Fighting is broken, but the heroine script

Chapter 314 Yaowan Xun’er, why don’t you talk?

"Speaking of which, how can we remove this space group? Is Han Feng going to escape if he stays inside?"

Xiao Yan looked at the space ball in his hand that was as hard as stone and a little bit prickly.

"Impossible, Han Feng's soul body cannot escape from the fragments of void and space."

Zi Yan shook her head and said: "But if I unlock the seal, you will have to deal with this guy yourself, otherwise I will be annoyed to death."

"Okay, I won't give you the mess yet. To be honest, I won't be too surprised even if Han Feng escapes. If you can keep it for me for two years, I will thank you very much."

With that said, Xiao Yan stretched out his hand. Zi Yan understood and then untied the space ball in her hand.

The twisted mixture of void and space quickly disappeared in the air, leaving only a gray soul with faint blue flames that immediately shot out in one direction.

But how much power can a mere weak soul have?

When Xiao Yan saw this, he snorted coldly. He only touched his hand, and an extremely strong suction force suddenly appeared out of thin air in his long but rough palm, turning into a whirlwind. Even the soul could not escape this soul vortex. In the end, He could only reluctantly be held in the palm of Xiao Yan's hand.


The gray-white soul in Xiao Yan's hand made Han Feng's gasping voice full of fear and fatigue, but before he could fully react, he heard Xiao Yan's voice, which was as cold as the biting winter wind in the far north.

"Han Feng, long time no see."

Xiao Yan's eyes were calm. For him, the Han Feng in his hand now only has two values. One is that the teacher can completely end this bad relationship, and the other is that the Hai Xinyan in him can undoubtedly make his Burning Technique even better. Floors.

And for some reason, every time he thought of Han Feng, an extremely strong killing intention would emerge uncontrollably in his heart, and he wanted to kill him quickly.

It feels like an instinctive reaction after practicing the Burning Technique.

Xiao Yan guessed that this reaction may be more like an act of cultivating gu. If more than one person has practiced the Burning Jue, then until the peak, these Burning Jue practitioners will definitely fight to the end driven by the technique. the winner.

However, I think this situation will never happen again.

"Xiao-Xiao Yan?!"

Han Feng's voice was full of trembling and panic, but he quickly calmed down driven by the desire to survive: "Little, little junior brother, don't kill me. As long as you don't kill me, I guarantee that everything in Maple City in the Black Corner Territory will be safe." your--"

"That's right! And Hai Xinyan! As long as you don't kill me, I will give Hai Xinyan to you! I can give you everything he can't give you! I can help you aspire to the top of Dou Qi Continent!"

It's a pity that Xiao Yan couldn't listen to any of Han Feng's nonsense. He just sneered lightly and didn't even think of denying him.

"I think you should have your big dreams in the next life, but don't worry, I won't kill you for the time being. I will hand you over to the teacher and let him personally judge you as a traitor."

After saying that, before Han Feng could continue to say nonsense, Xiao Yan took out a jade bottle, directly stuffed Han Feng's soul into it, and then sealed it with the fused four-color strange fire.

In the jade bottle, Han Feng's soul screamed faintly.

After all, not all souls are as strong as Yaolao, the continent's number one alchemist. Even if Han Feng possesses Hai Xinyan, his soul strength is not strong enough. Even if he can drive Hai Xinyan again, the final result will be nothing. It is to trigger a riot among the strange fires, and then blow up his soul until not even a scrap is left.

"Oh~ So this is solved?"

Zi Yan couldn't help but said when she saw Xiao Yan put away the jade bottle that sealed Xiao Yan.

"That's it for now, thanks."

"Stop saying thank you and give me more reward. Why don't you give me twenty more furnaces of elixirs?"

"Twenty furnaces? You are eating them!"

Xiao Yan had a new understanding of Zi Yan's appetite.

"No, I'm not a human being, and I don't eat like you. The exercises you gave me back then were not enough to stuff my teeth!"

"Be careful if you eat too much and it will overwhelm you."

Xiao Yan shook his head, and then said: "If you really want to leave, then go back and tidy up. If nothing else happens, we will leave tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"Okay! I've wanted to visit other places for a long time. I've already visited the back mountain and the inner courtyard. It's so boring-"

With that said, Zi Yan turned over and jumped down from the second floor. Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head when he looked at Zi Yan's overly graceful figure when she turned over and went downstairs.

After Zi Yan left, Xiao Yan turned around and looked into the room. The little medical fairy slowly walked out and glanced calmly at the purple-haired beauty who left gracefully and skillfully.

"That girl... doesn't seem to be human, right?"

"Well, Zi Yan is the first monster that accidentally ate the Transformation Grass. She did help me a lot in the beginning, but her personality is too out-of-the-box."

Xiao Yan was afraid that the little medical fairy would misunderstand, so he took the initiative to explain.

The little medical fairy was afraid that Xiao Yan would be too nervous, but instead said: "It would be nice to be more cheerful, but I'm just afraid that you won't be able to withstand such a girl's torment."

"I'm fine——"

Xiao Yan said subconsciously, but suddenly realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing. He couldn't help but look at the little medical fairy. He thought she would be angry, but the little medical fairy was just confused.

"It's okay. Didn't I tell you earlier? Don't worry about me, and I will help you convince Sister Wan later."

To be honest, when he felt Xiao Yan's almost inquiring gaze, the little medical fairy was quite moved.

Xiao Yan was helpless. The little medical fairy's attitude of accommodating him only made him feel even more uncomfortable.

"Sometimes I wish you could be a little tougher."

Xiao Yan couldn't help but say, but it made the little medical fairy smile slightly: "Forget it, let Sister Wan torment you for being tough."

"Okay - let's not talk about this for now. This time when I go back, I will take you to see my brother and father first."

Xiao Yan took the initiative to hold the little medical fairy's slender hand and said softly.

The little medical fairy was slightly startled, but she was a little flattered. The emotion that surged into her heart was not happiness, but worry and anxiety.

Xiao Yan noticed the subtle changes in the little medical fairy and couldn't help but said: "What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"


The little medical fairy immediately shook her head like a rattle and said: "It's not too late for me to be happy, but -"

"Just what?"

"……Does it fit?"

The little fairy doctor said quietly, which made Xiao Yan slightly startled.

Before Xiao Yan could say anything, the little medical fairy said quietly: "It would be more appropriate for you to ask Sister Wan to do this kind of thing later. I'm just an annoying Sky Poison Girl. I'm afraid it may not be the case." To please your father and brothers."

"——It's okay, I'm used to it anyway. All I want is a place in your heart, and I don't dare to ask for more..."

The words of the little medical fairy made Xiao Yan sigh softly and feel helpless.

Although he had already vaguely felt that the little medical fairy seemed a little too timid in terms of emotions, he did not expect that it had reached this point.


Xiao Yan took a deep breath. It seemed that he had to find a way to cure her problem.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

The little medical fairy also knew that Xiao Yan would be unhappy when he said this, so he was mentally prepared and took the initiative to reply, but to Xiao Yan's ears, his words sounded as weak as a punch on cotton. It made Xiao Yan laugh.

"Then let me tell you, I think Xian'er really doesn't need to be so cowardly. I didn't bring you back to see anyone's face. I just wanted to reassure you and reassure my father and brothers at home. Just That’s all.”

"Well, I know all this, but my physique..."

"Hasn't it been a long time since this happened?"

Xiao Yan said seriously and solemnly: "I have always known little medical immortals, always."

"Or is it that Xian'er doesn't believe me?"

"No—how could it be?"

The little medical fairy was anxious. What she valued most was trust, and trust was naturally mutual. It was not only Xiao Yan's trust in her, but also her trust in Xiao Yan.

"Of course I believe you, but I...I...I..."

The little medical fairy was at a loss for words. She was afraid that if she accidentally said something too serious, it might really be self-defeating.

"Then we have already come this far. Is it possible that Xian'er still wants to default on his debt?"

"of course not!"

"Then come back with me, go see them, and let them be the first daughter-in-law I recruited for the Xiao family."

Xiao Yan chuckled and couldn't help but raise his hand to scratch the little medical fairy's nose.

The little medical fairy was speechless. She didn't feel it when she got along with him in the past. After all, he was someone who had been hanging out with Sister Wan for a long time. She just couldn't stand these sweet words and flirtations.

"Huh? Xian'er hasn't replied to me yet."

The little fairy doctor originally wanted to answer with silence, but he didn't expect that Xiao Yan would not give up at this point and still pursued the victory.


The little fairy doctor's face turned red, but she had to face Xiao Yan, so she could only say helplessly: "I'll just go..."

"Well, my fairy is so good."

Xiao Yan's face showed a hint of joy that was visible to the naked eye, and then regardless of the stunned little medical fairy, he came forward again to taste her cherry lips.

The little medical fairy was stunned and had no strength to resist at all - why hadn't she noticed that Xiao Yan was so sweet-talking before?

But now of course there is no regrets.

What do I regret? I let this guy eat me up and wipe it all away... and he took advantage of me and still acted like a good boy.

But even so, the little medical fairy felt indescribably sweet in her heart. She just felt that the parting and suffering she had suffered in the first half of her life were worth it now.

Seeing that the little medical fairy was in a daze, Xiao Yan couldn't help but said: "What's wrong with Xian'er?"


The little medical fairy came back to her senses, and then gently shook her head: "It's just a sigh."

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