate on her cultivation.

The poisonous fire gathers the toxins that are free from the Poison Body Pill, and then merges them into the Poison Body Pill. This process alone is no less than a time for the little medical fairy to make his cultivation more condensed. Real experience.

After noticing the Little Medical Fairy's actions, Xiao Yan naturally worked harder, and finally left a wisp of poisonous fire within the Little Medical Fairy's body to ensure that the Poison Body Young Pill would not be destroyed by the Little Medical Fairy's What kind of trouble will happen if the speed of cultivation is too fast?

Xiao Yan even couldn't help but think about whether the fire origin of the alien fire could exist relatively independently as two individuals?

If possible, does it mean that she only needs to give a part of her origin to Xian'er, and then she can condense a poison pill by herself?

This thought flashed through Xiao Yan's mind, but he had to pay attention.

In the past, Xiao Yan would have known better than to even think about such a thing, but now that he has seen the special case between the Flame of Life and the Fallen Heart Flame, he would inevitably have this kind of speculation in his mind.

However, this seems to be a bit too early for him at this level.

Queen Medusa was almost burned to death just by relying on the energy of the strange fire. Lord Skyfire tried to fuse two different fires of the same kind and ended up dying. Xiao Yan knows better than anyone how dangerous the strange fire is. .

And as the crossing of the fire ended, the little medical fairy felt as if her backbone had been ripped out. Her thin figure swayed slightly, and she almost fell into Xiao Yan's arms before she could sit firmly.

Although Xiao Yan naturally did not resist this kind of behavior at all, his heart that had just learned about the marrow and taste could not help but feel a little regret, but even so, he did not go any further.

Just as he said to the little medical fairy before.


However, Xiao Yan still stretched out his arms to hug the trembling little medical fairy and said softly.


Naturally, the little medical fairy had no intention of resisting at all. She just felt that all the bones in her body were being pulled out, so she fell limply into Xiao Yan's arms and sniffed his breath.

Unknowingly, the little medical fairy's cheeks were like ripe red apples, and she gently exhaled a small mouthful of moist and hot breath, and then couldn't help but say: " should be said that I haven't been like this for a long time... ?"

But such ambiguous words only made her a little more embarrassed.

Seeing that Xiao Yan was silent, the little medical fairy realized belatedly that he seemed to have spoken a bit too ambiguously, and couldn't help but cough slightly.

"Ahem, I'm talking about poisonous fire, don't get it wrong."

The little medical fairy couldn't help but add something, but little did he know that this was just getting darker and darker.

"Then what does Xian'er think it could be other than poisonous fire?"

Xiao Yan asked subconsciously, leaving the little medical fairy speechless who was just bluffing. He didn't know what to say.

Xiao Yan was silent when he saw this, and had to admit that although the little medical fairy was naturally unable to compare with the graceful and hot figure of Queen Medusa, just looking at her shameful and embarrassed appearance was already a A different kind of enjoyment.


The Little Medical Fairy was stuck. He couldn't hold back a word for a long time. His gray eyes looked at Xiao Yan's dark red ones, and he felt resentful for no reason.

"I-what do I mean, don't you know yet-?!"

The little medical fairy can only fight back in this way, although this is probably not a fight at all, it is just a fig leaf used to protect his shame.

"Then...Xian'er wants to give it a try?"

Xiao Yan took a deep breath. He had obviously tried his best to ignore the influence of the taste of marrow in his heart, but every move of the little medical fairy tugged at his heartstrings and caused ripples in his heart.

"I didn't say that...but it doesn't matter to me..."

The little medical fairy avoided Xiao Yan's blazing gaze, as if he had some premonition. Although he avoided Xiao Yan's eyes as if to escape, he secretly acquiesced to his behavior.

This undoubtedly added fuel to Xiao Yan's already smoldering heart.

Slender but rough fingers hugged her shoulders. Xiao Yan lowered his head and sniffed the fragrance of her body. This made Xiao Yan accidentally recall that the smell of some poisonous weeds was not so pungent and bitter, but revealed something... A strange aroma and sweetness.

It's just that the little medical fairy's temperament is not like a poisonous weed, but more like a medicinal herb, elegant and fragrant, not covered in dust.

On the contrary, Miss Wan is more like a poisonous weed.

Born on a cliff, it is difficult to reach, but it is addictive.

The little fairy doctor originally thought that Xiao Yan would kiss him directly. Although he was at a loss, he was also prepared.

But unexpectedly, Xiao Yan did not do that, but just gently rubbed her red earlobe. His hot and moist breath hit the unexpected earlobe, making her body tremble involuntarily.

If the little medical fairy hadn't been mentally prepared, she would have made some embarrassing noises due to this unexpected intimacy.

But even so, it was still unexpected by the little medical fairy.

She slightly opened her gray eyes, wanting to see him, but Xiao Yan didn't give her such a chance, and just rubbed it gently from her earlobe to her snowy neck, which was still pink.

For a pure girl who has never been exposed to the real thing from beginning to end, and whose understanding between men and women is only fragmented, the impact is a bit too great.

Naturally, the little medical fairy had no objection, but——

——It’s just that this feeling is so strange.

It was natural for her to have such thoughts in her mind, but she would never say it out loud anyway.

"Xiao...Xiao Yan."

But in the end, the little medical fairy couldn't bear it anymore and looked at him with a mixture of shame and resentment.

"...Well, what's wrong?"

Xiao Yan whispered into the little medical fairy's ear, and the feeling of itching at the base of her ears made her feel like mud and she had no strength at all.

"Stop being like this... I'm so used to it... Where did you learn this..."

The Little Medical Fairy almost burst into tears. The last time she took the initiative was just the first time she broke the boat and broke the pot. But compared to the attack launched by Xiao Yan now, the Little Medical Fairy only felt that her previous actions were incompatible with the rumors. There is generally no difference between the chicks who have not been through it... although this is actually the case.

"Well... something happened in the past two years, which is a bit complicated."

The little medical fairy's words made Xiao Yan suddenly react and wake up a lot, but now it seemed that it was too late to turn back.

"I don't care, I don't want to care about this..."

The little medical fairy showed some of her previous toughness: "Kiss..."

Even before the little doctor fairy finished speaking, Xiao Yan had already taken the initiative to do it.

The little medical fairy couldn't help but sigh softly, feeling that it was really finished.

But it was indescribably enjoyable.

The rough but increasingly hot fingertips swept over her body, almost as if just a gentle sweep was enough to squeeze out water, making her delicate body tremble slightly.

The belt around his waist was pulled open impatiently.

The little medical fairy's last thought was that she was probably sorry for Sister Wan.


Since the energy tide that happened in the medicine world two years ago, the medicine clan has become a lot more lively.

The medicine world, which was already abundant in energy, ushered in an unusual energy explosion. Almost everyone benefited a lot, and even the elders felt that because of the attraction between the energy of heaven and earth, a shackle appeared. Kouzi.

The source of all this was identified as Yao Wan, the leading female member of the Yao clan.

Today, two years later, Yao Wan has successfully broken through Douzong and reached the realm of Douzong.

After all, for Yao Wan, she has already understood the vision of a higher realm. To her, the difference in cultivation is just the accumulation of quantity. The most indispensable thing in the medicine world is the energy of heaven and earth like auspicious clouds and mist. .

Joining Douzun in two years is a matter of course for Yao Wan.

But now, the huge gap and imbalance between her original cultivation and soul power has been made up. As long as she gets back the things she left behind to confuse people, she can now appear on the stage in front of the eight tribes. preparation.

At the same time, a green light and shadow fluttered into the Yaowan cave.

"Miss, the clan leader and the elders call you to the clan hall."


Yaowan nodded, and when she walked out of the cave, she saw a breeze blowing, and a few green leaves hung on her hair.

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