The next day, Xiao Yan, the Little Medical Fairy and Zi Yan embarked on their way home.

"Let's go, let's go, Gama Empire, right? I've always wanted to visit other places!"

Zi Yan walked in front of her with laughter. Xiao Yan couldn't help but shook his head and said: "If we continue walking for a while, we will be ready to take off."

"Ah~~Flying is so boring, and your speed is so slow. If sister Xian'er and I had reached the Jiama Empire, we would have arrived long ago."

Xiao Yan was immediately furious. With just the Dou Qi Transformation Wings and Ziyun Wing's four-wing amplification, his speed was no less than that of the early Dou Zong masters in a short period of time. It wasn't that he was slower at all, it was just the two of them. It's too fast.

Especially Zi Yan. After all, according to the little medical fairy, she is a true Douzong expert, and her physique is extraordinary. It is normal that she cannot fly. But Zi Yan really cannot understand how Zi Yan can maintain Douzong for a long time. The speed of a strong man going all out.

The only guess Xiao Yan can make is that this is related to Zi Yan's body, that unknown monster.

It's probably a magical beast that can fly itself, and its flying ability is very powerful.

Comparing people with others is worthy of comparison, but comparing goods with others should be discarded.

Xiao Yan shook his head, and for the time being, he gave up any thoughts of secretly competing with Zi Yan. After all, the terrifying physique of the monster was really beyond his reach.

"Okay, you two, stop arguing."

The little medical fairy walked at the back and couldn't help but smile: "It's better to hurry up and hurry up."

"Sister Xian'er should be less biased towards Xiao Yan."

Zi Yan obviously has a physique that allows people around her to accommodate her, even the most arrogant and proud women. She snorted lightly and said.

"What this guy is best at is taking advantage and doing well."

Regarding Zi Yan's words, the little medical fairy who was deeply affected by the routine couldn't help but nodded secretly. Zi Yan really understood whether the words were rough or not.

"What do you mean by being obedient when you get a bargain? Isn't that you?"

Xiao Yan snorted and said very unhappy.

"Humph, I hear you talking nonsense here."

Zi Yan stepped on her lotus foot and flew into the air like a cannonball, then turned into a meteor dragging gorgeous purple tail flames and flew towards the northwest.

The little medical fairy couldn't help but smile and said, "It's really interesting to see you two bickering."

"What's so interesting? I have a headache."

Xiao Yan shook his head and smiled bitterly, seeming a little bit dumbfounded.

"Although this girl Zi Yan is a bit naive, she is not a bad person. It is actually easier to get along with her than others."

"She is relaxed, but others around her may not be able to relax."

Xiao Yan shook his head: "It's better to catch up with her quickly. If something happens if you accidentally let her out, it will be great fun."

The little medical fairy didn't refute, and flew into the air with Xiao Yan, and then flew in the direction of the Gama Empire.

When the two of them were about to speed up to chase Zi Yan who was walking in front, they noticed an unknown aura coming from the forest not far away. Xiao Yan couldn't help but frown slightly. He had never felt this aura from anyone before. Yes, I just subconsciously rejected it.

"What's this?"

Xiao Yan frowned slightly.

"I don't know, but it smells so evil..."

Not only Xiao Yan, but also the Little Medical Fairy also feels this way, as if this is no longer an attribute that can be simply defined, it is simply evil and repulsive, even different from those extremely cold attributes.

"Want to take a look?"

The little medical fairy couldn't help but said that she was just doing this very subconsciously, wanting to eliminate as soon as possible such a hidden danger that would make people uncomfortable just being around it.

"Well, let's go take a look."

A murderous intention gradually emerged in Xiao Yan's heart, which was the instinctive reaction that only people who normally lived in Dou Qi Continent would have when faced with such evil aura.

Xiao Yan had no intention of disobeying this book, but at the same time, what concerned him even more was, if he left it alone, would this evil aura harm others?

If so, whether this place is close or far away from the Jia Ma Empire, if he leaves it alone, if disaster leads to the Jia Ma Empire, then he will not be able to accept it no matter what.

Therefore, he nodded slightly: "Well, let's go and take a look."

Xiao Yan's meaning was very clear to the little medical fairy. Since Xiao Yan said this, he nodded slightly, temporarily changed his route, and turned his head to get closer to the source of the unknown aura.

The source of the evil aura is a small team that is laying a strange formation in the sacred mountain. It is the evil aura released by that formation that stinks to the sky, and those who are preparing to lay the large formation also have more or less stench on them. The ground is tainted with this strange and ominous evil atmosphere.

Xiao Yan didn't know what kind of evil existed that seemed to be defined by the whole world as something that must be eradicated, but now there was indeed an unusual wave and speculation in his heart.

In short, they must not be allowed to complete this great formation.

While Xiao Yan had this idea almost instinctively in his heart, he also used his soul power to investigate. Among the team of about a hundred people, the one with the highest level was almost a Dou Huang, but the one with the lowest cultivation level. A lowly person would at least have the strength of a star fighting spirit.

Even if this kind of strength were placed in the Gama Empire, it would at least be comparable to the powerful force of the Yunlan Sect.

But they were setting up their formation.

Xiao Yan subconsciously looked at the Little Medical Fairy. The Little Medical Fairy immediately understood. A deep dark green fighting spirit was injected into the forest in front of her silently, like a drop of ink dripping into hot water. It is spreading rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, the poisonous fighting spirit filled every corner of the mountains and forests below.

First the fighting spirit, then the fighting king, and finally the unknown leading fighting king also fell down, lifeless.

Xiao Yan used the power of his soul to quickly clean up the battlefield. Under the fierce poison of the little medical fairy, even Dou Zong and even higher realms had to retreat, let alone those with higher cultivation than hers. It's too low to fight the emperor.

That is to say, Xiao Yan has poisonous fire to protect his body and is invulnerable to all poisons. Otherwise, if he only masters a kind of strange fire, but it is too different from her in cultivation, something will happen accidentally.

However, this situation is basically limited to the situation where the little medical fairy cannot control the poisonous body. Now with the help of the power of poisonous fire, the poisonous body elixir has been initially formed, but it will not be able to completely complete the poisonous elixir method in the future. But as long as Xiao Yan is by her side, nothing will happen.

After confirming that the other party was indeed dead, Xiao Yan could check the strange technique.

The little fairy doctor lowered his head and inspected the bodies of these people.

But what surprised her was that these people with no obvious difference in appearance did not seem to be human beings, but they were not monsters either. If the monsters died, their true bodies would be revealed. Besides, how could there be fighting? A magical beast that can transform at the spiritual level? If it were Warcraft, the power behind this would be too extravagant.

Not only that, after these people died, the little medical fairy also felt a very strong fighting spirit reaction from their bodies.

Before she could make a move, these people were quickly blown away like wind and sand, leaving only sparkling, pearl-like crystals all over the ground.

The little medical fairy picked up one of them and immediately felt the extremely pure fighting spirit in his body. If he used this thing to assist his cultivation, it would be twice the result with half the effort for ordinary people.

And just when she became more curious about the identities and races of these people, Xiao Yan's investigation also yielded results.

Xiao Yan tried to inject a ray of his fighting spirit into the unfinished formation, but saw that the formation actually revealed an unknown magic light under the operation of fighting spirit, and then transformed Xiao Yan's ray of fighting spirit into There was a trace of energy that Xiao Yan had never seen before, just exuding evil and ominousness that made him frown.

Xiao Yan immediately raised his hand and used strange fire to kill the ray of unknown energy. This thing was indeed not a good thing and had to be destroyed.

Xiao Yan immediately came to a conclusion in his mind.

But before that, Xiao Yan still used strange fire to collect part of the spells of the formation and this extremely unknown energy, intending to leave it to the teacher and Lord Tianhuo to see later, maybe they would know what it was.

Even the Soul Palace protector Xiao Yan had a glimpse of in the Yunlan Sect had more coldness and blood in his aura. Although it was not tolerated by ordinary people, it should remain between heaven and earth.

But the energy they encountered this time was different. Even the heaven and earth could not contain such evil and ominous energy.

Xiao Yan only felt that they were probably in trouble.

Looking back, the two of them summed up their findings, and an ominous premonition emerged in their hearts.

"Let's go to Jia Ma Empire now!"

Xiao Yan couldn't wait any longer. This place was too close to the Gama Empire. If something happened to the Xiao family, the consequences would be disastrous!

Before leaving, the four colored strange fires surged out from Xiao Yan's body and turned into fire lotus, burning the unfinished magic array and the ominous aura surrounding it completely under the flames of the strange fires. .

Then, they happened to meet Zi Yan who was rushing back.

"Why are you so slow? What happened?"

"——Let's go, don't you want to hurry up? Why don't you hurry up?!"

The distance between the Black Corner Territory and the Jia Ma Empire is both long and short. After traveling non-stop for the next few days, Xiao Yan and the three of them finally slowly approached the Jia Ma Empire.

"Finally home."

When he saw the pass of Jia Ma Empire, Xiao Yan suddenly felt a sigh and sigh in his heart.

After all, I haven't been back for a long time.

For me, who once knew the world no further than the Imperial Capital, all these achievements now feel like a dream.

But now, it is not the time to talk about this.

We must return to Xiao’s house quickly——

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