Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 311 Before the celebration

"Actually, it's okay?"

Yao Wan naturally understood what Yao Emperor meant, but recalling the clan leader's often frowning expression, she didn't want the ancestor to deny their denial for so many years with such a simple sentence, so she couldn't help but say something more.

"Okay? Humph."

Unexpectedly, it was okay for Yao Wan not to speak, but Yao Emperor, who was already simmering with anger, snorted coldly.

"Not to mention when I was here, even when I left later, there was no genius who could see my true face from generation to generation, but I can still feel the prosperity of the Medicine Clan here."

"And now? The clan leader is no more than the Seven-Star Fighting Saint, and the Yao clan is about to make you lose face."

The Medicine Emperor scolded in a cold voice.

Yao Wan frowned slightly. Naturally, she didn't like Yao Emperor's outrageous remarks that didn't look at the process but only the results. The clan leader inherited a mess. He had worked hard for the Yao clan over the years, so he shouldn't be scolded at all. Bar?

"That's because the Dou Emperor bloodline in the clan is getting thinner and thinner..."

"Then according to what you say, the old me and the Dou Emperors of my generation don't even have the Dou Emperor bloodline, so they are not worthy of reaching the top of the world?"

Yao Di said in a shadow, tearing Yao Wan's defense into pieces and leaving her speechless.

"Bloodline has never been the most important condition for reaching the top of Douqi Continent. Bloodline is just the result, and it is also the last blessing and gift I leave you. It is by no means the capital that is given to you to take advantage of it."

Medicine Emperor Xuying said coldly: "Incompetence is incompetence, don't make any excuses for their incompetence, and if you cannot meet my expectations for you in the future, don't make any excuses for yourself."

"That's just to show off your own incompetence."

Yao Wan exhaled a breath of turbidity and fell silent. Naturally, she was unwilling to agree with Yao Emperor's remarks that were obviously not in line with her values. Although she felt a little unhappy, she accepted it. Yao Wan's shadow was seeing that Yao Wan was After feeling dissatisfied, he didn't say anything more.

In the final analysis, she was just angry. As a remnant soul who was left here by the main body just to watch over the tribe, watching her tribe weaken little by little over a long period of time was the last thing she wanted to see. matter.

"——This Zhuoguo Divine Spring can cleanse the essence and cut the marrow. This is easy to understand."

Yao Wan turned her head and suddenly said: "What about this Cangwu Sacred Tree? I just checked it with the Flame of Life and found that it is as lifeless as a stone."

"It is said that the Cangwu Divine Tree is a branch left over from the upper world, and it is the favorite habitat of the legendary beasts dragon and phoenix."

"Dragon Phoenix?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but said: "Isn't it the Ancient Heavenly Phoenix?"

"What kind of creature is the Ancient Sky Phoenix?"

Medicine Emperor Xuying snorted disdainfully, and then said: "Only the dragon and phoenix are qualified to build a nest on the sacred tree. In addition, the Cangwu sacred tree has another function, but that is different from what you are doing now. It’s not very useful, so there’s no need to talk about it, and you don’t need to know too much to avoid unnecessary worries.”

"Then it's time for me to go out now?"

Yao Wan couldn't help but say, after all, it seemed like there was nothing left for him to stay here for a while.

"...If you want to go out, that's no problem. You haven't fought the Saint yet, and the things here that can really be used by you haven't been opened yet."

Yao Di Xuying said, flicking his fingers, leaving a rather familiar golden spell in Yao Wan's palm, revealing a faint golden light.

Yaowan recognized it at a glance as the magic technique used by the elders to open the gate of the inheritance place, but it seemed a little different.

"Using this method, you can freely enter and exit the inheritance place."

Medicine Emperor Xuying said: "But the next time we meet, you will be a Dou Saint. Then I will tell you what it takes to reach the top of Dou Qi Continent."

"It means I can come again, right?"

This makes Yao Wan quite happy. Among other things, the Zhuogu Spring itself is a rare treasure in the world. If there is a chance to come back, Yao Wan will naturally not be too polite.

"That's natural. Now that the Medicine Clan has declined to this point, if there is a chance and hope, I naturally don't want to see the former tribe end up in the same situation as it is today."

Medicine Emperor Xuying waved his hand and said calmly: "Okay, it's almost time for you to go out. As for the part of the things you deliberately threw away, it's better to get them back as soon as possible. After the heaven realm, step by step, your No matter how good your talent is, you can’t let it go to waste.”

"Well, I know this, so I would like to thank the ancestor for reminding me."

Yaowan nodded. From this point of view, her entry into this inheritance place was not without success. It could even be said that she had a trump card.

After confirming that Yao Wan had nothing to do here for the time being, Yao Emperor Xuying waved her hand and drove her out of the inheritance place.

"Alas, it's not easy to find a descendant with extraordinary qualifications. Who would have thought he has such a character?"

He is proud of his talents, hot on the outside and cold on the inside, and unable to listen to advice.

Medicine Emperor Xuying couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then subconsciously looked at the Cangwu sacred tree that supported the entire inheritance place. Fragmented memories flashed in his illusory eyes, recalling the long-dizzy future of himself. The scene where it fell into the spiritual veins here.

All cause and effect, I just hope that this will not lead to severance.


After her wet body was dried for free, when Yao Wan came back to her senses, she found that she had returned to the void outside the inheritance place.

It was obvious that the place of inheritance was another small world that the Medicine Emperor had opened up for himself in the past to accommodate the Cangwu Sacred Tree and the Zhuogu Divine Spring. Or, to be more exaggerated, both of these things were directly poached by the Medicine Emperor.

After seeing Yaowan coming back, several elders immediately gathered around him, with indescribable joy in their brows.

Yao Wan didn't need to say anything more. Just the appearance of the ancestor, even outside the inheritance place, they could clearly feel the resonance of the soul and blood when the ancestor appeared. That was no matter what. Cannot be blocked.

After that brief trembling moment, several elders of the Yao Clan were immediately overjoyed. Just as they had guessed at the beginning, Yao Wan must have been chosen by the Founding Ancestor!

Being selected by the First Ancestor, they almost forgot how long it had been since the Yao Clan had received such an honor, and they were even moved to tears by this.

Sure enough, God has never forgotten their Medicine Clan!

Even Yao Dan didn't seem calm, so much so that he desperately wanted to get answers from Yao Wan.

"Wan'er, that place of inheritance——"

"Well, I met the ancestor."

Yaowan knew how excited the elders and clan leaders were now, so naturally he would not whet their appetites, and said very straightforwardly: "The ancestor likes me very much, saying that this is the first time I have walked to the foot of the Cangwu Sacred Tree. clan members, so they plan to let me enter the inheritance land again after being promoted to Fighting Saint to meet the ancestor."

Yao Dan was startled for a moment, and then his voice couldn't help but tremble: "Seriously? Wan'er, are you allowed to enter the inheritance place again?!"

"Yeah, seriously."

Yaowan nodded. She naturally knew what the patriarch was thinking, and of course she wanted to give him reassurance.

As she spoke, she opened her palms, and then injected a burst of fighting energy. The extremely familiar but slightly different golden spell in her palms made everyone's hearts drop to the ground.

Although they have all entered the Land of Heritage, they did not directly obtain the magic spell to open the door to the Land of Heritage like her.

Instead, you need to learn this secret technique and then match it with the unique fighting spirit characteristics of the place where you enter the inheritance. Otherwise, you will not be able to open the door to this place of inheritance.

But now Yao Wan even has this magic technique, which also eliminates their last doubt.

"Okay--okay! Okay!"

Yao Dan came back to his senses, and then just said "good luck" three times in a row, and his face had a healthy blush of pride.

"Wan'er is the hope of our clan! Let's go back!"

The decline of the Yao Clan over the years has finally seen the first glimmer of dawn. How can Yao Dan be displeased?

At the same time, the return of Yaoshan also silently shows one thing. The holding of the Creation Celebration has now lost all resistance. In the near future, the Yao clan will send invitations to those who are qualified to enter the medicine world to participate. The power and presence of these grand celebrations.

Leaving aside other existences, the other eight ancient tribes naturally all received invitations from the Medicine Clan without exception.

The message on the invitation was simple and clear.

The Yao Clan had previously received a wisp of fire from the master of the Flame of Life, but it took five years to grow into a mature strange fire. This strange fire can bring great wealth to the Yao Clan, which already has a great family. It is natural to imagine how great the benefits will be.

To put it bluntly, this is just showing off.

But having said that, as one of the eight tribes, the Yao Clan naturally has to give face, and not only does it have to be given, but it also needs to be paid special attention to. After all, compared to the Yan of Life, it seems that it is still the one who was born in heaven in the rumors. The girl with a pure soul is even more interesting.

Therefore, even if it was just to gather information, not long after the invitation was sent out, the Yao clan received responses from the other eight clans, all of whom said that their families would definitely come.

Just seeing their eager responses, Yao Wanhuo, who was reviewing and approving this matter, couldn't help but smile.

It's true that things are changing.

While the Yao Clan was busy arranging the next celebration of life, Yao Wanque temporarily left the Medicine World and flew into the depths of the Shennong Mountains outside the gate of the Medicine World.

Although she turned a deaf ear to most of Yao Emperor Xuying's words, Yao Wan did not dare to forget those important things.

For example, get back something that you intentionally missed.

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