Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 312 Return of the property to its original owner

"...Miss, if we go out at this time, the patriarch and the others won't say anything, right?"

Qing Lin left the medicine world with Yao Wan, feeling a little worried about what Yao Wan had done.

"It's okay, I just got something. Even the elders won't say anything else."

Yao Wan comforted Qing Lin, but then she couldn't help but said: "Okay, there is no need to worry so much, otherwise I won't let you follow."


Qing Lin responded weakly. Although she became more and more confident because of her rise to prominence in the Medicine Clan, it was only because of who she was in front of. In front of the young lady, she naturally did not dare to speak arrogantly.

However, Yao Wan wanted her to be more confident, but it would take more effort.

While walking and chatting with Qing Lin, Yao Wan also found what she was looking for.

"Speaking of which, miss, what are you looking for?"

Qing Lin couldn't help but ask.

"Some of the 'stuff' I took the initiative to hide in order to prevent it from being discovered in the first place."

Yaowan did not continue to hide it, and said softly: "When I ran away from home, because I was worried that I would be discovered, I not only sealed my bloodline to prevent it from being discovered by the clan, but also knew that the clan controlled A kind of resonance technique at the level of soul power. I was worried that they would find it using this method, so..."


Qing Lin said subconsciously, but saw Yao Wansu making a move with his hand, and a huge formation spell that was large enough to cover a mountain appeared in the huge Shennong Mountains.

As the formation opened and slowly moved, Qing Lin suddenly felt an unusual impact hitting his soul, causing people to fall into a moment of sluggishness.

However, Yaowan protected Qinglin's soul in time, so she was naturally not harmed by the impact. She was just stunned for a moment before returning to normal.


Qinglin blinked and felt that he was slightly lost in thought.

"be safe."

Yaowan gave a temporary warning, and then opened the formation in front of her, revealing the lineup of things hidden in it.

It was a translucent white bead, no more than the size of a fingernail, like some kind of elixir, but it revealed a soul characteristic that the elixir itself did not possess.

"——What is this? Pill?"

Qing Lin slightly opened her emerald green eyes. Although the bead was no bigger than a fingernail, the slight amount of soul power it released made her body tremble slightly.

"No, this is the soul power that I separated. The quality is about 90%."

"Ninety percent?!"

Qing Lin's eyes widened immediately, and her pretty face was full of disbelief. According to this, the soul power that the young lady showed at the beginning was just a weak performance?

Yao Wan waved her hand, and the bead flew back to Yao Wan's hand. She gently fumbled for the soul bead, which was completely condensed by the power of the soul. Then she exerted slight pressure on her fingertips, and with a crisp sound, the soul bead The bead was crushed by Yaowan, and a gray soul power returned to Yaowan's body. For a moment, the entire Shennong Mountains fell silent, like the eye of a storm.

"Little Miss?"

Qing Lin was startled, but felt that Yao Wan's aura at the moment was a bit terrifyingly calm.

Yaowan's pale golden eyes first turned a little gray, and then returned to their usual color. At the same time, she waved her hands gently, indicating that she was fine and there was no need to worry.

"Okay, I don't have any problems now. Let's go back to the medicine world."

Yaowan chuckled lightly and said.


In the ancient clan, Xiao Xun'er has naturally been cultivating peacefully in the past two years since he came back and rarely shows up. But even so, he can't stand up to the young talents of the ancient clan who are like wolves and tigers, even if Xiao Xun'er rarely shows up outside. , but the topic about her has always been a hot topic among these young talents.

And under such a situation, the name of the genius of the Yao Clan, which had caused some minor riots among the eight tribes, also entered the sight of the descendants of these big families as the Yao Clan vigorously promoted the Creation Celebration.

Even though this time the Yao Clan is about to hold a living celebration, it will trigger more discussions between Yao Wan and Xun'er.

Everyone has the love of beauty, not to mention the desire to compare. People always have an inexplicable enthusiasm for such meaningless and inexplicable things.

The vast majority of young people from the ancient tribe naturally support Xun'er, although this is meaningless and even disgusting to Xiao Xun'er.

However, the Yao Clan's celebration of life is, after all, a major event that concerns the eight tribes. Naturally, the Ancient Clan cannot fail to respond and will pay more attention to it.

Therefore, in addition to a Dou Sheng elder leading the team, it is also necessary to bring two important younger generations in the clan.

After discussion among the clan, it was finally decided to let Xun'er and Gu Qingyang go together.

Xiao Xun'er naturally didn't want to go, but since the clan clan had already made a decision, she naturally couldn't say anything more. Even if she didn't want to, she could only hold her nose and admit it.

"What's wrong? Xun'er, are you unhappy?"

Unlike Xiao Xun'er, Gu Qingyang was quite happy to be able to go to the medicine world with Xiao Xun'er. After all, it was not easy to get close to Xun'er.

"...Nothing, it's just that we are old acquaintances with that young lady from the Medicine Clan, and have some...fate."

Xiao Xun'er shook her head, but did not show her dissatisfaction, she just said.

"Old acquaintance?"

Gu Qingyang was surprised, and he could not help but think of Xun'er coming back from the northwest continent. Could it be that he had seen the young lady from the Medicine Clan?

Just when Gu Qingyang was guessing, Xiao Xun'er turned around and slowly tightened the pink fists in her sleeves.

"Oh, by the way, Xun'er."

"What's wrong?"

"Some days ago, there was something going on between Lingquan and Gu Yao, which I suppressed. It seems to be related to the Xiao family where Xun'er was originally from, so I ignored them."

Xiao Xun'er was slightly startled by Gu Qingyang's words, and then he couldn't help but frown.

"They can do whatever they want, just mediocre people."

After Xiao Xun'er finished speaking, he left first.

Gu Qingyang looked at Xiao Xun'er's back and couldn't help shaking his head, crying and laughing: "Are you bothering yourself?"


When things happened at Canaan College, Xiao Yan planned to go back to the Xiao family first, and then talk about finding Miss Wan and Xun'er.

After all, no matter what, I am now considered half a married man.


The smooth and gentle breath of the white-haired beauty in his arms hit his neck and chest, making Xiao Yan feel a little itchy.

However, he felt inexplicably at ease at the moment. There was an indescribable feeling filling his body, giving him a sense of security that was completely different from strength and cultivation.

Xiao Yan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. At this moment, just looking at the little medical fairy in his arms, he felt an indescribable sense of peace of mind in his heart.

But now is not the time to indulge in Wenrou Township... Whenever Xiao Yan wants to remind himself like this, he can't help but sigh, no wonder Wenrou Township is the Tomb of Heroes. Although he is probably not a hero anymore, he wants to I'm afraid it's not something ordinary people can do to resist such temptation.

...That's all, at least it doesn't matter if you relax for a while.

Xiao Yan took a deep breath.

But his breathing and rising and falling, which were no longer calm for a moment, still silently awakened the white-haired beauty in his arms.

There was a hint of mist in those clear gray eyes. Feeling the warmth from Xiao Yan's chest made her feel at ease. Then she slightly raised her head and looked at Xiao Yan.

For a moment, the two of them were speechless.

Seeing that the atmosphere between them seemed to be just right at this moment, the little medical fairy couldn't help but slightly propped up her smooth body, and took the initiative to bring her thin pink lips closer to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan no longer refused and allowed her to kiss him.

After entangled for a moment, the two of them were speechless and got up. However, the little medical fairy still caressed Xiao Yan's eyebrows with some nostalgia, and did not let go until he got up.

Naturally, the Little Medical Fairy didn't want to delay Xiao Yan from doing his business...but sometimes, things would inevitably backfire.

It's like she didn't actually plan to get to this point with Xiao Yan so quickly at the beginning, but in the end, you took the initiative and I took the initiative, and that's what happened.

She had obviously said before that she planned to give this first opportunity to Sister Wan, but who would have thought that it would turn out like this.

After all, no matter how considerate the little medical fairy appears, there is still no way to avoid having some selfish motives of her own, which is human nature.

After putting on his clothes, Xiao Yan was about to get up and open the door. Before he could touch the door latch, there was a knock on the door.

"Hello? Is Xiao Yan here? I know you are here, don't hide it."

A lively voice came from outside the door. Xiao Yan couldn't help but subconsciously glance at the little medical fairy beside him. Naturally, the little medical fairy would not stop Xiao Yan from doing anything. He just smiled slightly and said nothing.

Then, Xiao Yan pulled off the latch and gently opened the door.

Sure enough, the purple-haired beauty outside the door was Zi Yan, whom Xiao Yan had not seen for two years.

"I knew it was you as soon as I heard the voice. What's wrong?"

Regarding Zi Yan, Xiao Yan had nothing to worry about. On the contrary, he couldn't help but reveal a natural smile. If he had to say it, he might be more worried about whether something would happen to Han Feng's soul and Hai Xinyan.

But after he saw Zi Yan again, he knew that nothing would happen.

"It's not a big deal. Didn't I hear that you are still alive, so I came here to see you?"

As Zi Yan spoke, she raised her bare hand and handed Xiao Yan a gray-white stone that looked like a piece of paper that had been randomly scrunched up.

"Well, I will return this thing to its original owner."

Zi Yan's incomprehensible words naturally made Xiao Yan stunned. Return the property to its original owner? What returns to its original owner?

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