Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 313 Zi Yan: I am heartbroken for this family

The "stone" in the hand is as crumpled and tangled as paper that has been vigorously kneaded, but it reveals a strange sense of unreality. After all, how can the texture of stone be like paper?

But now that the thing was in his hands, he naturally couldn't tolerate Xiao Yan's disbelief, but he still couldn't figure out what it was for the moment.

Besides, is there anything in Zi Yan that can be called returned to its original owner?



It seems there is.

Suddenly he recalled that he was directly swallowed by the Fallen Heart Flame, and then stayed in the magma world at the bottom of Tianfen Qi Refining Tower for two full years. Naturally, Han Feng and Hai Xinyan were in his hands. Go up, it’s not surprising that Zi Yan took it.

Even if he was unlucky enough to be escaped by Han Feng, Xiao Yan couldn't actually blame Zi Yan for such a thing. After all, the alchemist had many inexplicable ways to save his life, not to mention that he was the teacher's first disciple. Some abilities are not so surprising or even incredible.


Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "You don't want to think that this stone-like paper dumpling is the container that seals Han Feng, right?"

"What do you mean by paper dumplings? I'm really ignorant."

However, Zi Yan was a little dissatisfied with Xiao Yan's somewhat redundant metaphor, and then just opened her hands. Xiao Yan couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly, watching a small ball of air directly in Zi Yan's palm because of the extremely terrifying power. After being compressed countless times, it finally reached the critical point. Then, countless wind pressures gathered together, and finally some kind of terrifying qualitative change caused by quantitative changes occurred.

Along with a sound like glass breaking, something that was exactly the same as what Xiao Yan was holding appeared in Zi Yan's palm.

Xiao Yan's pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately understood what the thing in his hand was.

"Wait a minute, you've messed up the space as if it were paper?"

Xiao Yan was surprised, he was really amazed by this simple and crude method of using space that seemed to contain some kind of wisdom.

"It is not a pure space, but a space mixed with void, otherwise the power of pure space may not be able to block the strange fire."

Seeing Xiao Yan's jaw-dropping expression, Zi Yan couldn't help but smile, very proud of herself, with an expression that said, "I'm great, please praise me more."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but smile helplessly after seeing it, but based on his understanding of Zi Yan, compared to verbal praise, material rewards would probably make her happier.

"So...this is Han Feng?"

Xiao Yan looked at the space ball in his hand that was pinched out by Zi Yan using her terrifying physical strength and her ability to control space.

"This guy is not honest at all."

When she mentioned Han Feng, Zi Yan's good mood disappeared.

"He's been chirping in my ears all day long, saying that as long as I let him out, all the treasures in Maple City will be mine, huh - he thinks I'm stupid, if I let him out, Won't he have to trouble me when he comes back to life? Then I couldn't bear it anymore, so I squeezed him into this thing."

The space ball in her hand disappeared under Zi Yan's control, and she folded her arms across her chest, slightly squeezing the plump snow fat under her clothes, and hummed softly.

"Well, you really helped me a lot. I'll thank you later."

Xiao Yan said with a smile.

"Hehe, which one of us is following the other? As long as you continue to help me refine the elixir... I have done you such a big favor, don't go back on it!"

Zi Yan's words made Xiao Yan laugh, and he couldn't help but shake his head: "When have I not listened to your requests? Do I look like someone who will regret it?"

"That's true for me, but it's hard to say for others."

Zi Yan shook her head gently, then stopped joking, and her pretty face gradually became more serious.

"Hey, let me tell you, what's going on between you and Sister Medusa?"

When Xiao Yan heard Queen Medusa's name, his heart twitched and he looked at Zi Yan, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"Medusa...what happened?"

Xiao Yan's reaction made Zi Yan think that it was indeed the case, and then curled her lips.

"You're telling me, just a few days ago, I met Sister Medusa."


Xiao Yan was inevitably surprised, but considering that it was Zi Yan, it didn't seem to matter. After all, if anyone could talk to Queen Medusa here, it would probably be her.

" is she?"

Xiao Yan hesitated for a moment. After all, after what happened between the two of them, it was difficult for him to continue to treat Medusa as a stranger.

"You seem to be in a bad mood, so much so that I dare not mention you in front of her."

Zi Yan snorted. In her opinion, something must have happened between Sister Medusa and Xiao Yan. Otherwise, how could it be like this?

"What about her now?"

"She said she went back to the Tagor Desert. She also said that if you dare to go to the Tagor Desert, she will kill you."

Zi Yan couldn't help but sigh as she spoke. It was obvious that Zi Yan had no way to persuade her on this topic.

"That's it."

Xiao Yan nodded. He was not surprised at all. Rather, he said this in a very Medusa-like style.

Seeing Xiao Yan's expression of no surprise or fear, just a silent nod, made Zi Yan even more puzzled.

"I said what's going on between you two? You too, Sister Medusa wants to kill you. We had a good relationship before. I asked your sister Medusa to come and save you. She's here. Why haven't we seen each other in two years? Why did you become enemies?"

"Enemies? Enemies don't count."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head and said: "It's just that something did happen that I'm afraid I can't explain clearly for a while. For her, it might be better to break off the relationship between her and me at this time."

Obviously, Zi Yan couldn't understand their chaotic relationship and entangled mood that they were constantly cutting and sorting out, so she couldn't help but shake her head.

There is no hatred for the one who wants to kill him, and there is no fear for the one who wants to be killed. These two people are really...

"Oh, forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. Your feelings are too strange. I can't understand them."

"Yeah, I don't intend to let you understand it. For you, letting the problem itself be solved is an easier way of thinking, right?"

Xiao Yan smiled. If nothing else, he was actually very touched that Zi Yan could care about the affairs between him and Queen Medusa.

Hearing what Xiao Yan said, Zi Yan smiled, then raised her pink fist and said, "That's right, there is no problem that I can't solve here!"


Zi Yan was stunned for a moment, blinked her purple eyes, and then said angrily: "What do you mean, do you mean that I don't use my brain?!"

Xiao Yan suddenly shook his head like a rattle: "Do you think I have any idea of ​​this?"

"Hmph, forget it, your matter is too complicated, I really can't figure it out."

Zi Yan crossed her arms and said casually: "Liu Qing and Lin Xiuya plan to continue to be elders in the inner courtyard. What about you? Will you continue to stay in the inner courtyard?"

Xiao Yan shook his head and then said: "As for me, I may have to go back home next, and then I may leave for Zhongzhou."

"Your home? Zhongzhou? It seems very interesting."

Zi Yan raised her eyebrows and became interested, and couldn't help but said: "Why don't you take me with you?"

"Come on, are you afraid that if I leave, no one will make the medicine for you?"

Xiao Yan ruthlessly exposed Zi Yan's disguise.

When his excuse was exposed, he was not angry. He just smiled and said: "Oh, there is no conflict between the two sides, is there? I can still protect you, I am now a three-star fighting emperor."

"Three stars? How long has it been since you broke through to Douhuang? Are you riding on a rocket?!"

"How do I know? It must be a physical problem."

Xiao Yan's temples twitched. Fortunately, Zi Yan was a monster. Maybe her bloodline was different.

"Thank you, but I am now a one-star Dou Huang, so I don't need your protection."

Although he actually made up his mind that taking Zi Yan with him might be a good choice, he naturally couldn't express it so quickly.

"One-star Dou Huang, what kind of cultivation did you have two years ago? Seven-star Dou Ling? Are you the one riding the rocket?!"

Zi Yan couldn't help but circle around Xiao Yan and said: "When I gnawed on heavenly materials and earthly treasures every day, your cultivation level didn't rise faster than yours. You couldn't be some heavenly materials and earthly treasures and became a spirit, right? Why don't you let me?" If I take a bite, maybe I can get another star!"

Saying that, Zi Yan came closer to Xiao Yan. Xiao Yan was so shocked that he quickly held down this big girl who had no respect for her. It was okay for the little brat with no breasts and butt to mess around. Now this lordosis The beautiful woman with her curvy back was wandering around in front of him, that was simply because Xiao Yan was acting abnormally.

But he had just tried it and it was very normal, so there was no need for Zi Yan to test it.

"I am a human being and I am not allowed to eat people - if you dare to eat them, I will never make medicine for you in this life."

Xiao Yan held her down in an angry and funny manner, and then found out in embarrassment that he was no match for Zi Yan in terms of physical strength, and his control movements had no effect at all.

Fortunately, although the restraining action did not work, the threat was still very effective. Besides, Zi Yan was not serious, so she curled her lips and said nothing more.

"Huh, if you don't want to eat, I won't eat."

Zi Yan snorted, but said: "But in that case, I heard that the Tagore Desert is in the Jiama Empire, right? Why don't I follow you to play with Sister Medusa, and also persuade her well, in case she If I feel better, I won’t kill you?"

"It would be great if you have this heart."

Xiao Yan shook his head, how could things be so simple?

"Then tell me whether you will take me with you or not!"


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